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Posts posted by checkmate

  1. Wiilo

    Waxaa lagaga dhawaaqay urur la dagaalama argagixisada. Kow, waxaa is waydiin mudan yaa argagixiso ah, yaase la dagaalamaya. Aniga waxaan aaminsanahay inay argagixisodu ay yihiin ragga hubeysan ama loo yaqaan "Warlords" iyo dadka ugu hiiliyo isku reer ayaan nahay. Soo daa doodaada anigoo mahadsan

    Urrur wax la yiraahdo meeshaan ma jiraan. Niman argagixiso (warlords) ah ayaaa damacsan in ay America iyo europe lacag kaga qaataan. Waxay lee yihiin (the warlords) alqaciida ayaa laga helay somalia, waxaan isku taxaluujineynaa in aanu xasuuqno dhamaantood.


    Waddaada xamar jooga (iyagoo iidna shida dooda yareen) baa la damacsan yahay in la gabagabeeyo, si xaqdaro ah ayaa lagu maagay. Doqoniino hadey dheefi leedahay wallee anagaa boqolkiiba boqol wax waliba ku dheefi laheyn.



    Cartoon-nadii la soo daabacay, Waa ayaan darro ah inay dad ku dhitaan, ha loo dhinto diinta difaaceeda ma diidani. Maxaa kaga aadan Caalamul Islaam? Inay si nabadgalyo ay oga hortagaan arintan, isla markaana la soo saaro(wuu jiraan of course)sharci ilaayiya diinta isla markaan qofkii ku xadgudbo diinta abaalkiisa la mariyo. Waad ogtihiin ninkii inkiray xasuuqiddii yahuuda loo geystay in laku xukumay sadax sano oo xarig ah. Soo daa doodaada ama aragtidaada adigoo mahadsan.


    In kastoo arinkaan sinaba u sahlaneyn, waxay aheyd in islam nations ay midoobaan.Kuna kacaan midnimo ka hortagta soo labo kacleenta arinkaan oo kale, arinkaan ma aysan aheyn in kacdooyinka dhiig keenaan, dad blameless innocent ah ku geeryoodaan.


    Aduunka xasalooni iyo xisaabtan baa heer lagu gaaraa, labadoba midna maanan muujin hadaanu nahay dad islam ah.

  2. February 22, 2006


    As the debate continues over a deal allowing a Dubai-based company to operate major American seaports, in the United Arab Emirates the dispute is being attributed variously to ignorance, election year posturing, and "Islamophobia."


    Dubai Ports World's $6.8 billion acquisition of the British company P&O will give the state-owned UAE firm oversight of the ports of New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia.


    A number of Republican and Democratic lawmakers have voiced concern about the security implications of the deal, but President Bush said Tuesday he would veto any attempt by Congress to block it, and asked why a Middle Eastern company should be held to different standards than a British one.


    Opponents of the deal argue that the Gulf state, while considered a U.S. ally, has a poor record on terrorism.


    Two of the 19 terrorists who carried out the 9/11 attacks were from the UAE, including Marwan al Shehhi, named by the FBI as the hijacker who flew United Airlines flight 175 into the second World Trade Center tower.


    "Many of the Sept. 11 hijackers and planners traveled through that country [the UAE], and its banking system was used in preparing for the attacks," the New York Times said in a recent editorial, while critics have also noted that the UAE was one of just three countries to recognize the Taliban regime when the al-Qaeda ally ruled most of Afghanistan.


    It cut ties with the Taliban 11 days after 9/11, and annual State Department reports on terrorism since then have given the UAE glowing reports, praising it for cooperating with the 9/11 investigation, arresting terrorists, and condemning extremism in Islam.


    The current criticism is viewed warily in the UAE, with commentators bristling at the notion that their country is soft on terrorism.


    Writing in Gulf News, Rashed Saleh Al Oraimi, a columnist for the Al Ittihad newspaper, suggested that if the UAE's banking system comes in for criticism over 9/11, then so too should the U.S. banking system, airports and flight-training institutes.


    Citing the NYT editorial, al Oraimi said Islamophobia was on the rise and was even showing its face in liberal media circles.


    A poll conducted by Gulf News asked readers why they thought some members of Congress were against the Dubai Ports World deal.


    Of the three options given, 25 percent of respondents chose "xenophobia," 32 percent said "security concerns," and 42 percent selected "jealousy."


    A writer to the paper said a fourth reason should have been offered: "A mid-term election is due in the U.S. this year and politicians opposing the takeover may be posturing to appear 'tough' on security issues."




    What does this signify in your view? I believe the injury is already done regardless of the outcome.

  3. Gabeyga yeeraaayo

    Guuxaan baxaaayo iyo


    Ooow-geedi shaanbooow-aa

    Lagu guurihaayeee





    I would like the lyrics to this song...thankx in advance.


