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Everything posted by NABAD x 3

  1. what can Rwanda contribute to his government?, the answer is Zero, so why waste all these air-miles, he should concentrate in Mogadishu and also work hard to stop the galguduud wars, the guy has 48 monthes to sortout many problems, he already wasted 2 monthes inside 5 star hotels, and private jets. come on Shariif you could do better.
  2. Give me jilib, beleteweyn, kismaayo, mogadisho any day over qardho, bossaso and the rest of your desert tuulo's. You already have all these places, and you have no brain to use its resources. so keep it.
  3. war i dagayso, south somalia is the breadbasket of somalia, hence it's more desirable then the desert you call home. That desert is lightyears ahead of you, that desert is a functioning organ, while the hell-hole south is dead for almost 2 decades, so pls spare us your nagging and try to sort your problems before you open your foaming mouth.
  4. You could have not chosen a better phrase to display your foolishness and mangabnimo ceeb...war hedhe isku xishow. haha, well lets see which one is the maangaab, the anarchist, bloodthirsty, peanut sized brainer, who has no regard for qaranimo, or otherwise. Of course I preffere to live in a place with some sort of law and order than your hell-hole backyard with blood graffited all over. Viva Puntland.
  5. What about the kidnapings, burcad budeeds, human traficking in puntland? Or the khat chewing, election-rigging, killing the oppositions in somaliland? Sir QA, still much better than the southerns hell-hole, no comparison what so ever.
  6. ROMANCE MATHEMATICS Smart man + smart woman = romance Smart man + dumb woman = affair Dumb man + smart woman = marriage Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy ______________________________ OFFICE ARITHMETIC Smart boss + smart employee = profit Smart boss + dumb employee = production Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime _____________________________ SHOPPING MATH A man will pay $20 for a $10 item he needs. A woman will pay $10 for a $20 item that she doesn't need. _____________________________ GENERAL EQUATIONS & STATISTICS A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife. A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man. _____________________________ HAPPINESS To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all. ______________________________ LONGEVITY Married men live longer than single men do, but married men are a lot more willing to die. ______________________________ PROPENSITY TO CHANGE A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't. A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does. _____________________________ DISCUSSION TECHNIQUE A woman has the last word in any argument. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument. __ ___________________________ HOW TO STOP PEOPLE FROM BUGGING YOU ABOUT GETTING MARRIED Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, 'You're next.' They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals. SEND THIS TO A SMART WOMAN WHO NEEDS A LAUGH AND TO THE SMART GUYS YOU KNOW CAN HANDLE IT
  7. Puntland has to race against time, as the technological advanced world led by America is developing new technologies and new renewable energies, Obama's administration is pumbing lots of recource to make America energy sufficent, by that time our oil will be worthless, and it will just be a useless black mud in the ground. so I will advice Puntland to accept even 30% and run, this 30% will have huge effect and transform people's lives as the population of puntland is just under i bleave 2 million. soon this will be puntland's land mark.
  8. BLAH BLAH, BLUH BLUH, CHILL MAN, as they say, its only a word on a screen. this kind of nonsense posh-nosh talk would be much appriciated in the Financial times blog page.
  9. Curious why the sudden interest in Gabiley? Maybe it was inside the borders of Puntland before the British came. Or maybe Faroole is planning to capture Laascaano via Gabiley. Or maybe Duke's wife comes from there. pick one.
  10. Ducaqaboy iskadaa calaacalka, cheer up. Recognition is on the way. hope so.
  11. Just point of advise ,you will not be allowed to check in Puntland without proper Documents and passport written your Origins. Yes your Origin.Bal ka socda meesha Mr Riyole, do you mean your somali origin or puntland origin, my British poassport says only Place of birth; Mogadishu, so will I have the permission to land,or will I need a back up from the Islaan. lol.
