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  1. Meiji with his baseless propaganda again.


    The insiders in Somali politics know what is happening today in Somalia is far from clan politics. The wadaado have transcended clannism. The enemies of Somalia want to use the same old tricks of divide and conquer and Meiji wants to peddle them here. Somalia is one and the Somali’s fighting for xaq are one.



    It is the TFG, SL, PL and other wannabe ‘states’ that uphold clannism today.


    Regurgitating propaganda that the wadaado are clannist hasn’t worked before and it will not work now.


    Meiji not that long ago you started a thread criticizing the ONLF leadership and you blamed them for their use of the name O’gadeeniye.


    What compels you to stand againt anything that is in the interest of the Somali people?


    Why do you criticize the wadaado who are fighting for Somalia’s liberation? And why are you stumm about the killing of Somali civilians by AMISOM?


    Why are you critisising the ONLF for a thing so silly as the name of the region, while you ignore the mass murder that the Habashi’s are committing?


    There is either a serious flaw in your logic or you are against anything that is in the interest of the Somali people.

  2. 22 Comment(s)




    waa arin laga xumaado walaal.


    laakiin mid dadka somaliyeed way u cadaatay in somaliland iyo puntland maamulada ka jira ee dadkoodu ku faanaan ay yihiin cadowga somaliya.


    xamarta maanlin kasta dadka lagu laayo o ay dadku la yaabanyihiin waa taalada xoriyada soomaaliyeed . reer somali galbedna way ku nastaan xataa lacag ayaa looga arurin jiray.


    waa laga bixi tan in sha allaha kuwa sameynayanan la cafin maayo in sha allah


    maxamed cabdi | Oct 27, 2009 | Reply



    waa wax lala yaabo haday aarintaani mid jirta tahay oo qof soomali ah loo gacangeliyey cdowga aale waana mid aayatiinkeedu noqonkaro cadaab iyo ciqaab ilaahay. reer bontland waxaa lagu yiqiinay xilkasnimo iyo deriswanaag intii muddo ah.markaarrintaas hala hubiyo haday jirtona xukuumada waa in sidegdeg ah looga codsadaa inay is casisho ama ninkaas la soo celiyo.


    Abdullaahi (daacad) | Oct 27, 2009 | Reply




    Waxaa dulmi weyn ah, in qof muslim, somali, xigto, marti intaba ah loo dhiibo cadow Alle oo adduunyo lagu iibsado, arrintaasi ceeb weyn ayey ku tahay bulsho weynta reer putland ee lagu yaqaanney xaq dhawrka iyo siyaasad qoddo dheer. Qabiilooyinka dhulkaas daga gabdhahooda ayaa dadka magan galin jirey oo gabadhii ku hagoogata nin dagaal lagu qabtay ama colaad hore loo haysto lagama taaban jirin, haddase dhaqankii waxaa baddalay calooshooda u shaqeystayaal dantoodu tahay oo kaliya lacag.

    waxaan leeyahay waa in arrintaan wax laga qabtaa oo qabiilooyinka ku nool putland odoyaashooda iyo culimada putland ku nool ay shir isugu yimaadaan go’aan cadna laga qaataa arrintaan, raali galin weynna laga bixiyaa oo dadkii dhintay magtooda iyo godobtir buuxda la bixiyaa, haddii kale ciqaab Alle iyo dhibaato aan dhammaan putland waa ku habsan.


    Waddani | Oct 27, 2009 | Reply



    mahadsanid sh fu,aad Jazaakalaahu khayraa


    nuuradiin (fiqi) | Oct 27, 2009 | Reply



    asc, wr, dhamaan saxaabta somalimirror iyo akhrista yaashiisaba .


    horay ayaan u maqli jiray buju +buju = taadhas macnaha waxaan kawadaa puntland + somaliland = mamulka jig


    hadaan usoo dagao dulucda hadalka shaki kuma jiro in labadan maamul ay soo magacaabeen gumaystaha madoow ee abasiiniya ee daayeer zenaawi.


    falkan oo ah fal axmaqnima ah ayaan aan kasuuroobin islaanimada, dhaqan iyo xeerka somaliyeede aan ucuntamayn umadaha cawaanka ah.


    markaysaas tahay waxay ubaahan tahay in talaabo cad laga qaado kuwaa waxan ku kacaya ee waliba caadaystay umada islaam ah lagu gado xoogaa dhareer ah.


    umada somaliyeed waanu kunaqaanay in ay aydu islaysay , isxirato haba isdulmiseen hadana ay kaxaasho, laakiin nin wax lagu haysto aysan jirin ama danbi ah sidii xoolihii oo kale in saylada xoolaha intii lageeyo ayaar marba mid canjeero xabashi lagu badasho waa wax taariihkda soomaliya mar dhow ku soo biiray aan loo dulqaadan karin.


    itoobiya waxay dadaal ugu jirtaa sidii dagaalada ay kula jirto ONLF ee kuda dheeraaday ay ugu weecinlahayd dhinaca somaliland iyo puntland si shucuubtan muslimiinta ah ee walaalaha ah ay colaad horle udhexmarto itoobiyana u nasato rasaatana ay u miisto kii laga yara itaal roonaadaba sida ay somalya kula dhaqmi jirtay waligeedba ayna ka noqoto daawade kursi meel fagaara ah yaala ku dhacdiida.


    arintu saad moodeen ma ahan waa shirqool lagu baabi,inayo garaadka iyo awooda somali oodhan ayadoo loo adeegsanayo caada qaate axmaq ah oo waxba u aaba yeelaynin saaxiibu luf luf.


    waxaa arintaas cadayn u ah markasta oo falkan uu dhaco foosha xun bal ufiirsada mamulka somaliland iyio puntland isku mar ayuu dhacaa,

    iswaydii oo weedha iyo naasa adag maxaa kulmiyay ayaa wiil waal laga hayaa?.


    waxaan aad ugu mahad celinayaa culimda udiinka , wax garadka iyo inta kadhiidhinaysa falkan xun ee soo laab laabtay ee puntland ee uu kujiro damiirka aadamaha iyo ka diimeedba ayadoon aan ogaa in hada kahorna sidan oo kale ay 5 nin oo hore ay kasiidaayeen mamulkakan daba *****ka zenawi u ah.


    waxaana ku talin lahaa nimanka in laga qaado xilkan baas wax kastoo lagama maar maan ah si loo bad baadiyo jiritaan ka iyo sharafta umadeed iyo tan islaanimo ee reer puntland iyo gabi ahaanba sumcada somaliee waa hore waraa buhu inteedii badnayd cunay.


    waa in la fashilyaa sidii loo fashiliayay waxii itoopiyo kkonfur kaga dhaqmi jirtay maxaa yeelay hadaan la fashilin sidii ku wii ashaahada la dirirkii muqdisho, waxaa fashil maydoona teena guud waxaan kawadaa shucuubta hada la rabo in la isku soofeeyo ee ay udeegayaan gacma shisheeye oo inaga inagu yaala laakiinse aan wax dan ah noo wadin dhib iyo khasaara mooyaane


    waxaan ka cudur daaranayaa hadaan yara xad gudbay maxaa yeelay caro ayaa iqaaday markaan maqaalka akhriyay anoo kaqiiroooday dadkaygu dalkiisii iyo diintiisii halka ay marayso maalinkasta waxaan arkaa kuwa inkaar iga gurta.


    eebbena waxaan uga bar yayaa in uu umadan dayacan ee cadaawuhu halaakeeyay quluubtooda isku soo duma boogtoodana isu dhayo sidii reer aws iyo khaztaj

    aaamiin aamiin aaamiiin .


    Korneyl Haragweyne | Oct 27, 2009 | Reply





    walaalyaal waxaan wada ognahay in ay tahay arintani arin dhan diineed iyo dhaqanba ku xun hadana kuma dhiiranno in ti toos ah loola hadlo shaqsiyaadka ka danbeeya falkan cadawtinimada dhaafay ee hilbo gadashada ah run ahaantii ma ahan markii koowaad iyo labaadba bal e waa dhacdadii sadexaad tii ugu darayd ugna foosha xumayd waxay dhacday bil kahor oo ahayd in dad islaam ah oo soo ehel mooday GAWRAC QOORTA LOOGA JARAY waxaan odhan lahaa ree bunt-land iyo somali-land ha ka waan tooteen dhaqamadan ugub een horay loo arag waliba labadan gobol dadka dagan uma dhanna arintan waxaa si gaarah falka u fuliya ********** IYO ***** qabiiladani ha is waan sadeen oo ha is waan sadeen


    M.MUSLIM | Oct 27, 2009 | Reply



    waad mahadsan tahay fuad ninka maqaalka qoray …….


    taariikhda sooyaalka ah ee soomaaliyeed ayay galaysaa waana MAXADWEYNE FAROOLE DUMADIISA INTAASINA goor ay noqotaba waa lagula xisaabtami doonaa insha alaah dambigaas inta gaysatay waxaan ilaahay uga baryayaa intaas oo kale ay ku dhacdo iyaga iyo inta ay ugu jecelyihiin AAMIIIIIIIIN ,,,,,,,,,,,,


    ururkii DAALIBAAN gadaalkii DOQONTA xooga weyn ee maraykan kusoo qaaday gaalo dhamina ay weheliso wuxuu ka dhashay in gacanta loosoo galiyo USAMA BINULADAEN wey diideen in ay ugacan galiyaan maraykan USAMA BINULADEN ,,,,


    taariikhda intiina la socota gaaladu guul kama dheegan ilaa hada dagaalka af-qanistan idiinka sheekayn maayo taas idinka ayan xaadir ah oo indhihiina kula socda waxa ka dhacaya wadankaas ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


    PUTLAND MAANTA WAXAY dhiibayaan dad nasab tol xigaal qaaro intaba leh oo walaalahood ah bal hadaba is gara dhiga RAGAN PUTLAND MADAXDA KA AH iyo RAGII DIIDAY INAY DHIIBAAN DOWLADNIMADODIINA KU WAAYAY waa DAALIBAANE ,,,,,,


    wacane | Oct 27, 2009 | Reply



    Abaalmale ninkaan eegin taariikhe

    Wixii uu amaamuday waad inkiray seene

    Asagaa nakala geeyey baad abid tiraah daane

    Igmanwayde tuugalay iyo aanadiisiiye

    Afwaynaad tiraah deen markuu eelo soohelayee

    Abtinimo wuxuu bixiyey iyo ina adeer toona

    Midna maanan arag waxaad abid kasheeg teenee

    Asruurte geesigu wuxuu aanadiin galaye

    Markii uunku kala leexday ee loo itaal sheegtay

    Waa taad afgooyiyo tagteen aafihiisaraye

    Iswaydii inaad adigu tahay kii arimiseegtay Intaad meel asaagaa katagay aayar guranayso

