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  1. C/llaahi Yuusuf: Khilaafka Itoobiya iyo Aniga guntiisa hoose wuxuu ahaa aqoonsada Somaliland.

    Warkii 13-Jan-2009 iyo Qormadii: News.



    C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo 29-kii December ee sanadkii hore iska casilay xilka Madaxweynimo ee Soomaaliya kadib markii la sheegay in uu cadaadis kaga yimid beesha Caalamka iyo qaar ka mid ah wadamada deriska la ah Soomaaliya, ayaa mar uu kulan la yeeshay Odoyaal iyo Waxgarad ka soo jeeda Putland waxa uu ka hadlay sababihii uu isku casilay, isagoo faahfaahin dheer ka bixiyey, waxa uuna sheegay in arrimo fara badan oo ka soo wajahday Beesha Caalamka uu isku casilay, isla markaana uu Caalamku gacan-siin waayay dowladdii lagu soo dhisay dalka Kenya sanadkii 2004.



    Odyey ka mid ah Odoyaashii ka qaybgalay kulankaasi oo soo gaaray Magaalada Muqdisho oo diiday in magaciisa la sheego ayaan wax ka weydiiyey halka uu gaarsiisnaa xiriirka u dhexeeyey Itoobiya iyo C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed, waxa uuna sheegay in xiriirkaasi uu markii hore aad u wanaagsanaa hase yeeshee markii dambe uu gadaal ka xumaaday sababo soo baxay awgood, Odeygu waxa uu sheegay in C/llaahi Yuusuf uu uga waramay waxa ay isku qabteen isaga iyo Itoobiya, waxa uuna yiri C/llaahi “Khilaafka guntiisa hoose haddii aan idiin kaga waramo waxa uu salka ku hayay markii ay Itoobiya ii soo jeedisay in Dowladda Federaalka ay aqoonsato maamulka Somaliland, arrintaasi oo aan ku diiday, waxaana si cad ugu sheegay madaxda Itoobiya in arrintaasi aan labo jirkeygii ka soo horjeeday haatanna aniga oo 80 jir ay adagtay sidii aan ku ogolaan lahaa aqoonsiga Somaliland”, waxaa kale oo uu intaa sii raaciyey C/llaahi “Haddii aan dooneysaan in aan aqoonsado Somaliland adinka Itoobiya ah aqoonsada kadib ayaan aqoonsanayaa”. C/llaahi Yuusuf waxa uu sheegay in Itoobiya ay dooneysay in marka ay Dowladda Federaalka aqoonsato Somaliland in shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay ku kacaan Dowladda oo ay sidaas ku burburto Dowladda , waayo Dowladda Itoobiya ma dooneyso in Soomaaliya uu ka dhamaado khilaafka ayna yeelato Dowlad sal-adag.


    C/llaahi Yuusuf oo ay saaxiibo isku dhow ay ahaayeen Itoobiya ayaa maalmihii dambe waxaa soo baxay khilaaf aad u adag, kadib markii ay Dowladda Itoobiya si cad ula safatay Ra’isul Wasaare Nuur Cadde, isla markaana C/llaahi Yuusuf ay ku eedeeysay in uu yahay caqabad hor taagan dib u heshiisinta Soomaaliya, sidoo kalana uu mas’uul ka yahay wax qabad la’aanta Dowladda Federaalka, iyadoo Wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda Itoobiya uu sheegay in Dowladda Federaalka u soo tababartay ciidan gaaraya 15 kun, si ay mustaqbalka u hantaan maamulka Soomaliya, balse waxay Itoobiya sheegtay in uu taasi burburiyay C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed.


    Odeygan ayaa hadalkiisa sii daba dhigay “Dadka Soomaaliyeed ayaa intooda badan aaminsanaa in khilaafka madaxda Dowladda uu ku yimid kadib markii Nuur Cadde uu xilka ka qaaday guddoomiyihii hore ee Gobolka Banaadir oo haatan u xiran ciidamada Itoobiya Max’ed Dheere iyo arrimaha dib u heshiisinta ee uu waday Ra’isul Wasaare Nuur Cadde, hase yeeshee markii C/llaahi Yuusuf uu ka dhawaajiyey in khilaafku uu ku saleysnaa arrimo ka dhex aloosnaa isaga iyo Itoobiya oo ah in la aqoonsado Somaliland, runtii aad ayaan uga naxnay ma fileyn in Itoobiya arrimahaasi ku kacdo, waayo Itoobiya iyadaa Dowlad ah, iyada ayaana laga rabay haddii wax la aqoonsanayo in ay aqoonsato .


