Taako Man

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Posts posted by Taako Man

  1. ^ Who said anything about Christian orthodoxes? I am talking about du'aa against fake islamic movements. Especially when the Security Chief was a known Druglord-turned Governor-Thief-Wadaad.


    Obviously you wanted Indhacadde in power. But Allah has sent him packing Alhamdullilah. That is clear and that is that.

  2. Originally posted by mystic:

    IF the TFG were capable of anything they would have fought the ICU and defeated it fair and square, but they choose to took the coward road and bring in Thousands of Ethiopians and allow America to carpet bomb Somalis villages during the night.

    The ICU should have fought fair before they introduced the Paki, Oromo, Eri, Arab and many other entities in Somalia. If the ICU played fair they would have fought fair. You can expect one side to be outnumbered and outhelped by foreigners and the other to sit idly? NOOOOOOOOO.



    Battle has being lost, but a war will be won.

    The battle, the war and much more were lost when Indhacadde left for Europe, Cadaani and Shariif for Kenya, Cadoow to Yemen etc.


    LOL, Allah will not accept that unislamic dua. You dare abhor a organization which was based on Shariah Law? I knew you people were anti-Islamic. You must be the so called Moderate Muslims.

    You people?


    LOOOOOL. Your making this clannish now. My du'aa worked when I prayed for the demise of the druglord Indhacadde, the ICU fake Shariah was applied to some and not to others. Rememeber the row with Abu Cuteyba wanting justice for one of his clansmen while Indhacadde sent his clansmen on a liner out of Somalia after he killed Abu Cuteyba's Kinsmen.


    I guess my du'aa is working alhamdullilah.





    Continue to be making these predictions. Abdullahi Yusuf and the whole TFG will be based in Xamar, Inshallah. Whether you like it or not. The time for protecting scrap merchants and tuugs is over. Governance is here dear lad. God willing the TFG in it's entirity will be in Xamar for the conference in Xamar April 16th. To your dismay ofcourse. icon_razz.gif

  3. ^ As a muslim I say Inshallah after every statement I make in Life and cyber. It is only right. This is what muslims say. I don't know about clan worshippers like those who hold Indhacadde and Cirfo, Deylaaf, Seraar and Goobaanle, the clan poet Abshir Bacadle and many more to higher degree.


    I will continue to make du'aa. And Inshallah Allah S.w.t accepts my du'aa. Do you know that Ya juuj wa ma juuj (Gog and Magoog, the disbelievers) will continue to dig every day but gain no ground. But until they say Inshallah there ground that they gained will be maintained and they will descend on the people and kill like never before seen.


    You can see by this allegory were the ICU and there Gog and Magoog like tendencies failed. The simple Inshallah was missing. Even if they were not honest, they could have stated Inshallah and with the power of Allah, there dream of making all of Somalia a drug farm like shabelleha hoose might have came true.

  4. ^ The Ethiopians supported one side. The Eri's Pakis and Oromo were on another.


    But you believe Eritreans are good Christians while I make no distinction. My enemies enemy is my friend. The ICU had a bunch of shiisheeye. The TFG has it support. SIMPlE.


    2000 eritreans and countless other Shisheeye were wollaped. Ethiopia will leave. You can continue to believe the TFG is a non existant government. The ICU recognized the TFG as the government of Somalia. So who are you to go against great wadaads like Indhacadde? :D

  5. ^ It took the ICu 4-5 months of heavy battle between them and the former alliance of warlords?


    The TFG has been in Xamar for less then two months.


    The TFG soldiers are well preped soldiers in comparison to the ICU soldiers who ran into open playing fields and were sniped down one by one. They were all talk and no walk.



    The AU is what it is. The ICU remember 'recognized' the TFG. So that is more then enough. How can you go against Indhacadde's words? :D



    BTW the TFG soldiers have secured Jubbas and the Ethio's are not useful anymore. The TFG soldiers were trained not too shoot innocent airline workers like the djoubtian airline affiliate in kismaayo or Lock up innocent women. They also don't shoot 5 innocent people in hospitals. Thats the difference between fake wadaad soldiers and government ones.

  6. Originally posted by mystic:



    LOL, you certainly are dense my friend. Yet, Eritrea returned the favor while Ethiopia is chopping our necks. Again Ethiopia is more of a Threat. If you can’t acknowledge that then you are brain-dead, or clan-blind. Either ways get treated. You are cheering for our enemy to further your clan interest. While managing to shame all of us Somalis.


