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Posts posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Was born in Sakhar,the year of Sakhar!


    Spent some time in Sakhar city, before moving on to another planet (Sakhar planet), before I again relocated to planet earth to only settle back to sakhar city, to only {settle;not really} in London. INshallah planning to go back to sakhar city after some time!

  2. I see Mr. Gheedi and the code have got something in common: Indecisiveness! Who is now incompetent and switches from one degree of prohibition to another degree of acceptance like the Wind? Indeed there is a massive confusion to some people. I've heard confusion attracts confusion, so does chaos attract chaos and anarchy, well anarchy. A world turned upside down and a puppett primeminister without purpose. God help us all!



    Qoraalkii ugu horeeyey oo diidmada ahaa 6dii October 2005






    Qoraalkii Ogolaanshaha 2dii November 2005





    Qoraalkii ugu danbeeyey 18ka May 2006



  3. and, I really should not be surprised.


    We all remember to well, how they used to hyper up the conflict in Majiyahan! They simply flaud.


    One is run by Mr. Dubious himself a.k.a. Minister without portofolio, who lives in his £250000 villa, that he financed through the generous help and support of the Puntland tax payers, that he so shamlessly utilised as his own during his hay-days of PL Finance Minister!


    The other one is run by a bunch of worthless and ignorant fools, who oppose the government as they did not get a share this time around, but would not hesistate to become disloyal to their crucial goal and cause by the sight of green little $$$$$ dollor notes!


    Last but not least to Mr. Code, stop the cheap propoganda and unreliable sources that you post, as they not worth the time and space, now get on with it!

  4. Do not go at all circumstances If you do you will be have committed a major crime, not that you will put yourself at risk as well (unneccassary risk).


    I challenge and urge you to come to your senses sister.


    I know a good and decent young man, who you can marry inshallaah and become your mahram!


    I'll take him to your parents and we will have a big wedding where all the Soler's across the whole wide world will congregate to celebarate your Aroos inshallaah.


    Be happy and don't worry, we will get you that dream man of yours inshallaah!

  5. Ahura thanks, It's good to see you too! I'll keep in mind, this time around to not leave my black cimaamad at home!


    Farah Blue, I won't go to Guantanomo I'd rather die, then being pushed and humiliated by a bunch of fatherless freaks!


    Anyhow I am looking forward seeing some of my friends inshallaah, I've heard they've been very angry lately, dunno why.



  6. Walee... And who gave you the right to speak for "Reer Garoowe"?

    I gave him that right, in fact he's speaking on my authority, in which I stated earlier, that the People of Garoowe wanted an International Airport for quite a long time now. But because Faroole was against a new Airport being build because supposedly the people, who were in charge of building the airport were sacked due to their incompetence and replaced by new, forward thinking and more able persons, he's upset right now.


    Although the vast majority of Garoowenians want to see this project through and they have all the believe in this administration to actually deliver on their promises. In fact of that matter and records President Adde Muuse and Vice President Hassan Daahir promised to the decent citizens of Garoowe to build a new airport or atleast contribute a significant amount/sum of money to the project.


    Guddiga Cusub ee loo xilsaaray projectka will deliver!


    Which leaves Faroole and co in the cold!

  7. Azmaya, I wish you a good stay in London,this coming summer inshallaah.


    There is lot's of things to do here and especially in the summer. However london can be also dangerous around this time because suicide bomber's are on the loose, as witnessed during July, 2005. So protect yourself and be safe.


    London is a major terrorist (terrorist tourist I got it mixed up all know they sound the same) target nowadays and I hope you and your family take this into account.


    So if you're here avoid public transport and buses, even those tourist buses! Be vigilant of strangers with funny accents.


    The attractions to visit include Madame Taussade, where you can see some wax work of mine.


    That's it with the tourist attraction in London.



    I am going bag packing myself this summer inshallaah. I am planning of visiting all the attractions during the 2001 war of Afghanistan.


    For sure I know it won't be easy bag packing in Afghanistan but surely it will be a one time experience to charish.


    I am hoping to visit places like Mazar-i-Shareef, Kandahar (Qandahaar), Kabul and Mosul(I think this place in Iran but not to sure).


    I heard eastern Afghanistan is too dangerous to visit right now but I am going anyway. Maybe I'll catch up with some friends. Hopefully no friendly-fire will be exchanged as I am recongisable with the flag I am waving, black flag that is.


    Wish me luck guys and a good adventure!

  8. Great news! Exploration must go on and it will inshallaah.


    Shirkada Range waxay xafladii heshiiskan lagu saxiixayey ka cadeysay in ay ugu deeqi doonto dhismaha garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada
    lacag gaaraysa 250 kun oo doolar oo ka baxsan heshiiskan ay la gaareen Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland.


