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Everything posted by abdulkadir18us

  1. well said sagal, i couldnt agree more
  2. this is funny in a weird way. hope u like itt this grl is chating with a guy she: how old r u and where u live he: im 16 and live in ohio, how old are u and where u live she: 15 and i live in california he: describe ur self she: brown skin, black eyes, and a big ass. dscribe ur self he: black hair, black eyes, black ass, and im as ugly as king kong. lol
  3. this is funny in a weird way hope u like itt this grl is chating with a guy she: how old r u and where u live he: im 16 and live in ohio, how old are u she: 15 and i live in california he: describe ur self she: brown skin, black eyes, and a big ass. dscribe ur self he: black hair, black eyes, black ass, and im as ugly as king kong. lol
  4. that was too man. i want more jokes
  5. yo that was a funny joke. i just cant stop laughing man
  6. hey u r right is funny in a crazy way.
  7. i founded realyy funny. show me some more chokes,
  8. there was this kid who lost his mother one day. so he goes around his neighbor and ask them "have u seen my mother". he ask this question most his neighbors and they say "no". he walks to the last house in his neighbor and he knocks the door. a kid about his age opens the door, so he asks "have u seen my mother." the kid replies: "yeah i saw ur mother in the zoo having sex with the gurilas." lol
  9. i love the simsons, family guy, king of the hill, and bugs bunny& Duffy Duck. i think they are hellarius.
  10. i love the simsons, family guy, king of the hill, and bugs bunny& Duffy Duck. i think they are hellarius.
  11. i love the simsons, family guy, king of the hill, and bugs bunny& Duffy Duck. i think they are hellarius.
  12. i love the simsons, family guy, king of the hill, and bugs bunny& Duffy Duck. i think they are hellarius.
  13. the rat is naughtyyyyyy