Qaxooti Kombuter Heshay

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Posts posted by Qaxooti Kombuter Heshay

  1. from my experiences ngonge...ppl back home mostly think money grows on trees...I've had one relatives pretending he was kidnapped...another sayin his kids were extremely sick and he had hospital bills to pay when in fact he wanted money to buy some excuse me if i'm a little skeptical about sending money home, suddenly i'm gettin ppl calling sayin they are my cousin twice removed on my mothers side...*doesn't know what it means*


    Salaama alaikum

  2. ^^ if all goes well Insha-Allah I shall be leaving next month...I'll be sure to send you a report of my findings there tweety


    *sighs* going back home is a dream I've had ever since I can remember. I want to go to a place where I'm the MAJORITY DARN IT!!! :mad:


    You hear ppl saying I'll go back when it’s peaceful and according to this one teenager "when they have coco pops."


    If we are not willing to make any sacrifices and aren't willing to rebuild our own country...who will? Ppl can't expect Somalia to get better by just sitting in their houses and twiddling their doesn't work like that.


    Is the dream ever going to be fulfilled?

    Of course this all depends on how much you want it.


    Is it a realistic aim to have?



    How will most ppl cope when they finally do go home?

    Like tweety said "a dreamy image of Somalia" is what I too have in my head...but I know the Somalia I knew as a toddler isn't the Somalia there is now...but I am willing to go back home (since I've used and abused the European educational system icon_razz.gif ) and help benefit my ppl. Insha-Allah if all goes well, I shall be moving back home within a few yrs.


    As for fitting in…all my sister in here who wear the hijaab/abayad know how hard it is to “fit in”. The weird stares when walking down the street…ppl claiming you are being oppressed and shaking their head in pity…little kids pointing at you…not mentioning all the racial slurs not only from the white ppl, but from Asians and other Africans…to that walaalkis, I say…maxaa ii wareereye...


    Salaama Alaikum

  3. tweety...shidis don't blow my cover


    its all a ploy I tell you...


    Get them to feel comfortable with you...


    The next step is to buy 'em marduuf some marqaan music and as they close their eyes and start clicking their fingers in the air and saying "kada kada"...thats when you strike...SNIP




  4. At first I was COMPELLED to watch.


    I never watched the other big brothers lakiin I can't help but stare...i'm baffled...speechless...


    Why on earth would any Muslim want to walk round naked on national tv...hug butch lesbians and sleep in live in the same place as homosexuals, bisexuals and a transexual??????


    Perhaps it would have been expected from little teenagers,


    Amazing what ppl will do for money.


    Lakiin i'm proud to say after that little show Jason did with Daniel...bout him rubbing lotion on his **** because it was crusty...I haven't watched it since...


    :( but now i can't stay away from the website



    ooohhhhhhhhhhhhh the humanity!

  5. was a typical day in badiya.


    My daddy *such a handsome man he was back in his days*. It was love at first sight. Abo saw hooyo as she was getting biyo from the village ceel. His jaw dropped to the floor as he saw the beauty that was (and still is) my mother. She laughed at his clumsiness as she walked away. Abo was left standing there wiping away dhareerka from his mouth.


    So like a tiger on the prowl...he watched her from a distance for a whole month because he was too embarassed to approach her. finally his brother gave him the courage and so the families met and asked for hooyos hand in marriage. The two weeks later, a small wedding was arranged and abo got to throw hooyo over the shoulder and take his bride home.


    She didn't come cheap you know...afar geel, labo ceri, sadax dameer and he threw in a few doroo as a gesture of good will.


    BARFACT KAPUL :cool:

  6. # 1 - THE ORIGINATOR = 1 's are originals. Coming up with new ideas and

    executing them is natural. Having things their own way is another trait

    that gets them as being stubborn and arrogant. 1's are extremely honest

    and do well to learn some diplomacy skills. They like to take the

    initiative and are often leaders or bosses, as they like to be the best.

    Being self-employed is definitely helpful for them.Lesson to learn


    ideas might be just as good or better and to stay open minded.

    and doomed to be sharciless!

  7. ^^ I watched it tonight too...for those of you who know about greek mythology will realise how "hollywoodised" the movie wasn't much like the Iliad at all...but like DA...I don't want to give away the ending

  8. having the same problems as barwaaqo...I just can't decide whether I should introduce Ali ma shaqesto or Osman wax mataro to hooyo iyo abo...what would you guys do in my situation??


    *walks out konfusid :confused: *

  9. lol@stories from raxmah and ilhaam


    A couple of weeks ago my 5 year brother called me & this is how our conversation went.


    Bro: Abaayo waxaan kusu wacaay inaan ku sheego murog aa ii heeso.

    QKH: Haye, shan sano leh jirta, ee murogta kuu heeso maxa waaye.

    Bro: Gabar aan jeclaaday

    QKH: lol ababa....war cusub

    Bro: Lakiin gaal waye.


    lol Walaahi I nearly pissed my pants...he was born in the west, he has never seen Somalia in his whole life and here is talking about murog & jeceel. At that age my vocab was limited to "inyow", I had no concept of jeceel, let alone gaal. Now I got my five year old brother saying, "markaan weynado, waxaan rabaa inan 4 naag kuursado"...his logic? So that he can have mishaari subaaxkasto

  10. yuu aar rite barwaaqo...*ismayals*. Ay figarat ay haf no joice pat to gat faak maraj fuur $5000 *wandaring if laspian maraj alawed in uk*.


    *luuking at barwaaqo*. Yuu halb a sistar in need wudon't yuu? Ay baromis to maak it worif yuur wayal ;)