    If that is true, then I say kudos to Range Resources. This is also a great political move by the administration to applease the people of Garoowe. Now Faroole is isolated even more because the people, who control the wealth and security of that city have been given a boost.


    There was a major diagreement if the project of Garoowe Airport should be put on hold, which Faroole argued for and if it should go ahead, which the people of the city, namely the majority who occupy that city stronly argued for, but praise to Allaah if it is true that funds will go into Garoowe Airport.


    P.s. I've seen another report, which said that the money would go towards Banderqaasim Airport in Bosaso but if it goes to Garoowe Airport, then this makes me even more happier.


    Great news.

  9. ^Bal tano kale arka!


    What were you saying Rahima? That it isn't important for women to cook. How far removed from the reality you're.


    Men and women should be able to cook and no self-respecting men or women should lack the necessary skills of cooking.


    Especially women what will they feed their children and husbands later on?


    You can't expect anyone to cook for you, that's why I say both men and women need to learn how to cook because if the wife is sick, who's going to cook for the children and sick wife? Are you going to beg around the neighborhood asking people if they could cook not only for you but your sick wife and children too? No way.


    It's inacceptable for men and women not being able to cook especially for women.

  10. Our people are so useless and ignorant is beyond belief!


    The exploration of Majiyahan and Dhalan is nothing more then a exploration to examine the quantity of possible natural resources and it is nothing but a survey no one is out there to empty all the caves, it will take time to set up the equipment and it needs lot of labourers aswell.


    However what is a pity is those guys, who are against the exploration and examination of the important natural resources that is believed to exist in enormous quantity in Majiyahana and Dhalan are the same people who chuck off the trees and other vegetation in order to ship it off as charchoal for other countries to "consume", they're a sell out and beyond ignorant and confused.


    This exploration and possible mining would bring a development that would be great for the people of Majiyahan and Dhalan and surrounding areas because labourers would come from the clan and a major regeneration and employment would take place in those areas. The people who are against are useless and totally confused.


    I say this to our brothers: "Maakhirow you guys are a major disappointment, and from your thoughtless actions one can see, why you have been so confused since the downfall of the former regime."


    You can take it as an insult or something else but I've to speak my mind and what I think and believe. I now understand why Adde was so disappointed with you guys.


    Now put yourself together and act in a responsible way to cool down the situation. I am not saying that Adde himself is without mistake but you have to recognise that yourself aren't faultless.


    I hope the conflict will be resolved soon inshallaah and that peacefully and may the people who lost their life in this nonesense conflict will be forgiven. Amiin.


    Otherwise expect no mercy from the government because they will deal with those rag-tag militias, who don't take orders from no-where and the administration will deal with them appriopriately because no-one is bigger than the state or law for that matter and the exploration will go on inshallaah godwillingly!

  11. Soomaaliya oo safaarad ka furatay maanta Dalka Ethiopia, furitaanka safaaraddaas oo uu ka hadlay Prof. Geeddi

    Posted to the Web Apr 04, 20:45



    Addis Ababa (PP) - Soomaaliya ayaa maanta si rasmi ah saafarad uga furtay Magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Ethiopia, waxaana furitaankii safaaraddaas xaflad loo sameeyay ka qaybgalay Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Prof. Geeddi.


    Xafladdaas oo ay sidoo kale ka soo qaybgaleen Soomaalida ku dhaqan Addis Ababa ayaa waxaa dhanka kale ka soo qaybgalay madax ka tirsan Dowladda Ethiopia oo uu ka mid yahay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee Ethiopia Siyoum Musfin.


    Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Prof. Geeddi oo xafladdaas ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in furitaanka safaaradda Soomaaliya ee Addis Ababa ay tahay caddeyn muujinaysa in Soomaaliya iyo Ethiopia ay ka dhex baxday madmadow horay ugu kala dhex jiray labada dal, waxaana uu sheegay in maanta wixii ka dambeeya Soomaaliya & Ethiopia ay yihiin laba dal oo walaalo ah isla markaana daris ah.


    "Safaaradda Soomaaliya ay ka furatay Addis Ababa waxay tilmaan buuxda u tahay sida Dowladda Ethiopia ay ugu heellan tahay sidii Soomaaliya ay u noqon lahayd Dowlad jirta, sidoo kalena ay ka go'an yihiin Ethiopia iyo Shacabkeedaba in Soomaaliya ay noqoto dal dowlad leh isla markaana uu shacabkeedu noqdo mid hela kala dambeyn iyo sharci" ayuu yiri Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo sheegay in Calanka Soomaaliya oo maanta laga taagay Magaalada Addis Ababa ay tahay ILLAAHAY mahaddii, wax badanna ay ka shaqeynayeen.


