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Posts posted by Jacaylbaro

  1. I love Somali Women . . they are all beautiful , , respectful,,,, wonderful,,, Clean . . Honest . . . Social . . .


    I like the way they shy .. the way they move,, the way they treat their husbands . . the way they walk , , the way they glance . . . the way they cook . . . the way they talk . . the way they listen . . . . and may be the way they ! ! ! ! ! !


    I love Somali Ladies . . . I love all of them . . . from my heart . . . May Allah bless them all . .


    Aamiiiiiiiiiin smile.gif

  2. Minister of Labor . . . . will make sure the work starts at 6:00am and ends at 5:00pm no break and no lunch time. No one can be absent even for illness. This will continue for the first 5 years till the country recover from the civil war.


    After 5 years,, One hour for lunch would be enough for everyone but in the offices not outside the duty station of the staff.


    Hadii kelena, ..... i'll tell you later on,, lemme just go to the toilet and come back . . .



  3. Originally posted by iskey_baro:

    kuwiinaan shiiqyaasha iska dhigaayo ma iigu dhaaran kartaa inaad weligaa gabar/wiil la shekeysanin?


    Walaaleeey aniga waa ku dhaaran karaa . . . Sheekhaan ahay ,, sheekhaa i dhalay waxaa aad sheegaysana weligay ma samaynin ,,, Allahey ka Alle . . .

  4. My advice to the guys (while women are listening) is to live your life and never waste your time trying to make them happy.


    They will never be Happy :confused:

  5. Originally posted by Sullen_Sue:

    Much relieved, Helms rushes back to the White House, finds George Bush, and exclaims, "I know the answer, sir! I know who it is! It's Colin Powell!"


    And Bush replied in disgust, "Wrong, you dumb sh*t, it's Tony Blair!"


    loooooooooooooooooooool ,,, ahahahahaha :D:D

  6. aniga haddaan bilaabayaaba ,,,, wax yar i suga waad arki doontaan waxaan sameeyo,,, heeey waabad i xasuusiseen ,,,,,saas ma aan moodayne . . midaa telephone igula soo hadash nooh,,, hadaan ku bilaabaa test kan,,


    Laakiin wixii dembi ka yimaada Iskey_baro baa iska leh ;) ,,, la socda haddaba.

  7. I love women, but some time i almost swear not to talk to any of them forever. I lost my trust in women when they tell something like this.


    What a blooody test . . . . test ,, test . . Shit.


    I really hate that tests,, if they they trust each other ,, otherwise no one in a Jail for someone.


    And they do it as a FUN ???? don't have an anwer for that.

  8. I am proud to be African and i feel shame to be Somali.


    Guys, what do u feel when someone asks u where u r from ?? do you feel proud or really feel shame when u tell him u r from Somalia and asks u if Somalia is that country demolished by civil war ???


    I wish i could change my Society redface.gifredface.gif