Lois Lane

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Posts posted by Lois Lane

  1. Money,


    I agree, such discussion should happen.




    One thing I have noticed is that Somalis always seem to expect things from administrations, elders, international communities. I agree somewhat with the professor, when he used the metaphor of a sheep dying where she lays herself. (Sorry the translation might be off)


    In essence the prof. is saying that we must take some of the blame. I think always pointing fingers at others, strips us as citizens from a real power that we possess. Citizens can come together and attempt to take steps towards rebuilding their country. Of course things are more difficult now then ever, but I believe we can get pass this clown of an administration. Somalis are more then invasion, famine and war. The citizens have the real power to make change, and the diaspora are just as well to blame for the crisis as these warlords, and spineless men that ONLY share the name "Somali" with us.

  2. Nepththy,


    You are too funny for your own good walaal

    Looooool@ "Bad grammar is the online equivalent of having a gap in your teeth and a heavy Southerner accent - it doesn't matter what you say, everyone is just going to think you're istuburdh."


    Still, Tuujiye made a point

  3. Money,


    Thanks for posting these videos. Prof. Samatar made great points and it really shows that the man dedicated more then two decades to the Somali crisis. The steps he puts forth in order for Somalis to reach peace and governance are simple and straight to the point.



    A.Haji Hussein however seems very hopeless. Yet he makes a great point when he says that the we as a people cannot overcome qabil when we cant even agree among a few in a room let alone among many citizens in a country.

  4. dhulqarnayn,


    Indeed his mandate will end, however this is not soon enough. Perhaps, "your fellow Somalis" would have supported the man had he not endangered their lives on a daily basis, without once acknowledging the death tolls, demonstrating any remorses or some kind of simpathy for those that have lost entire families.


    Last instead of inquiring about our heads, walaal how deep is yours buried in his ****?

  5. Marc,


    If the intention is about ensuring Sool and Sanaag to remain in somaliland, do you believe that inviting other citizen to populate those regions in order to overpower their choice of leaving is the solution?


    What happened to democracy, should the somaliland administration truly want to keep them, then they should attempt to engage those citizens.


    But most importantly, should "those few villages" decide to seperate it is their right. After all, you would think that a seperatist would understand that.

  6. ^^^

    Whatever explosion you speak of, this administration signed up for the post to run the country. What did they think that the position only meant taking money while doing nothing.


    So far this administration has had financial and military support from some of the biggest powers in the world. At one point it is up to them to actually think and come up with resolutions to the issues at hand. Resolutions that does not include, inviting an aggressive foreign entity.


    Last, perhaps they should also attempt to include the Somali citizens when it comes to finding solution, since so far they are uncapable of doing much on their own

  7. ^^^ Walaal,


    Indeed insults wont solve the problems but this group of men who are killing indirectly and directly Somali citizens dont deserve anything better.


    While the so-called president begs, the money him and his administration have received so far has never been used towards helping the Somali crisis. It makes you wonder where its all going?


    old but still very relevant and interesting article from the New York Times:


    http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/29/world/africa/29somalia.html?pagewanted=1&_r=2&sq=somalia&st=nyt&sc p=3

  8. K-T,


    This type of so-called reporting is too bias to be taken seriously. While it’s a reasonable point that anyone who supports a terrorist cell is not respecting the laws of his adopted country, what is called a terrorist cell should be examined first. The term is too important to be foolishly used to plant seeds of fear in those that are against this tfg administration and the u.s tactics in regards to Somalia.


    It’s called freedom of speech, of political believes and such rights should be highly guarded. If everyone follows the u.s in their choices of terrorist groups then, no one will be able to follow their political believes. The American administration is flawed in so many ways, there are many oppressive groups in the international sphere who happen to be ruthless but due to their political affiliation they are not called terrorist. Thus this is only a cheap tactic to distance supporters from their political beliefs, come with a better option!


    Also this is not to take away from adoptive countries political policies, meaning if one resides in a country that recognises a specific group as terrorist then one must follow its country’s law. It’s that simple. But to use such cheap propaganda, bias article to make a point is low.


    Last, in regards to the bombing to kill Ayro, 24 others perished in that bombing, who will account for such illegal war crimes? Will this pathetic excuse of skin and bones denounce or show some kind of empathy for the murders. Never mind, we won’t hold our breath.

  9. Poster,


    When you have a foreign entity slash Somali citizen' (usually children, elderdy who cant defend themselves) throats, its BARBARIC. Its the same act as slaughtering say a sheep for instance. Perhaps you wanted them to soften their words so that these acts would not seem as atrocious as they truly are. But walaal, it is what it is. The truth might not be the priority of this spineless administration, but facts are facts.


    Besides talking about pr this and that, what do you think the tfg supporters are doing when they throw words like terrorist left and right like they learned the word yesterday. Then again their mere parrots repeating endlessly the words used by us and ethiopian administration, without really knowing its consequences.

  10. Any of the supporters know why when asked about the food crisis this ***** speaks about the crisis affecting the whole world?


