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Abdullahi Yusuf welcomes Sharif, Xasan Dahir his group declare war on Sharif

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Al Shabaab declare war on Somalia's new president

2 Feb 2, 2009 - 7:49:30 PM


KISMAYO, Somalia Feb 2 (Garowe Online) - Islamist militants who spearheaded a bloody insurgency in Somalia have declared war on the Horn of Africa country's new president, even as a global council of Islamic scholars issued a document supporting him, Radio Garowe reports.


Sheikh Hassan Yakub, spokesman for the Al Shabaab rulers in the port of Kismayo, 500km south of the capital Mogadishu, said the war will continue until Islamic law is restored across Somalia.



Sheikh Hassan Yakub, Al Shabaab spokesman in Kismayo

"Sheikh Sharif declared jihad in 2006 and now he chose America over Islam," Sheikh Yakub said.


He accused Sheikh Sharif of choosing the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) constitution instead of the Qur'an, the source of Islamic teachings and jurisprudence.


"Ethiopia invaded our country [somalia] with support from the international community, but we removed them [Ethiopian army] by force and war," he added.


Sheikh Yakub said foreign governments are interfering in Somalia's political affairs, while suggesting that Sheikh Sharif's election victory was "organized by the enemies of Islam."



Sheikh Sharif, new Somali president

Al Shabaab fighters control the key towns of Kismayo, Marka and Baidoa in the southern regions. The Islamist faction broke off from the Islamic Courts Union (ICU), which was led by Sheikh Sharif in 2006.

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Sanca: Madaxweynaha Yeman iyo Cabdullaahi Yuusuf oo kulan dhex maray (Sheekh Shariif oo ay taageero u muujiyeen)

2. Februar 2009


Sanca(AllPuntland)- Madaxweynihii hore ee dalka Soomaaliya Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa magaalada Sanca ee dalka Yeman kulan kula yeeshay Cali Cabdalla Saalax oo ah Madaxweynaha dalka Yeman.


Madaxweyne Cali Cabdalla Saalax ayaa waxaa uu kala hadlay Cabdullaahi Yuusuf arrimaha dalka Soomaaliya iyo doorashadii dhawaan ka dhacday dalka Jibouti ee lagu doortay Sheekh Shariif Sheekh axmed, wuxuuna sheegay Cabdullaahi Yuuusuf Axmed in Madaxweynaha cusub uu u hambalyeynayo isla markaana ay horyaalaan howlo fara badan oo u baahan wax ka qabasho.


Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf ayaa ka codsaday beesha caalamka in ay taageero siiso xukuumadda cusub ee Soomaaliya si howlaheeda u guda gasho una dhameystirto dhismaha hey’addaha dowliga ah.wuxuu kaloo uu sheegay Cabdullaahi Yuusuf in dowladda cusub ay sugeyso in dalka ay ku soo dabaasho amni iyo kala danbeyn.


Waxaa isna dhankiisa ka taageeray Madaxweynaha cusub ee Yeman Cali Cabdalla Saalax oo sheegay in Dowladdiisa ay soo dhoweyneyso isla markaana ay xoojineyso taageerada doorashada Madaxweynaha cusub ee Soomaaliya.


Waxaa uu u rajeeyay Madaxweynaha cusub ee Soomaaliya inuu dalka ku soo celiyo nidaam iyo maamul wanaagsan oo shacabka ka horumariya dhinac walba.


Md. Cabdullaahi Yuusuf ayaa horay u sheegay in Madaxweynaha cusub ee lagu doortay Jabiouti dowladda uu hoggaaminayo aysan wax macno ah soo kordhineyn.


Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali


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Muqdisho: Mucaaradyada ka soo horjeeda Dawladda Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo bilaabay in ay is Uruursadaan.

3. februar 2009


Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Ururada Mucaaradka ah ee diidan dawladda uu hogaamiyo Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa bilaabay in ay wada hadalo hoose yeeshaan, si ay uga hor yimaadaan dawladdaasi.


Wada hadaladan oo sabtidii ka furmay Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa lugu waramayaa in lasoo xiri doono maalinta beri ah, sida ay ku waramayaan Warar hoose oo ka soo baxaya Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasumada Soomaaliya.


Ururada Midowbaya ee la dagaalamaya dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya ayaa kala ah Ururka Al- Shabaab, Ururka Dibu xoreynta Garabkii Cumar Iimaan, Kooxda Raskambooni iyo Caanoole, waxa ayna dhawaan Saxaafada usoo bandhigayaan magac ay ku midoobi doonaan.


Xubin ka tirsan Kooxda Al- Shabaab ayaa usheegay AllPuntland in ay ka soo horjeedaan dawladda uu hogaamiyo Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo ay ku sifeeyeen nin aan waxba balan ah laheyn, isla markaasna aan la aamini karin oo ka been sheegay diinta Islaamka, waa sida ay hadalka udhigeene.


Al- Shabaab ayaa cudud muuqata ku leh imika gudaha dalka Soomaaliya, waxa ayna ka arimineysaa inta gobalada Koonfureed ee dalka Soomaaliya, waxaana ka soo horjeesatkeeda dawladda Soomaaliya uu dhib weyn ku keenayaa in ay Xukuumada Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed horumar sameyso.