    Somaliland, inkastoo aqoonsiga uu ka yimaado Qaramada Midoobey waxaa muuqatay in Itoobiya aysan marnaba daneynayn in xal loo helo arrimaha Soomaaliya, waayo haddii ay Somaliland la dooneysay in ay aqoonsi hesho waxay uga ololeyn lahayd ururada Caalamiga ah sida Qaramada Midoobey, Midowga Yurub, Midowga Afrika iyo wixii la mid ah.


    Xuseen Caydiid ayaa hadda ka hor markii ay soo galeen Ciidamada Itoobiya waxa uu ka dhawaajiyay hadal ay dadka Soomaaliyeed si aad ah uga gilgilsheen kadib markii uu yiri “Itoobiya waxaan nahay dal saaxiib ah, waxaana dooneynaa in aan xuduudda isku furano, lacag qura aan wada yeelano, Baasaboor qura aan wada yeelano, haddii aan nahay Somaaalia ”, inkastoo Xuseen Caydiid uu cudur-daar ka muujiyey haddana shacabka Soomaaliyeed arrintaasi waa ay u cuntami waysay, Itoobiyana waxay dooneysay in marka uu C/llaahi ku dhawaaqo aqoonsiga Somaliland oo uu halkaasi ka dhasho ismaanfhaaf dadka Soomaaliyeed dhexdiida ah, waxaana sidoo kale dadka arrimahaan u dhuun daloola sheegeen in Itoobiya ay dooneysay in ay tijaabiso sida ay u hirgeli karto arrintaana, loona badinayay in Itoobiya ay damacsaneed qorshayaal kale oo fog oo ay dib u dhiganeyso oo la xiriira arrimaha Soomaaliya.



    Reysalwasaaraha Melis Zenawi Barnamij Laga Sidaya halkan ka daawo



    Qormadii:Amiin Yuusuf Khasaaro,Muqdisho,Somalia.

  2. Originally posted by Allamagan:

    This was the war that my grandfather as a teenager and six of his elder brothers and cousins fought against the invading infidel armies for the honor of our land & religion. Only my grandfather survived. (May allah rest all of these mujahedeens in peace)


    ME, wonderful topic, however, sxb you yourself killed the whole thread and its importance by provocatively singling out one section of the community when the fact was these invading armies exploited every weakness in our people by threatning and forcing people to do such these things. and when you know no clan was immune from this humiliation.



    Our nation is grateful for the sacrifices made by your family.


    However I would like to ask you, how come it is possible for invading armies to exploit the same weaknesses the colonials exploited over 100 years ago?




    You do not have to interpret anything for me. I asked for your opinion on the matter. Was the colonial government a legitimate government according to the people of Northern Somalia? Or was it perceived as a foreign occupation? I could not have asked a simpler question.

  3. Brother Adam,


    You said the following.


    1.At the same time like our ancestors were yet the entire continent was colonized before us while our ancestors repulsed the invaders and drove them to small coastal enclaves so i doubt it had anything to do with lack of strength.


    How come that it was the colonials that came to our shores and that we did not go to theirs?


    2.Even now a foreign proxy army serving as a condom for the Western powers


    Condom is used for penetrating, Somalia and the Somalis are being penetrated.



    3. To say Somalia is more eligible for future conquest than any other country in Africa is laughable.


    Why should we compare ourselves with the worlds basket cases? winning a medal at the paralympics doesn't make you the worlds strongest, fastest or best. So why can we not compete with the rest of the world, whats wrong with us?


    4. The real issue is lack of unity which is what prevents Somalis from giving that last devastating punch to their enemies


    We can't even work together long enough to form a system of government that will satisfy our needs for development. Whats this mythical unity we are talking about here? who should be united and why? and what if they do not want to?

  4. Badacase,


    My questions are very straight forward.


    Were the people of Northern Somalia happy with the English presence?


    Was the colonial government a legitimate government according to the people of Northern Somalia? or was it perceived as a foreign occupation?


    I want to hear from you as a secessionist supporter how you view this history of ours and how that history has influenced today's secessionist agenda.

  5. Abu Diaby,


    The supporters of SL see it as a regional administration and not a clan affiliation. If the supporters of SL see SL as a clan affiliation I would like to hear it from them and then the caption qolyaha SL would refer to a clan instead of region.


    @they were the taxi of those days - a classic.



    Adam - I would be grateful if you could find the original picture, with the original caption.


