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Posts posted by juba

  1. Originally posted by wind.talker:

    Nguna gnane what the hell kinda name is that? Them Somalis back home prolly be like "war bal eega jareerkaan. Miyuusan aheen kuwii kabaha noo toli jiray?" How you suppose they'll have a "discussion" with that kinda mentality?

    its sad that some somalis find themselves superior to THEIR OWN KIND!


    as for these missionaries, what happend to just helping your fellow africans out? why does everything have to have an alterior motive? :(

  2. Originally posted by -Femme Fatale-:

    I love the word
    . I love the animal too. I use it anytime, everytime.

    looool FF so do i! i can't stop saying it, it rolls of the tongue :D


    one of my moms good freind ALWAYS says "bizubt" an arab word meaning exactly! it makes me go exactly crazy!

  3. good question! ofcourse thought came first because thats the cause of what we say! we think about or hunger before we ask for food, we think about what movie we want to watch before we say it out loud. this reminds me of the famous quote "i think therefore i am" :D

  4. macalimuu you are so right! the somali diaspora is the best canditate to change Somalia for the better and yet i see no change! is it laziness or the fear of the enormous task at hand? These forums should be dedicated to the betterment of Somalia, for example the political section, instead we waster our time critisizing the latest president instead of setting forth ideas of how to bring Somalia back to the light.

  5. the point of this post? no offense its just what do you want advice? or did you just feel like sharing? (personally this is something you should keep to your self) overall i find this "topic" quite random. Please don't consider this a "harsh comment" :D

  6. Did Qabiil really exist since the begining of time? i don't think so. So it must have had a begining. When? How? and Why? maybe if we explore the origins of this "primitive" system we can understand how to get rid of it to an extent. If it was because of paranoia and suspicion why did we mistrust each other so much? Do we REALLY need it in politics and the affairs of a nation? why is it that other cultures and races do just fine without tribalism and we can't? ( an example i had in mind is the West) What other system did we have before Qabiil? that is going FAR back but we must have had a different way of running things. My point i guess is that we can learn from our history and maybe bring it back.

  7. a VERY good book, probably the most touching i have read in months!


    The Observer

    i never thought to compare jesus to the Santiago, exactly what is similiar?



    good questions! i found the ending of the story just PERFECT and so expected! i believe the message is your personal treasure lies right under your nose! The treasure being buried in the church gives further evidence of the theme of religion in this book. i think its trying to say that religion permeates everything and God is the soul of the world! how deep and philisophical :eek:



    another great question i was wondering about aswell. i believe it was because of Santiagos reawakening to his own religion?

    :confused: but i had a feeling aswell that Santiago was not thinking about converting.


    a question for you folks is, do any of you believe that everything has a soul like the wind and the sun?? why or why not?