Kulamada kooxahan uga socda Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa lugu waramayaa in ay yihiin kuwa xasaasi ah, waxaana Saxaafada loo diiday in ay Warbixino ka ogaato, ayadoo hadana dhinacyada qaarkood ay Saxaafada si hoose ugu sheegeen in ay sameynayaan Urur la dagaalama dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.


Siyaasiinta ka faalooda arimaha dalka Soomaaliya ayaa ku sheegay Siyaasada Soomaaliya mid aan sannadyadan miro dhaleyn, waxa ayna sheegeen in Midowga cusub ee ay wadaan dhinacyada ka soo horjeeda dawladda Soomaaliya ay keenayso in aysan Xukuumad Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed aysanba ka caga dhigan Magaalada Muqdisho.


F. C. Geylan


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Qaar ka mid ah Kooxaha ka dagaalama dalka oo Dowlada cusub ee Uu Sheekh Shariif Hogaamiyo.


Muqdisho,(WNT):-Qaar ka mid ah Kooxaha ka dagaalama gudaha dalka Soomaaliya ayaa Maanta si cad shaaca uga qaaday in ay ka soo horjeedaan dowlada cusub ee uu Hogaamiyo Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed.

Kooxahaan oo kala ah raaskambooni,Caanoole,Maxkamadaha islaamiga Garabka Dr.Cumar Iimaan ayaa maanta bayaan ay soo saareen ku sheegay in dowladaasi cusub ka soo horjeedaan isla markaana sii wadi doonaan dagaalka ay dalka ka wadaan.


Bayaanka ayay ku sheegeen in dowladaan cusub waxba aysan ka duwaneyn sida ay hadalka u dhigeen dowladii uu Hogaaminayay C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed.


"dowladaan waxaan u aragnaa kursi shaqsi laga qaaday laguna wareejiyay shaqsi kale balse aan waxba iska badalin waxyaabihii aanu markii hore uga soo horjeednay"ayaa lagu yiri bayaanka ka soo baxay Kooxahaan.


Sidoo kalena Bayaanka ayaa lagu sheegay in aysan marnaba joojin doonin dagaalka ay ka wadaan gudaha dalka ilaa iyo inta dalka looga hirgalinayo ku dhaqanka shareecada Islaamka.


Hadalka ka soo baxay Kooxahaan ayaa imaanaya xili shalay shir jaraa'id oo ay Muqdisho ku qabteen Golaha Maxkamadaha islaamiga ayay ku sheegeen in ay taageersan yihiin dowlada shariifka isla markaana sheegay in ay la shaqeyn doonaan.

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a leader would show his leadership skills and condemn the massacre of his people. Don't get me wrong coz i like the sheikh. But after widespread news on this massacre the sheikh has yet to make a comment.


the sheikh has lost his bottle

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He's been leader for three days and you already condemn him of being coward by not condemning, no wonder the south is in cheos for almost 20 years.


As Maryan Mursal said in her song, something like.


Hadaad wax doorateen, Misana aad diidaan, Maxaad isu daalisaan.


Give the guy time to prove himself.

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prove himself. He has or had the chance to prove himself.


he could have said, enough is enough. amisom has killed way too many somalis. they have lost their remit. time to pack your bags and leave.


Do you know how other countries would have reacted when if their citizens have been masacred?


But our sheikh has not even mentioned a word about this massacre. Not one word. Seems like he is in his own little word.


What use is a government if it can't even protect it's citizens?


By the way i am not from the south.

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Abdinaftis Yusuf welcomes Sharif? Where is the Irony in that? Sharif should never ever speak with that man unless he is 6 feet underground.




the Al Shabaab are being slighted here and they are the ones that did the job while Sharif was flighing everywhere. So there reaction is appropriate.


He accused Sheikh Sharif of choosing the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) constitution instead of the Qur'an, the source of Islamic teachings and jurisprudence.

If that is true, then he is not for the Deen but for Nationalism.

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^^^lool. The problem here is not someone speaking to this person, Yusuf is a retired elder and thus needs not to speak to anyone.


As for the topic, who is against peace, who is an obsticle, Xasan dahir or Yusuf?


As for the Sharif the man will face the truth early. Again good luck Mr President.

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What use is a government if it can't even protect it's citizens?

Mr Pirate, your talking as the Shariif had an army, a full functioning government, a united society, no no, the guy fully understands what he has to do, but he needs time and pations I think. how can he prove himself in just over 72 hours?.


He is silent maybe because he has the bigger picture at heart and does not want to attrack bad attention for his government from IGAD states who are the ones behind AMNISOM.


Reada the Siirah of Prpphet Muxammad at the SULHUL HUDAIBIYAH, the kuffars of Makkah told him that he will have to return to them anybody who becomes a muslim and he agreed that to them, WHY. was the prophet PBUH weak,subhannallah no no no,but he was teaching us pations, and sabr, and you know after one year he conquared Makkah with his army.


So sometime a leader might judge a situation and the public sees it wrong, but he is vindicated later.

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