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Posts posted by Meiji

  1. Maamulka Gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe oo soo saaray Wareegto uu ku joojinayo Deked laga dhisayo Degmada Cadale


    Isniin, March 23, 2009(HOL): Maamulka Gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe ayaa wuxuu soo saaray Wareegto uu ku joojinayo Dhismaha Deked Macmal ah oo ay ganacsato Soomaaliyeed ka hirgelinayaan Degmada Cadale ee Gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe.


    Wareegtada uu soo saaray Maamulka Gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe oo uu ku saxiixnaa Guddoomiyaha Maamulkaas Macallin Daahir Caddow Calasow ayaa lagu sheegay in sababta ay dhismaha Dekeddaas u joojiyeen ay tahay iyadoo aan maamulka lala soo socodsiinin.


    Ganacsatada Dekedda ka hirgelineysa Degmada Cadale ayaa waxay Bakhaarro waa weyn ka dhiseen gudaha Degmada Cadale, sidoo kalena waxay qorsheynayeen in ay dhisaan Waddooyin Degmadaas ku xira Gobolka intiisa kale.


    Maamulkii hore ee Gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe ee uu guddoomiyaha ka ahaa Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere) ayaa xiligii uu gobolkaas ka talinayay waxaa uu mar isku dayay in uu Deked ka dhiso Degmada Cadale, hayeeshee taasi kuma guuleysan.


    Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

    Mogadishu, Somalia

  2. First, both groups have little support from society and rely on a private militia funded by foreign money and which is composed of brainwashed child soldiers. No difference between both sides.


    Second, both groups are spreading their corruption. One corrupted clan, and the other is corrupting the religion by abusing it for own personal ambitions. Only their hardcore supporters would sugarcoat their political ambitions into holy ideals.


    Both sides should be denounced and fought by society. Insha allah, the fitnah caused by both sides will come to an end.

  3. Originally posted by Paragon:

    He should take charge and deliberate on the matter. Wuxu waa dawlad not a clan foundation. That should be made crystal clear.

    Mogadishu society made clear its demands, either heed it or go the same path as those before you: dustpin of history.

  4. Those Muhajirin who travelled to Somalia came in order to help protect the Somalis and bring victory to Islam. Now after they have been injured and killed and jailed, we want to tell them to go back where they came from...

    Again all I see is silly chatter that the other side also uses.


    while on one side of the spectrum you utter such silly views, we have on the other side of the spectrum other Somalis who actually believe in silly utterings like:


    ''Those Ethiopian/AMISOM who travelled to Somalia came in order to help protect the Somalis and bring back a government and stability in the country.''



    As we said:


    All foreign fighters out of Somalia. Nationality is as real as clan. Those cloud-dwelling guys should wake up and see reality as it is.

  5. ''Alshabab is an obscure group and their funding is definately NOT the same as the funding of the infamous warlords from Xamar by the West. ''



    The warlords sides (religious and clannist) were both obscure, had foreign funding, foreign backing and were ruthless.


    They both operate similar, one misused and abused clan retorics to advance the own political ambitions, the other misused and abused religious retorics to advance the own political ambtions.

  6. Axmed Gurey,


    The ''muslim troops'' can go back to their countries and fight their ''murtad governments''. We do not need them in Somalia as we do not need African troops.


    To Mogadishu society: ''jihadi foreign figther=Burundi/Ugandan foreign fighter''


    Both foreign troops support the different factions, and all have the same impact on Mogadishu society:


    More displacements, more destructions and agony.


    If we want to heed the wise teachings of our religion we dont lisen to simple quotations by those who use Islam to prolong their selfish political ambitions like Osama, Abu Mansuur or you. We have our own highly knowledgable scholars for that. And fortunately, these Culama have rejected Osama and African troops.


    The days when a layman would argue ''and Allah said fight this or that'' are over! Only the Culama will give the right intrepretation of our beloved religion, not laymen.

  7. Again, Mogadishu society will not tolerate foreign troops on Somali soil, particularly the capital city.



    This foreign-created ''unity government'' must understand that simple historical fact, or they will surely be thrown in the dustpin of history like all those before them.

