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Everything posted by Lychee

  1. I’m not too sure about what’s in right now, but I’m planning to spend the summer in Africa. So it's maxi dresses, colourful cardigans and elegant hijaabs all the way. And you can’t forget the hawt accessories. H&M is the one. cheap and cheerful. Oh and sells superb dresses.
  2. Lychee


    Not to me, it’s irrelevant. But If you’ve ever been back home, you’d notice that people within that tribe often live in secluded areas, if a man within that tribe would want to marry a girl from another tribe and vice versa, he/she and their kids would suffer, in most cases they'd never be seen as an equal. Most people are conceited and they’d like to think they’re more superior to others, I guess its all part of the social order.
  3. Lychee


    ^Oo maa qoloda madhiba-an lagu sheego aya ka mid tahay? Maybe I shouldn't have asked that... :confused:
  4. Lychee


    ^I agree. I don’t think I could even classify that as a friend. You know Hasaan was a Hazara, and Hazaras have faced persecution from the Pashtuns and have been forced to flee from many parts of today's Afghanistan to Hazarajat, just like in the novel. Is it not like how us Somali people look down upon ‘midga-an’ people and isolate them?
  5. Lychee


    Off topic. Would you ever forgive a friend who watched you get sexually assaulted? :confused: I’m asking this question because I was reading the book ‘’The Kite Runner’’ the other day, and Amir watched his friend Hassan get raped and he done absolutely nothing to prevent it from happening. Yet Hassan never held any animosity towards Amir. I know it’s just a work of fiction, but it doesn’t stop you from thinking...
  6. Lychee


    ^No problem. I have a question to ask...
  7. Lychee


    LOL Ignore me. <---Iska naf waalan.
  8. Lychee


    ^You joinned in 2004. How comes you are istill single?
  9. Lychee


    ^^Af Soomaaliga shalay baan bartay. Anyway, I’m currently suffering from insomnia/loofe, besides that waa iska all good. Adigu maxaad haysa?
  10. Lychee


    Juxa: I was ooride up until Nuune decided to run off with our maid and elope to Burco with her. Ever since, wax la idahdo depression aya igu dhacaay. :confused: Sida kale, how are you? Showqi, waan kuu salaamay.
  11. Lychee


    Marka hore illaahay baa mahad iska leh. Marka labaad iska warama? Dhowr cisho baan idin ka maqnaa ee maxaad meesha ku haysaan? 1-Tu maa kursigii ka kacday? 2-Ku maa dhaqan kii ku soo noqday oo surwaal kii kor u qaaday? 3-Tumaa kaluunkii iyo biiniskii laysku shiili jiray iska daysay oo baratay garawgii iyo qarmacdii? 4-Kumaa qaadkii iyo sigaarkii iska dhigay oo qaaday buugii iyo qalinkii? 5)Tumaa jaamacadii badeecada ka qalin jabisay oo baratay si da Qur'aanka loo akhriyo oo qaadatay xijaab? HADAL IYO DHAMAAN. WARKII OO BUUXA I SIIYA. HAYGANA XISHOONINA, WAA INAGII UUN EH.
  12. I would say there’s no raajo for the Somali youth of today, laakin naxariista ilaahay inta laga quusto maha.
  13. ^^ Waad iga heshay, somaha? Runta iska sheeg.
  14. So Eng.Caade can create more dismal topics, focussed at women?
  15. Kenyan Women? :confused: I feel super duper stup!d now. Aalia: Why were you agreeing with me as if I was right? Your af Soomaali is as bad as mine. loool naf yahay waalan.
  16. So I was right? Damn, I'm good. But wait...what he said made no sense if that's what the word he used actually means. Or maybe our af Soomaali just sucks lol.
  17. ^Maybe it means bold, like when you shave something. :confused:
  18. Off topic: I wonder why men constantly say ‘’It doesn’t matter whether a man is considered good looking or not, it’s not important’’. :confused: Aalia: No problem walaalo.
  19. Eng: Mr. Narcissist, you ought to have a solemn one-one with your ego.
  20. Eng: I sincerely apologise. Here, have a cookie.
  21. lol If it was mine, I would have created my list long ago, and picked out 'the one'.
  22. ^^Intersante. I found this interesting to read. I think I should start creating my list as well.