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Posts posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Garowe: USA oo taageertey Dimoqraadiyada Puntland


    26 Mar 26, 2013




    Dowladda Maraykanka ayaa taageertey hanaanka dimoqraadiyada Puntland ka dib booqasho uu ergayga u qaabilsan Somalia Ambassador James Swan uu ku yimid maanta 26 March,2013 magaalada Garowe.


    Wafdi heer sare ah ayuu hogaaminayey safiirku oo ka socdey dalalka Britain ,Sweden iyo Italy ,waxana ay la kulmeen madaxweyne Cabdiraxman Shiikh Maxamed Farole iyo masuuliyiin ka tirsan dowladda.


    Kulankaasi ka dib ayaa saxaafada si wadajir ah ula hadleen ,waxana uu sheegey madaxweyne Farole inay ka wadahadleen amaanka ,arrimaha federaalka iyo nidaamka xisbiyada badan ee Puntland.


    ‘’Sidii ugu haboon ee Somalia loo tageeri lahaa ayaanu ka wada hadalney iyo hirgelinta nidaamka xisbiyada Puntland’’ ayuu yiri madaxweynuhu.


    Dhankiisa ayuu ergayga Maraykanka u qaabilsan Somalia taageerey nidaamka xisbiyada Puntland oo uu sheegey in doorashooyinka soo socda muhiimad u lahayn Puntland oo keliya balse Somalia oo dhan u leh una baahan in lagu daydo.


    Kulan ayaa wafdigani la qaatay intaasi ka dib guddiga doorashooyinka iyo xubno matalayey lixda urur siyaasadeed ee Puntland ka jira.

  2. U.S. Ambassador to Somalia meets with Puntland President


    26 Mar 26, 2013


    GAROWE, Somalia Mar 26 2013 (Garowe Online) – U.S. Special Representative to Somalia, James Swan leading a European democratization committee visited Garowe to meet with Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole, Garowe Online reports.


    President Farole and Ambassador Swan alongside the Democratization Programme Steering Committee (DSC) that included British, Swedish and Italian officials met at the presidential palace on Tuesday, to discuss a number of issues particularly the democratization process in Puntland.


    “The steering committee and the international community have supported the ongoing [democratization] process in Puntland and we thank them for their support,” said President Farole.


    Ambassador Swan commended Puntland’s democratization process and met with the Transitional Puntland Electoral Commission (TPEC) and representatives of the 6 political parties in Puntland.


    “Our team is here first and foremost to underscore how important we view the Puntland elections.


    We had extensive and quite detailed conversations with the president concerning continued efforts to build the confidence of all the participants and with the population in this process,” said Ambassador James Swan.


    The two officials agreed that the democratization process be completed on schedule freely and fairly. The democratization process has been backed by the international community, with EU Ambassador Michele Cervone supporting Puntland’s initiative.


    The ambassador said he was “impressed with very recent significant progress” on the achievements of the process in Puntland. Last month six political parties were registered by TPEC.


    The ambassador concluded that, “these elections are important not just for Puntland but important for the rest of Somalia. That will have to begin its [somalia] own more complicated election cycles.”


    According to the TPEC timeline for elections, district elections in Puntland will begin in May, followed by parliamentary elections.



  3. A delegation lead by US Ambassador James Swan and representatives of the EU, UK and Sweden had fruitful discussions with Puntland President Abdirahman Farole, cabinet ministers and Puntland Political Associations plus civil society groups.


    The Ambassador said: 'Our team is here first and foremost to underscore how important we view

    the upcoming election cycle in Puntland to be.'


    He furthermore underlined this important message: 'It is important that the upcoming local elections parliamentary election and then indirect election of the President be free, fair transparent and on time so that process can reach a positive conclusion.'


    Then he complimented the government for its leading role in that process: 'We have been impressed by very significant recent progress in organising the up-coming elections and we have also been pleased at increased efforts at outreach to other political associations.'


    He lastly expressed his hope and that the local elections in the upcoming month will be successful and that the governments outreach and talks with other political associations and Transitional Puntland Electoral Comission (TPEC) by focusing on the budgeting, security, media access of all parties and wider participation of the electorate and citizens will ensure a good outcome[b/] of the upcoming local elections.


    His final message was that the Puntland Election Cycle[/b] should be on time.

  4. A huge meeting took place in North Galkayo Puntland State between the delegation headed by the PM and the officials of Galmudug Authority such as the Auhorities President Abdi Qebybdiid. The meeting took place in Hotel Sugulle which is located in North Galkayo which is controlled by Puntland Administration.


    The PM and his delegation are tonight stationed in North Galkayo where they will also be sleeping.