    Gaanjibo Garaado leh maaa

    Guri geesahaayeee

    Gacal kaama doonaayee


    Doonaayee, Gaar iiga qaad

  4. Posted by Bishaaro

    It's just not logical to presume that a person exists whom I will be in love with everday all day for the rest of my life, and it's way too unrealistic to expect that in another. Some days perseverence, some days love and somedays plotting your revenge seems more likely; all days with respect tho'.

    I am broke today for i can't offer you anything,but mind you,I get paid on friday. On friday i will buy you chukulaato ayi nooc or ice-cream ayi nooc, :D:D adiga kala dooro...Eesh calaa.


    Ps: Xiin u xiir smile.gif

  5. Posted by Sayyid

    From contemporary Shuyuukh Cuthaymiin, bin Baaz, Sheikh Albaani raximahullaah ajmaciin to Imaam Shaafici, Maalik, Xambal, Xanafi and other great scholers like ibnu Taymiyyah, are they all wrong or what?

    Yes! they are beings just like the rest of us who make mistakes. Who are they to judge? Only the creator(sw) has that power not Ibni aadam xaaraaya marna dhuusaaya.


    Allah yahdiih.

  6. To Ducoqabe

    Posted By Castro:


    Let me see if I understand this correctly, so a self-confessed child molester has the unequivocal support of the community and the people starving back home get a prayer and a shaking of the head?


    To which i wrote (I never in million years thought i would quote my self)


    Posted by Checkmate:

    Castro, now you get mad, when Cabdulaahi yusuf (yeey) got elected for presidency, there were several a huge parties that were held for his victory (the biggest one in the convention center, Minneapolis MN) where hundreds and thousands of people showed up for support. Few days later it was eid al-adha, and none of the Somali communities had enough funds to rent a hall to accommodate the prayer. Every one had to pray at their local mosque or pray with other communities.

    Hope that's enough clarity. smile.gif



    I couldn't help but laugh out lout by what Sayyid Qutb wrote: (walaahi am still laughing writing this)

    BTW I was wandering also about the motives whereby someone said that people were celebrating the "presidential victory" of H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad, I too couldn't see what the person who said it actually wanted to achieve!


    Is he saying they should have not celebrated! On the other hand doesn't he know that they were celebrating not for Abdullahi Yusuf but for the successful completion of a two year peace process that took place in Nairobi and Kenya.


    This guy has got serious and weird issues indeed may he be cured!

    Aaamiin Sayyidoow, ilaahey daawo ha nawada siiyo dhamaan. :D

  7. Posted By Ahura

    Sadly, those attitudes seem to be deeply ingrained in the Somali psyche because a surprisingly large number of women still hold on to those notions.

    Ahura, by other women which repeatedly kept the revival of this sad tale, I strongly believe we have come along way so far. There are some cases today, but in my view it doesn’t hold water.



    Castro, now you get mad, when Cabdulaahi yusuf (yeey) got elected for presidency, there were several a huge parties that were held for his victory (the biggest one in the convention center, Minneapolis MN) where hundreds and thousands of people showed up for support. Few days later it was eid al-adha, and none of the Somali communities had enough funds to rent a hall to accommodate the prayer. Every one had to pray at their local mosque or pray with other communities.

  8. LooL horey aan u maqlay kurtigood.


    Disclaimer:Walaalayaal waxaan waa foorjo, yaa la xanaaqin minfadlak.


    Ooookeey,Hooya Tan:


    Markey qabta dhacday kabacdi: Nin reer xamar(muudeey ladhoho) oo labodiisa gabdho wato ayaa waxaa ka soo horbaxay kuwo M.O.ryaan eh. Waxay bilaabeen in ay qashqashaadaan gabdhaha, oo ey damceen in ay kufsadaan gabdhihii. Odeygii reer xamarka ahaa wuu baryootamay oo wuxuu yiri "waa idin tuugaa, gebdheheega ha iga kufsanina, anaa xeher sii loo sameeto kasaayo, hada aan idinku mehrinaa" M.o.ryaantii labo ka mid ah aa waxey dheheen " haye, anaga nagu kala mehri"


    Dhawr bilood ka dib Odeygii reer xamarka oo jidka maraayo ayaa waxay is arkeen nin ay saaxiibo yihiin:


    Sxiibka: Muudeey, kheer sheeg? ma la faayoo?

    Muudeey: Adaayoo, wax badarka diideey ma jiro, Laakiin Lamadoo Mukulaal oo Madmadoo aa milinka noo Joogto :D:D

  9. We (yes, I am speaking for everyone) really don’t have the time and the tolerance to read your shenanigans Mr.Sayyid Qutb.


    Definition of Muslim? One who submits to Allah, a follower of Islam.


    Now I would like to kind ask you to reflect on these questions:

    Who do shia’s pray to?

    Who do shia’s women wear the hijab for?

    Who do they fast for in the holy month of ramadaan?

    Why do they pay zakat?


    If you have answered one of these questions to Allah, then saxiib, you have committed a great sin and it’s you who should repent and forgiveness. When I said you were not a [M]uslim, I said it to prove a point and furthermore, I saying it so don’t denounce you otherwise. The same goes for the Iranians as well.


