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Posts posted by Alisomali

  1. To all the ppl out there talking about how we "must amputate and stone" criminals, i have one thing to say to you.


    Our religion is beautiful and lenient for crying out loud, and I think we should try to be as lenient as possible in every case possible, for example Islam offers amputation as an option for punishing burglery/robbery. But when you have a mitigating factor (Somalia ppl are REALLY poor) you need to take that into consideration.

    Why did'nt these savages at least give that boy some jail time.

    All Im saying is that in every crime it is not black and white, there are many shades of gray. I by no means support criminals but I do support a more understanding criminal justice system. And to all you ****** talking about the Sunnah out there, I wanna tell you this.

    Our Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was a lenient man and looked at the shades of gray in all situations, yall ought to try to live up to his example (even if it means you wont be acting like a crazed maniac like yall always like to do)

  2. "Black" and "white" is a social construction mainly used in America

    Keynan you made my point for me. Before I came from Somalia I did not think of myself as black as far as I (and I bet all of you) was concerned I was a Somali and a Muslim.

    Anyways I came into to this social construction that considered me black. Remember most of America's social construction were made up by the white man, and that is all I was trying to say, Im sorry if I was misunderstood, but then again you made my point for me, you essentially agreed with me after calling me all sorts of names.

    So why accept this narrow minded grouping, just because of such a superficial thing as skin colour, which is a result of tropical adaptation and not biological connection?

    Come on buddy you need to stop livin in la la world, your skin color decides what kind of jobs you get, if you get pulled over by police in the streets and if your country is going to be infested with poverty and disease, b/c the crackers(white ppl) have stolen the world's resources. So i beg to differ with you, but that is bad for me, b/c as they say ignorance is a bliss, and my friend Keynan you are one blissful person.


  3. Unfortunatly the white man does catogrize me b/c its a white man's world.

    So it doesn't matter if asians,hispanics or even you consider yourself.

    Im sorry to say it but its true.

    For example, why the hell to ppl consider Halle Barry, black? After all she is half white,but since she has that tinch of black blood white ppl decided to call her black and we all consider her black. Like I said that was just an example to demonstrate that white ppl do the catogarizing when it comes to race

  4. Lol at Hayam's comment.

    This dork is in no university she is a nothing more than an Aunt Jemima (Somali version).

    All your blabber is backed up by zero evidence.

    Do us all a favor and bleach your skin like Michael Jackson and leave the race.

    PS: For all you Somalis out there that don't consider themselves "Black" I got news for you buddies, go ask any white person to categorize you into an ethnic group, they will call you BLACK. So save all your pure nonsensical arguments trying to tell us that your Cushitic or Arabs or whatever else some of yall may concoct to explain away your shame in yourself.


  5. First off, to Pure Blood.

    I figure you live somewhere in the western world(ie a white country). If that is the case I hope you get pulled over by racist cops and then they give you the Rodney King treatment as they call you a nigger. Than you will think twice about calling ppl adoon and keep your extreme idiocy to yourself.

    To the white wannabe chick that posted this post, are you mentally challenged? You know nothing of black ppl that you talk off, you just see them from the white man's perspective (media).

    I live and work in Detroit MI and work with many black folk, and let me tell you they are hard working and freindly ppl to me at least so far. Is just that they were born into a system that is really messed up. Do you think its a coinsidence that the white slave master would always sell off the father and keep the woman and childern, and now through history black man have been largley absent from thier kids' lives. Its a said situation they were born into.

    To the dim person that said that Blacks are rude, loud and angry, etc, I have one question. Have you not looked at Somalis lately?

    Returds ANNOY ME. Especially Somali ppl who wish they were white so much they might as well shave their heads and throw up the nazi signs, but they are upset cuz they white ppl they love sooo much despise them even more than black americans.

  6. Yo im from boring asssss Northern California. Im coming to T-Dot this weekend and i wanna know where is it i can find my somali peeps what is a cool hang out spot. Cuz you know im gonna be chilling with the family but i still gotta feel the somali nightlife, or is there such a thing?

  7. So the Met. Police is saying that some of these ppl were suicide bombers.

    If that is the case they are going to hell for sure, b/c our religion says that suicide is HARAM.

    Im tired of ppl making excuses for suicide bombers.

    First it was the Palestinians to use suicide boming b/c they were oppressed by the Israelis, then it was the 9-11 hijackers then it was used in Iraq against IRAQIS and now in London.

    Can't ppl see this destructive downward spiral and why are so many people fast to condone these acts?

    How about if someone said "I'm going to get drunk or high so i have no fear b4 i go fight the Americans" or whomever. Then would that be justified.

    These so called fighters for the Muslim cause are really messing with our religions tenents. They are ignorant and dont know the religion themselves!!!

  8. Here is the memo that the current President of Harvard University wrote while he was at the world bank.




    DATE: December 12, 1991

    TO: Distribution

    FR: Lawrence H. Summers

    Subject: GEP


    "'Dirty' Industries: Just between you and me, shouldn't the World Bank be encouraging MORE migration of the dirty industries to the LDCs [Less Developed Countries]? I can think of three reasons:


    1) The measurements of the costs of health impairing pollution depends on the foregone earnings from increased morbidity and mortality. From this point of view a given amount of health impairing pollution should be done in the country with the lowest cost, which will be the country with the lowest wages. I think the economic logic behind dumping a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country is impeccable and we should face up to that.


