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Posts posted by Alisomali

  1. Let's post prayers for those who have no army protecting them, those who have no bunkers. Let us pray for those who have only their god to protect them, whether they are the Muslims of Iraq or the non-Muslims of Iraq, lets pray for them all. With that I offer a Prayer.


    O Allah The All-Hearing the All-Seeing please hear our prayers..and grant peace...we beleive and trust in You....You are our Salvation...You are our Hope and You are our Truth...Ameen

  2. Macawiis Weyene, you act like you are presentind an Islamic point then you go into trivial drival of a racist nature my point: is this you said SOME OTHER BLACK KUFAAR SISTERS WITH HAVE SOME NASTY HAIR TO HIDE. Tell me that is an islamic way of thinkingso i can laugh aat your sorry self-hating arse.

  3. yo i couldn't hear the lyrics, the sound needs some help.

    don't think im hatin, i hope to see yall one day on TRL and 106 and Park, but b4 you get there you have a long road ahead

  4. First off,

    to Flower


    **** off you stupid *** *****. I guess my censored sentence to Flower speaks for its self.


    Secondly, to all the people who keep insisting that messing with Muslims will get you in trouble, i would like to say "Wake the Hell Up" we Muslims are weak and everywhere in the world people mess with us and we don't do **** . so stop padding yourself in the back.

  5. its very possible. the Israeli air force is equipped to hit any country in the Arab leaque. and Israels southern air forces bases are only 4 hours away from Somali by commercial air, so if you think about an Israeli fighter jet going 800 miles an hour damn they be there with the quickness.

  6. Israel plans cross-border strikes

    By Nazir Majally, Arab News Staff

    OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, 30 November 2002 — Israel is planning cross-border military strikes as well as a long hunt by stealth once its Mossad intelligence agency delivers its verdict on who was responsible for Thursday’s attacks.

    Intelligence sources say the most likely targets in retaliation for the attacks, which cost 16 lives but came close to killing hundreds, are in Lebanon and possibly Somalia and Yemen.

  7. B4 you all who are so keen to attack my views look at what I said.


    I see how we are being oppressed in Gujarat, Kashmir, Chechnya, Palestine and the Southern Pillipines.


    But I just don't see the Kenyan Army raviging through Muslim countries. Oh yeah I dont see how the Muslims killed in the US Consulte Bombing in Karachi were oppresing Muslims, and how about the Muslims killed in Tunisia.


    Kamal and all the people who think like you, ask yourself how a particular action helps out the ummah.


    PS: I don't mean to get nasty so brothers and sisters lets have a debate and not a deriding contest

  8. Listen we got to stop changing our ways for what people outside of Islam think. Lets move away from Suicide Bombings for the sake of the Ummah and Islam.


    KAMAL: How on earth is three guys, not one, but three guys jumping in a jeep killing themselves and a bunch of poor africans helping Islam. let me give you a hint, IT isn't helping.

  9. Ok I have had enough of this phenamona that is ravaging our Muslim Ummah.

    First Suicide Bombings were used by the Palestinians against the Israelis to do what they could and fight back against an omnipresent oppreser. But now it has just gotten out of control. Here are the examples.


    1) In Karachi Suicide bombers attack the US consolate and kill 11. All of them Pakistanis


    2)Suicide Bomber used in Bali bombing


    3)Suicide Bombers used on French oil tanker


    4)Suicide Bomber used on Jewish Temple in Tunisia, mostly Muslims killed


    and last night Suicide bombers used in Mombasa against Israeli intrests. A bunch of Kenyan innocents killed




    What the hell is going on, i can "M"aybe with a capital "M" understand the use of suicide attacks against the Israeli Military. But what the hell is the deal with these bombings being used on clubs and oil tankers. Apart from being an astoundingly stupid Military move, it is down right HARAM. Lets not make any excuses, our great religion of Islam teaches us that suicide is Haram, and when used against the aforementioned spots: the Haramness is coupled with great misguided thinking at past.

    We have to stand up against the global front against Islam, but lets not tear away at our religious doctrine to satisfy earthly political interests.


  10. Mujahid stop saying nigga. come on man you claim to be a good muslim but then you say ish like that.

    Did the prophet Muhammed SWA call Bilal a nigga. No. He would have beat somebody down for calling HIS BLACK friend a nigga. That is if that word existed back then

  11. What the Muslim world needs is new leaders that will improve the economies of the muslim nations. then we will certainly gain respect and get respect from other people. the last thing the Muslim populace needs is more war.


    May Allah give us peace and freedom!

  12. This is what they (Islam/Muslim Bashers) want. they want the Muslim populace to get all worked up and say things that will hurt the Ummah's image in the non-muslim world.

    I am a complete polar oppisite from this loser Ms. Hirsi.

    But i sure as hell won't make myself look like an wide eyed fanatic plaqued with jigonistic fever. That is what this witch wants.

  13. It is a vital and important information. Muslims should now

    refrain from using the term "Mosque". I was flipping through this

    book the other day called "THE COMPLETE ***** 'S GUIDE TO

    UNDERSTANDING ISLAM" and it is filled with fun facts. One of them

    concerns the term "Mosque."


    So many of us think that this is the English translation of

    Masjid. I'm sure none of us ever wondered how this term came into

    being when it really had little in common with how it sounded

    compared to 'Masjid'. (We were very young when we were taught this

    English word. Our mind then were not critical & analytical, so

    didn't dare to ask/challenge our teachers, right?). Anyway this

    book pointed out that the term 'mosque' is derived from the

    Spanish word for "mosquito." It was termed as such because during

    the Crusades, King Ferdinand said they were going to go and swat

    the Muslims "like mosquitoes". (Where else can they find Muslims

    in large number to be swatted if not in a Masjid?). So, they

    cheekily termed "Masjid" as Mosque". So dear Muslim brothers and

    sisters, refrain from using this term which is obviously a

    disgusting slap in the face to the Ummah. Educate our brothers and

    sisters to the history and etymology of this word. And let us

    replace it with the word which is MEANT to be used: Masjid! The

    Place of Prostration!! Not Mosque: the place to be swatted! If any

    of you have doubts about this, then please go look for the book

    and read it!

  14. Im doing Poli Sci at UCSD(University of California San Diego) in California, and why am i doing it? I guess because I want to be a journalist and maybe get into politics to better our nation. And Hell No, I would never want to be the president of Somalia or even have a high level postion if our country got around to getting its act together. But i would love to help resurrect my nation, our motherland from the ashes and into the 21 century.

  15. Im a person from the South of Somalia, and I have always viewed the creation of Somaliland as wrong. But lately I have seen that if the ppl of Somaliland can pormote safety and live normally there was and is no reason for us Southerners to interfere. But please to all the Pro-Somalilanders condemn this man (X=Playa) who has hijacked your flag and in essence your national identity. This man sounds like he went to the school of the Falwell's and Pat Robertson's (Those in the US will understand). I just hope to god that this man does not represent a majoraty of Somalilanders.

    He represents those who loved the Colonialzers and hated there culture sooo much taht they started to slander it.