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Posts posted by Meiji

  1. ''I taunt foolish statements and the idea of an 'M Society' is a foolish one (today). It is a figment of that man's imagination when EVERYTHING on the ground proves otherwise.''


    Well, A ''republic of Somaliland'' is something real right?


    Everything on the ground proves that such a foolish idea does not exist, yet that doesnt withhold you and those SL supporters from pushing ahead the idea.



    PS: thanks for admitting that you are a clannist, which explains the irritation you felt at the hearing of the UNITY OF MOGADISHU SOCIETY(which you wronfully associate with a clan you apparently have beef with). I know it hurts you, but deal with it sxb.

  2. Malika,


    See my previous definition of Mogadishu society:


    Matter of fact let me repeat it for you:


    Mogadishu society is composed of its inhabitants who live there, study there, work there etc.


    These people have witnessed 18 years of conflict, and today they are all united in their demands for peace and stability. In the past, the inhabitants lined behind indivuals, today they all line behind ideas (peace and stability).


    Only people who are clannist would intrepret my views in a clannist way.

  3. Originally posted by NGONGE:

    ^^ So they are
    in agreement over the foreign troops now? This is your final answer. No 50/50 or calling a friend. You reject the help of the audiance. Fine. Lets play who wants to win the caliin.


    Muqadishu is united. Aaaah..I'll come back later...home time...

    This is what they understand under unity. That ALL are in agreement.


    But when we use the same definition of unity to their situation and prove that there is great disunity within Somaliland on their basic ideology of ''secession'' we get sorry excuse from JB:


    ''If Somaliland people do not line in one idea then that is normal in everywhere but it is still POLITICALLY.''




    As for the Puntland folks, there is no unity.


    Even within Bosaso-Garowe-Galkac io there is no unity, let alone the Western regions.



    Again as said: There is as much unity in Somaliland and Puntland as there is in Mogadishu.

  4. Mogadishu city hasn't been peacefull since 2006, and this time it is not because one faction took control of the city but because of the unity of Mogadishu society in their demands for peace and stability and peaceful solution of differences.


    This unity and lack of conflict in the city is what makes people like Ngonge, Emperor, JB and all those messed up by clannism nervous since they have pursued a PR tactic of ''Mogadishu is in mess, we are doing fine, yibii yeah''



    Also, the very notion of unity and peace in Mogadishu has become so weird to their mind that they call it madness.





    The inhabitants of Mogadishu do not need a paper-administration that is ruled by a clique of political opportunists who keep the people in check with false promises ala Somaliland and Puntland.


    What those people need is for society to be united in their demands for basic things as peace, stability, freedom, representative government etc. After this awareness and unity, comes the path to a genuine democratic city government that takes the society's wishes as its foundation.


    Again, only those who are clannist and wrongfully consider the inhabitants of Mogadishu as their ''enemy'' will get irritated and nervous at the hearing of such positive views.

  5. First it was define Mogadishu society, after having read the proper definition of it people want to deny the very existence of Mogadishu society.


    The inhabitants of Mogadishu do not have to be a political party to propagate for their common desires and needs.


    I simply presented a fact on the ground:


    The inhabitants of Mogadishu are tired of senseless fighting by factions who have zero consideration for the city and its people. As a consequence the different layers of Mogadishu society (Culamada, Aqoonyahano, Odayaal,Abwaano, Arday etc)made clear their demands in different ways.


    Why else do you think the daily fighting which was almost characteristic for Mogadishu city has ended? It is because of the unparalleled unity in Mogadishu society and its energetic measures to make clear their demands and pressure all factions to stop their senseless fighting.


    You and others should welcome it and appreciate it, instead of getting agitated and irritated.

  6. ^^


    Somaliland unity is a fraud which is propagated by a few, we all know about the deep-seated animosity between the different groups in that region and how not all these different groups are as supportive to the idea of secession as people want to make us believe. Hence why some rather speak of the Berbera-Hargeisa-Bur co triangle.


    The same for Puntland, not all groups are supportive to the entity and the core is Bosaso-Garowe-Galkac io.


    Now what makes Mogadishu society any different? Not ALL of its inhabitants need to stand behind one political line, like not ALL inhabitants of Northwestern region and Northeastern region stand behind one political line.