    Ood kiinya iyo xabashi oli kutuugayso

    Aar goosi kaagama anfadhiyo aano soo celnee

    Intaad kala irdhayntaa wadiyo ooda kala gaynta

    Oodkii agatiinaa tagaba oofta goynaso

    Dawlad aad astaysaan dhacayn abid intaad joogto

    Itaalyari mahaysoo uunku waw marage

    Waa kuman uluuf iyo uluuf odayga daaroode

    Hayee shee amxaar kuu rabaa inu agjoo gaayee

    Abaanowda kama sheexayiyo eraya dii siiye

    Asaruure geesigay ahayd inay adee caanee

    Islawayni baad uga hadheen uunki oo idile

    Hadana waa asaagiin waxaad daba orday saanee


    guuleed | Oct 27, 2009 | Reply



    viva walaalaha kablalah iyo Canoole


    Duulane | Oct 27, 2009 | Reply



    mujaahidiinta rer soomaali galdeed amaba reer ********iya annagu waligaya waan garab taagnayn haddaannahay dadka kudhaqan min gaalkacyo ilaa kismaayo 1968 ninkubiiiray ciidanka xoogadalka soomaalia kadibna 1977kii askoo sargaal dhexaa kaqabGAlay biladanku qaatay ayaa kasheekeeyay sababtii uu askarta ugubiiray wuxuuna kumacneeyay inu maqlay gabar reer ********iya ah oo askari itoobiyan ah uu baynaadku muday markaasna uu go.aansaday inuu itoobiya dadkaaska xoreeyo xattaa qab qablayaasha muqdisha ma ogi inay dhiibeen dad onlf katirsan waxayna sababtay nacaybka itoobiya iyo jacalki aanu uhaynay soomaali galbeed inbalaayo kastaa noogu soodhuumato waxaase layaablahaa inuu shii xasan turki ciidamaduu kuxorayn lahaa ********iya wulaayo dadkii hiilka iyo hooba lagarabtaagnaa abadkoo WAXAAN LUJAJEDAA MARUU JAWRAN WEERARKA KUQAADAY IYO HADAAY marka meesha dadka muslimiinta ah soomaalida ah maalinkasta laga qafaasho sida sida putland iyo soomalind yiaan dad damiirlihi joogin miyaan wadaada joogin !!!


    fiiirsade | Oct 27, 2009 | Reply





    soomalidu waxay u qaybsan tahay degaan iyo gobol mana jirto cid dhulkeeda keliya ku koobnaan karta haddii la dhaho qoloba dhulkeeda qolada kale haka qabqbato waa sidii cadawga ilaahay naga rabay in nalaka waayo laba is aaminta kadibna midba maalin la cuno ee arrintan ilaahay sw halooga baqo intaan aakhiro lagaarina aduunkaa natiijadeeda lagu arkayaa haddaan laga waantoobin sh fuad juzita khyran wsc wr


    wardi9 | Oct 27, 2009 | Reply



    walahi wa wax laga naxo in dhacdo lakin atarikhu ducid nafsa laba wa mid run ahanti walal kadib marki ay dhacday dowladi somaliya waa la ogyahay wadanku wa mamul ku dhisan qabil fuad haka so qadin walal dowlad hana uga hadlin nidam dowladed ee ugu hadal ***** teen ahan iyo **** wan garankarna fuad hadii adi lagu xidho gobal ka mid ah somaliya ama dhib lagugu gaysto inay *****ten kacayan ama cisman maxamud hadan hos kugu dago lakin run aahanti ma rabno inay dhib dhacdo lakin hada way no furan tahay ian intiqam samayno sharciahana way no banantahay marka waxan qaba ina intiqam ay samaystan dadka rer somali galbeed oo lo cadaystay mar walba ina la dulmiyo laga bilabo kan hadlaya iyo cid ad kartaanba


    abu khalid | Oct 27, 2009 | Reply



    Asc wr wb wb:


    Salaantaa ka dib sheekh Fu,aad jazakallah kheyral jazaa taariikhdaa qiimiga badan, mida kale soomaalida waxay tirahdaa waayeel korkii waa wada indho ninka faroole la yiraahdo arrintan isagaa ka dambeeyey sababtoo ahi maalin dhoweyd buu afeeftay oo uu yiri dadka la xirayo dadka ka daba imanaya waa inay joojiyaan ka dama imaanshaha taas oo horudhac u ah in dadka la dhiibo. anigoo ah qof u dhashay beelaha dega Puntland waxaan leeyahay ogaada fidnada ku ekaan mayso inta suubinaysa kaliya idinkana waa idin haleelaysaa hadii aydaan u gurman dhibanaha, gacmahana eeyan qaban kan dulmiga wada, dadkan wax dhiibaya cirka kama eeyan iman culimada inteeda kale oo uu ugu weyn yahay sh c/qaadir Nuur faarax waa in ay si calam ah uga dhiidhiyaan arrintan ee aan si sir ah wax la isugu sheegin sababtoo ah waxay dawo u tahay ummada muslimiinta dhamaan. Kollay ethopia na dayn mayso inta adduunkan aynu ku noolnahaye si kali kali ay yayan noo laasan inta aynu awoodno aynu jac iska dhahno waa waraabe oomane.


    asc wr wb


    Liban | Oct 27, 2009 | Reply



    Bal dhuux kalimadaha Cismaan Yusuf Keenadiid. Ninkaasi Alle ha u naxariistee wuxuu mootan yahay mudo ku dhow 150 sano. Hadana markaad dhaliilaha uu Soomaali u soo jeedshay dhuuxdid macnahooda waxaa moodaysaa inuu maanta ka gabyayo.


    Duf ku bax Soomaaliyay illayn garaad kuuma kordhee wacdaraha aduunkana wax kuma qaadataane. Awalbaa la yiri taariikhdo waa isku soo noqnoqotaa.


    Allemagan | Oct 27, 2009 | Reply



    waa sax waayo intay dadka jaajuusaan ayey ka cabanayaan in la jaajuuso


    ****** | Oct 27, 2009 | Reply



    ACWB:Arrintani waa masiibo muslino iyo somalinom iyo ehelnimo meel ay kasoo gashaa ma jirto.

    Waxaase haboon in la fahmo oo la kala saaraa Maamulka tigreega u shaqeeya iyo shacabka reer puntland.

    Dib u fiiriya taariikhdii waddankeena nidaamkii jiray waxaa uu oron jiray waxaa dalka loo baa’bin jiray in itoobiya ay xukunto oo tuulooyin loo qayb qaybiyo.Waxaa jiray 1986 in somaliya munguste uu u qon deeyay sidan.

    1-SSDF Puntland 2-SNM Somaliland 3-USC Banadirland 4-SPM Jubbalnd iyadoo bay iyo bakool la raacinayo jubbaland sababtu maxay ahayd?somalida ayan u daayay

    Ta kale Itoobiya iyaduba waa federal system sida ay sheegayso miyay ogashahay in nidaamka waddankeeda loo gacan dhaafo tusale ahaan jabuti ama kenya ay xiriir hoose la samaystaan goboladda dalkeeda maxaa ka qaldan federalka somalidu rabto waxaan u fahmay federalkeenu in uu noqdo tuulooyin qabaa’il u kala go’goan itoobiyana u kala dhuunta kuna faana midba inta uu midka kale kaga dhaw yahay itoobiya waxaa ayaan daro ah in nin islam somali ehel ah kana so cararay itobiya loo gacan galiyo mana filaayo dafiraadda maamulka puntalnd in ay wax ka jiraan sababtoo ah iyagaaba la maamullaa marka maxay diidi karaan?Sidii lala rabay somali waa la gaarsiiyay waliba si ka xun kana ayaan daran ayaan sugayanaa qabiil wa kaase dawadiisa keena.



    Ahlufurqaan | Oct 27, 2009 | Reply

















  3. Ugaarsiga reer Somaali galbeed ma garbaa?


    Fu’aad Max’ud X.Nuur.


    Soomaali galbeed waa dhul ballaaran oo ay dagaan dad soomaaliyeed oo farabadan, waa dhul ku hoosjira isticmaar muddo dheer, waxaa sooyaalkiisa mar walba ka dhex muuqanayay halgan loogu jiro in mar uun gobanimo la gaarsiiyo dhulka iyo dadkaba.




    Bedka dhulkaas ayaa lagu sheegaa in ka badan 600′000km, waxaa dhulkaas ka hana qaaday saldanado muslim ahaa oo kala danbeeyay, waxay mar walba la hegardamayeen oo gulufyadii ka imaanayay xoogaggii kiristanka ahaa ee ay jaarka ahaayeen iyo kuwa ku nool carro-edeg oo mar walba la soo gaarayay cudud, caqli & calafba.




    Soomaali galbeed waxaa lagu sidkay Itoobiyada 1954tii kaddib markii ay xoogaggii reer galbeedka kuwii ugu tugtugta roonaa ay u cuntami wayday inay ogolaadaan yagleelidda Soomaali wayn gaar ahaan Maraykanka iyo Ingiriiska, waxaanse meesha ka marnayn hagardaamo ay gaysteen qaar kamid ah hogaankii siyaasadeed ee Soomaalidii waagaa joogtay.




    Soomaaliyadii xorta ahayd marna kama soo doogin dhaawacyadii ka soo gaaray googooyntii isticmaarka ee waxay u halgamayeen inay mar uun arkaan shantii soomaaliya oo mid ah, waana sababta ay soomaalidu u calmadeen inay calnka astaanta u ah ee buluugn inay dhexda kaga xardhaan xiddig shan gees leh.




    Raggii suugaanta ee ka warramay tala xumada soomaalida guud ahaa gaar ahaan dayaca haysta Soomaali galbeed waxaa ka mid ahaa Cismaan Yusuf Keenadiid.




