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Posts posted by checkmate

  1. May Allah make it easier on you, hung in there.


    I wish all of you Ramadan wanaagsan, may Allah accept your fasting, dua's and prayers. Please don't forget to include Somalia in your prayers, may Allah bring peace to our hearts, to our land and to our people.

  2. :D @FF, Ma odayaashii baa hadana meel kaa mari la'a.


    Ngonge, I never took you for muruqyo weyne type. :D


    LoooL I have to confess yaa Castro, I have an image that you look like (Uncle Phil from fresh prince of Belair) after reading that you were 6’5 all around. :D


    I have been itching to post my picture, laakiin, islaanta meel lago maro baan laheli dooninin dee. :D:D

  3. ^Waxaan ku dhahlahaa geberta kaa koreeyso hada ma dhehkari, adigaa aa i korbooday. laakiim maa caleesh waaye iida lee ka go'an tahay.


    Reer xamar iyo reer xamar la'aan ba, luqadkasto waa in eey xushmo leedahay. aduunkaan dagaal lahguma reeyo Basarees aa lagu raayaa, hadaan unuka nahay reer xamar basarees aa baaskeena eh.


    gafuur taagoow iyo gacmo indhaha ka gilgiliyoow baas keena ma eh.

  4. Heh,I know what ya saying Norph, if ya must go to Australia make sure you plan an extended trip, a year or more cuz the flying kills ya.


    Look at the Legend there, he has travelled now for the first time since 1992 after qatba. dadka wuxuu ugu sheekeeyaa in uu hada baasaboorka qaatay, waa beentiis.LOL

  5. Mabruuk, mabruuk caleyk bishiita. Ilaahaey guurkiina guur kheyrqabo ha idinkaga dhigo, wiil iyo gabar qurquruxbadan alaha idinsiinyo yaaahe.. Hambalyo walaashiis adiga iyo odeygaagaba.

  6. ^^^In kastoo su'aalooyinkan aysan qumaneyn, waxay ahaayeen kuwa qofkii su'aansha qabay ku aqoon korarsaday. Marka ma oran karno "Bal waxa ay sheekha waydinayaan daya" maxaayeelay hadeysan sheeka waydiinin yey kaloo weydiin layaayeen. In kastoo aan aad u jeclaan layaa in aysan magacyadooda oo sadaxan aysan meesha ku soo qorin. waa in qofka bini aadamka ah wax isku laharaa. gushmo gaar ah waa in qofku isla lahaadaa.


    Wallee waa wax la'la yaabo naagtaas su'aasheeda. taloow ma nin suudaani ah baa qaba? caja'ib. waa loo yaabaa ninkaas.

  7. What’s the prestige in degree obtained through long distance/correspondence colleges/university?


    Is there anyone that lives in Toronto or its surroundings who is an interior designer?


    Thanks you nomads, all your responses will be greatly appreciated.

  8. Luquf micnaheedu waxa u noqonayaa Habeen gabal dhac, mar ay cadceedu idhaha kaa qabato, mar ay sheeko kula tagto


    Luwokle Micnaheedu waa Kirli ama weel loo isticmaalo in lagu weyseeysto ama lagu istijoowdo


    Looshaan micnaheedu waa Ergo, tabalcaaro, siisid,


    Xiinoow Gacaliye, Improvement aad la'arag oo la maqal ma sameeyey mise ma sameenin.

  9. Nin ka tagay America oo xamar aaday ayaa wuxuu rabay in uu moodo Isbaaro u xirin Wadaad Habar (jidir) ah


    Ninkii: Meeqo ayaa lagu moodaa meeshaan?

    Wadaadkii: Labaatan kun oo shilin


    Ninkii jeebkiisa u gacnta giliyey, lacag badan oo kuus ah oo isku xiran uu siiyey wadaadkii, wuuna sii gudbay.


    Soo noqodkii asagoo meesha soo maraayo ayaa wadaadkii kasoo dabo oray oo wuxuu yiri


    Meesha waxaa lagu gudbaa labaatan kun bas, adiga afartan kun ayaa isiisay, walaaloow lacag xaaraan ah marobo ee iga hoo labaatankaan.

  10. ^^Amaa wiilkaas adiga ahayd Baashoow? :D Walllee waa inaan xaal weydiisto intii igu xaman jirtay in aan gacan adeyg dartiis aboor ahay (Xiin). :D Maxaa yeelay nin baa (Baashi) ka bukooda erayga "Soo dhiib", kuna farxa erayga "Hoo". :D:D


    Wallee Gabaygaasi waa gabay ul kulul, xodxodasho, xiniinyo taabsi, jiriiriconah wato buu ahaa.


    Topic kaan waa toopic aan aad iyo aad u jecleystay waana mid aad iyo aad u muhiim ah aley lehe.


    Mahad gaar ah waxaa leh ninkii mowduucaan noo furay (Kashafa), Mahad wiriqsan oo wanaagsan neh waxaa mudnaan doonta abwaanta waqtigooda na siineysa in ay wax fahanka murtida afkeena hooyo noo saa'idiyaan.


    Ilaahey haka abaal mariyo intii ka qeyb qaadata iyo intuu damac ka galo iyo intaan kala jecleynba.

  11. 12022.gif Sardar.




    had twins; he named them Tin Martin.


    Again had twins & named Peter &




    again twins & named Max & Climax.


    Again d same. disgusted


    Sardar named them TIRED & RETIRED!

  12. A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold, the bird


    froze and fell to the ground in a large field. While it was lying there, a


    cow came by and dropped some dung on it. As the frozen bird lay there in


    the pile of cow dung, it began to realize how warm it was. The dung was


    actually thawing him out! He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to


    sing for joy. A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate.




    Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung,


    and promptly dug him out and ate him!




    Management Lesson:


    1) Not everyone who drops sh_t on you is your enemy.


    2) Not everyone who gets you out of sh_t is your friend.


    3) And when you're in deep sh_t, keep your mouth shut!





  13. The difference would be that Casanovas have chest hair and decent/honest individuals have no chest hair. Wait, or was it the other way around.


    Now, I find it completely and utterly despicable that a woman of your status to be liking boys, last time I checked children were off limits, be them boys of girls. I am even shocked; you’re entertaining the notion of kissing and holding hands with this boy. Please don’t corrupt this child’s purity and innocents.


    Lastly, why on earth are wanting an advice from married folk, if you’re not looking to marry. What do you take us for?


    There is a damn good reason why your heart is telling you to go with flow, (vulnerable, naïve, take advantage, nothing to loose) and there is another damn good reason why your head is screaming with caution, (consequences of confinement, there is price to pay for every action)

  14. Yo-Yo,


    I’ll tell you what it will accomplish, life long lesson to reflect on what he has done to this pure innocent child’s life. This has nothing to do with education.. it has everything to do with morals, the right from wrong. He obviously chose do to what he did for selfish benefit.


    what education is involved in cutting/shortening your son’s penis if that was ever the case? No education walaal....Same goes for daughters. The biggest law he broke is violating his daughters body and soul.

  15. The timing couldn’t have been worse for the trail to begin, the day after father’s day. After all that we know today… I personally think the Swedes should clearly deport this man to the states. He belongs to rot in Guantanamo bay for the rest of his life. Nacala washaK.