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Posts posted by Pucca

  1. Thats just the thing sue, if something was wrong with your child...you would know. You wouldnt need someone else to tell you.


    Personally i wouldnt sign anything, if the child can live without it then he/she doesnt need to be poked..end of discussion. I've always been against flu shots and i still am... and all those prevention drugs they advertise now adays (ie the HPV vaccines) can just go to hell. When or if a problem or illness comes up, we'll deal with it then, till then though...its cool.

  2. lets see....one of my names has no meaning and the other is the name of a city also no meaning.


    Im thinking that says something about me but im going deny that and say that a name is just a name and nothing more. I'd be the same person if i were simply a letter or number.

  3. i cant sleep, i have gotten sooooooo tired of trying to force myself to sleep that now the process of putting myself to sleep bores the shits of outta me.


    no more denying it...i have a full blown case of insomnia.


    *waves* morning ibti

  4. Originally posted by The_Siren:

    Paragon- Philosophy indeed, come back to us when you’ve had enough of lovingly caressing your telescope and looking up at the sky to note the burning hot balls of gases and magnificently sized asteroid being sucked into otherworldly worm holes. I dare say you’ll don’t go blind in this hedonistic journey to the edge of the world. Hell I can see you now, alone in your basement juggling with that mightiest of philosophical questions, if a Vaseline covered hand slips your personalized telescope and no one but you is there to hear it “squish”? Does it truly make a sound? Fascinating…


    Oh and are you always this sensitive and buttoned up or do you enjoy being such a big girls blouse? Your taciturn response is more reminiscent of an aging spinster protecting what semblance of virtue she deems important enough to guard with a viperous tongue. Loosen up fair maiden and weep no more (wipes a gently repressed tear of frustration from his eye)…you shall be shagged upon your death bed, at least, of that you can be rest assured.


    So when you’ve finished gazing at the stars oh exhaled one whom is impervious to all of man-kinds fundamental instinctual rights, return to us.

    loool this has truely made my day...funniest thing i've read/heard maanta.



    *stops laughing* im sorry paragon.

  5. being covered from head to toe doesnt keep their big eyes from dancing all around your figure. Bugs the crap out of me, and hell yea i'll point it out. If i got something on my cabaaya, please dont just stare at it...tell me so i can clean it.



    seriously though, its somali men(the old ones!) that do this all the time...as though they cant NOT look at you and twist their darn necks to get an even better look.


    subhanallah, balaayo isha kagashay walle

  6. duceysane: Nope, that doesnt change my mind...one person's opinion is just that...an opinion.


    The siren: darling i doubt my parents would say that, besides...i have big enough eyes for both of us. Im sure my little darlings will have perfectly normal eyes...not too big and not too small, just perfect. smile.gif


    che: i have no idea what you're talking about...*rolls eyes*...i so dont use people.

  7. Teary? over an indian movie? heavens! im not moved by silly lines and cheap camera tricks...and i hate nothing more than their out of the blue songs. WHY IN HEAVENS IS THERE MUSIC EVERY 5MINUTES?!!


    ps. i gotta give some credit to that dude in the cover, atleast he had the decency to shave. There's something very off about hairy folks...*no offense*