    Ra'iisul wasaaruhu sidoo kale wuxuu sheegay in Safiirka Ethiopia u fariisan doona Soomaaliya oo lagu magcaabo C/casiis Axmed muddana magacownaa uu dhawaan tagayo Jowhar halkaasoo laga furayo Safaaradda Ethiopia ku yeelanayso dalka Soomaaliya.


    Dhismaha Safaaradda Ethiopia oo galabta laga furay Xaafadda Boolli ee Magaalada Addis Ababa waa dhisme ay leedahay Dowladda Soomaaliya isla markaana ay dhistay dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, waxaana Soomaaliya Safiir uga noqday C/kariim Faarax Laqanyo.


    Maxamed Xuseen Jimcaale (Jantiile)

    Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu - Somalia


    Saaxiibkaa u ***

    Daabaco Qormadan

  12. Adis-Ababa: Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo safaarad ka furatay dalka Itoobiya, halkaasina ay ka dhacday xaflad aad u ballaaran oo ay masuuliyiin badan kasoo qayb galeen

    - Tuesday, April 04, 2006 at 20:29


    Adis-Ababa(AllPuntland)-. Xafalad ballaaran oo si heer sare ah loo soo agaasimay ayaa maanta lagu qabtay xarunta cusub ee Safaaradda DFKGS ee dalka Ethiopia.


    Ujeedada xalfaddaan ayaa ahayd furitaanka Safaaraddii ugu horaysay oo ay DFKG Soomaaliya ku yeelato dibadda, marka laga reebo safaaradaha kafuran dalalka caalamka qaarkood oo tan iyo intii burburka lagu jiray kafurnaa dalalka ay ku yaalaan.


    Raysul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geedi, Wasiirka Arimaha Dibadda ee Dalka Ethiopia, Seyoum Mesfin, Wakiilka Midowga Reer yurub u fadhiya AddisAbaba, Tim Clark, Safiirada, Kenya, Nigeria, Serbia Montenegro, South Korea, North Korea, Finland, Italy, Djibouti, Iran, Masuuliyin kasocota Midowga Africa, ayaa qayb ka ahaa waxaa kaloo joogay safiiro iyo diplomasiyin fara badan oo kaso qaybgalay xafladda lagu furayey safaaradda Somaliya ee dalka Ethiopia.


    Tim Clark oo ku hadlay afka Midowga Reer Yurub (EU) ayaa sheegay inuu aad ugu faraxsanyahay in Somaliya ay caalamka dib ugu soo laabato, safaaradna ku yeelato xarunta Midowga Africa ee AddisAbaba."Raysul wasare Geedi, wuxuu kula kulmay Madaxwaynahayga (EU) Brussels, waxayna Somaliya iyo Midowga Reer Yurub kala saxiixdeen heshiisyo xagga horumarka ah.". ayuu yiri Mr. Clark.


    Safiirka Djibouti u fadhiya Ethiopia ayaa isna sidoo kale cabiray farxaddiisa iyo soo dhawayntiisa ku aadan furitaanka Safaaradda Soomaliya ee Dalka Ethiopia.


    Wasiirka Arimaha Dibadda ee Ethiopia, Seyoum Mesfin oo masuuliyinta hadashay oo dhani uga mahadceliyeen qaybta uu ka qaatay furitaanka Safaaradda, ayaa isna sheegay sida uu ugu faraxsanyahay safaaradda Soomaalida ee lafuray, isagoo tilmaamay inay qayb ka noqon doonto sidii DFKG Soomaaliya ay xiriir ula samayn lahayd beesha Caalamka. Wuxuu sidoo kale ka faallooday taageerada ay dowladdiisu uhayso Soomaaliya, wuxuuna balan ku qaaday inay taageero buuxda siinayaan dowladda Soomaaliya waxkasta oo ay ubaahana ugu deeqi doonaan. Wuxuu kaloo xusay Ato, Masfin, in Dowladda Ethiopia ay magacawday Safiirkeedii u fadhin lahaa Somaliya uuna dhawaan gaari doono Magaalada Jawhar ee fariisinka kumeel gaarka ah ee Soomaaliya.


    Dadweyne aad ufarabadan iyo fanaaniin qaadaysay heeso wadani ah ayaa soo buuxshay goobta xafladdu ka dhacaysay, waxayna mashxarad kusoo dhaweeyeen Masuuliyiinta DKF Soomaaliya, iyo diplomasiiyinta kasoo qayb gashay xafladda. Inta aysan bilaaban Khudbooyinkii ay halkaas madaxdu ka jeedinaysay ayaa fanaaniinta Somaliyeed "Haraadigii kooxda Waabari" waxay qaadeen heesta qaranka Somaliya "national anthem".


