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Posts posted by Tahliil

  1. Good point bro: always ignored and trumbled golden rule says "do unto others as you would have others do unto you." Treatment of others should only be proportionate to the ways that you're willing to be treated in the same exact situation. I don't think that I'd want someone else publishing my photos in here or elsewhere without giving me a fair warning first or a fair shake of the loot...

  2. you don't take shit, you break bones, make pple cough blood...CIDIYO KU DIRIR WAAXID...how many girls did you grow up with??Ina adeerow, ilahey wajigiis, walee iyo bilee, ha iga qabanine ninkaas...aint that your style B


    Regardless of thy girly words...Khaliif I'd die not once but million times for their honor...a principle very few pple can understand...


    Consider this to b my last BS post for you my Muslim brother who never takes shit and never listens to BS...

  3. Khalaf Boy: (Behind my screen now, before the world later, in your face everytime, and when and whereever....lol..)


    coughin blood, you reminded me days when my parents made me spend time with Ciyaal Tuulo...bad old times..coughing blood..I am sure that's now the new ISBAARO TALK...words used when Moryaans are robbin an old lady..."Ayeeyo give it up or you'll cough a blood"


    Good point thou, taking the high moral ground...you c for every Xalimo in here, every one of them, regardless of whether she wants to b-Pack or not... Not only would I fight for her respect and honor but I'd surely die for them, if need arise and for the right reasons...of course...(top that) coughin blood...hahaha I'm still laughing about the irony here if you know what I mean...but consider the B word dropped from here and on if it bothers you that much...bro....plenty of luck with your moral themes

  4. Khalaf Boy:

    Do you want it explained, detailed in simple form so you can at least figure it out the meaning behind the words....and then go later haaaaaaa ok adeeerr...I got it..!!!! believe me it's worth....

  5. Khalaf boy:

    a dose of this strong paste, a major role in a disney movie, the return of the instituionalized, a zleeve, a cup and instant mode of reality, those of us who never chase, never return a phone call, will find it all very hellirious to watch...but I like the style anyways...quoting everyone and defending the prize...is that it? Do NOT insult woman now, I mean girls, they are much smarter than you think man..


    Mantra...lol..I was being honest but misqouted

  6. Tahliil:

    20-25 is a better age range; i don't plan on getting married. men are (insert your own word here) and just want to abuse women. So not an option.

    Sorry to hear that you had such first hand expreince...rough time huh? Dysfunction and abuse isn't a tolerable thing regardless of who it is coming from....On behalf of all (my word) men, I could only apologize...Good for you thou very few people can turn their lives around like that and get their Masters at 25...

  7. Dear Whatever...


    I see your point Nameless...It's always about priorities...questioning yourself, your suroudnings, your people and place in life that is how you get to know, that's how you really know whether you are alive or dead...keep it on...I think you will go farther with a self-examining like that....GOOD LUCK

  8. What do you say? You were getting your masters? Right? You are about what? Age-wise? Range: 25-29...if not older…Soon my dear, supposedly in a year or two, you may want to stop backpacking and settle down somewhere…you will try and find some moron, A farah most likely, who himself wants as much as you want to get married. A farah who digs the backpacking show, who is into the same stuff you are into...whatever bagging and all...and I think you may want to save that backpacking trip and do it with him…together...Good memories and all...this is the trend nowadays…instead of blowing away money by having the Yare boys (Cumar yare, Cali yare, Jamac yare boys) to sing for you…at your wedding I mean, and have unappreciative guests jammed in a hall somewhere (why not pack your bags, tow the Farah and head to every pit stop in the world)


    The assumption is, thereofere, you may be safe from the damnation and the curse some people suggest you may get in return i.e. if you break the law. And will most likely have a protection from robbery and rape and the danger some people mentioned exist....win win situation...


    I'd suggest put your seat belt on, buckle up, and don't wait till you go through the windshield...And then go damn..I should have put that thing on…There is a reason, a very good reason why people say the things they say, caution and all.


    Good Luck...

  9. This is what worries me: if Killing is so easy for these xalimos what is going to stop them from killin these farahs in their sleeps if they later end up getting together...Crazies do crazy stuff always..and there is no exception at all; a little bit of stress, Walac Walac stuff and the next thing you know the ax, the bleach, or the gun; whatever she used previously to kill herself will be tried on you...I should suggest stay away from a suicidal Xalimo...or Farah in that matter...for your own good

  10. I don't think music, i.e. any good music has borders at all...taste that is all you need to dig a good piece of Music...I promise you this thou, I would never listen to these Yare Boys (Omar yare, Ahmed yare, Jama Yare, Farah yare, Salad Yare, Mahad Yare, did I mention Omar yare) I won't listen to them at all no matter how hard they try and how many times they sing those Sahro Ahmed lyrics over and over and over again...do something original…be creative...for once


    Sorry for getting sidetracked...I am a big, big fan of Mali music; superb and absolutely full of soul...I’ve been listening to Mali, watching and enjoying its music for almost five years now…a school paper led me to it and since that day I became (for lack of a stronger word) hooked…there are tens to choose from and I am sure one of these musicians if not all will serve to your taste…I hope you’ll try the great Mali musician, that first hypnotic voice which lured and seized me forever:


    It was this women Mrs. Oumou Sangare, her self-titled album (Oumou and her other one Ko sira), listen to Ko Sira and doesn’t she sound like a young Magool?


