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Yours Truly

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I had no reason to send you a massage,

No great news to reveal.

But I wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and my heart as well…


In fact there’s this crazy feeling

It keeps me up in the evening


I try to get my thoughts and my feelings together

But no matter how I try to find it,

It brings me back to you


In secret we met… In silence we fall apart

And now that I come to grips that we weren’t meant be


This chilly air rockin the bloomin flowers

Gives me the notion that nothing could be more than loving you


Crying from within, but my eyes they smile, coz its quiet and I’m warm, all alone for a while…

My heart is what it was before,

A house where people come and go

But deep inside I know the answer- that what I feel is real.


Every day this feeling gets stronger and there’s not a minute or an hour goes by that I’m not thinking of the very first moment we exchange words…


With a mindful attraction

I saw you, you saw me

And I felt deeply into the possibility

Of maybe we can …chill



Yes Indeed we did chill in a moral fashion… you brought me to climax without affection

and you did it all with regal grace…

Furthermore I’m still consumed by your words through these changing events…


Quite frankly everyone seems to fiend forbidden fruit but I’ll be man on words and I do admitting that I had met you during an immature time of my life, and hoped that I could one day make amends with you….

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