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Everything posted by fatima2002

  1. It's Muslim leaders that we should blame, it's their own weakness and divisiveness that's created this monster called America. Wassalam
  2. Salaamu alaikum, As for female circumcision, in my opinion, this is an internal matter, and should therefore be addressed at a grassroot's level. We need to talk to the mothers, the grandmothers and the neighbors so that peer pressure to DO IT is minimized. And like all the other ills in our society, it is the lack of islamic knowledge that's at the root of this problem. fatima
  3. Salaamu alaikum, walaalayal, I had the misfortune to throw away some money on Desert Flower and very much doubt I will repeat the same mistake with the new book. But let me not discourage you, however, I'd advice you to keep a rubbish pin close by. Salaamu alaikum, fatima