    Ali Farka Touri; an international star (the Mohamed Suleiman of Mali). He recently passed away…


    Keletigui Duabate, big star from the Delta area, I think.


    Salif Keita (more like our Suleiman and Samatar in one…nice music)


    Rokia Traore (I borrowed her CD fro a local public library and she was amazing too)


    there is something about women Mali singers, they all have such angelic, touching and incredibly soothing voice…


    Mama Sossoko, his latest album will most likely remind you or would lead you to Habib Kioto..


    Good taste, May I ask you though what led you to?

  11. Did I tell you that I don’t take sugar in my coffee any more…flavors…I flavor my coffee with something else…but If I would have taken up singing when I was young I could have all these liberated women throwing their hands in the air, in their bikinis, in wet T-shirts, the ones with big visible stuff you know being up front, and ugly ones like her you know being kept in the back while I sing my songs….jamming…rocking and rapping…


    I'll still die the honor of my Somali women thou…multiple deaths...even on stage as I sing my hit songs one after another...regardless...they'll still keep their Hijabs on and their Bikinis stashed securely underneath...is it gain it or lose it...? A real battle huh? Have fun y'all...au revoir


    Note to myself:


    Never, ever, ever think of having a relationship with a woman in jeans. Simply hate it. P.O.V. &.N.P

  12. Sheherz:

    I like your pick and choose style most of your arguments are based upon...generalizing the specifics, personalizing, ignoring the intent, translating and most of all leaving too many details out because those little extra details may put a little dent to your way of thinking...that's a good way of debating thou...good signs of future post in politics for you...lol


    You said the question is: do those women know that they are victims, victimized???? Do they have the information; basically questioning if they have been Fed-xed the western feminist code of enlightment??

    do they know they’re victimised or not? That was your line of thinking.

    So now you are, directly or indirectly, whether you know it or not, insulting our parents...and saying that perhaps they are too dumb to figure out the difference between GOOD and BAD?? too ignorant to know if they are victims, more victimized, treated well or played? Unable to know If they are exploited? Lol I beg to differ and I hope our parents, yours and mine of course, are a bit more complicated than your insinuations. Because Gregor Mendel says it is all genetics...and it's really getting scary to think that way....genes.



    My apologies if i misunderstood and missed your point/s

  13. Sheherz:


    I think it may come to you as a shock but let me enlighten you a little. A research done by three different anthropologists in Australia and UK concludes that women receive a better justice and get treated with far greater respect in some very "primitive" cultures in Africa and South America than they get in the West (1999). The respect and justice women claim to receive under the west's civilized penal and justice codes and their equality and fair share concepts have long time ago be proven to be a mirage, a deceit my dear.


    True, women may not have the same analytical and scholarly minds in the East but that is not an issue pertained to women only, it is basically a genderless issue…education is scarce, think of the number of Qawsaars and camel herders that are in your family. Satisfaction and equal treatment and respect that’s what is in the heart of the matter…anything else is that human nature thing which can never be satisfied no matter how much of anything you have...needing more…desiring the whole word…which is basically craving for death...since it’s the only thing that can fill a person’s insecurities…


    Forget about the formalities and the cheap words daily printed on papers: Respect, Equality, Justice, Better Treatment, Human Rights Issue, Abuse (my favorite), Education, Scholars, Activists (my second favorite), Progressive, Liberal, Open-minded, Hip, With the time, Happening, Lean, Fierce, Fighters, Struggle, Feminism, Today’s Women, Vagina Monologue…coded and loaded words like that, forget them…you know…I’d simply die for the honor and respect of my Somali women…. period…forget them those mind controlling words…pure and simple game meant to confuse the narrow-minded of course…

  14. No culture or group of people are perfect...No one can claim an absolute superiority but when it comes to Islam and its way of life, I think there is an exception to that rule...Islam is really a complete way of life. Bear in mind though, our religion is totally different than what we call our culture and traditions; our dos and don'ts: wife-beating, FMG, unequal opportunity in education and justice, all these which the west associates and links with Islam are not Islamic the least...they are excuses to defame Islam...I truly believe some of the concepts preached in the western world are meant to confuse not to help at all.. Women are victims all over in this universe but I think they are exploited more and victimized more when they don't see and feel and understand the depth of the deceit they are in....