    Soomaali talaxumo taag looga waayaye


    Tabtay horay usoo baratay marna kama tagaysee


    Tadbiir kale ma haysee iyadaysku taagane


    Istolaysigii gacalo tusi waa Ilaahaye


    Iyadaysu tumanaysa teeri iyo billaawe’e


    Istaageerid laga waa isu turina maysee


    Tabaalaha adduunkiyo taariikh eegi maysee


    Waxay tacaddi soo aragtay inay toosto diiddaye


    Cilmiga loo tartamayana u tacjiili maysee


    Shisheeyaha ku tuman iyo tooda fiirin maysee


    Xornimada u timid haatan toodoobi maysee


    Diinka tiirinta u baahan waxba uguma taallee


    Tiiraanyo kama hayso tafarruqa la galiyee


    Si kastoo ad ula talisid teedii uun weeyee


    Dalkoodii ragbaa tabiyay iyagayska tuunsane


    Ingiriisku tahantiyo toogadiba ka helyaye


    Faransna tabkiciyo tiis waa ku haystaye


    Inta kale waxaa taabay talyan iyo xabasho’e


    Amxaarkana tixgalin iyo turaal lagama eego’e


    Tolwaynihii ******** tuu ku falay la maqalyaye


    Gabal toogay qaarkoodna xabsiguu ku tuuraye


    Nimankii u talinaayay Tafarraa dhameeyee


    Tallan iyo kuwii haray tawal baa dilaayee


    Waa ka tubaha soo jiiray Ina Tarabbi keligiye


    Isaaqna looga tabar sheegay takhtigii dhulkiisee


    Wuxuu tiriyo maalqabey kor u tiigan waayee


    Arladii tooxa weyneyd ku tallaabsan waayee


    Toban mayl ma dhaafsiisna taaggii hargaysa’e


    ******teenna laga teed halkuu Toga ku dhaqayaye


    Kobtii lagu tammadin jirey laga wada takooryaye


    Taxkuumadi ma seejine tunjileecsi weeyee


    Toomihii marqaan iyo tagi waaye ceelcade


    Teerrage agtiisiyo waa kan tuuran Beyra’e.






    Sidoo kale waxaa la soo maray dagaallo lagu doonayay in lagu soo celiyo Soomaali galbeed kuwaas oo uu ugu xoog badnaa kii 1977dii ay soomaalidu la gashay taliskii Mangistu kaas oo ay ku hoobteen dad aad u farabadan saraakiil dadka iyo dalkaba qiimo ugu fadhiday laakiin gaalibgorayayntii dunida kiristanka iyo bisayl li’idii saraakiishii soomaalida ayaa lagu guul darraystay in la soo celiyo soomaali galbeed in kastuu ahaa isku day aad u wanaagsan.




    Waxaase yaab noqotay burburkii Soomaaliya kaddib in qabqablayaashii dagaalka iyo qaar kale oo siyaasiin ahi ay u kala dhuunteen taliska Adis-ababa isla markaana ay ugu khudbeeyaan dadka ereyo ay ka mid yihiin walaaleheen Itoobiya walaalkeen Mleze sanawi iyo waxyaabo la halmaala, waxaa kale oo soo if baxay in xitaa la sheego in qabaa’ilka soomaalida iyo Tigreegu ay isku hayb yihiin oo ay marba qolo la isir noqdaan, waxaa kale oo aan qarsoodi ahayn hubka iyo saanadda laysugu dhiibayay dhoohanayaashii dadka horkacayay.




    Intaasi waa sahal iyo hooyo subag ku marisay waxayse gun iyo caar bixisay markii Maamullada Somaliland iyo Puntland haba ku kala horreeyaane ay bilaabeen inay taxaabaan dadka ka soo jeeda Soomaali galbeed kaddibna loo dhiibo Taliska Adis-ababa iyadoo la leeyahay waxaa lagu soo taba baray Ereteria, waxay cadaw u yihiin Itoobiya, waa ONLF iyo wax la mid ah.




    Haddaba waa yaabee ma saxbaa in sidaas lagu eedeeyo loolana dhaqmo caynkaas? waxay aniga ila tahay maya waayo haddaan mid mid u soo qaado eedaymahaas.




    · Ereteria ayaa lagu soo tababaray: haddii dad Isticmaar ku hoosjira ay u halgamaan xaqooda kuna soo tababartaan meel’uun qaanuunkee ayaa ka dhigay danbi? Dhab ahaan waa ma jiro qaanuun xarrimaya, teeda kale miyaan Mleze iyi Afawarqi labaduba ku soo tababaran kulyaddii Jaalle Siyaad? Jawaabtu waa haa haddaba maxaa diiday in ayaguba ay soo tababartaan oo xaqooda u halgamaan? Midda kale inagu ma waxaynu ka jecelnahay Itoobiya Ereteria oo ay dal wada dagaan qaraabana yihiin iyo waliba isku diin? Waxaa ka sii daran dadka meelahaan lagu qabanayo waxay inooka yimaadaan Yeme ama Jabuuti waana ognahay sooyaalka xiriir iyo saaxiibtinimo ee ka dhexeeya itoobiya iyo Yemen haddaba maxaa inaga inaka dhigay Boolis ilaaliya Itoobiya runtii waxaan leeyahay gar waa loo islaane gar ma aha umana dhawa.


    · Itoobiya ayay cadaw u yihiin: Itoobiya ciddii cadaw u ah ma anagay cadaw noo tahay? Tan kale ninka raba inuu xoroobo ee aynu wadaagno Diin, af, midab iyo dhulba ma wuxuu inaka mudanyahay inaynu u luqun jibaarno kuu la dirirayay? Dhanka kale goormaa ayaa Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya nabdeen? Ma waxaa jirta dawlad Soomaaliyeed oo ka tanaasushay dhulka iyo dadka ka maqan Soomaali? Kolley anigu ma ogi, hal waa gar haddaynu niraahno maanta ma awoodno inaan walaaleheen wax tarno ama aan xoraysano dhulkaas hadday saas tahay saw ma ahayn inaynu u ducayno qalbiga ka taageerno mise waxay ahayd inaynu qabqabano oo misana u dhiibno kay la dirirayeen oo ay ka soo carareen.


    · ONLF: ururkaasi horta ma urur danbi ahbaa? Ma urur aduunka la ugaartaa? Kolley intaan anigu ogahay waa urur ku leh xafiisyo dalalka reer galbeedka oo dhan sida Marykan, Ingiriiska iyo Jarmalka, haddaba ma inagaa kala saaxiibsan Itoobiya maraykanka iyo Ingiriiska? Taasi dabcan waa maya haddaba niman adduunkoo dhan xafiisyo ku leh oo aan cidina ku aabyoon maxaa inaga inaku kallifay inaan qabqabanno? Runtii waxaan is leeyahay waa adiyad aan marna la ogolaan karin oo ka fog runta iyo maslaxaddaba.




    Ugu danbayn dadkaas laga dhigtay caadada in sidaas foosha xun loola dhaqmo waxaa ka dhigtay caado waa dad kooban oo aan is leeyahay ma yaqaanaan maslaxadooda iyo tan dadkooda midna, sidoo kale maxaa saaxiib lagu noqdaa maxaase ah lama taabtaan marna ma aysan garan dadkaasu.




    Anigu intaan ogahay Bulsha waynta Soomaaliyeed raalli kama aha kamana noqon doonto arrinkaas, tan kale waxaan is leeyahay baroortu orgiga ka wayn meesha looma socdo wiilasha yaryar ee aan cidina aqoon ee waxaa la rabaa in dadka madaxa laysu gesho oo degaanba degaan cuno, cidiba ay cid saloolato kaddibna waxaba laga dhigto cantuugo qura oo si sahlan loo wada laqo.




    Waxaan ilaah ka rajaynayaa in dhagarta cadawga uu inaka kaafiyo inana aynu baraarugno oo aynu u istaagno maslaxaddeen aakhiro iyo tan Adduunba, sidoo kale waxaan ugu baaqayaa Soomaalidii xorta ahaanjirtay iyo tan aan wali xoroobinba inay ka digtoonaadaa dabinka loo dhigayo oo waxgaradku ay dadka u cirbixiyaan.

  4. Curly,


    You are right we could do with a clear naming system. But it seems to me we already have a naming system for family names, but it is not recognized as such. And with this post I wanted to highlight that surname system. There is allot of confusion about the Somali surnames, it seems like an almost alien concept to us sometimes, but if we look closer we will see that every family has a name that distinguishes it enough and that is recognizable.


    I am not sure what names such as Allamagan mean, maybe nomad Allamagan can enlighten us.




    I know those pure somali last names like: Dhore, Gheele, Olaad, Hashi, Roble, Warfa, Ghedi etc and those descriptive naaneesyo like Tuur, Gurguurte, Caano Geel etc are bolder & noticeable than those arabic names like mahamed, Abdullahi, Yusuf etc. Different region in somalia has I think different naming convention, think of Bakool or Waqooyi Somalia.

    You are right pure Somali names are bolder and more noticeable the n Arabic names.

    They are better suited for Surnames.




    So far I have not seen any exceptions to the 3 characteristics that a Somali surname should have. Does this mean that you have not been able to find an exception? Does your family have a name that you family is known by that fits these characteristics?


    1. A pure Somali name

    2. Naanees, that is descriptive without being insulting. The fathers, awoowes or the great-grandfathers naanees.

    3. An Arabic title

  5. Xiin,


    A&T's topic and this topic have nothing to do with each other. His topic is about nicknames, whereas this topic is about Surnames.


    Some Surnames may originally have been nicknames, but they are no longer Nicknames, because they developed to be family names.


    Nicknames apply to only one individual, whereas the Surname applies to a whole family.


    I think you can understand that much. The two topics may seem similar, but they are worlds apart.

  6. Curly,



    Well I've seen names like Mohamed Mohamed or Muse Ali or the likes. More and more we are learning to give up the tradition of nicknames. And people prefer to be known by an Islamic name. In fact my grandfather's dying wish was to only be called by is real name Mahamood rather than his nickname. Although many people do not uphold it.

    me was just trying to come up with a surname system that could fit into the western system of surnames. His attempts are good but we should take into consideration that many Somalis who enter the UK often completely fabricate their surnames to follow trends of those who have successfully entered the UK before them. Which might explain the growing number of Jama's, Sheikh, Sharif and even Kadiyeh which I thought was so unique!


    I've met Somalis who would claim surname such as Sharif to fit with their stories that they are from a minority in Somalia.

    Firstly I was not saying that names such as Mohamed Mohamed or Muse Ali do not exist. I know that they do exist and actually the majority of the so-called official names are like that, including mine. However what am saying is that there is a natural Surname system for the Somali people and this system applies to almost all Somali’s. For a family to be recognized, they should have a Somali Surname. If a person is called Ali Mohamed Abdi, he can be anyone. But if he is Ali Maxamed Cabdi Kadiye from Dhuusomareeb, then everyone knows him even without his clan. There will probably be 2 or 3 families with that surname in the whole region.


