Taako Man

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Posts posted by Taako Man

  1. ^ Aideed (AUN) is dead. However the misery of his group has caused, can not be compared to abdullahi yusuf (who in his political stances has not caused damage even in to a fraction of the USC who has alot more damage then all other Somali groups combined).


    In Bay and Bakool 100's of thousands starved allegedly due to the policies of the USC and forbidding aide to come through supply lines. In Centra/North Eastern Somalia the USC tried a land grab, in Gedo just the same, in Xamar the American's came to carpet bomb him. Surely American policy is far from great, however they did come for this mans bounty . All of these 'jabhads' commited crimes. Make no worries about that.


    However there are degrees of differences, very stark differences between certain Somali figures. You know that and I know that. Why lie to our senses?

  2. ^ LOOOL sxb you and your crazy ideas. They have emphatically saidn they will support Dawlada federalka ku meelgaarka and in that support shacabka soomaaliyeed. All these nations realize whats up. No more ICU no more nonsense and a government that is establishing itself more and more by the day.

  3. ^ City in the hands of what? LOOOL. There is no more of this city belongs to this clan and this city belongs to that clan. Reer Gedo have a vested interest in Somalia and have many citizens of Kismaayo. However they are like any other Somalis. Welcomed in a Somali city. For heavens sake we are not different ethnic groups or anything like that.



    BTW salad jeele is his deputy. He 'runs' if you can say that, operations in Xamar. But I am sure he gets his orders from Hiraale.

  4. Socod


    That's new too me. I know of last septembers Baidoa car bomb. But Galkacyo? You got proof?





    So if it wasn't safe for Geedi two years ago what is it too say it was safe for Abdullahi Yusuf or any other members of his government? You know that this incident alone is a justification for the AU troops waaay back when it happened?

  5. Originally posted by Xoogsade:


    Taako Man


    Geedi is a traitor and may be worse than A/Y given the opportunity. He doesn't count as representative of Muqdisho for if he cared about that town and its residents, he would never let A/Y ride an ethiopian tank on his way to Muqdisho. The fact that this guy and others like him were in collusion with A/Y on the Xabashi invasion testifies that no one among the TFG trully represented the wishes of Muqdisho residents. Geedi is reer xamar for you A/Y supporters because it satisfied your wicked claims of inclusiveness. For others, he is nothing but a traitor.

    Let me play devil's advocate for a sec. Geedi was nearly killed two years ago. There were no Ethiopians, no talk of AU (atleast not like now) and no ICU (Atleast not politically to assasinate him like they did his brother in-law). So why then did they try to kill the fellow?


    But I guess you had a crystal ball then huh? icon_razz.gif

  6. Originally posted by Socod_badne:

    Rather than hedge your bets on a far-fetched dream, you should instead work to positively channel Somali's love for his clan.

    For the first time in my life and probably the last time, I see eye to eye with Socod Badne.


    Islam will takeover somali when clannish fiends who was a former druglord is not promoted rather then demoted.