  15. Every death caused by the police, every brutility i have watched lately on TV was against a minority? is it just a coincedence or plain, deleberate act...screw you I can do this to you and get away with it kinda of act? I think the poor black folks in the States are payin the price of being both poor and black...

  16. On the light side then, the very light, ultra light side of things then one can conclude from this friendly thread his honest and humble assertion that some of us are stuck in old times and traditions…that the new discoveries and progress in the science of human behavior and other aspects of our lives is totally unacceptable proposition or bargain to allow…


    I think we are forgetting and rejecting and totally ejecting from the discussion a very basic concept: that we evolve…and change and grow and learn more…that we discover and explore new things and facts as we live on and that we have to adjust to the progress made and growth gained instead of dismissing them flatly like that…I think being stuck in old ways of doing things, reminiscing and romanticizing about certain things in the past, contrary to the facts and researches available, is a sort of disorder itself….


    An uncle of mine believes that anyone who prays in their shoes, no matter what the circumstances are, he says they are wrong and it is illegal to do that…I think he probably needs help…he is stuck in an old chapter of his life…and that is a form of disorder in this new world... right?

  17. Now i want your help in coming up with male somali names

    I would say dig deep and instead of lookin somewhere else for Somali names why not take a look at the names of Nomads on S O L, you will b surprised…you can pick one of these colorful and creative names for your nephew...Good LUCK


    Tahliil (that’s me)








    Caano geel

    Qori Xabaalan (my favorite)










    And the fastest and boldest of all

    Xiin-Finiin...among dozens out there

  18. This validates my point that this notion of bitterness and ill feeling and enmity toward 1.5 billion people around the globe is not only bred and nurtured and reared in the ghettos and the poor neighborhoods alone, it is not only coming from the disenfranchised, deprived, impoverished masses but it has its brain-power and muscle fed and driven with bigoted and prejudiced images and pictures by the elites in Hollywood and elsewhere…I feel sorry for the throngs of intellectually robbed men and women like me and my neighbor Ashley...under the mercy of ruthless, merciless corporates like Sony and its likes…

  19. What the world needs more than anything else these days is: Empathy . Lots of it..It works well to understand what others endure and go through to overcome their low and shameful moments in life...for things that seem trivial and dismal and nothing to mortals who aren't addicted to anything... not even to compassion…and understanding…I am recovering from cynicism…pessimism and skepticism…and it feels, really, really good to b on this side of the fence with practically very, very few Nomads…from S O L

  20. How I despise that lame and crippled statement: "home is where da heart is..." is it? Really? Ok, well, here is an example about hearts mine of course and believing in it and following it into every dark alley and dead-end, my heart which has called home and fallen in love with London and NY and Dubai and Durban and sunsets and Sudbury and Mona and Layla and Yusuf’s sister and Sanca and waterfalls and towers and books and now Jakarta betrayed me billion times over and over...Home is where the heart is they tell me..what a foolish sayin… trust me to look for a guidance, a safety, an identity in a heart that flip-flops, retreats and rearranges and backs up and pushes on and hesistates so million times on so different things in every single sec is downright carelessness…home, (listen to the guru talk here),is where your folks are from? Better? right? No? yeah?

  21. Don't forget that misguided little female, wicked witch, with her preposterous claims and erroneous facts, with her hoarse, irritating, annoying voice…that vulgar, loud, the loudest mouthpiece, the most childish-like mouthpiece in the field, serving for the Cronies on her four, the she-donkey they rode all the way to Iraq, the noisy, the loud and loudest of all those who were beating the drums for war and doom, that female, what’s her freaking name, that loud-mouthed fe-male, on every screen and station, banging and hammering and concealing and fabricating and stretching the truth and reality for her masters: the only individual, that so-called journalist who single handedly tortured integrity and honest in journalism slowly, painfully to death in her trashy pile of lies...yeah, JUDI MILLER of NY TIMES…how I wished she remained in there locked forever, for good…

  22. Maybe if you scrap that beef stew off of you dear

    Maybe if you don’t shout like an old witch when we’re alone

    May be if you wear that proud Nomadic smile for me

    Especially when I’m making fool of myself honey

    Maybe if you are a multi-tasker and know role playing

    And how to switch gears in the middle of the race

    Maybe if you can put your white nursing uniform on

    And snap your fingers at me, for me on stage (hmmmmmmmmmm)

    And willing to take care of that fragile body of your patient

    Maybe if you are less shy with your body in the bedroom

    And more modest and reserved in the alleyways (ouch huh?)

    Maybe if you take my number and embrace and save it

    Maybe then you will have me to call to diffuse

    So you can finally get drips of my pouncing, precious love pour

    From me to you and from you to me tenderly

    Like the gentle southern skies in November releasing


    Yours truly,

    Discharging Thunder


    I am humoring you; that’s all; don’t read anything else into this…..pls