    So yes you can see people called Ali Maxamed Cabdi, but that is not their full-name, they just used the three names system and made it easier for themselves. They did not declare their real surnames.


    Secondly I am not trying to come-up with a surname system for Somali people, I am just sharing my observations and my findings with regards to the natural surname system hat the Somali people already have. So I am not coming up with something new. I am just pointing at something that already exists.




    Somalis don't have sir names,your sir name is your fathers name,and his is his fathers etc etc..Until you reach the sub-clan known name, it goes on until it reaches the clan name..on and on until awoogii 50 laa garo.


    I could be wrong.

    Well you are wrong, Somali's do have surnames before the sub-clan names.





    When we were in Somalia the naming convention was quite clear. In that naming convention we had three levels in our names---first name, middle name, and the last name. The first name represented your given name, the middle name represented your father’s first name, and the third, last name, represented your grandfather’s first name.


    That is how the name Cabdi Warsame Isa-aq, olr Mohamed Siyad Barre, is constructed. In the west the middle names tend to be alternative names, and children in a single family may have different middle names. I talked to Kenyan friends and even them employ different formula to choose their children’s middle names. In some tribes, one criterion is used for girls, and a different for the boys. In some Arab countries, last names with regional and tribal connotations are used.

    You misunderstand me; I am not saying that the old Somali naming convention is bad or should be changed. I am pointing out how natural surnames or family names have developed and that they go in against the child’s name, fathers name and grand fathers name system.





    Mr. Me, firstly, the very reason why we don't surnames is because we have ABTISI as Somalis,your name is what you have to your qabiil lineage. With surnames a name such BARRE (which is a nickname) becomes the last name of the lineage tree of the family.


    Secondly, we have middle names because waxaa la doonayaa aabihii ilmaha dhalay in uu ku lug lahaado ilmahiisa.


    Magaca, Maxamed Siyaad bare ma aha sedex magac Siyaad (baa naaneys tiisu tahay BARE) Caydiid (sidoo kale) Galeydh (sidoo kale) Tuure (sidoo kale) waad ila faham tahay baan filaayaa.

    I do not agree with this, what does abtirsi have to do with surnames?


    I know that in Barre naaneesta Siyaad ay tahay hasayeeshee hada reerkaasi waa reer Barre and the name Barre has developed to become their Surname. Everyone recognizes them by that name. So if they have a great grand son by the name of Abdikadir, then it will be Abdikadir Jaamac Maxamed Siyaad Barre. Barre is where the buck stops and that’s why Barre is no longer just a naanees but a surname.

  7. Curly,


    Kaahin = Priest.....similar origin as Cohen. So who knows you may have old priests in your family.


    Pre-Islāmic prophecy in Arabia was no different in character from other Semitic prophecy. Pre-Islāmic terms for prophet are ʿarrāf and kāhin (“seer,” cognate to Hebrew kohen, “priest”). The kāhin could often be a priest, and as a diviner he was an ecstatic. The kāhin was considered to be possessed...


    A surname does not have to be completely unique, but it should be unique enough to differentiate people. That would be one of the reasons why names such as Muse, Ali or Mohamed can not be surnames.


    BTW not to debunk your theory but some families don't have nicknames. My surname/middle names uses my families full name which is my father's name, my grandfather's name, my great grandfather's name and my great great grandfather's name. It's annoyingly long but for ease I shorten it by using my great great grandfather's name. But you know I always wondered how my brothers would continue the tradition would they drop the 4th Surname for their own name? Definitely confusing!

    I think that is the case for most people. When they came to the 'west' they wrote down their full names and used their grandfather or great-grandfathers names as surnames. However although you use your great-grandfathers name as your surname, your family may be known by another name within the community.


    What I am saying is that the real surname of a family does not have to be the one on their passport, but the name that differentiates that family from other families.


    So if your called let’s say.


    Ayan Cali Siciid……there can be millions of them and reer Cali siciid is not a name that is unique to let’s say your family. But if you were called Ayan Cali Kaahin, or Reer Cali Kaahin, that would be a name that is unique enough to be a recognizable surname.


    In your post you also said that there are families that have no real surnames. I used to think that too, until I asked around and apparant6ly everyone has Somali Surname that has one of the three characteristics I wrote down in my first post.

  8. The Somali last name theory, bare with me folks, it may get interesting.


    I have been thinking about Somali last names/ Surnames.


    Most Somali people that I know gave the name of their grandfather as their last name / Surname/ Family name when they came to Europe.


    So if their awowe’s name was Muse, their Surname became Muse, if it was Ali, their Surname became Ali. I believe that this goes for the majority of the people.


    The reason why most people gave the name of their awowe as their surname was because they believed that there is no such thing as a surname/lastname/family name in Somali.


    But I have learned now that there is a Somali lastname/Sur name/Family and apparently everyone has one.


    According to my theory for a Somali Surname to stick it has to have one of the following Characteristics.


    1. A pure Somali name

    2. Naanees, that is descriptive without being insulting. The fathers, awoowes or the great-grandfathers naanees.

    3. An Arabic title


    Examples of Pure Somali last names.


    Lets use famous examples.


    Maxamed Siyaad Barre

    Maxamed Faarax Caydiid

    Aden Abdullah Osman Daar

    Abdirashid Ali Shermarke

    Muhammad Haji Ibrahim Egal

    Ali Muhammad Ghedi

    Ali Khalif Galaid

    Saleebaan Ciise Ahmed Kaar

    Hassan Dahir Aweys





    Naanees, that is descriptive without being insulting. The fathers, awoowes or the great-grandfathers naanees.


    Ina Hebel Tuur

    Axmed Silanyo

    Faysal Cali Waraabe

    Ahmed Abdi Xaabsade

    C/raxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole


    An Arabic title


    Ali Mahdi Maxamed

    Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Axmed

    Kinsi Xaaji Aadan

    Daahir Riyaale Kaahin



    So in short a Somali Surname must have one of the following characteristics.


    A pure Somali name

    Naanees, that is descriptive without being insulting. The fathers, awoowes or the great-grandfathers naanees.

    An Arabic title



    So names such as Maxamed, Cabdi, Cali, etc on their own can not become a Somali surname.


    If you find exceptions, please let me know.

  9. The Rise and Fall of Albania's Pyramid Schemes

    Christopher Jarvis


    During 1996-97, Albania was convulsed by the dramatic rise and collapse of several huge financial pyramid schemes. This article discusses the crisis and the steps other countries can take to prevent similar disasters.





    The pyramid scheme phenomenon in Albania is important because its scale relative to the size of the economy was unprecedented, and because the political and social consequences of the collapse of the pyramid schemes were profound. At their peak, the nominal value of the pyramid schemes' liabilities amounted to almost half of the country's GDP. Many Albanians—about two-thirds of the population—invested in them. When the schemes collapsed, there was uncontained rioting, the government fell, and the country descended into anarchy and a near civil war in which some 2,000 people were killed. Albania's experience has significant implications for other countries in which conditions are similar to those that led to the schemes' rise in Albania, and others can learn from the way the Albanian authorities handled—and mishandled—the crisis.


    Why the pyramid schemes grew


    The wide appeal of Albania's schemes can be attributed to several factors, including Albanians' unfamiliarity with financial markets; the deficiencies of the country's formal financial system, which encouraged the development of an informal market and, within this market, of the pyramid schemes; and failures of governance.


    When Albania started the transition from central planning to a market economy, it was the poorest and most isolated and backward country in Europe. For centuries, Albania had been largely unknown and inaccessible, and, from 1945 to 1985, its isolation was compounded by the rigid communist dictatorship of Enver Hoxha, which eliminated almost all forms of private property and virtually cut the country off from outside influences and information. When transition began in 1991, the country had been reduced to desperate poverty, and the vast majority of its population was unfamiliar with market institutions and practices.


    Although Albania's transition to a market economy was rapid and quite successful, financial sector reform was very limited. Albania's formal financial system was rudimentary. There were few private banks. The three state banks, which held 90 percent of deposits, offered positive real interest rates but had growing portfolios of bad loans, prompting the Bank of Albania to impose tight credit ceilings on them. With the banks unable to satisfy private sector demand for credit, an informal credit market based on family ties and financed by remittances grew. The informal lending companies were initially regarded as benign and even as making an important economic contribution. Operating alongside them, however, were deposit-taking companies that invested on their own account instead of making loans. These companies were the ones that turned into pyramid schemes.


    There were also governance problems, both in the financial sector and more generally. The regulatory framework was inadequate, and it was not clear who had responsibility for supervising the informal market. Even after the approval of a banking act in February 1996 that appeared to give the Bank of Albania the power to close illegal deposit-taking institutions, the central bank could not obtain the government's support. Indeed, the government was supportive of the companies: senior government officials frequently appeared at company functions, and, in November 1996, even as the pyramid schemes began to crumble, the prime minister and the speaker of the parliament accepted medals in honor of the anniversary of one of the companies. During the 1996 elections, several of the companies made campaign contributions to the ruling Democratic Party. There were allegations that many government officials benefited personally from the companies.


    How the schemes operated


    In a typical pyramid scheme, a fund or company attracts investors by offering them very high returns; these returns are paid to the first investors out of the funds received from those who invest later. The scheme is insolvent—liabilities exceed assets—from the day it opens for business. However, it flourishes initially, as news about the high returns spreads and more investors are drawn in. Encouraged by the high payouts, and in some cases by showcase investments and ostentatious spending by the operators, still more people are drawn in, and the scheme grows until the interest and principal due to the early investors exceeds the money paid in by new investors. To attract new investors, a scheme may raise interest rates, but the larger interest payments soon force it to raise rates again. Eventually, the high rates begin to arouse suspicion or the scheme finds itself unable to make interest payments. When investors try to get their money out, they discover the truth about the scheme, whose demise is swift—and usually accompanied by acts of outright theft by the operators, if they are not caught first.


    Some of the Albanian companies meet this definition exactly: they were pure pyramid schemes, with no real assets. Other cases are more ambiguous. Some of the largest of the companies—in particular VEFA, Gjallica, and Kamberi—had substantial real investments. They were also widely believed to be engaged in criminal activities—including violating United Nations sanctions by smuggling goods into the former Yugoslavia—that were thought to be the source of the high returns they paid. And they had been in business for a long time, in some cases since 1992. However, even if they had not been pyramid schemes from the outset, at some point, probably during early 1996, these companies too became pyramid schemes. When they collapsed, it was clear that their liabilities massively exceeded their assets.