  8. AXMED DIIRIYE CALI: “Dowladda waa in ay ka laabataa dalabkeedii Ciidamada Shisheeye, ayna raaligelin ka bixisaa”


    Axad, March 22, 2009(HOL): Afhayeenka Dhaqanka ee Golaha Dhaqanka iyo Midnimada Beelaha ****** ayaa ugu baaqay Dowladda Midnimada Qaran ee Soomaaliya in ay ka laabato dalabkeedii ahaa in la soo kordhiyo Ciidamada Shisheeye ee ku sugan Soomaaliya.


    Axmed Diiriye oo isagoo ku sugan Magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya u Waramayay Idaacadda Shabeelle ee Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in haddii aaney Dowladda ka laaban dalabka Ciidamada Shisheeye in ay shacabka Soomaaliyeed la dagaallami doonaan.


    “Arrintaas ma ahayn mid aan ka fileynay Dowladda, kedis ayay nagu noqotay, sidaas darteed waxaan ka codsaneynaa madaxda sare ee Dowladda in ay arrinatas ka laabtaan”ayuu yiri Axmed Diiriye Cali.


    “Madaxda Dowladda haddii ay nabad iyo dib u heshiisiin doonayaan waa in ay joojiyaan dalbashada Ciidamada Shisheeye, haddii kale waxay la kulmi doonaan iska caabin uga timaada shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo horay ula dagaallamay Dowladdii hore ee uu madaxweynaha ka ahaa C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed”ayuu yiri Axmed Diiriye Cali


    Sidoo kalena Axmed Diiriye Cali waxaa uu baaq u diray Dowladaha laga codsaday in ay Ciidamo u soo diraan Soomaaliya, wuxuuna ugu baaqay in aysan Ciidamo u soo dirin Soomaaliya, isla markaana ay kuwa ka jooga la baxaan.


    Hadalka uu sii daayay Axmed Diiriye Cali ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaaahi Oomaar uu codsaday in seddex Battalion oo Ciidamo ah loo diro Soomaaliya, si ay uga qeybqaataan howlgalka ay Ciidmada Amisom ka wadaan Soomaaliya.


    Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

    Mogadishu, Somalia

  9. Hamza,


    What ports?


    Merca? Merca never made that much money during 1991-2006.


    Kismaanyo? Kismanyo port was good for exporting charcoal, and even JVA's engagement in that illegal trade did not produce as much money as financing their troops 100-600$ a month.


    Again, Alshabab is an obscure group, and their funding by Wealthy Arabs from Middle East is the same as the funding of the infamous warlords from Mogadishu by Western organizations (CIA etc).

  10. Peasant and Naxar Nugaaleed,


    As ''Yusifites'' your inputs are irrelevant in this matter.


    We all know where the ''Yusifites'' stand on Mogadishu affaires and how they view Mogadishu society.


    The relevant matter is: Mogadishu society is firmly united in propagating for a peacefull solution and bringing peace to the city. They are also firmly united in opposing all warrying factions and their warlord-ambitions. So, one who brings Jihadi Islamists from Pakistan/Afghanistan or whatever cave is the same as one who brings in African troops from Burundi, Uganda or whatever banana republic.


    Mogadishu society said a loud and clear NO to foreign troops.


    Now my dear ''Yusufites'' go share your jokes with other ''Yusifites'' because your utterings fall on deaf ears in Mogadishu.

  11. What those paper-ministers say or want is the end of the day the will of Mogadishu society triumphs.


    The TFG with 20.000-30.000 Ethiopian troops could not break the will of Mogadishu society, this current foreign-created ''unity''regime will follow TFG's path if it does not learn from history.



    NO foreign troops whether they are from Afganistan or Burundi!

  12. Qeybaha bulshada Muqdisho oo qaadacay dalabkii Dowladda ee ciidamada shisheeye


    Qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada reer Muqdisho oo isugu jira, waxgarad, aqoonyahano iyo culumaa'udiin ayaa si adag uga soo horjeestay dalabka Dowladda Soomaaliya ee ay ku dalbatay ciidamo shisheeye oo dheeraad ah, dalabkaasoo xalay uu Golaha Ammaanka ka hor jeediyay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee Soomaaliya Mr Oomaar.



    C/llaahi Dheere oo ah Afhayeenka Dhinaca Siyaasada ee Odayaasha ****** ayaa sheegay in dalabka ka soo yeeray Dowladda Soomaaliya uu yahay mid aan waxba ku soo kordhin doonin Soomaaliya, wuxuuna sheegay in dadka Soomaaliyeed ay la dagaallami doonaan haddii Ciidamo Shisheeye oo hor leh la keeno Soomaaliya.