    PS: the Mogadishu ''here'' is not the Mogadishu ''out there''. Get that through your head.

  7. Paragon,


    Puntland which is a clan entity and Somaliland which is a clan entity are frauds.


    Yet, their supporters want to sugar-coat it and want to propagate silly things like ''Republic of Somaliland'' or ''Puntland is great''.


    Still, the forummers on this board dont get agitated and irritated because 80-90% find themselves on the side of one of those clan entities, but when one mentions good things about Mogadishu society all get agitated and irritated and labell it as ''madness'''.


    As I said before, all my replies in this topic are nothing but simple facts and only people who suffer from the disease of clannism would intrepret it as something clanish and label it as ''madness'.

  8. Originally posted by NGONGE:

    If the crazy lot of Somaliland and the confused nutcases of Puntland managed it, why not the more civilised ones in the capital of Somalia? It can indeed be done if they all come clean and stop hiding behind all manner of fake banners.

    So in your crazy world of reasoning their is unity in Northwestern region and Northeastern region but when one talks about unity of Mogadishu society the guy must be crazy and you get all agitated and irritated by this ''madness''?


    The sheer hypocricy!


    There is as much unity in Somaliland entity and Puntland entity as there is in Mogadishu society.

  9. Juje,


    You completely missed the crucial point in the article and turned the issue into taking part of the foreign-created government and receiving a post.


    Tan iyo markii uu bilowday cadaadis Sheekh Yuusuf Indha Cadde ay beeshiisa ku saareysay inuu u
    hogaansamo talada beesha
    , isla markaana uu
    qaato dadaalada nabada
    ayaa waxaa mar kaliya is bedelay mowqifkiisii,


    waxaana uu u hogaansamay awaamir ka soo baxday Beeshiisa oo ay ugu weyneyd in aan laga
    duulaan qaadin meelaha ay ku badan tahay beeshiisa
    oo ah dhanka Koonfureed ee Magaalada Muqdisho.

    Thats the crucial part sxb.


    The subclan of Indha Adde has made a wise decision to not ruin their people and resources in defending religious warlord's campaign to gain political power.


    They have decided to live in peace, and more importantly to not allow ANY FACTION to use the neighbourhoods where they live as launching points of their offensives.


    That is the most important part in your article, the subclan decided to live in peace and gave its members an ultimatum: either get behind the wish of the subclan or you will end up as a dead man with no subclan.



    Aweys will have to make a decision too: either get behind the wish of your subclan or go ahead and wage your war as one man on his own.


    His struggle will come to an end:

  10. NG,


    Mogadishu society has endured tremendous hardships at the hands of foreign soldiers during the last Ethiopian occupation and even during the UNISOM period. The inhabitants of the city have all been affected one way or the other, and as such have learned a painfull lesson.


    Hence why they are all united in their NO to foreign troops.


    I can understand why the unity of Mogadishu society is a torn in the eyes of those suffering from the disease of clannism and wrongfully consider the inhabitants of Mogadishu as their enemy. Get help sxb, before it kills you.

  11. ^^


    Mogadishu society is simply made up of its

    inhabitants. Those who live there, work there and take part in its society in different ways.


    Who the phuck cares if you was born and raised up in the city? Where you live and in the society you take part is what matters.


    I for one, am part of the society of a European city, so you Emperor, you are part of the society you live in.


    Unless you are living in Mogadishu and posting from there, you have nothing to do with Mogadishu society just like I am not part of that society.



    My mentioning of Mogadishu society in the last week has to do with the fact that the ''Waxgarad, Aqoonyahnno, Culumaa’udiin iyo Abwaanno ku sugan Caasimadda Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho '', in short Mogadishu society, had said a BIG NO to the mentioning of foreign troops coming to Somalia.


    Only people like NG and you, who have known nothing but clannism, would suspect clan in the mentioning of Mogadishu society.

  12. NGONGE,


    There is a Mogadishu society, and it is composed of all the different segments of the city who all made clear their desire for peacefull setlement and have denounced all conflict between whatever faction.



    Isn't that a simple fact?


    Why else do you think the daily fighting in the city ended? It's because all the different factions understood the unparalleled unity of Mogadishu society in demanding what they deserve: peace and stability .


    I know it hurts some people for peace and stability to return to Mogadishu, but please keep that to yourself and dont get agitated or irritated when someone talks about Mogadishu society's demands.