    This shows a lack of serious leadership. He does not claim to be the president of the world, since he decided to call himself Somali president why not discuss the Somali food crisis and what he plans on doing about that. Oh my bad, I guess the plan is to put your hand out and beg like an undignified stooge.


    Further, how come he never discuss his plans on establishing any concrete peace process. He let Ethiopians invade us, and yet now that their here he never speaks about real plans or real achievements in regards to peace. What a shamefull excuse of a man!


    Edit: wow, the starts make it look like I really used a bad word...fyi I only said i-diot. lol

  11. NN,


    I completely disagree. Although the islamic courts declared war on the ethiopian troops, the country has been systematically destroyed by mainly these troops and daily by this pathetic administration.


    Last I am not minimising the term Genocide, but keep in mind that while Rwanda was clearly going through a genocide the international community and some Rwandan diaspora called it a civil war. 10 years after the incident, during the anniversary of the Genocide almost no international official was present. Today they speak of the tragedy as a dark and sad time for rwanda, when they could have stopped it.

  12. NN,

    You can’t pick and choose the terms in the definition of a genocide to fit your reasoning. As it clearly states a genocide means: “..ANY of the following acts committed WITH INTENT TO DESTROY, in whole or in part, a NATIONAL, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such”


    Also perhaps I was not clear. In regards to the TFG invading Somalia, they invited the Ethiopian troops to invade the country. This act was co-signed by the American administration, which legalised the act under the pretext that it was not only a pre-emptive strike against terrorist cells but also in order to install a selected government for the Somali people.


    Thus, you cannot minimise the extend of the casualties and not call it what it truly is because some big entity decided that it was okay to invade a country. What’s next? Slavery will be okay if it’s for the good of the slave? Please! It is what it is, walaal.

  13. NN,


    While you simplify the notion of a genocide with the examples of the holocaust, the Rwandan and Darfur tragedy, you minimise the Somali tragedy by simply calling it a civil war.

    In some aspect, indeed it is one. However it is also genocide. The term isn’t only measured by the amount of people who die or the nature of the act.


    Under the article 1 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide it states: The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish.


    And as for its definition article 2 says:

    In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

    • (a) Killing members of the group;

    • (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

    • © Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

    • (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

    • (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.


    Thus walaal, A and B clearly define the situation of our country today. As for C while you might argue that point, the TFG and Ethiopian administration decided together and calculated their plan to invade Somalia, while fully aware that this would not be accepted by the actual citizen of the country.

  14. So now you have a group of men incapable of bringing the smallest infrastructure to their own country, yet so eagerly and cheaply prostituting our country to the lowest bidder. Isn’t this the same group of people who condemn the TFG for proudly inviting Ethiopia into our soil? What has the American government done for the northern citizens that an ex-warlord turned president would invite them to use our waters and our lands for their destructive needs?



    Secessionists speak so much about democracy, yet every chance they get this ex-con and his followers sell out the same population they ought to represent. Then again what do you expect, this same administration out of nowhere divided the north into even smaller pieces. What about the civilian’s rights?

    Truly this is yet another dark time for our country.



    And last X-Xundjuf,

    Stop embarrassing yourself! To this day this recognition you speak off has not been granted. Stop selling your country to this administration for the sake of this separatist ambition. Inviting an internationally known corrupt administration, one that has terrorised many countries and governments, all for what? So a group of ex-murderers and their ex-con puppet can say they have their own country? The irony of it all is unbelievable.

  15. Jacaylbaro,


    This is truly a great news. I remember some time ago when I went back home, I was really shocked to see alot of mentally ill Somalis being locked away in what looked like a prison. That sight will never leave me. I had never heard prior to that the mistreatment that mentally ill people go throught in our country let alone seen it with my own eyes.


    Such projects are seriously needed in our country.


    thanks for the post Jacaylbaro.

  16. ^^ While I agree that constructive criticism should be welcomed in our political arena. This is neither the time nor the place. Rather the emphasis should be on our fellow Somalis fighting against a common ennemy.


    Their names at this point does not affect the well being of the rest of the Somali citizens.


    Also if scrutny and a constructive challenging dialogue should be taken it should be against the TFG joke. As they do not only slow down the peace struggle but also erase any traces of political exchange from the citizen with those attempting to forcibly govern them.


    That my friend is a serious factor that will only continue destroying the Somali dream.

  17. KK, (see..im doing it:)


    Anyways walaalo your one funny character. I say invite all the double digit letters in the alphabet and let's have a good time. No single letters allowed!

  18. First you can’t brutality slain civilians and then say your fighters did not intentionally kill the teachers. These types of act keep us from moving forward as a country. However, we can’t forget that this is a war. In such environment, the presence of casualties will always be constant. This is once again why dialogue is where true victory lies.


    Also let’s be cautious about our sources. Frankly the idea of the al-mighty united states calling a group terrorist which seems to give a pass to the media to follow suit is quite bothersome to say the least.


    Talk about Irony!