    About the question of dominance. They were colonizing our country, they came halfway across the world to occupy our country This picture is a symbol and it reinforces that fact.


    Let's get real here put that famous Somali pride aside and think about our current situation. Are we today relatively stronger then we where 100 years ago? or did we slip further back?


    Why were we in a position that other nations could come halfway across the world to colonize us?


    Can we be colonized again today? how come we haven't learned from the lesson that life thought us 100 years ago?


    We can all look at a picture but what do you see is the question.


    One saw tribalism, another saw a taxi. What do you see is the question.

  6. Badacase,


    Have you ever wondered about the roots and historical justification of the administration whose flag you carry and support?


    To my knowledge the administration you support seeks historical legitimacy from the period that that picture was taken.


    Have you ever wondered about how life was under the colonial occupation of Northern Somalia? What was the role of the Somali's in that administration? Where the people of Northern Somalia happy with the colonial administration?


    Did the people of Northern Somalia see the colonial administration as the legal government of that region? was the colonial government a legitimate government according to the people of Northern Somalia?

  7. Originally posted by Adam-Zayla:

    What is there to face
    ? A European couple going on a safari or the fact that they are being carried by paid men? This is not unique(to any part of the world pre-automobile age) nor is it bad or ugly.



    We can not just collect the good sides of our history and throw the rest under the carpet. We cannot dismiss this picture as a couple going on a safari carried by paid men


    This picture captures an era. It says as much as Ethiopian Tanks in the Bakaraha. It shows an English man and woman being carried by Somali men. It shows the power relation that existed at that time and era in that region.


    But it is not all doom and gloom at the same period this picture was taken there were brave Somali men fighting for the honor of the Somali nation.


    We can not just collect nice pictures and forget about the bad ones.


    It is not the good pictures that teach us the lessons from history, it is the bad pictures that teach us and it is from the bad pictures we need to learn.


    The mistakes we made 100 years ago are haunting us today. And what we are going through today, we went through 100 years ago. It is just that we did not learn from our history.


    So we can do two things here:


    1. We face our history and learn from it.

    2. We pretend everything is shaxshax and pay for it along the way.


    History is repeating and the choice is yours. So I would advice you to look at that picture, to read those two short articles and to see whether you see similarities between then and now.

  8. Sanad Guuraddii 104 Aad Ee Ka Soo Wareeg Dagaalkii Lagu Hoobtay Ee Jidbaale Iyo Warbixintii Newyork Times Ka Qortay.


    Jan 12, 2009 By:




    Newyork( gobanimo doonka ahaa ee ay horkacayeen Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xassan iyo mujaahid Ismaciil Mire Cilmi wuxuu bilaabmay sanadkii 1899kii wuxuuna dhamaaday dabayaaqadii 1921kii kagadaal markii ciidamaddii Ingriiska ee Royal airforce duqayn ba'an u gaysteen dhulkana lasimeen caasimaddii Daraawiishta ee Taleex.


    Duqayntaas oo noqotay middii ugu horaysay oo nooceedoo kalaa ee lagu qaado dhadhaqaaq kale oo African ah ayaa la orankaraa waxaa soo dedejiyey tabcooyin dhowr ahaa oo Daraawiish laheshay ciidamadii sancaddihii Ingiriiska khaasatan Guul darooyinkii ka soo gaadhay dagaaladii dulmadoobe ee dhegta dhiiga loogu daray major Gen. Regit Cofield oo hugaan u ahaa ciidamada Ingiriiska iyo ciidamadii kale raaciyadda u ahaa amaba aqbalay ku hoos noolaashaha gumaysiga. Ciidanka Daraawiishta ayaa markaas waxaa abaanduule ka ahaa Mujaahid wadani Ismaaciil Mire Isagoo Gabay ugu warbixinaya Sayid Mohamed sida uu u abaabulay dagaalka islamarkaana caalsaaraha uga qaatay ciidanka Koofil wuxuu yiri.


    Sengeyaal tabaadihiyo gool, weerarka u tooxnay

    Sidii Teyse rooboo onkoday, tiririgtii yeedhay

    Teeriyo Berbera qayladii, tahan la waydaaray

    Gaaladu waxay tacab lahayd, taabnay subaxaaba

    Tirsanmaynin uunkii tirmiyon, Tulushle Iiddoore

    Turjubaannadii daba socdiyo, Koofi lagu toogay

    Maadhiin turaabtaa ka badan, tuurta kaga qaadnay.


