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Posts posted by Suldaanka

  1. 2 hours ago, Mastermind said:

    It seems Somaliland has hyperinflation problem since 2016. 

    There was inflation between 2016-2017. TThe Somaliland shilling devalued from 8,000 shillings to the Dollar to close to 11,000 shillings to the dollar. That is  13.5% change. 

    However, today the exchange rate has come down to 8,500 - 8,600 to the dollar. Which is around the rate it was back in 2016. 

    Muse Biixi's administration introduced a policy for Zaad and e-Dahab to use Somaliland shillings for good & services valued under $100. This means people buying a cup of shaah or ordering Lunch/Dinner or anything valued less than $100 on their Zaad/e-Dahab Service will be forced to use Somaliland Shillings (e-Shillings).  This simple change has herald demand for Somaliland shillings which in turn became stronger (classic demand/supply forces). 

    So now the Somaliland shillings is very stable at around 8,500 to the dollar. 

    The US dollars can be used for any goods or services above $100 dollar.

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  2. Askari katirsan Puntland oo dad shacab ah ku dhaawacay Garowe

    Talaado, Luulyo 28, 2020 (HOL) - Saddex qof oo shacab ah ayaa ku dhaawacmay markii askari katirsan ciiddanka amniga Puntland uu rasaas ku furay dad shacab ah oo ka mudaharadaayay sare ukaca dollarka iyo maciishadaha.

    Dadkaan ayaa iskugusoo baxay fagaaraha barxadda Gowe waxayna doonayeen inay dareenkooda ku muujiyaan, balse ciiddanka amniga ayaa rasaas ku kala eryay, taaso keentay rasaastii uu furay mid kamid ah askartu ay haleeshay saddex haween ah.

    Dadweyne ka caraysan falkaan ayaa kadib is hor dhoobay xarunta saldhigga dhex ee Garowe, iyagoo dalbaday in lasoo xiro askariga rasaasta ku furay shacabka lana marsiiyo cadaalada waxay ka qabto.

    Puntland, sarifka dollarka ayaa gaaray heerkii ugu sareeyay abid. Halkii dollar ayaa lagu sarifayaa in ka badan 40,000 shilin Soomaali ah, sidoo kale boqolkii dolar ayaa lagu sarifayaa afar malyuun iyo dheeraaad.

    Markii uu talada Puntland la wareegay madaxweyne Deni wuxuu dollarka marayay 36kun oo shilin Somali ah. Dadku waxay filayeen in isbedel uu imaandoono. Balse sare u kaca dollarka ayaa weli kor u socda.

    Sare u kacaan, waxaa loo aaneeynayaa lacago shilin Soomaaliga oo maamulkii hore uu daabacday, taasoo keentay sicir barar xoogan.


    Abdisalan Nur Dirie, Hiiraan online


    Mogadishu – Somalia’s international partners* express their concern and their strong hope that recent political developments, including in the Federal Parliament, will not undermine efforts to reach political consensus on timely elections, disrupt Somalia’s reform agenda, or create instability that may reverse the gains made so far on national priorities.

    The partners have consistently called for inclusive consultations to achieve broad-based agreement on the modalities for the 2020 elections. This is why they welcomed the decisions reached by the Federal and State leaders in Dhusamareb on 22 July as an important step towards that goal.

    The international partners expect the Federal and State leaders to honour the agreements reached on 22 July in Dhusamareb and the timelines for follow-up meetings bringing together the Federal Government, Federal Member States, the Federal Parliament leadership, political parties and civil society representatives. Any attempt by a single stakeholder to unilaterally impose electoral modalities will lack legitimacy and will not be implementable without the essential support from other stakeholders. The partners will closely follow developments going forward. Commitment to agreed national priorities and to resolving issues through dialogue and compromise is vital for continued international support to Somalia at current levels.

    The partners urge the immediate nomination of all members of the FGS-FMS Technical Committee and stand ready to facilitate its work, so that it can be completed within the agreed two weeks from the date of the Dhusamareb meeting.