    2) The costs of pollution are likely to be non-linear as the initial increments of pollution probably have very low cost. I've always though that under-populated countries in Africa are vastly UNDER-polluted, their air quality is probably vastly inefficiently low compared to Los Angeles or Mexico City. Only the lamentable facts that so much pollution is generated by non-tradable industries (transport, electrical generation) and that the unit transport costs of solid waste are so high prevent world welfare enhancing trade in air pollution and waste.


    3) The demand for a clean environment for aesthetic and health reasons is likely to have very high income elasticity. The concern over an agent that causes a one in a million change in the odds of prostrate cancer is obviously going to be much higher in a country where people survive to get prostrate cancer than in a country where under 5 mortality is is 200 per thousand. Also, much of the concern over industrial atmosphere discharge is about visibility impairing particulates. These discharges may have very little direct health impact. Clearly trade in goods that embody aesthetic pollution concerns could be welfare enhancing. While production is mobile the consumption of pretty air is a non-tradable."


    "The problem with the arguments against all of these proposals for more pollution in LDCs (intrinsic rights to certain goods, moral reasons, social concerns, lack of adequate markets, etc.) could be turned around and used more or less effectively against every Bank proposal for liberalization."

  9. I also heard rumors that the harvard jerk said that it was good to dump waste in africa's coast. As a matter of fact he stated that sense Africa is the least indsutrialized continent in the world it could afford to absorb some pollution.

    Anyways we should start some sort of committe to research this topic. We can really do something for our country and our people's future.


    PS: I also heard that most of these companies outsource the dumping job to murky mob groups, especially the remenants of the Cosa Nostra, the Italian mafia. Those basterds are still out there.

  10. Sorry, I guess it was just some cultural (British/American) misunderstanding.

    But Im real proud to know a Somali brother is going to such an august institution. Maybe you can be a future gov't minister or president instead of the nimrods that are in our so-called gov't today.

    May Allah help you with your studies.

  11. I have been working with a Human Rights Law center in California. One of our biggest projects has been studying the effects of the civil war on Somalia.

    In order to further our study we have also been working with detained Somalis who are seeking asylum but are going through the immigration process. Through my experience with this group, I been interviewing many detained Somali men and women, and there stories are heart wrenching.

    Today I talked to a Somali woman who was raped by five men in a major Somali city, to further the barbarity of this story she was dragged from a stall at a “souk†and into a home to be sexually defiled by the savage morayaan that attacked her. This happened in day light and no one did anything to help her.

    I’m still reeling from this interview, it was truly sad, she could not stop crying when she was recounting the story….and now she has tested positive for HIV.

    Anyways what I’m trying to get to in this post is where has this knack for sexual barbarity come from in our society ? B/C we as Somalis like to act that we are upstanding Muslims and when we actually talk about the effects of this evil war on our beloved nation and people we talk about the killing and hunger, but never about the rampant rape that has been utilized by our men albeit a small number against our mothers,sisters, aunts, etc.

    Is it that we are ashamed to discuss this issue of rape? Or are we in complete denial?

    All I have to say is that thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Somali women have been raped by Somali men; and this significant subject is rarely conversed about, and my question is WHY NOT???

  12. Hello my fellow nomads I'm a Law Student in the United States and I'm working with a Pro Bono (Free of Charge) Immigration Law firm.

    Recently we have been dealing with a huge load of Somali cases. Many times the Judge asks for the person to prove that he/she were persecuted in Somalia. For this we depend on many factors.

    To make a longe story short we are looking for experts(professors, authors, etc)on Somalia and our culture, to write affidavits for us every once in a while. This expert would have to be in the United States.

    This would mean a lot to many Somalis that are in horrid Homeland Security Detention centers.


  13. I for one strongly believe that Islam allows for democracy.

    For all of you who disagree with me I ask you one question... what better solution vis-a-vis choosing gov't for muslims do you have?

    Furthermore, what is down right frightning is that some of you believe that there are Muslim leaders that are rightly guided thus there citizens can not reject them

    Conscious Manipulation, said "In Islam, however, we don't have this right(removing our leader at the people's will) as we can not remove the leader we've chosen so long as he doesn't break the contract we have with him and rules with what Allah has revealed."

    So I got a question, how about if the leader is committing haram by say waging an unjust war, and the whole populace sees this war as unjust, but the leader thinks this war is just and in accordance with Islamic rules and laws, what recourse do the innocent civilians have?

    Answer me that question, PLEASE

    Anyways, democracy is the only way that our people can gain freedom, by democracy I mean that type that is home grown, not the type that is forced down the throats of Muslims by a bunch of white folks.

  14. I just voted for Kerry. But i dont think Bush is gonna give up the seat easily. I mean after all the guy did say that running "a dictatorship is much easier" then a democracy. So we shall see what happens.

    As far as the line, I only stood in line for about 10mins, and thats only b/c the people at the polling place didn't know how to really use the new computerized voting machines.

  15. HornAfrique said exactly what i wanted to say. Kerry is way of a lesser evil than coska(bush.

    To all the nomads in Minnesota please go out and vote. You are in one of those swing states so your votes carry more ground than my vote cuz im in Cali.

    And please dont vote for nader. Now is not the time do a protest vote this is a crucial vote for the entire world.

    Im only 22 and im still on the Selective Service List, that means im eligible for a draft. And believe me, Bush's crazy A$$ is ready to fight N. Korea or Iran in his next term.

    I dont know about you but i dont feel like getting drafted and going to fight in Pyonyang or Tehran.