    Dhanka kale dagaalkii ugu geeridda badnaa ee dhexmara ciidamadai Ingiriiska iyo Daraawiish wuxuu ahaa dagaalkii lagu hoobtay ee ka dhacay goobta Jidbaale halkaas oo ay ku shahiideen in kabadan kudhawaad labo kun oo qof inkastoo war bixinta Newyork times sheegtay in ay ku geeriyoodeen kun nin oo dhanka daraawiishta iyo tiro yar oo Ciidamadii Ingriiska ah balse sida ay xaqiijiyeen odayaasha iyo taariikhyannada wax ka qoray halgankii Daraawiish tirada dhimashada ciidamada Daraawiisha ee maalintaas waxay ku sheegaan kun iyo lix boqol oo mujaahid halka ay dhanka kalena ku qiyaaseen ilaa ku dhawaad afar boqol.




    Waxaa Inoo Soo Diyaariyey


    Abdirahman Dhakalaf




  9. Sheydaanku bini-aaadamkuu shar u horseedaaye



    Hadba wuxuu ku shalansheeliyoo dib uga shaacdaaba



    Shilal iyo wuxuu kugu xiraa shalowgii naareede



    Shareecada markuu ka ambiyee sharaf ka dheereeyay



    Rag badan buu shukaanta u qabtoo shaahid loo yahaye



    Maantana Shariifyaa ku dhacay shabakadii Bushe



    Xabashida waxay ula shurkeen shicibka naafeeysay



    Waa niman shidaal lagu shubtoo shilin u muuqdaaye



    Qiyaamada kufrigu soo shaqlay iyo sheeko baraleyda



    Sharam-sheeikh halkii reer xamaas lagu shirqoolaayay



    Waa shuqul nin soo wada unkoo waa is-shabahaane...

  10. Somalia: Puntland's new leader frustrates Somaliland

    11 Jan 11, 2009 - 9:47:40 AM




    HARGEISA, Somalia Jan 11 (Garowe Online) - The newly elected leader of Somalia's Puntland regional government has demanded that Somaliland separatists withdraw their forces from the disputed regions, Radio Garowe reports.


    Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed "Farole," the new Puntland president, told the BBC Somali Service that the people of Puntland and Somaliland are brothers.


    "I especially know that the people of Puntland mourn the extra suffering inflicted upon Somaliland," President Farole said, while indirectly referring to the bombing of Hargeisa and Burao by the Gen. Barre regime in the late 1980s.


    Puntland's new leader urged the Somaliland public not support separatist government's agenda to spoil the upcoming election in Somaliland.



    Puntland Pres. Farole and VP Shire/GO

    "I urge you [somaliland people] not to support the administration as it attempts to win the election [in March] by bringing troops and election boxes to regions where Somaliland has no support," President Farole said.


    He challenged the Somaliland leadership, saying: "Where are the community and traditional leaders of the regions [sool and Sanaag]? They are all here in Garowe," he answered, referring to the capital of Puntland.


    "I request the Somaliland administration to stop the hostilities and to immediately withdraw from Sool [region] and to respect good neighborliness among the brotherly peoples who will always need each other," President Farole added.


    Somaliland unilaterally seceded away from the rest of Somalia in 1991 but remains international unrecognized. The separatist republic's leaders have cited the bombings in Hargeisa and Burao by Somali government warplanes as fuel for secession.


    Somaliland response


    Mr. Abdullahi Mohamed Du'ale, Somaliland's foreign affairs minister, heatedly responded to the new Puntland leader's comments.


    "We [somaliland] see these comments as a new development," Mr. Du'ale told the BBC Somali Service during a Sunday interview, before flying from Hargeisa to Djibouti.


    He suggested that the Puntland leader's position is that "all the related clans work together. Governance cannot be built on clans. It looks like he [Farole] is sending us backwards."


    Somaliland's foreign minister expressed surprise at Puntland President Farole's clear position vis-à-vis the disputed regions, saying: "The men before him used to sugarcoat words."


    Responding to Dr. Farole's challenge, Mr. Du'ale said: "I was part of the Somaliland delegation that visited Las Anod [capital of Sool] to monitor the voter-registration process, which is going well. The traditional elders in Garowe have become politicians."


    He strongly defended Somaliland's unrecognized borders, saying that Somalia was originally divided into British Protectorate of Somaliland and the Italian colony of Somalia.


    Mr. Du'ale called on the Puntland administration to combat insecurity and piracy instead.


    Somaliland's separatist government claims colonial-era boundaries in its bid for international recognition, but the breakdown of the Somali nation-state in 1991 has led to each clan to establish self-rule its native land.