    Mania: the events of 1996


    Two events set the stage for the pyramid-scheme mania of late 1996. First, at the end of 1995, United Nations sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia were suspended, eliminating an important source of income (smuggling) for the companies. In January 1996, the leading companies increased their interest rates from 4-5 percent a month to 6 percent a month, or almost 100 percent annually in real terms. (Annual inflation in Albania was 5 percent in 1995 and 17 percent in 1996.) Second, the uncertainty created by approaching parliamentary elections, which were to be held in May, prompted the companies to raise their rates again, this time to 8 percent a month, or a real annual rate of well over 100 percent. During the same period, new schemes entered the market, offering even higher rates. In early 1996, two new pyramid schemes—Xhafferi and Populli—were created, and an already existing scheme that had no real investments—Sude—stepped up its activities, offering interest rates of 12-19 percent a month.


    The proliferation of schemes had baleful effects. First, more depositors were drawn in. Although VEFA had the largest liabilities, it had only 85,000 depositors. Xhafferi and Populli between them attracted nearly 2 million depositors—in a country with a population of 3.5 million—within a few months. Second, the investment funds felt pressured to compete and began to offer higher interest rates on deposits. In July, Kamberi raised its monthly interest rate to 10 percent. In September, Populli began offering more than 30 percent a month. In November, Xhafferi offered to treble depositors' money in three months; Sude responded with an offer to double principal in two months. By November, the face value of the schemes' liabilities totaled $1.2 billion. Albanians sold their houses to invest in the schemes; farmers sold their livestock. The mood is vividly captured by a resident who said that, in the fall of 1996, Tirana smelled and sounded like a slaughterhouse, as farmers drove their animals to market to invest the proceeds in the pyramid schemes.


    Throughout the year, the government was a passive spectator to the unfolding crisis. Although the enormity of the problem became clear when the Bank of Albania discovered that VEFA's deposits in the banking system were equivalent to $120 million (5 percent of GDP), and despite repeated warnings from the IMF and the World Bank, the finance ministry did not warn the public about the schemes until October. Even then, however, it drew a false and misleading distinction between companies with real investments, which were believed to be solvent, and "pure pyramid schemes." When it was suggested that some companies might be surviving by laundering money, President Sali Berisha came to their defense. Press and public reaction was mostly negative: the IMF was accused of trying to close down Albania's most successful firms. In November, in response to outside pressure, the government set up a committee to investigate the schemes. The committee never met. On November 19, Sude defaulted on its payments, and the collapse began.




    Sude's collapse shook the public's confidence in all of the companies and new deposits dried up. An attempt by VEFA, Kamberi, Silva, and Cenaj to convince depositors of their soundness by lowering monthly interest rates to 5 percent failed. In January 1997, Sude and Gjallica declared bankruptcy, triggering riots. The other schemes soon also ceased to make payments. The government belatedly took some useful steps. First, it refused to compensate depositors for their losses, which made achieving economic stabilization after the crisis much easier than it would otherwise have been. Second, it began to move against some of the companies. In January 1997, it froze the bank accounts of Xhafferi and Populli, which amounted to $250 million (10 percent of GDP). The Bank of Albania, on its own initiative, began to limit daily withdrawals from bank accounts to prevent other schemes from emptying their accounts. In February, parliament passed a law banning pyramid schemes (but not defining them). However, the government continued to differentiate between companies with real investments and pure pyramid schemes and did not move against the largest companies.


    By March 1997, Albania was in chaos. The government had lost control of the south. Many in the army and police force had deserted, and 1 million weapons had been looted from the armories. Evacuation of foreign nationals and mass emigration of Albanians began. The government was forced to resign. President Berisha agreed to hold new parliamentary elections before the end of June, and an interim coalition government was appointed.


    The interim government inherited a desperate situation. Some 2,000 people had been killed in the violence that followed the pyramid schemes' collapse. Large parts of the country were no longer within the government's control. Government revenues collapsed as customs posts and tax offices were burned. By the end of June, the lek had depreciated against the dollar by 40 percent; prices increased by 28 percent in the first half of 1997. Many industries temporarily ceased production, and trade was interrupted. Meanwhile, the major pyramid schemes continued to hang on to their assets, proclaim their solvency, and resist closure.


    Winding up the schemes


    Despite the many obstacles it faced, the interim government, aided by the international community, made impressive progress in restoring order and stabilizing the economy. Winding up the pyramid schemes proved to be more difficult. The government encountered resistance from both the operators and the outgoing parliamentarians, many of whom were reported to have invested in the schemes. Thus, it was not until July that the newly elected parliament passed a law, drafted with assistance from the IMF and the World Bank, mandating the appointment of foreign administrators from international accounting firms to liquidate the schemes.


    The administrators appointed under the new law were required to report regularly to the government but otherwise had complete independence. They were given broad powers to carry on the companies' businesses, pay their debts, sell their assets, fire staff and managers, seize the assets of individuals connected with the schemes, and hire experts to trace assets abroad. However, by November 1997, when the administrators took up their duties, the schemes' liquid assets had shrunk considerably. The schemes' owners challenged the new law in the courts and tried to intimidate the administrators with threats of violence. It took several months to dislodge the owners, partly because the administrators needed their cooperation in finding the companies' assets. The administrators did not gain full control of all of the companies until March 1998. Owners who had not fled were jailed, and whatever assets remained were prepared for sale. But much had been lost already.


    Effect on the economy


    Few studies have been done on the macroeconomic effect of pyramid schemes on the scale of those in Albania, which, fortunately, are extremely rare. The closest analogy to such schemes is the asset bubble, whose economic impact is due to changes in perceived wealth. As a bubble expands, people believe themselves to be better off than they actually are, and their demand for goods and money increases, leading to a deterioration in a country's external current account as well as increased output or accelerated inflation or both. If the bubble attracts foreign investors, capital inflows might be sufficient to fund the current account deficit. After the bubble bursts, perceived wealth falls dramatically. Demand for goods and money, as well as output and inflation rates, can be expected to decrease, while the current account balance is likely to improve.


    Some of these effects were observed in Albania but appear to have been limited and short lived. Although the current account of the balance of payments (excluding official transfers) deteriorated by about 2 percent of GDP in 1996, to 9.1 percent of GDP, because of a 35 percent increase in imports, this consumption boom seems not to have been the main factor driving inflation. The impact of the schemes' rise on output, which grew at nearly the same rate—9 percent—in 1996 as in the previous three years, is also unclear.


    The collapse of the schemes seems to have had a major short-term economic impact, but the most damaging effects came from the civil disorder it precipitated. Output fell by about 7 percent in 1997, with most of the decline being due to interruptions in production during the civil disorder. The increase in the inflation rate to more than 40 percent in 1997 can be attributed almost entirely to the depreciation of the lek and the sharp rise in the fiscal deficit caused by the loss of government revenues during the period of civil disorder. Recorded imports fell by more than 25 percent, reflecting not only the loss of savings but also the disruptions in trade and increased smuggling. Capital inflows declined but did not turn into net outflows.


    The long-term effects of the pyramid scheme phenomenon are likely to be limited, reflecting not only the resilience of the Albanian economy but also—and, perhaps, most important—the government's adjustment efforts and its refusal to bail out depositors. Prices and wages are extremely flexible in Albania; as a result, the government was able to cut real public sector wages substantially in 1997 (by leaving nominal wages unchanged), and the economy suffered no loss of competitiveness when the lek appreciated. The new government's willingness to tackle the budget deficit and undertake long-overdue structural reforms was also crucial. However, the social effects were profound. In addition to the loss of life, thousands of people were impoverished either by their unwise investments in the pyramid schemes or by the destruction of their property in the ensuing violence. Less tangible, but also significant, are the effects on confidence in Albania. The resilience of the Albanian people is considerable and has been more severely tested in the past. But the pyramid scheme phenomenon was a sobering setback.


    How to deal with pyramid schemes


    Albania's experience contains some important lessons for other countries. There are steps governments can take to make the growth of pyramid schemes less likely. These include establishing a well-functioning formal financial system, setting up a regulatory framework that covers informal as well as formal markets and has clear lines of responsibility for supervision and action, and tackling general governance problems. Although preventing pyramid schemes is not the most important reason for establishing good governance, the Albanian experience is a powerful reminder of the social costs of unchecked criminality.


    When pyramid schemes emerge, they should be dealt with swiftly and firmly. Companies believed to be operating pyramid schemes should be investigated. By definition, the liabilities of pyramid schemes exceed their assets, and the schemes fund payments to investors out of new investment inflows. To determine whether a company is operating a pyramid scheme, it is necessary to find out if it has real investments and if these investments are likely to be sufficient to cover its liabilities. The investigation can be conducted by the police, a government ministry, or the central bank. The key point is that the investigators should be able to recognize financial fraud and also to assess the value of company assets. If such expertise does not exist in the country, then the investigation can be conducted by outsiders; the IMF and the World Bank should be prepared to help governments find qualified outsiders, if necessary, either from other governments or from large international accounting firms with expertise in this area.


    The investigation should be swift. If a company is found to be operating a pyramid scheme, it should be closed immediately. Allowing schemes to continue will result only in more inflows of deposits and greater losses. Governments can close these companies for a variety of legal reasons: the companies may be taking unlicensed deposits or operating businesses without licenses; they may be evading taxes; or they may be liable for prosecution for straightforward fraud.


    If there is a strong presumption that companies are pyramid schemes, the government should freeze and, if necessary, seize their assets during the investigation. Once an investigation of a pyramid scheme has begun, the operators will try to steal as much of the assets as possible before the truth comes out. This cannot be entirely prevented, but freezing any assets held in the formal financial sector and seizing other assets that can be easily disposed of may save depositors a great deal of money.


    Once a scheme is closed, all assets should be seized and turned over to administrators, who could be government accountants or, if these officials do not have sufficient independence or expertise, accountants from an international firm with an insolvency practice. Legislation may be needed to void contracts made by the companies in the last several months (to prevent theft by transfer to associated parties) to give administrators full control over the assets of the companies and protect them from legal challenges.


    The government should make it clear from the outset that it will not compensate depositors for their losses. If this is not done, the fiscal costs are likely to be ruinous, and the moral hazard considerable.


    Finally, the IMF and the World Bank should be aware of the possibilities of pyramid schemes emerging when the conditions for their growth are present and should be vigilant in warning governments about them. When they can, the IMF and the World Bank should insist on action.




    This article is based on Christopher Jarvis, 1999, "The Rise and Fall of the Pyramid Schemes in Albania," IMF Working Paper 99/98 (International Monetary Fund: Washington).