    Jawi qiiro iyo murugo leh ayay soo bandhigeen dadweynihii kasoo qayb galay kulanka, markii ay kooxdaasi cod macaan ku aqriyeen heeso qaaraami ah oo waayahaan dambe aan la maqli jirin, balse caan ahaa xilligii kacaanka ee Soomaaliya.


    Raysul wasaare Cali Maxamed Gedi, Wasiirka Arimaha Dibadda ee Ethiopia, Seyoum Mesfin, Safiirka Ethiopia ufadhiya Somaliya, C/Casiis Axmed iyo masuuliyin kale ayaa istaagay dhammaan si ay calanka Soomaaliya usuraan bir dheer oo ka taagnayd Safaaradda dhexdeeda, Raysul wasaare Gedi ayaa gacantiisa ku suray calanka.


    Raysul Wasaare, Cali Maxamed Gedi ayaa khudbo kooban ka jeediyey xafladda wuxuuna sheegay in Soomaaliya ay sharaf utahay inay safaarad ka furato Ethiopia, ayadoo ay utahay bilow hawl dheer oo sugaysa Dowladda Somaliya taasoo ah in ay xarumo diplomasiyadeed kafurato dhammaan dowladaha caalamka.


    Wuxuu intaa kusii daray in furitaanka safaaraddu ay meesha ka saarayso tuhunkii iyo khilaafkii artafishalka ahaa ee udhaxeeyey Ethiopia iyo Somaliya. Kadib markuu ku khudbeeyey luuqadda Ingiriiska ayuu raysul wasaaruhu martisharafka ka codsaday inay u ogalaadaan inuu ku khudbeeyo luuqadda Soomasliga si dadwaynaha Somaliyeed uu u gaarsiiyo fariintiisa. Isagoo la hadlaya Somalida ku nool AddisAbaba ayuu sheegay Geedi in albaabada loo xiray dhammaan Jaaliyadihii Somaliyeed ee ku salaysnaa qabiilka. " waxaa la iisheegay inay jiraan Jaaliyado ku salaysan qabiil, dhammaan ururadaas oodhan mashaqayn donaan mar haddii la furay Safaaradda Somaliya". Ayuu yiri RW. Geedi. " waxaa loo baahanyahay inaad la shaqaysaan safaaradda Soomaaliya iyo safiirkaba" ayuu ku daray Geedi. Inkastoo amaanka aad loo sugayey, ayadoo ay cutubyo kamida booliiska dhexe ee wadanka "Federal Police" ay ka muuqanayeen wadooyinka soo gala Dhismaha Safaaradda, haddana Saxaafadda Dowliga ah iyo midda gaarka loo leeyahayba waxay si siman uga dhexmuuqanayeen xafladda, waxaana si hagar la'aan ah loogu ogolaaday inay la kulmaan masuuliyinta kasoo qayb gashay kulanka.


    15 kun oo qof ayaa lagu qiyaasaa Somalida ku nool AddisAbaba, waxayna dhammaan farxad ka muujinayaan furitaanka Safaaradda. Dadweyne badan oo aan waraystay ayaa iisheegay inay aad ugu faraxsanyihin talaabadan horay loo qaaday, ayagoo tilmaamay in ay wax wayn uteri doonto joogitaankooda halkaan, maadaama ay heleen Masuuliyad si gaara u matasha, walow aysan wax dhib ah kala kulmin Dowladda Ethiopia.


    Faysal Gabanow & Adan Indhacadde


    AllPuntland, Adis-Ababa

  13. This whole thread reminds me of a verse of the quraan, whereby Allaah the glorified stated that the prophet Noah was indeed a "thankful servant"!


    Maybe if we try and give more thanks and praises to our creator, then it could be possible for our prayers to be answered at last. One of the criterions of duas to be accepted is, that we praise and thank our creator for all the priceless blessings we have, instead of being greedy and wanting more.


    let's pause for some time and think really hard, how fortunate we really are.


    It is a virtue for a good muslim to say "Al-Hamdulilaah" (Praises be to Allaah)all the time at all periods/spells whether good or bad (calaa kuli xaal)!


    We ask for forgiveness.

  14. You have got a valid point Didi Kong. Not all Somalis are or were nomads, there were also farmers and people who settled in communities and had shops, restraunts etc.


    Although the vast majority of Somalis were in fact nomads, however there is also a signigicant group of "others", who are not nomads or attached to the "namadic way" of Life!


    Nevertheless you raised a good point and I must add that "we" Somalis are in general a very discriminitative bunch of people, who do not acknowledge "others" so-called minority groups!


    But keep on it maybe your quest for the "title" farmer to be recognised by the administrators and owners of this site together with the contributors support to get your Farmer title a equal status to that of a "nomad".


    God help us all.