  5. This is Raxanreeb website


    Dhinaca kale fiidnimadi caawa ayaa waxaa kulan balaaran waqooyiga magaaladda Gaalkacy ku yeshay waftiga kasocday dowladda ee uu horsocday ra”iisal wasaare Saacid iyo masuuliyinta ugu saraysa Galmudug oo uu dhinacoda horsocday madxaweynaha Galmudug Cabdi Xasan Cawaale (Qaybdiid)kulankan ayaa waxaa uu ka dhacay Hotel Sugule oo kuyaala waqoyiga Gaalkacyo oo ay ka arimiyaan maamulka Puntaland.


    Kulanka ay caawa wada qateen waftiga Saacid iyo Galmudug ayaana la shaacin waxa ay kawada hadleen iyadoona la sheegay in maamilta bari ah warbaahinta looso ban dhigi doono wax yaabihii ay kawada hadleen.


    Ra”iisal wasaare Saacid iyo waftigisaa ayaa caawa ku hoyday waqooyiga Gaalkacyo halkaasi oo ay ku baryi doonan caawa.

  6. Mooge looool


    xiin inaadeer it's bilateral work between Galmudug Authority and Government of Puntland. You're aware that Puntland has great influence in Galkayo such as control of the Airport, the Northern and Southern entrances to the city which are manned by heavy Puntland forces.


    It has great Security and Intelligence presence in the city that are more sophisticated than Galmudug's Authority. They can deem what kind of dangers the PM could be in southern Galkyo where the situation is more fluid.


    Everywhere the PM traveled to in the central regions he had Amisom forces but those aren't present in Galmudug Authority hence Puntland taking control of the PM's security, which was designed in the first place. It's them that changed his location as they could better secure the PM's well-being in North Galkayo than in southern Galkayo.

  7. Raysal wasaare Saacid iyo Wafdigisii oo ku hoyanaya caawo Gaalkacyo.


    Ujeedada safarka Raysal wasaaraha ee Gaalkacyo aya ahayd inuu booqdo Galmudug uuna marti u ahaado waxaana dhanka Galmudig loo diyaariyey Guri ay seexdaan.


    Lakiin markii kulan iyo casho gaaban oo dhexmaray Raysal wasaaraha iyo Masuuliyiinta Galmudig ay dhamaadeen ayaa Galmudug loo sheegey in wax isbadaleen oo uusan raysal wasaaraha iyo wafdigiiisu ay ku noqonayaan Puntland halkaasna jiif looga diyaariyey.


    Ciidamada amaanka Puntland oo awalba masuul ka ahaa amaanka Raysal wasaaraha intuu joogey Puntland ayaa soo jeediyey in uu Raysal wasaaruhu ku noqdo Puntland arimo amaan awgeed, waxaana taladaas ku raacey wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Dowlada Federaalka.


    Wafdiga Raysal wasaare Saacid waxaa loo diyaariyey oo ay caawa seexanayaan Hotel Sugule; Halkaasoo ay amaankiisa gacanta ku hayaan Ciidamada Amaanka Puntland oo ay weheliyaan Sirdoonka Puntland PIS.




  8. PM Saacid is sleeping in Hotel Sugulle tonight in North Gaalkacyo even Galmudug Authority has provided a house for the PM to sleep in but due to security concern Galmudug has been told after the welcoming dinner for the PM that the PM will return to North Galkayo Puntland.


    Puntland security forces who were in charge of the PM's security in the first place have advised the PM for security reasons to return to North Galkayo.


    The PM will sleep in Hotel Sugulle where security is in the hands of Puntland Security and Intelligence forces.

  9. Gaalkacayo: Raysalwasaaraha Somalia oo caawa waqooyiga Gaalkacyo kula shirsan madaxda Galmudug


    11. marts 2013



    Raysalwasaaraha Somaaliya Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon oo galabta gaaray magaalada ayaa Gaalkacayo ayaa caawa halkaasi kula shirsan masuuliyiinta maamulka Galmudug oo hogaamino madaxweyne Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qaybdiid.


    Shirka u socda labada dhinac ayaa waxa uu ka socdaa Waqooyiga magaalada Gaalkacyo oo ah qaybta ay maamusho Puntland,waxaana arrintan lagu sababeyey xaalado amaan.


    Shirka Raysalwasaraha & waftigiisu ay la leeyihiin Galmudug ayaa war badan laga hayn waxa lagaga hadlayo balse waxaa la sheegayaa in qodobada diirada la saarayo ay ugu horeeyaan xiriirka Federaalka & Galmudg,amaanka & qodobo kele.


    Wixii wara ee ka kordha kala soco Allpuntland haddii Rabbi Idmo