  10. Sh. Max’ed Idriis “Sh. C/Qaadir Sifooyinkii ugu weynaa ee aan ku bartay waxaa ka mida laab xaadhnaan”


    By Somalimirror on 20 Oct, 2009 8:49 AM in Main, Maqaallo, Wararka


    Sheekh Maxamed Idriis - Shabakadda Warbaahinta ee Somalimirror waxay idiin soo gudbinaysaa faala kooban oo uu ka diyaariyay Sheekh Maxamed Idriis Saaxiibkiis Sheekh Cabdulqadir Allaha u naxariistee oo ay aad isugu dhowaayeen, sidoo kalana ka mid ahaa dadkii ugu danbeeyay ee ay is arkaan ayaamihii ugu dambeeyey Noloshiisa.




    Maqaalka Sheekha ayaa u dhignaa sida tan:-



    Sheekh Cabdulqaadir M Cabdullahi iyo Waxaan ku bartay?


    Mahad oo dhan Ilaah baa leh Nabad iyo Naxariisina Nebigeenna Korkiisa ha ahaato.


    Innaa Lilaah Wa Inaa Ileyhi Raajicuun. Waxaa maanta xagga aakhiro inooka guurey Sheekh Cabdulqaadir Muxammad Cabdullaahi, Ilaahay waxaan uga baryeynaa inuu Jannaatul Firdoos ka waraabiyo, Eheladiisii iyo Asxaabtiisi iyo Muslimoontoo dhanna samir ilaahay ka siiyo.


    Shekh Cabdulqaadir Allaha u Naxariistee, waxaan is naqaaney muddo 30 sano ka badan, Waxaanu 1978 ku kulanay carriga xijaas, oo berigaas dhalinyara badan ee dacwadu usoo carartay, markii cadaadisku kaga yimi dawladdii kacaanka ahayd, si gaarana waxaanu ugu rafiiqnay, Ilaahay dartiisna ugu walaalowney isuguna jeclaannay, dariiqa dacwada, ayaama bandanna waa usoo wada joogney iyo dhacdooyin dhul gariir oo kale ahaa, haba ugu darnaato ayaamihii ay dhacday Dawladdii Soomaaliya 1991, dabadeedna dalku galay dagaalada ehliga ah, safkii ducaaddana ay soo food saartay maayad culus oo dabaylo iyo duufaan wadata, taasoo bur bur iyo dil dillaac xooggan u geysatey saxwadii Islaamka ee heerka sare markaa mareysey, tasoo leh taariikhdeeda mar uun la qori doono haddii Rabbi Idmo. Mudda dheer ayaanu deris ku ahayn Sheekha Magaalada Barakaysan ee Makka Al Mukkarramah, waxaanan ka mid ahaa dadka ay aadka isugu dhowaayeen waqti dheerna wada shaqaynayeen.


    Haddaan Isku dayo inaan faalla kooban ka bixiyo sheikh Cabdulqadir Allaha u naxariistee, waxaa aad maskaxdayda isugu herdinaya fikradaha iyo xusuusaha aan isla soo marnay, laakiin waxaan jeclahay maanta inaan usoo koobo akhristayaasha, gaar ahaan barbaarta dacwada Islaamka, qayb ka mida waxaan ku bartay Daacigaan fariidka ahaa, ee maanta innaga baxay.


    Laab Xaadhnaan : Sheekh Cabdulqaadir sifooyinka ugu weyn ee aan ku bartay waxaa ka mida lab xaadhnaan. Wuxuu ahaa nin Ilaahay ku manaystay qalbi waasica oo aan xume iyo xasad aqoon. Wuxuu ahaa mid kulmiya dadka kala duwan, ama afkaarta ku kala fog, ama arrimaha iskaga hor yimaada, oo inta badan ay isugu yimaadaan, ama ayan waxba u wada qabin. Wuxuu ahaa nin khayrka iyo wanaagga la jecel dadka oo idil, kuna dadaala inuu wada deeqo, isagoo ay kasoo horrayso farxad iyo dhoolla cadadayn. Ma garanayo muddadaas dheer oo axdaas badan laysla soo maray Cabdulqadir iney dad wax uurka isugu qaadeen, balse xitaa dadka isaga maaga ama wax geysta wuxuu ahaa nin aan waxba u qaadin oo wanaag kula dhaqma, waana sifo Ilaahay bixiyo cid walbaana heli Karin.


    Hufnaan & Xishood : Sifooyinka uu aadka ugu caan baxay Sh. Cabdulqadir Allaha u naxariistee, cid walba oo la dhaqantaana dareemi kartey, waxaa ka mid ahaa, xishoodka iyo hufnaanta af iyo gacanba uu lahaa. Hadduu Cabdul qadir damco inuu wax ku weydiiyo, ama arrin kaala hadlo, ama fikrad uu kugu khilaafsan yahay kuu sheego, si toosa hakuula hadlo ama telefoon hakuu soo diro, waxaad dareemeysaa xishoodka siyaadada ah, iyo qaddarinta xad dhaafka ah ee uu qofka u muujinayo, iyadoo ay hadalkiisa mar walba ku dheehantahay tawaaduc iyo debecsanaan. Sh. Cabdul qadir wuxuu ahaa nin aad u gacan hufan oo qanaaca badan, si kasta oo ummuuruhu ugu adkaadaan, wuxuu ku qaabili jirey sabir iyo qanacsanaan. Waxaan ku baranay Cabdulqaadir – Allaha u naxariistee – nin aad u hadal macaan, waji furan, dhoolacaddayntu mar walba kasoo horrayso markuu walaalihiis la kulmo, bashaasha oo soo dhowaynta iyo xilkasnimada aan lagu gaarin. Waxaan xusuustaa ayaamihii dagaalada ehligaayi Soomaaliya ka bilawdeen, imtixaanada faraha badanina dacwada iyo ducaadda soo waajeheen, in ay dhici jirtey, dooda aad u kulul oo raggii asxaabta ahaa dhex marta, ayna dhici jirtey kolalka qaarkood in ragga qaarkood sheekha hadala kulul oo aan habboonayn ku yiraahdaan, weligayna ma maqal Cabdul qadir oo afkiisa kelimad xumi kasoo bexeyso, wuxuuna ku qaabili jirey, degganaan iyo hufnaan.


    Isagoo sidaa u xishood badan haddana sheekhu wuxuu ahaa geesi aan kelmadiisa iyo mawqifkiisa la gabban, waxaanuna marar badan iska xejin jirney goobta u baahan geesinimo iyo diricnimo.


    Deeqsinimo & Urursanaan: Waxyaabaha aan ku barannay Sh. Cabdulqadir Allaha u naxariistee waxaa ka mid ahaa deeqsinimo, iyo Urursanaan uu adduunyada ka urursanaa oo aaney qiima weyn ugu fadhiyin. Waxaan dhihi karnaa, adduunyada iyo dhal dhalaalkeeda isna ma doonin, iyana masoo doonan, ilaa Rabbigiis ka oofsaday isagoon ku wasakhoobin. Waxaan ogahay Sh. Cabdulqadir iney gacantiisa soo mari jirtey boqollaal kun iyo malaayiin, dacwadu leedahay, sidiisi ayuuna ka ahaa. Wuxuu ahaa nin aan waxba meel dhigan, ardada iyo walaalihiisa ducaaddaana u gacan furan, haddaanu wax haynna, u shafaaca qaad badan, oo ku dadaala in wax la taro.


    Adeegga Dadka: Sifooyinka Sh. Cabdulqaadir ku caan baxay waxaa ka mid ahaa, adeegga dadka waxaanan Ilaahay ka baryayaa inuu soo galo dadka xadiisku tilmaamay ( Dadka Ilaahay ugu Jecelyahay Waa kuwa dadka ugu waxtar badan). Waxaan dhihi karnaa waqtigiisa ugu badani wuxuu geli jirey u adeegga walaalihiisa Muslimiintaa gaar ahaan ardayda cilmiga iyo ducaadda, miduu tazkiya la raadiyo, mid uu sheikh ula tago oo shafaaca u qaado, mid uu shaqa dacwadeed la raadiyo gaar ahaan hay’addii Iftaha ee Sheekh Bin Baaz madaxda ka ahaa, sheekhuna wuxuu ka mid ahaa raggi Sheekh Binbaaz Tazkiyadooda aqbali jirey, iyo miduu cisbitaal u wado, iyo marti uu soo dhowaynayo. Waxaan xasuustaa berigii 1986 rag culima ah oo 10 ah dil lagu xukumay, sheekhu inaanu maalmahaas nasan, taasoo dhalisay in isaga iyo culima kaleba la hadlaan Sh. Cabdulcaziz Bin Baz, Shekh Binbazna la hadlay Ku xigeenka Boqorka Sucuudiga, Haatanna ah Boqorka Jooga, kaasoo la hadlay Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Maxamed Siyaad Barre, dabadeedna saan ognahay xukunkii loo bedeley xabsi daa,im, kadibna la sii daayey.


    Sh. Cabdulqadir wuxuu ahaa nin har iyo habeen ku mashquulsan waxtarka iyo u adeegga dacwada iyo ducaadda, heer arrinkaasu raad weyn ku yeeshay iney dayacmaan danihiisi gaarka ahaa, sida Risaaladii Masterka iyo phD uu samaynayey, waana midda keentay inuu waqti aad u badan ay ku qaadato 2da risaalo inuu dhameeyo, waayo waqtigiisa ugu badan oo dacwada iyo dadkeeda geli jirey.


    Ayaamihii u dambeeyey Noloshiisa


    Waxaan ka mid ahaa dadkii aadka ugu dhowaa ayaamihii ugu dambeeyey noloshiisa, waxaanan ku wadacay habeenkii khamiista ee subaxdeeda 15/10/2009 u u dhoofayey Djibouti gurigii uu ka degganaa magaalada Jeddah. Sheekha habeenkaa iyo malintii ka horreysey codkiisu wuu xirmay. Waqtigaa ka horna wuxuu sheekhu 11 cisho ku jirey Cisbitaalka weyn ee Malik Faisal, halkaasoo aanu dhignay habeenkii 30/9/2009 uuna kasoo baxay 11/10/2009.


    Sheekh Cabdulqaadir oo aan ku naqaaney adkaysi iyo dulqaad badan, habeenkaa markii aan cisbitaalka kasoo qaadeyney wuxuu aad isugu dayayey inuu keligiis gaariga fuulo, inkasta oo ay aad ugu adkayd. Taleefanadana wuu ka jawaabayey, dalkii iyo dadkiina akhbaartooda ayuu warsanayey.