    "Waa wax lala yaabo dalabka ka soo yeeray Dowladda ee ah dalbashada ciidamo shisheeye, runtii xilligan oo dadaalo la doonayay in lagu xaliyo mushaakilka in ay hadana ciidamo dalbato"ayuu yiri C/llaahi Dheere.



    Gudoomiyaha Majmacaha culimada soomaaliyed Sheekh Axmed Dhicisow ayaa isna sheegay keenista Ciidamada Shisheeye ee Soomaaliya ay xad-gudub tahay, wuxuuna taasi sabab uga dhigay in dalka Soomaaliya uu xor yahay, isla markaana ay haatan xasilooni ka jirto,



    "Haddii keenitaankooda loo daliishanayo sababo amni darro oo jira waxaa loo baahan yahay in ay dad ehel u ah Arrimaha Ammaanka ay ka fariistaan, ayna go’aan ka soo saaraan"ayuu yiri Sheekh Axmed Dhicisow.



    Sidoo kale Iimaan Cumar Macallin Abshir oo ka mid ah Waxgaradka Muqdisho ku dhaqan ayaa ugu baaqay Dowladda Soomaaliya in ay ka laabato dalabkeeda ah in Ciidamo shisheeye la keeno Soomaaliya, wuxuuna carrabka ku dhuftay in deganaasho hadda ka jira Muqdisho aysan keenin Ciidamada AMISOM



    Dhamaan qeybaha bulshada ayaa ku baaqay in ay habooneyd in Dowladda ku dhawaaqdo in laga saaro dalka ciidamada hada ku sugan, bedelkii ay dalbatay ciidamo hor leh, waxaana ay ugu baaqeen Dowladda inay hadalkaas ka raaligeliso shacabka oo niyad weyn u haayay Dowladda Midnimada qaran ee uu Madaxda u yahay Sheekh Shariif.

  13. Alshabab is a very obscure group.


    They recruit young men via 2 methods:


    - Money

    - False promises of Paradise.


    According to inside-information, they pay their troops monthly, the higher u are the higher your pay. A guy who was inside the group was paid 20 dollars a day!


    The natural question which arises is:


    - Where do they get their money from?


    I would not be surprised if they were financed by wealthy arabs from the Gulf who have Jihadi Islamist dreams but are too coward to wreck havoc in their own lands.


    Also, in our eyes Alshabab paying youngsters 100-600 $ a month from money they receive from shady sources in the Middle East is not different then what Qanyare and those from the socalled ''Counter-terror Alliance'' did when they received money from shady sources (CIA, Ethiopia or who not). In our eyes, they are the same and both warlord sides should be opposed by society.


    Both are proxy entities that are not in the interest of Somalia.

  14. Mogadishu society should NEVER accept the presence of foreign troops no matter which faction they support.


    Neither Jihadi foreign Islamists nor Western-backed foreign soldiers.



    If this foreign-created and backed regime brings in troops or fails to get out the remaining ones, Mogadishu society should withdraw all their moral support to this entity, and even fight it by any means necessary.



    Somalis will solve their own affaires, we will NOT be given orders on what to do by neither Osama or Obama!

  15. Dowladda Soomaaliya oo lagu diiday in ay Ciidamo shisheeye dalbato


    Sabti, March 21, 2009(HOL): Waxgarad, Aqoonyahnno, Culumaa’udiin iyo Abwaanno ku sugan Caasimadda Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho ayaa waxay si weyn uga soo horjeesteen codsi uu jeediyay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Oomaar, kaasi oo ahaa in la soo kordhiyo Ciidamada Amisom ee ku sugan Magaalada Muqdisho.


    Afhayeenka Siyaasadda Golaha Dhaqanka iyo Midnimada Beelaha ****** C/llaahi Xasan Abuukar (C/llaahi Dheere) ayaa sheegay in dalabka ka soo yeeray Dowladda Soomaaliya uu yahay mid aan waxba ku soo kordhin doonin Soomaaliya, wuxuuna sheegay in dadka Soomaaliyeed ay la dagaallami doonaan haddii Ciidamo Shisheeye oo hor leh la keeno Soomaaliya.