    Somalia today looks in peril, but just like Eri's and Ethio's they have governments and semblance of order.


    lol order government? Where do you people get these jokes from.


    I will trust the Eritreans over the Ethiopians. It is Ethiopia that attacked us not Eritrea,

    Ethiopia attacked who? The ICU attacked in Kismaayo, in Baidoa and continued to be a selfish agressor. Remember they wanted to extend there rule by force all the way to Zeylaac and Raas Caseyr. They were supported by the Eritreans.


    Did you want the TFG to fall over like a cheap H.oe? Surely you are smarter then this. Alls fair in Love and War. Love was lost when the ICU was attacking like a loose canon. They lost and that is that.


    P.s You can continue to use chilidish insults. But I think the more insults you hurl, the more it is hitting home- that is that the ICU will never come back Inshallah. :D

  7. ^ Somalis fighting alongside oromo pakis Eritreans etc are examplary of good Somalis know?


    You probably believe 'Sheik' Indhacadde was a real wadaad in it for the goodness of his people. LOOOOOOL


    The TFG's Commanders were on the ground fighting and instructing their men. Col Hiraale, Col. Afgaduud and many others were on the ground. The ICU commanders fled quicker then the road runner. :D


    The TFG faught heavy battles with the ICU in Daynuunaay, Moodo Moode, Buurhakaba, Banadiiraadleey, and with assistance they won. The ICU help ran away to the borders, hopped on airliners and fled by boats . That is simply the way it all ended. 'Sheiks' were in Europe, Kenya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia - THE WHOLE NINE YARDS . Sad really what the demise of the ICU was like.

  8. LOOOOOL at you justifying one Tigrey Habeshi Gaal over another. Both of these men Afwerki and Zenawi were stranded in Somalia when the last reigme gave them a lifeline.


    Somalia today looks in peril, but just like Eri's and Ethio's they have governments and semblance of order.



    Ethiopia and Eritrea have there own interest. It is obvious that Eritrea was not in it for ISLAMIC REASON'S? BUT CAN A GAAL PUT ON AN CIMAAMAAD AND BECOME HOLY?

  9. 60% of Ethiopia is Muslim. What is your point?


    Ethiopia and Eritrea are both Tigrey domninated governments.


    The same Un report stated that there were 8000 Ethiopian troops in and around the border. Why wouldn't they hide this simple fact?



    Kenya Secured there border to not have crazy men run across their border. The US bombed Raas Kambooni. I don't agree with that but the ICU choose to fight in Raas Kambooni instead of Guriceel. Being clan courts it is obvious why.


    The TFG won. those are the facts. The ICU with their countless shiisheeyes lost. Simple really.

  10. ^ LOOOL The AU is a 50+ Union of all African Countries. Somalia is a member. How can a member occupy a member? As the old Generale would say how can a government recognize another government and occupy them?


    The Eritrean, Paki, Oromo, Arab and all the shiisheeye were met with resistance from the TFG and their ethiopian allies. Simple as that and they lost.

  11. ^ According to many sources and the UN included, the ICU had 2000 Eritreans with them. That is a battalion. Actually that is two battalions and change.


    A fight is a fight.


    I hardly doubt Eritrean Chrisitans wanted to be 'martyred'. What were Paki's and Oromo's doing in Somalia last september? Remember Turki's statements 'we have foreigners and we are proud of having them with us'? Alls fair in love and war. You cheat and don't expect the playing feild to be levelled.

  12. Gaal= Chrisitans. Both parties are christian dominated. I make no difference between them. They are both Tigrey Gaal. They were on opposing sides of the coin. You will justify them by saying they are freedom fighters and that since they were with the ICU, they must be whole 'mujahideen'? Just like Indhacadde, they were all talk.

  13. So you are justifying the prescence of foreigners like Paki's, Eri's, Oromo's etc but saying the TFG should not have any support from anybody?


    LOOOOL. This is politics. The ICU had support. The TFG had support. You can swingle around the issues whatever way you like, but simply put, the TFG had better support.


    The ICU initiated the foreigners on Somalia. The TFG should be no different.

  14. So you support a movement named after a clan (rememeber O in ONLF means something). You support the burning of Somali trucks, raids on people etc?


