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Posts posted by me

  1. Originally posted by General Duke:

    ^^^ Puntland has no stance and should never oppose a local pressure group who's aim is to help the state of Puntland at the expense of the secessionist. It was clear from the meetings press release above the community still believe they are part of Puntland. Now what is your point again?

    My point is crystal clear. And considering the amount of noise that is coming from so-called Puntlanders it is clear that they are far more opposed against the formation of the Northland State, then the secessionists are.


    Therefore the stance that Puntland is taking is far more hostile then that of the secessionists and that is something worth thinking about. Why would Puntland first betray the SSC cause and now try to cripple the initiative of the inhabitants of that region when they are trying to form a state of their own after Puntland has failed them.


    Surely that is not the basis of a friendly relationship between neighbors.

  2. The Nairobi conference should not concern the Piratelanders and the Secessionists, because its the least of their problems.


    The real problems for the secessionist entity and the pirates nest are: Shabab, Corruption, Nepostism, Mismanagement, Unemployment, etc etc.


    They should focus on those areas, if they are interested in keeping their fiefdoms and not worry about the formation of the Northland State.

  3. Originally posted by General Duke:

    quote:Originally posted by me:

    of Puntland should realize that their stance and attitudes towards the formation of the Northland State will form the basis of any future relationship between the two states.

    As usual hot air from the same pretender, adeer, can you explain to us what has been formed here? Is it a lobby, a new admin, a new state, what exactly was formed.
    This is not a discussion but an advice. The stance that Puntland takes against the formation of the Northland State will form the basis of any future relationship between the two states.

  4. Originally posted by Oodweyne:

    In the plush hotels of that city of
    ; whereby, any “Somali clannish lobby group” worthy of their salary, make an appointment with the western ambassadors to
    , so that, they can, “plead” rather miserably, their “particularistic clannish case” to the ears of those “Well-fed diplomats”, indeed.

    Speaking from experience indeed.

  5. Originally posted by Oodweyne:

    In the plush hotels of that city of
    ; whereby, any “Somali clannish lobby group” worthy of their salary, make an appointment with the western ambassadors to
    , so that, they can, “plead” rather miserably, their “particularistic clannish case” to the ears of those “Well-fed diplomats”, indeed.

    Speaking from experience indeed.

  6. Originally posted by Oodweyne:

    Mr. Me


    , Waa tii hore loo yidhi, wixii laqariyo qudhun baa ku jira...


    As for the
    Ina Waraabe
    ; dee
    waa is hidda raaci karaa; taana, weydii
    sheekh Xiinfaniin
    , iyo waxa ku kalifey, in uu maalin-ba, siyaasad ahaan, uu meel ka soo jeesto. Illeyn,
    Ina Yey-na
    ku dhahoo)
    ay rag wax kaga dhacsadaan oo ay Somali dhexdeeda wax kaga noqdaan iyaga oo aan cid ku daba dhuumaneynin, iska waaye eh...

    War Xiin iyo lamidkiis iskadaaye bal kawaran kuwa Soomaali dhexdooda markay wax ka noqonwayeen iska cararay? Oo yidhi Soomaali waan ka go'nay.