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  1. i think it's genius. being someone who usually pathetically listens to... music sad loners listen to, it made me ponder if there are actually hip hop musicals or even operas.


    am i the only one who'd want to see chamillionaire writing a musical for the west end?

  2. haha, nuune, thanks for the subtle insult. where can you see McCanvas? are you a hacker? have you hacked into my SOL account and seen my scandalous...ly empty inbox?

    i do cheap art, hence McCanvas.


    Is Cadaan Irish? And to think that my question just came out of nowhere with no previous knowledge of him being Irish, like knowledge obtained from Somali of the Year thread... incredible.

  3. Originally posted by Cadaan:

    Brits also have horrible looking teeth, might I add....

    did you read the below part?:


    "Of those questioned, the inhabitants of London and Scotland are the UK’s cleanest with 68% of them bathing daily, compared to just (according to the statistics anyway) just 23% of Irish..."


    i like the part in brackets, how very politically correct. i bet what they just wanted to shout is "IRISH PEOPLE DON'T BLOODY BATHE!"


    totally random: aren't you Irish?

  4. What is time? time is money, money, money! and money is the root of all evil!


    quote POSITIVE: Time is born for example when you look in front of you, see things and move your... / quote


    i disagree. time is a definitive entity, same as energy and gravity. it has always been there (with always i mean the creation of the universe)


    to make my point a little clearer, would you say the pi is a human invention or an independent phenomenon that is part of the universal system?

  5. quote someone: Kuwaas waxaaba ka siidaran, kuwa wadanka only 5 or 6yrs kaliya joogay oo iska dhigo iney af Somaliga iloobeen...Yaayah, ani mee sheekadaas ii keenaayaan...I HATE accentka ee isku yeelaan markey af Somali ku hadlaayaan... /quote


    apparently the less proper somali you speak, the younger you get. it's a phenomenon scientists are trying to explain.