    The most well-known traditional elders from Sool region, native to the *********** clan, have been in Garowe for months where they played a key role in overseeing a smooth and successful election process that brought Dr. Farole to power on Jan. 8.


    President Farole's deputy, Gen. Abdisamad Ali Shire, is a *********** clansman from Sool region.


    The *********** clan, along with President Farole's ********* and the Warsangeli, form the ***** confederacy of the larger ***** clan-family, which forms the core constituency of Puntland.


    In Somaliland, the dominant ***** clan is perceived as the primary supporters of secession while the ***** clans are seen as pro-Somali unity.


    Thousands of civilians who fled Las Anod following Somaliland's takeover in Oct. 2007 now live in Garowe and other parts of Puntland.



    Source: Garowe Online

  11. Madaxwaynaha Cusub ee Puntland C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole oo lagu eedeeyey Budhcad Badeednimo

    Warkii 09-Jan-2009 iyo Qormadii: Afnugaal


    Iyadoo wax ka yar 48 saacadood laga jooga doorashadii hogaanka cusub ee Puntland ayaa durba waxaa soo baxaya dhaliilo loo jeediyey Mudane: C/raxmaan Faroole Madaxwaynaha Dowlad Goboleedka Puntland kuwaas oo ah in faroole uu yahay aasaasaha kooxa budhcad badeed ka howl gala xeebaha Gobolada Puntland gaar ahaa gobolka uu ka soo jeedo ee Nugaal...........................................


    Madaxwaynaha Dowlad Goboleedka Putland Mudane: C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole ayaa ah madaxa maaliyada ee budhcad badeed ka howl gala xeebaha Gobolka Nugaal uuna hogaamiyo Cowke Bicir oo uu Madaxwayne Faroole adeer u yahay sida u xaqiijiyeen waxgarad ku sugan magaalada Garoowe goordanbe oo xalay ahayd , waxaana la sheegay in qoyska Madaxwaynaha cusubi ay ka heleen xeebaha gobolkaasi lacag aad utiro badan .


    Inkastoo Madaxwayne C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole sheegay wax yar ka dib markii la dhaariyey inuu ka tirtiri doono Budhcad badeeda xeebaha Puntland ayaa hadana wararku intaasi ku darayaan in lacagtii uu ku galay doorashada ay ka soo gadhay dhowr markab oo maleeshiyada jifadiisu ku haysteen xeebaha gobolka Nugaal kuwaas oo laga qaaday lacag aad ubadan lacagtaas dhamaanteed ayaa ku dhacday accoun uu Madaxwayne faroole ku leeyahay Banks ku yaala Dalalka Australia iyo Dubia ,wuxuuna kumanaan dollar shalay ku iibsaday tiro badan oo ka mid ahayd xildhibaanada baarlamaanka Puntland


    Dadbadan oo ku Nool Puntland ayaa u arka doorashada faroole mid aan wax badan ka badalayn xaalada amaan/dhaqaale ee Maamul Goboleedka Puntland Mar hadii ay Madaxtooyada dib loogu doortay xubno ka mid ahaan jiray Maamulkii loo aanaynayey burburka iyo masiibooyinkii dhaqaale iyo siyaasadeed ee ka dhacay gudaha Gobolada Puntland , waxaana in badan oo ka mid ah shacabka Puntland qabaan in Budhcad badeedu ka dilaacday Puntland ay hada helayso jaanis kii hore ka wayn marba hadii ay si sidii hore ka wacan ugu dhuun daloolaan aqalka madaxtooyada Puntland


    Arinta budh-cad badeeda xeebaha Puntland/ Somalia ayaa noqotay arin caalami ah waxaana hada xeebta Somalia ku sugan kudhowaad 20 maraakiibta dagaalka ah kuwaas oo ay soo direen dowladaha maanta ugu awooda badan dunida waxayna ilaa hada ku guuldaraysteen inay joojiyaan weerarada ay soo qaadayaan budhcad badeeda Somalidu balse Hogaamiyaha Cusub ee Puntland loo doortay ayaa balan qaaday inuu wax wayn ka qabanayo howl galada budhcad badeeda inkastoo uuna sheegin qaabka iyo xeeladaha ka duwan kuwii maamulkii Cadde Muuse ee uu Mr: Faroole isticimaali doono.




    Kayse Axmed Muuse


    Afnugaal News


    Garoowe Puntland Somalia


    Qoraalada iyo fikirkaaga ku aadan Madaxda cusub ee Puntland fadllan noogu soo hagaaji E-mailka hoose


