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Posts posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Ururka Midnimo oo lagu dhawaaqey


    11 Dec 11, 2012 - 5:02:24 AM




    Magaalada Bossaso xarunta ganacsiga Puntland ayaa maanta 11 December ,2012 waxa looga dhawaaqey Urur cusub oo ku soo biirey saaxada siyaasada Puntland kaasi oo lagu magacaabo Midnimo.


    Masuuliyiin ,waxgarad ,aqoonyahano ,siyaasiyiin ,Culimo ,qurba-joog ,dhalinyaro iyo marti sharaf kale ayaa ka soo qaybgalay xaflada furitaanka oo ka dhacdey Hotel Jubba.


    Ururka ayaa Guddoomiye KMG ah waxa ka ah Dr.Saadiq Eenow oo ah Dhakhtar ,taariikhyahan iyo qoraa Soomaaliyeed ,waxana uu ka jeediyey madasha khubbad uu kaga hadlay Uurkan ,ujeedooyinka loo asaasey iyo weliba inuu yahay mid ka ka duulaya mabaadii’da iyo qiyamka umadda,isla markaana ku shaqaynaya nidaamka Dastuuriga ah ee Puntland.


    Qorshe Hawleedka u degsan Ururka Midnimo sidoo kale ka hadlay Dr.Eenow iyo weliba mudada halka sanno ee u dhiman Xukuumadda Dr.Farole.


    ‘’Wax hub ah inaan wax lagu xalin ayaan ku baaqeynaa ,nidaamkan dad wada dhashey ayaa dhistey ,ninkii qori maanta qaata oo wiil nooga dila waxaan la tiigsaneynaa maxkamad meel kasta uu dunida ka tago’’.ayuu yiri Gudoomiyuhu.


    Qaybaha kala duwan ee dadkii ka soo qaybgalay xafladan ayaa hadalo ka soo jeediyey madasha oo dhaman soo dhooweyey ururkan cusub ee ku soo biirey saaxada siyaasadeed ee Puntland.


    Dadweynaha reer Puntland iyo siyaasiyiintooda ayaa noqdey kuwo u bisil nidaamka Xisbiyada badan oo looga gudbayo habkii wax ku qaybsiga qabiilka.

  2. Somalia: Fifth Puntland political association formed in Bossaso


    11 Dec 11, 2012 - 2:23:43 PM


    BOSSASO, Somalia Dec 11 2012 (Garowe Online) – Puntland’s fifth political association has been announced in Bossaso the commercial capital of Puntland on Tuesday, Garowe Online reports.


    Midnimo political association was announced in a big event on Tuesday in Bossaso, which had been attended by traditional elders, women groups and civil society.


    Midnimo–which means unity in Somali- acting Chairman Dr. Sadiq Eenow gave a statement to press at the event asking for Puntlanders to take part in the democratic process.


    “We should be working to build on the democratic system that our brothers and sisters have created,” said Dr. Eenow.


    This is the fifth political association in Puntland as it gears up for political party elections in 2013.



  3. Education is Light Project/Initiative by the EU in Puntland will promote edcuation and better the chances and livelihoods of our teenagers and youth and will be 9 million USD in its implementation. It will also last for 3 years. Up to 25,000 children, youth and adults will benefit from it. Maashaallaah. We thank the EU, the Ministry/Minister of Education in Puntland, the government of Puntland and President Abdirahman Farole.

  4. The deal/initiative called Iftiin (light) will be Puntland wide Programme/Project and will be for 3 years in duration December 2012 until December 2015.


    It will promote basic education, secondary/high school learning, informal education, vocational and skill based learning and the expanding ofcapacity of the Puntland Education Ministry.


    The Deal/Initiate will cost 9 million USD or 7.5 Million Euros.


    Beneficiary will be:


    21,000 High school students and basic education students


    2400 Informal Learning students


    700 Vocational education and skill job related students


    696 Teachers that will receive training.