  13. NGONGE,


    What exactly is madness about my posts in this topic?


    The past 18 years one thing has been proven: no faction that has not the support of the people will prevail.


    Since all factions tried to take power in Mogadishu, they needed to win over the people and advance the interest of Somali society. All failed in this, and we all know what happened.


    Again, what exactly made you guys angry and agitated? I wonder...

  14. NGONGE,




    Mogadishu society withstood all forces thrown at it, from the brutal civil wars, to UNISOM, to the brutal Ethiopian occupation, to the ruthless warlords, to the countless foreign-created governments, to now the religious warlords.


    All forces have been thrown in the dustpin of history, yet Mogadishu society is as energetic as ever before.


    Mogadishu society will enter its final stage: the crucial process of institutional development.

  15. Why are all getting sensitive?


    Mogadishu society has every right to demand that no foreign soldiers will be allowed to stay or come to Somalia.


    Support to an entity only comes after that entity has advanced the interest and security of the people.


    The inhabitants of Mogadishu city should propagate their interest and security needs, and only when a particular faction heeds it and advances it can they give it support.


    First perform, then people will support you.




    Personally I would advice Mogadishu society to give the middle finger to both factions: the religious warlords and the foreign backed government.


    They should not give both factions attention and just organize themselves and take care of their affaires.


    We are better of without the religious warlords and foreign-created government.

  16. Isniin, March 23, 2009(HOL): Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Midnimada Qaran ee Soomaaliya Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharma-arke oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay guriga uu Muqdisho ka degan yahay ayaa wuxuu sheegay in ay Xukuumaddiisa ka cudur-daaraneyso wel-wel ay shacabka Soomaaliyeed ka qaadeen hadal uu sii daayay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Oomaar, kaasi oo ahaa in Dowladda Soomaaliya ay dalabatay in Ciidamada jooga Soomaaliya lagu kordhiyo seddex battalion oo hor leh.


    Ra’iisal Wasaaraha ayaa sheegay in Dowladda Soomaaliya aysan qorshaha ugu jirin in ay ku dhaqaaqdo wax dadka Soomaaliyeed dhibaato u keenaya, wuxuuna caddeeyay in Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Oomaar uu isna qabanayo shir jaraa’id oo uu uga hadlayo hadalkii uu sii daayay ee ay cabashada badan ka keeneen Shacabka Soomaaliyeed.


    Waxgarad, Culumaa’udiin, Aqoonyahanno, Siyaasiyiin, Abwaanno Soomaaliyeed oo ku dhaqan Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa si weyn uga hadlay hadalkii laga soo xigtay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya, iyado dadkaasina ay ka codsadeen Dowladda Soomaaliyeed in ay hadalkaas ka laabato, isla markaana ay cudurdaar ka bixiso.


    Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Oomaar ayaa la eegayaa sida uu u fasiro hadalkii ay ka soo xigteen Wakaaladaha Wararka Reer Galbeedka ee ahaa in uu codsaday in seddex battalion oo dheeraad ah lagu kordhiyo Ciidamada Amisom ee hadda ku sugan Caasimadda Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho.

  17. Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo cudur daar ka bixiyay hadalkii Wasiiraka arimaha dibadda ee ahaa in ciidamo shisheeye la keeno Soomaaliya.


    Shabelle: MUQDISHO

    Ra’iisul wasaare Cumar Cabdi Rashiid ayaa maanta uga hadlay shir jaraa’id oo uu ku qabtay xarunta madaxtooyada hadalkii dhawaan ka soo yeeray wasiirka arimaha dibada kaasi oo ahaa ciidamo dheeri ah oo la keeno dalka Soomaaliya.




    Kadib shir ay maanta xarunta madaxatooyada isugu yimaadeen golaha wasiirada xukuumadda kmg Soomaaliya oo uu shir gudoominayay ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Cumar C/Rashiid Cali Shara’arke ayaa waxaa ay uga hadleen arimo dhowr ah oo ay ka mid ahaayeen hadalkii dhawaan ka soo yeeray wasiirka arimaha dibada dowaladda kmg kaasi oo ahaa hadal xasaasiyad dhaliyay oo uu ku sheegay in loo baahan yahay ciidamo dheeri ah in dalka Soomaaliya loo soo diro.