    Sheekhu wuxuu Sucuudiga noogu yimi horraantii bisha Ramadaan isaga iyo Dr. Axmad Xaaji Cabdiraxmaan, iyagoo labaduba baaritaan caafimaad u yimi. Maalintii iigu horraysey ee aan Jeddah kasoo qaaday, waxaa dareen culusi I galay markaan taleefanka codkiisa ku maqlay. Waxaa dhegtayda ku dhacay cod ka bedelan codkii aan ku aqoon jirey Cabdulqadir. Waxaan dareemayaa, ruuxdu waa tiisii, hase yeeshee jirku waa mid ka bedelan. Markaan Gaarigayga kusoo qaadayna wuxuu sheekhu fadhiyey dhinacayga, gurigaannna kawada afurnay isaga iyo Dr., Axmad. Waxaan aad usii arkay xaaladda sheekha saacadahaas kooban, wexeyna igu beertay hammi iyo murugo aanan koobi Karin. Sheekh Cabdulqaadirka hortayda fadhiyaa waa isagii ruux ahaan, qosol ahaan, xishoodkiisi iyo adkaysigiisi xad dhaafka ahaa, ixtiraamki iyo qaddarintii, laakiinse jirkiisa wax badan ayaa iska bedeley, qofkii arki jireyna naxdin iyo calool xumo ku dhalineysa. Waxaanse imtixaanka ugu sabreynaa Allaah Subxaanahu wa tacaalaa oo aan uga rajayneyno inuu dembi dhaaf uga dhigo, daraja sare oo jannada ahna lagu gaarsiiyo.


    Isla habeenkaas waxaanu booqannay dhakhtar ku takhasusay cudurada jirka intiisa qarsoon. Markuu baaritaan kooban ku sameeyeyna wuxuu noo sheegay, in sheekha beerkiisu dhamaad yahay ama ku dhowyahay, daawada keliya ee uu leeyahayna ay tahay inta aanu ka naqaano in beerka laga bedelo, taasoo kharash fara badan u baahan. Wuxuuna noo diray baaritaano in la sameeyo dhiig iyo raajooyin ah. Wixii ayaamahaa ka dambeeyey, markii raggii meesha joogey la tashaday waxaa talo ku dhammaatay in sheekha baaritaanadan loo dhamaystiro, wixii baxnaanina oo lasiin karana lagula tacaalo, deg degna loogu hawl galo, sidii loo heli lahaa meeshii arrinkaa lagaga gun gaari lahaa iyo kharashkeediiba.


    Ilaahay fadligiis, maadaama sheekhu ahaa, nin qiima badan oo sidaa dadku u jecel yihiin, makaano iyo maqaam weynna ku leh dacwada iyo dadkeeda, waxaa suurta gashay in lagu guulaysto in ballan laga soo qabto mid ka mida cisbitaalada adduunka ugu caansan xagga beerka, oo ku yaalla London, lana yidhaahdo Cromwell Hospital, kharashkiina meel la saaro ilahay fadligiis.


    Markii fiisihii in laga qaado Jeddah ay adkaatayna waxaa sheekha la geeyey Djibouti si ballanta 12 Nov. uu u haleelo oo fiisaha halkaas looga qaado maadaama baasaboorkiisu ahaa DJibouti.


    Hase yeeshee khamiis hadduu tegey wuxuu noolaa oo qudha jimce iyo sabti, wubaxnimadii axadda 18/10/2008 saacaddu markey ahayd 8.00 am ayaa sheekha amarkii Ilaahay u yimi oo la oofsaday. Wuxuuna geeriyoodey sida la ii sheegay isagoo kelimadda tawxiidka ku dhawaaqaya.


    Kulan gaara


    Waxaan jeclahay inaan halkan ku xuso sheekhu wuxuu ii yeeray intaanu cisbitaalka Jeddah kasoo bixin habeen ka hor, anagoo ku jirna qaban qaabadii safarta. Taleefan ayuu iisoo diray wuxuuna yiri: Waxaan jeclaan lahaa inaan si gaara isu aragno oo arrima xoogaa ka tashanno. Waxaan ugu tegey Cisbitaalka, wuu fiicnaa markaa xoogaa, oo sariirta ayuu ku fadhiyey, dhiniciisa ayaan fariistay. Wuxuu asluubkiisi edebta badnaa, xishoodka lahaa, iigu muujiyey dareenkiisa ku aadan cariga gaalada, wuxuuna ii sheegay inuu waxbadan is tikhaaraystay, oo fekerey, niyaddiisuna marna ku degi la’dahay inuu aado dhulkaas gaalada. Haddii la heli karo wax ka bedelan ayaan door bidi lahaa ayuu yiri. Waxaan ku iri waa sidii laga filayey Profasoorka caqiidada, arrinkuna mid aynu hadda doorasho iyo jeclaan ugu socono, waase sabab qaadasho, meela ka fiican haddeynu helnana weynu qaadan, wixii tabarteenna ah ayeynu samayneynaa, arrintana Ilaahay ayeynu u deyneynaa, sidaas ayaanuna markii dambe isku waafaqnay.


    Waxaan rajaynayaa inuu Ilaahay niyaddiisa u qaaday, ayna khayr u ahayd inuu Rabbi u fududeeyey isaga oon dhib iyo rafaad iyo qal qalliin badan marin iyo gacan shisheeye.


    Ilaahay waxaan uga baryayaa inuu naxariistii janno geeyo Sh. Cabdulqaadir, Jannaatul firdowsna nagu kulmiyo annagoo walaala is hor fadhiya ah. Eheladiisi iyo asxaabtiisiina ilaahay sabir iyo iimaan ugu bedelo. Muslimiintana wax ka khayrbadan u dhaafiyo.


    Waxaan rajaynayaa in isaga iyo rag kale oo naga tegeyba ay ardaydooda iyo ducaaddu noloshoodi wax ka qoraan.

  11. Sh. Xasan Daahir Aweys “Sh. C/qadir Garre…Diinta Fahamkeeda & waliba Caqiidada Tasxiixinteeda Dadka aadka & aadka ugu Xeelta dheer ayuu ahaa”



    By Somalimirror on 20 Oct, 2009 9:27 AM in Main, Wararka, Wareysiyada



    Shabakadda Warbaahinta Somalimirror waxay idiin soo gudbinaysaa Waraysi aanu la yeelanay Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo ay Saaxiibo ahaayeen Sheekh C/Qaadir Maxamed C/llaahi Garre oo ay 1973 isla soo Bilaabeen Dacwada Maanta si wacan ugu Baahday Soomaaliya Afarteeda jiho.



    Waraysigana wuxuu u dhacay sida tan:-



    Somalimirror: - Assalaamu Calaykum Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu, Wajazaakallaahu Kheyran.



    Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys:- Wa Calaykumusalaam Waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuu.



    Somalimirror:- Sheekh Xasan, Maxaad ka Xasuusataa Taariikhdii Sheekh, Dr. C/qaadir Maxamed Cabdullaahi Garre?.



    Sh. Xasan Daahir:- Bismilaahi Raxmaani Raxiim, horta ilaahay SW waxaan ka rajeynaynaa C/qaadir Maxamed Cabdullaahi oo ku geeriyooday Magaaladda Djibouti sida la sheegay ayaan marka hore waxaan leenahay Umaddii uu ka tagay iyo Dadkiisii iyo Qaraabadiisii iyo Asxaabtiisii ayaan u tacsiyaynayaa, ilaahayna waxaan uga baryaynaa inuu Dabigiisa Dhaafo janadiisana uu Fardowso ka raadiyo, Midda labaadna koleey wuxuu ahaa Nin aan Dacwadii isla soo Bilownay ayuu ku jiray, Jamaacaadkii Islaamiga raggii wax ka Aas-Aasay ayuu ahaa, ka dibna Dacwada Meel Wayn uga jiray, allaha Barakeeyo, ka dibna raggii Sucuudiga u tagay inay wax ka bartaan oo Dacwada ku soo bartaan ayuu ahaa, illaa uu Dr(PHD) ka gaaro ka dibna Jaamacadda Boosaaso ku taala Raggii Aas Aasay oo howl-galiyay ayuu uu ka mid ahaa, Runtii Nin Edeb wanaagsan, Diin wanaagsan iyo Cilmi Wanaagsan aan ku naqaano ayuu ahaa, Runtii Taariikhda Xarakaatka Islaamiga ah khaasatan Itixaadkii, Jamaaca Al-islaamiya iyo Ictisaamkii kuli raggii Mu’asisiinta ee Mar walba Hormuudka ahaa ayuu ku jiray, ilaahay SW ayaan u barinaynaa in wixii Kheyr ahaa ee uu soo qabtay inuu Ajar ka siiyo, wixii Danbi ahna ilaahay uu u dhaafo, Umadana Samir ha ka siiyo Badal Kheyr qaba ha ka siiyo.



    Somalimirror:- Goorma ayaad isla Bilowdeen Sheekh Dr. C/qaadir Maxamed Cabdullaahi Garre Dacwada Islaamiga ee Soomaaliya?



    Sh. Xasan Daahir:- Dacwada Sideeda waxaa lagu Bilaabaa Rag yar, 1973 raggii Jamaacaddii Ehelka soo bilaabay buu ka mid ahaa, Rag yar bay sida Badanba ku Bilaabataa, Sheekh Maxamed Macallin Alaha ha u naxariistee raggii kitaabkii u akhrin jiray ka Asaasmay aan wada ahayn intaasna Dacwada ayuu ku soo dhex jiray sidaas ayuuna wuxuu ku tari karay ku daray, wixii khalad ahna ee uu ka Celin karayna uu ka celinayay, Marar Badan oo ay Bidco nagu furmeen sidii Takfiirkii oo kale Waxyaabaha noocaas oo kale ah raggii aadka iyo aadka isku hortaagay ayaan ka wada mid ahayn, Shuuciyadii iyo Balaayadii Waagii Wadaada la dilay iyo wixii ka danbeeyay raggii aadka iyo aadka is hor taagay ayaan ka wada mid ahayn, waxyaabihii intaas ka danbeeyayna sidii Caqiidada Dadka loogu sixi lahaa Dowlad Islaamna loogu soo celin lahaa wadanka Insha allaahu Tacaalaa ayaan ka wada mid ahayn, Nin walbana intii uu ka geysan karay ilaahay ajar ha ka siiyo Insha Allaah Tacaallaa inta ka danbeysana ilaahay Ma fidneeyo Insha Allaahu Tacaalaa.