    Surely you are a person to speak about Moral issues.


    I WILL NEVER support the ONLF. I will support however a Western Somali Liberation Front. You can take that to the bank Mrs Deceiver. :D

  15. Just like Egypt, and the many arab nations are allies of the US? Who isn't an ally of the US that was in political beds with the ICU? Oh maybe Eritrea. But they are Gaal so you are in no position to talk about morality.

  16. Saudi Arabia kills people in an unfair manner. They've put to death 6 people on an alleged basis with no proof. They wouldn't do that to saudi's. I know this because I was born there and I have lived there.


    I do not make distinctions between Christian Tigrey Ethiopians and Chrisitan Tigrey/Tigrinya or whatever they call themselves Eritreans.

  17. Stop twisting my words. Your benign behaviour is sick and sadistic.


    I said I would wholely support a WSLF, but I will never Support ONLF or any group that burns somali trucks and hunts other poor somalis in Raaso city and whose name stands for a sub clan.


    Do you support a clan freedom or a somali freedom? The ONLF is a clan freedom. Only they support it. I gurantee you if all Somalis supported a jabhad they would surely succeed. But you know not.

  18. On the Side of the TFG: Yemen, Kenya, Ethiopia.


    On the ICU side: Eritrea (Hardly Muslim), Egypt (Treat the muslim brotherhood with the utmost respect) and Saudi Arabia (They turn a blind eye to their citizens but to Somalis, kill 6 of them for alleged crimes).


    Do you see the picture.

  19. ^ Ethiopia is thinking about there own security. It doesn't help that you have guys like Indhacadde and co saying they will celebrate Eid in Addis Ababa. What do you expect them to do?


    Do you think your adopted United States would accept any nation saying they will take over Utah or New hampshire by force? Give me a break.


    Secondly, a person can wish well on others, that is true. However a group that aspires to leave Somalia and the conditions of leaving are the fragmented situation in 'the south' surely do not want to see a peaceful Somalia on its own feet, or does it now?

  20. Originally posted by Xoogsade:

    You are strange for someone who has relatives in Muqdisho. You think such claims will stregnthen your argument but it puts a question mark on your claims as to whether you care about these people to begin with when you cheered for their occupation knowing well that the Xabashis were not welcome, that they would be fought, that violence will be the norm, that they had peace and security and the only reason Ethiopians were coming was to subjugate the entire town so murderous A/Y could watch his clan militia parading october-like in Tarabuunka.



    People who have relatives in Muqdisho act different and never justify the death of the innocent and seek to blame people who are under occupation.



    The crazy and the insane and i might add the faithless are those who on a daily basis come here to write propaganda on behalf of a man they haven't possibly met and a man who is not from a close family of theirs. Waallida runta waa taas diintiina aa u iibsateen xukun jacayl darteed

    In your clannish rhetoric you accused me of not caring about the people of Xamar because I am as you say ' not related to the victims'. Why make statements you can't back up?



    Secondly, If you shoot a mortar and you kill innocent people, on the day of judgement is abdullahi yusuf going to take responsibility for your actions? Surely not. Only blinded fools will think otherwise.


    For heavens sake, THEY SHOT A MORTAR AND MISSED THEIR TARGET AND KILLED SCORES OF PEOPLE AND WOUNDED OTHERS. Continue to believe Abdullahi Yusuf is behind this. He is the big boogeyman to all the litte indhacaddes running around.

  21. ^ You don't get it. The people of the south are anybody who is not from waqooyi galbeed or within the borders of the british somaliland. I am a waanlaweyn, you are, and anybody else not from that framework.



    Secondly, how can a person who has no vested interest in a united Somalia, really genuinely care? Do you know one of the reasons for secession and 'proofs' is the ongoing fighting in the south (Again remember what south means). Do you think a stable Somalia bodes well for any entity to detache themselves from something? Give me a break/

  22. ^ Crazy accusations from a man who has lost his mind. So according to you, the 'mujahideen' who aimlessly through mortars at civilians is Abdullahi yusuf fault? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that seems akward. So if bomb a whole restaurant but my intentions were otherwise then I would be off the hook eh? Crazy indeed.


    BTW what more relation do you have to these people? I have in-laws who are fleeing from these 'mujahideen'. Straight from North Xamar, I have blood relatives in the city right now. Unless that is your mother or father. Don't come with your clannish innuendos.