    Kadib kulanka ay golaha wasiirada yeesheen ayaa waxaa saxaafada la hadlay ra’iisul wasaaraha dowlada kmg Cumar C/rashiid Cali,waxaana uu sheegay in ay ka cudur daaranayan arintaasi oo uu sheegay in ay tahay arin dareenka Shacabka aad u kicisay,waxaana uu sheegay in golaha wasiirada ay isla afgarteen in wasiirka arimaha dibada isaga uu shir Jaraa’id oo uu uga hadlayo arimahani uu qabto.




    Ra’iisul wasaaraha ayaa in badan ku cel celiyay in aysan marnaba raali iyagu ka aheyn wax dhibaato u keenaya shacabka ama dareenkooda kicinaya,waxaa uu sheegay in arinta ku aadan dalbashada ciidamada ay tahay arin kicineeysa shacabka,raali galina in laga bixiyo ay mudan tahay.




    Hadalkani maanta ka soo yeeray ra’iisul wasaaraha dowalada kmg Soomaaliya Cumar C/rashiid ayaa waxaa uu ku soo aadayaa xili wasiirka arimaha dibada xukuumadiisa uu magaalada New York ka sheegay in loo baahan yahay ciidamo dheeri ah oo dalka Soomaaliya loo soo diro taasi oo dareenka dadka shacabka kicisay isla markaana walwal xoogan ku beertay.




    Aqriso oo la soco Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya.

  18. This ''Islamic'' admin is just a year in control (by the barrel of the gun) and the business community were planning this initiative for years, suddenly the religious warlords want to be informed before something is done in the region?


    Why would the business community even bother to inform you while tommorow you can be toppled again by another group that has more guns then you?


    When the religious warlords created the admin for the region, did they inform and consult with the people before announcing the admin? NO!


    When the religious warlords levied taxes did they inform and consult with the people before taxing them? NO!


    Why should the people then inform and consult with the religious warlords when they want to advance their lives by engaging in the development of their region?

  19. Maamulka Maxkamadaha Islaamka ee ka arimiya Gobolka Shabellaha Dhexe ayaa digniin u jeediyay ganacsato iyo shaqsiyaad ku howlan inay howl galiyaan Deked macmal ah oo laga furay Degmada xeebta ku taal ee Cadale.


    Wareegto ka soo baxday Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadaha G/Sh/Dhexe Macalin Dahir Caddow Calasow ayaa lagu mamnuucay qorshaha la doonayo in lagu howl galiyo Deked macmal ah oo dhowaan laga hirgalay Degmada Cadale.


    Macalin Dahir ayaa ku tilmaamay tallaabooyinka la doonayo in lagu furo Dekedaas macmalka ah mid ka dhan ah Maamulka Gobolka, kaasoo uu sheegay inuu yahay go'aan ay qaateen dad gaar ah isla markaana aan lagu soo wargelin.


    Waxaa uu sheegay in gebi ahaanba ay mamnuuceen furida Dekeda macmalka ah, waxaana uu sheegay inay tallaabo ka qaadayaan cidii ku xad gudubta.


    Maalmihii u dambeeyay ayaa waxaa Degmada Cadale ka socday qorshayaal ay wateen Rag ganacsato iyo siyaasiyiin Gobolka ka soo jeeda kuwaasoo ku howlanaa howl gelinta Deked macmal ah oo laga furo Degmada Cadale, iyadoona qorshahan uu horay ugu dhicisoobay Maamulkii uu hogaamin jiray Maxamed Dheere oo isku day ku doonayay inuu Degmada Cadale ka hirgeliyo Deked macmal ah.


    Hooyga wararka Somaliyed m

  20. This Warlord regime in Middle Shabelle that is hiding behind the religion is obstructing the peacefull development of the region!


    ''Ganacsatada Dekedda ka hirgelineysa Degmada Cadale ayaa waxay Bakhaarro waa weyn ka dhiseen gudaha Degmada Cadale, sidoo kalena waxay qorsheynayeen in ay dhisaan Waddooyin Degmadaas ku xira Gobolka intiisa kale.''


    Why would any sane person disagree with the above initiatives of the business community?



    As already shown, those warlords hiding under Islam are nothing but power-hungry thugs wanting to place the people and region under their dictatorship.