    Shiikh Axmed Cabdi Dhicisow oo ah Guddoomiyaha Majmaca Culumada Soomaaliyeed ayaa sheegay in keenista Ciidamada Shisheeye ee Soomaaliya ay xad-gudub tahay, wuxuuna taasi sabab uga dhigay in dalka Soomaaliya uu xor yahay, isla markaana ay haatan xasilooni ka jirto, “haddii keenitaankooda loo daliishanayo sababo amni darro oo jira waxaa loo baahan yahay in ay dad ehel u ah Arrimaha Ammaanka ay ka fariistaan, ayna go’aan ka soo saaraan”ayuu yiri Shiikh Axmed Dhicisow.


    Iimaan Cumar Macallin Abshir oo ka mid ah Waxgaradka Muqdisho ku dhaqan ayaa ugu baaqay Dowladda Soomaaliya in ay ka laabato dalabkeeda ah in Ciidamo shisheeye la keeno Soomaaliya, wuxuuna carrabka ku dhuftay in deganaasho hadda ka jira Muqdisho aysan keenin Ciidamada Amisom, “dowladda waa in ay ka noqotaa dalabka ciidamada shisheeye, dadkana ay raaligelisaa, waxaan sugeynay in ciidamada shisheeye ee Muqdisho ku sugan la saaro, wax aan sugeynayna ma ahan in Ciidamo hor leh la keeno”ayuu yiri Iimaan Cumar Macallin Abshir.


    Afhayeen Golaha Abwannada Soomaaliyeed Cusmaan C/llaahi Guure ayaa isna sheegay in ay mudan tahay in dib loo qooraansado taariikhdii madoobeyd ee laga dhaxlay faragelin shisheeye oo Soomaaliya horay loogu sameeyay tan iyo sanadkii 1992, wuxuuna sheegay in ciidamo kasta oo Soomaaliya la keeno ay dib u noqonayaan iyagoo fashilmay oo guul-darro wata, “waxaa is-weydiin leh Dowladda marka ay Ciidamo Shisheeye dalbaneyso mey howlgeliso Ciidamada Soomaaliyeed, dhaqaalaha kuwa shisheeye ku baxayana maa la siiyo Ciidamada Shisheeye”ayuu yiri Abwaan Cusmaan C/llaahi Guure.


    Hadalkan jawaabta ah ee ka soo yeeray Mas’uuliyiinta u hadlay Shacabka Muqdisho ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo shalay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Oomaar uu Golaha Ammaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay ka hor-jeediyay codsi ahaa in Ciidamo dheeraad ah lagu kordhiyo Ciidamada Amisom ee ku sugan Magaalada Muqdisho.


    Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

    Mogadishu, Somalia

  16. Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

    Sherban Shabeel bro u seem to be one of those little kids brought up in the west who dont know nothing about Ahlu Sunna. Sxb these wadaads have been their for hundreds of years but its the shabaab who's been foreign and trained in afghanistan and financed by arabs.

    Well said,


    Also, the rule by the barrel of the gun is over. Local groups should exercise their god given rights in governing their lands as they please. Basic freedoms should not be touched on, and self-styled holy factions should be looked on with suspicion.




    Foreign troops must leave Somali affairs to Somalis. UNISOM/USA and Ethiopia have learned that lesson the hard way, its time AMISOM draws lesson from the defeat of those before them.





    Sh.Shariif needs to understand that he can only succeed if he has the population behind him, foreign soldiers as bodyguards will lead him into a bunker under fire day and night.

  18. From the perspective of Mogadishu society Aweys is no different then Muse Suudi, Cusmaan Caato, Cumar Filish, Qanyare and the once troublesome warlords in Mogadishu.





    Mogadishu society should be free from warlords of any type.


    Amazingly Mogadishu people are anno 2009 so united in their opposition to warlords of any type.

  19. Message to Aweys:


    Muse Suudi, Qanyare, Cusmaan Caato, Cumar Filish, in short all warlords have become quite and will not cause any more fighting in Mogadisu and Somalia. It is time you follow the example of your collagues.


    Mogadishu society is tired of your kind.




  20. NAIROBI, March 5 (Reuters) - Somalia's new president is another Ethiopian stooge, a traitor to Islamists and his opponents will battle until they impose Islamic law, opposition leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys said in an interview.


    Aweys, 62, a former chairman of the Islamic Courts Union that ruled Mogadishu in 2006, is now leader of the hardline wing of the Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia based in neighbouring Eritrea -- a group known as ARS Asmara.


    Aweys worked alongside the country's moderate Islamist president, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, in the Islamic Courts and they founded the ARS after Ethiopian troops ousted them from power.