    Somalimirror: - Ma jirtaa Dhibaatooyin idinka soo gaaray Dacwada intii aad wadeen ?




    Sh. Xasan Daahir:- Badanaaba Dadku marka ay yaryihiin, hadana Dowlad Jaa’ir ah ama Dadkii Gaalnimo ku Hogaaminayso oo Shuuciyo iyo Balaayo marka lagu dhex jiro waxyaalaha aadka iyo aadka Cajaaibta u leh waxaa ka mid ah markii ay yiraahdeen Shuuciyo ayaan Qaadanay oo Dhaxalkii ku tunteen oo Dowladaha Qaar sida Masar oo kale oo xataa iyaga laftooda Shuuciyo Qaatay ay ixtiraami jireen oo Aayaadkii Qur’aanka oo Calam Islaami oo dhan laga Ixtiraami jiray ay nasakheen, runtii raggii aad iyo aadka u hor istaagay oo markaas wadaadii Tobanka ahaa lagu dilay oo raggii Sheekh Maxamed Macallin ee Dacwadda waday la xidh-xidhay oo raggii kale ee Wasaarada joogay ee Sheekh C/Qani oo isna Ayaan dhaweyd Dhintay la xidhay, ragas oo dhan ee Dacwadii la kala eryay oo raggii Mas’uuliyiinta ahaa ee Islaamka u Boodayay oo dhan la kala eryay Qaarna la xidh- xidhay, runtii Raggii is hortaagay baan ka wada jirnay, Tusaale, waxaa jirtay in la yiri 5 Qof meel iskuguma Imaan karto, markaasaa waxaan Sameyn jirnay 4 Qof baan Meel iskugu imaanaynaa Guri oo kale, si aan Danbigiina uga fakano, waxayagiina noogu hirgalaan, hal qof ayaan ka tagaynaa, Qofkaas ayaa loo Akhrinayaa Kitaab, 4-taas Qof waxaa la rabaa 4 kale in Nin walba uu u akhriyo si aysan Dacwadii ku dhumin, arimahaas raggii aan isla soo marnay ayay mid ahayd, markii danbe Raggii Banaanka u baxay oo Banaanka intaan u saarnay niri wax ha soo barteen oo Dacwadii wax ha u soo barteen buu ku jiray, Ciddii ugu horeysay ee Jaamacadaas la yiraahdo Umu Quraa galay buu ku jiray markaa ka dibna Wadankii marna ku soo noqonayay marna Tacliintooda ku noqonayay ayuu ka mid ahaa, waxyaalahaas oo dhan ragii ku soo wada jiray baan ahayn.




    Dowladii Shuuciga ahayd waxay sameysteen Qaanuun la yiraahdo “54” “Ka faa’iidaysi Urur Diimeed Waa Dil” Saas ayay ahayd Ragayagii waxa lagu xukumay ee 9 ka ahaa, laakiin aan ilaahay u qorin in la laayo, laakiin isagu wuxuu ka mid ahaa raggii Tacliinta ku Maqnaa oo laakiin Dacwada halkaa ka waday oo halkaas aad iyo aad uga Taageeri jiray.



    Somalimirror: - Geerida ku timid Sh. C/qadir Garre Saameyn intee la eg ayaad is leedahay wuu ku yeelan karaa Saxwadii Islaamiga ahayd ee aad isla soo Bilowdeen?.




    Sh. Xasan Daahir:- Runtii Gidaar weyn baa Dacwada ka dumay, laakiin Dabeecadda Ilaahay waxaa ka mid ah in Haddii Nin tago inuu nin yimaado oo ilaahay baa keensada, Qofkii dhintana Qof baa badalaya, Qofkii isagu hadda isagu ka tago oo Dacwada isaga taga Dad baa Badalaya isaga ka badan, marka Insha allaahu waxaan Rajeynaynaa Umuurtiisa ha ahaato ama Muslimiinta kale ha ahaato maanta Dacwada Meel aad iyo aad u Cajiib badan bay maraysaa oo Nasrigii ay rabeen ay ku dhawdahay, Dacwadii Towxiidka iyo Sunadda oon faafin jirnayna ay hadda Qaali ku tahay Soomaaliya Al-Xamdulilaah xataa dadkii Reer Baadiyaha ahaa ay qaali ku tahay waa Ilaahay Mahadii, Nasrigii Weynaa ee aan Dhowraynayna waa Dhadhaw yahay insha allaah, Rag gaarsiiyana waa la helayaa Insha Allaahu Tacalaa, Marka Badiil Kheyr qaba ilaahay ha na siiyo, isagana Ajarkiisa alaha ha weyneeyo.




    Somalimirror: - Sheekh Xasan Maxaad ka xasuusataa Dabeecadihii uu Sheekh C/qaadir lahaa intii aad tiqiinay?



    Sh. Xasan Daahir:- aad iyo aad Dadka aan la heli Karin buu ahaa oo Dabcigiisa aan la heli Karin oo Dad wadkana ku fiican, Diintana ku fiican, iyo Fahamkeeda, ra’yigana ku fiican, in badan buu Mas’uul nooga ahaa Dalalkaas Khaliijka oo dhan, ayuu Mas’uul inooga ahaa, Marka Dadka aadka Dad wadka u leh oo Dabciga Fiican oo xanaaqa yar oo mararka Qaarkood rayiga wanaagsan ku adag ayuu ahaa, runtii Dadka Naadirka ah ayuu ahaa, khaas ahaan Diinta Fahamkeeda iyo waliba Caqiidada Tasxiixinteeda dadka aadka iyo aadka ugu Xeelta dheer ayuu ahaa si fiicana u Yaqaano oo illaa DR. (PHD) ku qaatay.



    Somalimirror: - Assalaamu Calaykum Waraxmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu, Wajazaakallaahu Kheyran.


    Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys:- wa calaykumusalaam Waraxmatullaahi wabarakaatuu, Wajazaakumullaahi Kheyran.

  12. The demise of the dollar


    In a graphic illustration of the new world order, Arab states have launched secret moves with China, Russia and France to stop using the US currency for oil trading


    By Robert Fisk


    Tuesday, 6 October 2009


    In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with China, Russia, Japan and France – to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council, including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar.


    Secret meetings have already been held by finance ministers and central bank governors in Russia, China, Japan and Brazil to work on the scheme, which will mean that oil will no longer be priced in dollars.


    The plans, confirmed to The Independent by both Gulf Arab and Chinese banking sources in Hong Kong, may help to explain the sudden rise in gold prices, but it also augurs an extraordinary transition from dollar markets within nine years.


    The Americans, who are aware the meetings have taken place – although they have not discovered the details – are sure to fight this international cabal which will include hitherto loyal allies Japan and the Gulf Arabs. Against the background to these currency meetings, Sun Bigan, China's former special envoy to the Middle East, has warned there is a risk of deepening divisions between China and the US over influence and oil in the Middle East. "Bilateral quarrels and clashes are unavoidable," he told the Asia and Africa Review. "We cannot lower vigilance against hostility in the Middle East over energy interests and security."


    This sounds like a dangerous prediction of a future economic war between the US and China over Middle East oil – yet again turning the region's conflicts into a battle for great power supremacy. China uses more oil incrementally than the US because its growth is less energy efficient. The transitional currency in the move away from dollars, according to Chinese banking sources, may well be gold. An indication of the huge amounts involved can be gained from the wealth of Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar who together hold an estimated $2.1 trillion in dollar reserves.


    The decline of American economic power linked to the current global recession was implicitly acknowledged by the World Bank president Robert Zoellick. "One of the legacies of this crisis may be a recognition of changed economic power relations," he said in Istanbul ahead of meetings this week of the IMF and World Bank. But it is China's extraordinary new financial power – along with past anger among oil-producing and oil-consuming nations at America's power to interfere in the international financial system – which has prompted the latest discussions involving the Gulf states.

    Brazil has shown interest in collaborating in non-dollar oil payments, along with India. Indeed, China appears to be the most enthusiastic of all the financial powers involved, not least because of its enormous trade with the Middle East.


    China imports 60 per cent of its oil, much of it from the Middle East and Russia. The Chinese have oil production concessions in Iraq – blocked by the US until this year – and since 2008 have held an $8bn agreement with Iran to develop refining capacity and gas resources. China has oil deals in Sudan (where it has substituted for US interests) and has been negotiating for oil concessions with Libya, where all such contracts are joint ventures.

    Furthermore, Chinese exports to the region now account for no fewer than 10 per cent of the imports of every country in the Middle East, including a huge range of products from cars to weapon systems, food, clothes, even dolls. In a clear sign of China's growing financial muscle, the president of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, yesterday pleaded with Beijing to let the yuan appreciate against a sliding dollar and, by extension, loosen China's reliance on US monetary policy, to help rebalance the world economy and ease upward pressure on the euro.


    Ever since the Bretton Woods agreements – the accords after the Second World War which bequeathed the architecture for the modern international financial system – America's trading partners have been left to cope with the impact of Washington's control and, in more recent years, the hegemony of the dollar as the dominant global reserve currency.


    The Chinese believe, for example, that the Americans persuaded Britain to stay out of the euro in order to prevent an earlier move away from the dollar. But Chinese banking sources say their discussions have gone too far to be blocked now. "The Russians will eventually bring in the rouble to the basket of currencies," a prominent Hong Kong broker told The Independent. "The Brits are stuck in the middle and will come into the euro. They have no choice because they won't be able to use the US dollar."


    Chinese financial sources believe President Barack Obama is too busy fixing the US economy to concentrate on the extraordinary implications of the transition from the dollar in nine years' time. The current deadline for the currency transition is 2018.


    The US discussed the trend briefly at the G20 summit in Pittsburgh; the Chinese Central Bank governor and other officials have been worrying aloud about the dollar for years. Their problem is that much of their national wealth is tied up in dollar assets.


    "These plans will change the face of international financial transactions," one Chinese banker said. "America and Britain must be very worried. You will know how worried by the thunder of denials this news will generate."

    Iran announced late last month that its foreign currency reserves would henceforth be held in euros rather than dollars. Bankers remember, of course, what happened to the last Middle East oil producer to sell its oil in euros rather than dollars. A few months after Saddam Hussein trumpeted his decision, the Americans and British invaded Iraq.



  13. Who are the true leaders of these people according to you?


    Sure, some of them may want to go their separate way from Puntland, but this will only be
    through a referendum in the future.

    Who will allow it :D ? Remember it's the secessionist militia that are in the region now, Puntland has nothing to allow. Puntland is an spectator, a loudmouthed one of course. But one who is in no position to allow or disallow anything.