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Somalis Killed in Egypt/Ghaza Border

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Ciidamadda Booliska ee dalka Masar ayaa toogasho ku dilay labo nin oo muhaajiriin Somali ah saakay aroortii hore, kuwaasi oo isku dayaayay in ay tahriib ku galaan Isreal.



Ragani la toogtay ee Somalida ah ayaa si dhuumaaleysi ah ku maraayay lama degaanka Siinaay ee xadka kala qeybiya Masar iyo Isreal, iyaga oo doonayay in ay u talaabaan dhinaca Dalka Isreal hase yeeshee inta aysan u cararin oo aysan gelin Isreal sida ay sheegeen ilo xaga ammaanka ah oo ku sugan dalka Masar


Xadka Masar ay la leedahay Isreal ayaa ah meel ay si aad ugu gudbaan muhaajiriin iyo qaxooti intooda badan ka yimid dalalka Eriteria, Somalia Iyo Sudan kuwaasi oo magan galyo iyo shaqo ka doonta Dalka Isreal

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Egyptian police shot dead two Somali migrants on Thursday who tried to slip across the Sinai desert border into Israel, security sources said, as violence against migrants picked up at the sensitive frontier.


The killings bring to at least six the number of African migrants killed since mid-May at the border.


Egypt for years tolerated tens of thousands of African migrants on its territory, but its attitude hardened after it came under pressure over the past two years to halt a steady flow of Africans trying to cross the border into Israel.


Its border with the Jewish state is a main transit route for migrants and refugees, mainly from Sudan and Eritrea, seeking work or asylum in Israel.


In November, U.S.-based Human Rights Watch called on Egypt to stop the shootings. There were no killings between mid-December and mid-May, although the reason for the abrupt halt was not clear.


Egyptian security forces shot dead at least 28 migrants at the border last year, and deported hundreds of Eritrean asylum seekers back to Asmara despite objections from the United Nations, which feared they would face torture at home.

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