    But they split when Ahmed, who was always seen as the more moderate Islamist leader, moved to Djibouti to take part in the U.N.-hosted peace process that saw him elected president.


    "We are not the opposition. We are freedom fighters. There is no Somali government we recognise in Somalia, where we only want a change in the system. These men are traitors," Aweys told Reuters by telephone from Asmara.


    "Ethiopia blindly supported and praised Sharif, and that shows the country is still run by Ethiopians and their agents, and that is why we are fighting," he said.


    "They are fighting to stop any group that can employ sharia law in Somalia, so this is a religious war. When invaders come in and try to force you to leave our religion, reject your nationhood and independence, and take your resources illegally, there is no option left but to fight," he said.



    Ahmed has pledged to implement a moderate version of sharia law in Somalia and reach out to the Islamist groups that had been fighting Ethiopian troops until they withdrew in January.


    The United Nations and Western countries which were once wary of Islamists being in power now see Ahmed as the best option for bringing peace to Somalia after 18 years of violence.





    Aweys dismissed the new president's pledges, saying they were just designed to hoodwink poor Somalis and that he would never be allowed to follow them through by foreign powers.


    "We are not listening to what he is saying on the media, but we are truly looking at if what he said is possible," said Aweys. "I do not think that his supporters and the government itself can accept the law of this country to be sharia."


    Aweys said talk of peace by the new administration was just designed to confuse the public, when war could bring results and rid Somalia of foreign interference.


    "The enemy uses this policy when they occupy a nation. They repeatedly call for talks, and they never establish a comprehensive environment for real talks when it comes to solving conflicts," said the former army colonel.


    "The most important thing people need is freedom. The houses can be rebuilt, but a beautiful house without freedom is worthless," he said.


    Ahmed's aides say if Aweys is not ready for talks with the government now, he should set up a political movement within Somalia and contest elections, rather than continuing to fight.


    Aweys is on Washington's list of foreign terrorists -- as is the hardline Islamist rebel group al Shabaab which controls much of southern and central Somalia.


    Ahmed has been pushing to have Aweys removed from the list.


    Washington suspects Somalia's hardline Islamists of having links to al Qaeda and fears the Horn of Africa nation could be used by foreign groups to destabilise the region.


    Asked whether he had connections to Osama bin Laden's group, Aweys said: "No one can question who I have relations with."


    "The reason we are fighting is to get freedom so we can have relations with everyone we think is the right person." (Editing by David Clarke)


    Source: Reuters, Mar 05, 2009

  21. 2 Maleeshiyo beeleed oo uu dagaal ku dhexmaray Degaanka Ufeyn oo ka tirsan Gobolka Bari

    Posted to the Web Mar 04, 17:42



    Boosaaso:-Culimada ku sugan Magaalada Boosaaso iyo Isimo ,madax ka tirsan Maamulka Puntland ayaa ku jihaysan deegaanka Ufeyn oo ka tirsan Gobolka Bari oo uu dagaal ku dhexmaray Maleeshiyaad beeleed wada degan Degaanka Ufeyn.



    Dagaalka ayaa waxaa uu geystey khasaaro iskugu jira dhimasho iyo dhaawac kala gaaray maleeshiyaad saaka uu dagaalka ku dhexmaray degaanka Moqor ee Gobolka Bari.


    Wafdi ka tirsan Maamulka Gobolka Bari oo uu horkacayo gudoomiyaha Gobolka Bari Al-Xaaji Muuse Geelle ayaa u ambabaxay deegaanada ay saaka dagaalku ka dhacay,Culimada waaweyn ee ku sugan Gobolka Bari ayaa iyagan wada da daal ay ku qaboojinayaan dagaalka saaka ka dhacay degaanka Moqori.



    Dhinaca kale Masuuliyiin ka tirsan Maamulka iyo qaar ka tirsan Isimo ayaa ka soo baxay magaalada Garoowe waxaan ay soo gaari doonaa saacadaha soo socda deegaanka Kalabeyr oo ay uga sii gudbi doonaan degaanada Moqor iyo Ufeyn.



    Isimada Puntlland ,Culimada ayaa iyagu ah awood ugu sareysa ee Gobollada Puntlland iyadoo dhamaan qabaa,ilka degan Gobolladaas ay u hayaan xush mada ,Isimada iyo culimada ayaa la filayaa in ay soo afjari doonaa colaad dhex martay 2 maleeshiyaad beeleed ,siddii ay horay u soo afjareen shaqaaqooyin hore u dhexmaray 2badaan beelood.