    Enjoy your morning.

  10. If that is the case Sayyid , then why penalize these Europeans countries for what they have done? Do you see how hypocritical that looks? If what you are saying is true.


    Saxiib, it looks as though you have blinded your self from the truth as you see it fit, which in my eyes transpires you need more knowledge in your surroundings.


    Iranians are NOT muslim, you say. I suppose that just in your standards. Now in my standards I can say, they are.

  11. In an effort to stem a potential trade backlash, the New Zealand government is to explain to Iranian officials that it has no control over what the media publishes in New Zealand.


    Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has ordered the cancellation of economic contracts with countries where the media have published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.


    Iran is setting up a committee to review economic and commercial deals with these countries.


    Copies of the cartoons were published in The Dominion Post and The Press on Saturday.


    New Zealand exports up to $100 million of products a year to Iran, and does about $1.5 billion worth of trade with Islamic countries.


    New Zealand Minister of Trade Phil Goff says it will be explained to Iran that neither the government nor exporters had any influence over what he calls the media's "regrettable" decision.




  12. Ain’t that the truth ^^ saxiib, I personally would have favored a peaceful demonstration (like the one that took place in UK today) violent behaviors aren’t the only means of retaliation.


    But then of course, there were enormous peaceful demonstrations before the Iraq invasion. I think it all boils down to the relationships between our Muslim nations and these European countries, and how they go about conducting their diplomacy priorities.

  13. ^^LoooL..Rag harraad haya Aarr ha nooga dhigan anaga. :D tan kale, adoon go'goshiiba ku guuleysan miyaad ii hanjabeysaa xiinoow? oo damac santahay in aad sidii rati qooqon igu durdurisid. :D


    [edit]:gartaa waxaa naqaya nuune, l o z, bishaaro, abraar, raula, iyo wiilo. hadday qatifaanna anaa saxaya

    LooooL..hadday qatifaan aa, :D oo hada waa la'iga kaa celin la yahay xiinoow, ogoow reerkaan ka dhashay hadey adigu ku waayaan, ina adeerkaa bey la tagaayaan :D

  14. Posted by XIIN:


    ^^Baashow ilaah baa na leh qodbo-siro waa must-do-thing adeer . how else would one survive, i ask, with those exotic beauties in your face .


    LoL, war nin yahoow maxaad waayeelka uga inkaar galabsaneysaa? timirtii hore buu dab u waayee, ma mid ku meel gaarah buu tan u haayaa.. :D


    Posted by BAASHI:


    Laakiin awoowe I'm not interested in down town Reyjkavik and what hotties it offers all I'm interested in is hal qudbo-sira ah oo aan winterka uga baxo. Remember Xiin's dangerous xabd-sowda...that get me spinning buddy Take care awoowe

    Bal arka waxuu Xiin falay, waa kan waayeelkii xabad sooda isku waaley :D , awoowe xalaal store meeshaa malehee, xagee ka jeentay xabad sowdada? :D .. Toon isticmaal iyadaa boqolkiiba boqol ka wanaagsan xabad sowdada, Toonta (Makes the blood flow go twice as fast) :D:D


    Awoowe, anaa ku jecele Xiin ha dhageysan, jar baas buu kaa tuurayaa. :D

  15. Posted by SheH:


    Iskuus me. Let's get a coupla things straight, mister. Wan, I don't wear no frigging qimaar(the word makes me cringe). Sekandli, yesterday my hijab smelled like my hooyo.


    And my hooyo does not smell.


    Drill that into your madax. Or I'll do it for you.


    Before I decide to verbally assault you and hunt and haunt your child, apologise, take it back. Sniff your words back up your hole.

    Istaqfural Laah, Why did ya have to go and do that SheH, why i says. I ment nothing that's even remotely to that walaashiis, you know that.


    Ps: qof kaa caraf badan waligey ma arag. :D:D

  16. ^^Me likes how you and castro are rushing to each other's defence, In the matching world the term would be " how cute" :D:D


    Abraareey, LoL adigaaba war cusub Keenayba, oo yaa yiri castro wadaad ma aha? oo yaa yiri wadaadadu isma shukaan sadaan? shar naga hayoow sharta naga haay. :D:D

  17. Posted by Sayyid Qutb

    Ma anaa "Daanyeer" ileedahay! Ninyahow wa sida aan sheegay marka lagaa adkaado baad dadyowga aflagadaysaa aan.


    Cayda colka makaa celise ee wa ceeb badis ee is jir ninyahow!


    Nin weyn ma caytamo!


    Brother man, first of maahmaahdu waa metophore that states "meel aanan lagaaga baahneyn, lagama haldo" don't take the literal meaning of it, digest what am trying to intrepit. Secondly what is this adkaansho you speak off?? Goormaad geela iga dhici jirtey? Goormaa cadowgeyga noqotay?? Brother man, i think you were thinking of some other guy when you wrote this stuff, you and I are cool. Now back to the question, where in physics is caay?