    *Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Ethiopia, European Union, Finland, France, Germany, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Netherlands, Norway, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Poland, Qatar, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, and the United Nations



    Mogadishu – Somalia’s international partners* express their concern and their strong hope that recent political developments, including in the Federal Parliament, will not undermine efforts to reach political...


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  4. 7 minutes ago, Duufaan said:

    It took me few seconds to google. Dubai is Somalia friendly, the problem is Abu Dubai leaders 

    The source of the press release is more important than how a private news organisation translates or reports on that press release.

    This is what Airlines, Travel agencies and all other important travel industry organisation were sent. 


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  5. This is great improvement.The land database in Somaliland has been a consistent headache and cause for a lot of troubles including missing files, disputes etc. 

    The introduction of GIS system will greatly simplify while at the same time is more secure and more reliable.


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  6. Baarlamaanka Puntland Oo Laalay Heshiiskii Seychelles ee Burcad-badeeda

    Golaha Wakiilada Puntland ayaa maanta laalay heshiis is-afgarad ah oo u dhexeeyey Puntland iyo dowlada Seychelles, kaas oo la galay 15kii bishii maarso sanadkii 2011.

    Heshiiska ayaa ahaa in xabsiyada Puntland lagu hayo maxaabiis Soomaaliyeed oo ay dowlada Seychelles u haystey falal burcad-badeednimo, balse golaha wakiilada Puntland oo maanta dood dheer ka yeeshay ayaa cod aqlabiyad ah ku laalay heshiiskaas.

    Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Puntland, Cabdirashiid Yuusuf Jibriil ayaa u sababeeyey inay laalaan heshiiska maadaama aanan maxaabiista fursad loo siin racfaan markii xukunada lagu ridayey taasina ay tahay cadaalad darro.

    Ugu dambayn baarlamaanka Puntland ayaa guddi farsamo u saaray ka shaqeynta siideynta maxaabiista loo heysto burcad-badeednimada ee ku xiran xabsiyadda Puntland.

    Horseed Media

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Duufaan said:

    Is not  only Adhicadeeye. From Buuhoodle to dhahar, this is a businesses, Somaliland see a beneficial for moment.

    The truth remains, Somaliland is the only consistent force for peace in the Horn of Africa. 

    In the case of Sanaag, the killers are finding sanctuary inside Garowe. Go figure. :D 



    • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 2

  8. Long story short. A very active young man was recently murdered near Southern Sanaag. The youngman built water wells and other facilities for the nomads including those who later would kill him.

    The killers were caught in Taleex and later transferred to Garowe. They were given a 1 year jail term. 

    The clan of the murdered man have been waiting for the killers to be handed over. 

    We all know what could happen next if the killers are not handed over as is the customary law of the nomads there. 

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    Mogadishu, 24 July 2020 – Somalia’s international partners* hope that the important meeting between  Somalia’s Federal Government (FGS) and Federal Members States (FMS) leaders in Dhusamareb represents the long-awaited resumption of constructive collaboration between the FGS and the FMS leaders. 

    The partners welcome the leaders’ decision to form a technical committee to work out election modalities for the 2020 national elections.  As the committee’s work moves forward, broad-based agreement among Somali stakeholders will be necessary. The partners reiterate that the electoral process must move the country away from selection processes and toward direct elections, as codified in the Provisional Federal Constitution. International partners therefore urge all Somali stakeholders to pursue their efforts quickly to attain these objectives and keep the country on a stable political path, in the interests of the Somali people.

    In addition to the electoral model, international partners also urge Somali leaders to agree on a plan to implement other aspects of Somali democratic reform, including the Constitutional Review, the formation of a multiparty democracy and creation of a functional Judicial Services Commission, Human Rights Commission, and Constitutional Court. They also underscore the need to ensure that candidates, parties, women, youth, minority communities and the media across the country can express themselves freely, especially during the election period.

    *Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, European Union, France, Germany, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Netherlands, Norway, Qatar, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, and the United Nations


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