    Dhinaca kale Odayaal ka soo jeeda Gobolka Sool iyo Mudug ayaa waxaa ay wadaan dadaal ay doonayaan in ay ku soo afjaraan colaad maalmahaan ka soo cusboonaatay degaanka Cagaaran,Isimad iyo Garaadadda Gobolka Sool iyo Cayn, Mudug iyo Bari ayaa wada dadaal lagu xalinayo khilaafka maalmihii danbe ka taagnaa Degaanka Cagaaran.


    Ugu yaraan 8 qof ayaa inta la ogyahay ku dhintay 11 kalena waa ay ku dhaawac meen dagaal shalay laba beelood ku dhex-maray agagaarka degmada Ufayn ee gobolka Bari




  22. 6 Ruux oo ku geeriyootay dagaal ka dhacay degmada Ufayn iyo Maamulka Gobolka Bari oo halkaasi gaaray


    Arbaco, March 04, 2009(HOL): Ugu yaraan 6 ruux ayaa ku dhimatay tiro kalena dhaawac ayaa ka soo gaaray dagaal labo beelood oo walaalo ah ku dhexmaray meel u dhaw degmada Ufayn ee gobolka Bari.


    Dagaalkan ayaa la sheegay in uu ka dhashay dhul-daaqsin ah oo ay isku qabsadeen labadaasi beelood, taasi oo markii danbe kaliftay in ay is faro-saaraan.


    Dadkii ku dhaawacay dagaalkaasi labada beelood dhax maray ayaa la soo gaarsiiyay Isbitalka magaalada Boosaaso, waxaana dhaqaatiirtu ay sheegeen in qaar ka mid ah dhaawacyada ay aad u liitaan.


    Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Bari Muuse Geelle Faroole oo ka mid ah wafdi halkaasi u tagay dhax dhaaxaadinta labada beelood oo aan galabta khadka taloofoonka kula xiriiyay ayaa sheegay in xaaladdu iminka ay dagan tahay.


    Sidoo kale waxaa uu sheegay Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Bari in odayaasha labada beelood ka soo kala jeedaan lagu qanciyay in xabadda la joojiyo si loo dhaxdhaxaadiyo,waxaana uu sheegay in arintaasi lagu guulaystay.


    Ma ahan markii ugu horraysay oo uu dagaal caynkaan oo kale ah dhax maro beelaha wada daga tuulooyinka gobolka Bari, balse waa dagaalkii ugu waxyeellada badnaa muddo iminka laga joogo dhawr sano.


    Faysal Maxamed Xasan (Boston), Hiiraan Online

    Bosaso, Somalia

  23. Waxaa sii kordhay qasaaraha dagaal dhimasho iyo dhawac sababay oo maanta labo maleeshiyo beeleed ku dhex maray deegaan ka tirsan magaalada Boosaaso ee gobolka Bari.




    Dagaalkani oo ahaa mid la isku adeegsaday hubka daran dooringa u dhaca oo u dhexeeyay labo maleeshiyo baleed oo wada dega deegaanka Moqro ee degmada Ufeyn ee gobolka Bari ayaa yimid kadib markii labadaasi maleeshiyo isqabqabsi ku aadan dhul uu halkasi ku dhex maray,waxaana dagaalkaasi ku geeriyoday inta la hubo illaa iyo 8-qof oo labada dhinac ah halka ay ku dhaawacmeen in ka badan 11-ruux,iyadoo ay jiraan gaadiid labada dhinac ay iska gubeen.




    Illaa iyo hada waxaa aad u kacasan xaalada goobta ay dagaaladu ka dheceen waxaana jira is aruursi ay wadaan labada dhinac mana jiraan wax waan waan ah oo ay wadaan maamulka Puntland oo ku aadan sidii loo qaboojin lahaa xiisadahaasi u dhexeeya labadani maleeshiyo beeleed.




    Inta badan dagaalada ka dhaca dalka Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa uu yimaadaa kadib is qabsi dhul daaqsineed iyo waro biyood kaasi oo inta badan sababa in ay ku nafwaayaan dad badan oo aan waxba galabsan isla markaana mararka qaar sababa in ay ku barakacaan dadka.