  12. {African OIL} 13-03-09 Madaxa sare ee shirkada Batroolka ee African Oil ee fadhigoodu yahay magaalada Vancouver ee dalka Canada ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in shirkada ay bilaabi doonto dhamaadka sanadkan 2009 dhismaha ceel soo saara shidaalka oo laga hirgelinayo Puntland. James Phillips ayaa arrintan shaaca ka qaaday shir jaraa’iid oo uu ku qabtay magaalada Dekadda Mombasa ee dalka Kenya oo uu hada ku sugan yahay. James Phillips ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in dalalka Kenya iyo Itoobiya ay sanadkan ka bilaabayaan baaritaanka Batroolka iyo goobaha ay doonayaan labadaasi dal inay ka hawlgalaan. Mr.Phillipes ayaa sheegay in hada lasoo gaba gabeeyey baaritaankii 1aad ee Puntland, Somaliya oo ay baarayeen shirkada IMC ee hoostagta shirkada weyn ee African Oil, wuxuuna sheegay in dhamaadka sanadkan 2009 ay u tilaabi doonaan dhismaha ceelkii ugu horeeyey oo shidaal kasoo saara dalka Soomaaliya. James Phillipes ayaa sheegay in shirkadooda ay baareen dhul baaxadiisu dhan tahay 775km oo isku wareeg ah oo Puntland ku yaal halkaasi oo laga baarayey batroolka. Mr.Phillipes ayaa sheegay in hada ay raadinayaan shirkad ay isla fuliyaan baaritaanka ay kasameyn doonaan dalalka Kenya iyo Itoobiya oo ay baari doonaan dhul balaciisu dhan yahay 1000 km oo isku wareeg ah. Wuxuuna intaasi ku dara in shirkadooda African Oil ay hada raadineyso heshiisyo dheeraad ah oo ay la gasho dowladaha Afrika si ay wax badan uga qabtaan baahida ka jirta qaarada. Bishii lasoo dhaafay ayey shirkada African Oil gadatay shirkada la yiraaho Lundi Petroleum AB, heshiiskaasi oo hada la sugayo inay ansixiso dowlada Kenya. Shirkada African Oil ayaa dooneysa inay wax ka qabato baahida Batroolka ee Afrika gaar ahaan dalka Kenya oo bilihii lasoo dhaafay si weyn looga dareemay magaalooyinka Kenya. Sidoo kale dalka Itoobiya ayaa asaguna si weyn xooga u saraya in uu yeesho dhaqaale iyo awooda tamarta gaar ahaan batroolka. Bishan ayaa lagu qabtay magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya shir looga hadlo wax ka qabashada baahida batroolka ee bariga Afrika. Widhwidh Online.
  13. Chilling warning to Omar A/Rashiid, watch out we are watching youuuuuuuuuu.
  14. Cajiib The whole nation is eather mushrik or a murtad, except Alshabab members.
  15. Nice to hear this news, Puntland needs a strong media outlets, ETN TV is a good progress, they also need a strong print press to scrutinise the government and make them accountable.
  16. Somali solders in WW1 Cool pic. Nice Beach. Hafun Peninsula Boorama, Awdal
  17. Naasa Hablood (Still waiting for bra) Istunka Afgooye Old Mosque in Berbera High road between Garowe and Bosaso
  18. Shabelle river Harvest season. Sufis having good time.
  19. Have you got any pics about somali politics in the past, here is few of them I found, you might have seen some of them, but Please share any pics you have with us. Majo General Ali Samatar Old Mogadishu Somaliland Camel Corps History Xaafada Kaambo Xamar cadde waaya waayo This reminds me of our weekend trips to Jaziira beach. Somali style huts
  20. What do you expect from guys who are taking orders from a cave somewhere in TORA BORA. a braveman never hides his face. a braveman faces his enemy face on, and dies dignified.
  21. Huurreeeeey, Maiji I'm sure you'll sleep well tonight, lol
  22. The economist The boys in black who want the new man to fail Thats the problem, NIMANKAN INDHAHA SOO SHAREERTAY waa in dadka laga qabtaa, they are hijacking the country.
  23. Same coin different faces. both are bloodthirsty psycopaths who's only proffesion is to kill. just few days ago you praised the sloughter of people of BOS and HAR, and now your saying its FITNA. You seem to be a confused man with no clear vision and don't know what to support or not.