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Posts posted by Kamaavi

  1. Somali haddayna iyadu

    nabad samaysan,

    cidna u samayn mayso.


    Sidaa awgeed nabada ha

    la radiyo, ha laga raadiyo

    cir iyo dhulba.


    Hana la iska dhaafo:




    Shaqsi nacaybka,

    Siyaasad xumada,

    Wax tar yarida,

    Kala tafaraaruqa

    Fadhi ku dirirka,

    Shisheeye ku tiirsanaanta,

    Is garab qabad la'aanta,

    Dagaal aan dhamaaneyn,

    Dooda bilaa macniga ah,

    Mustaqbal burburinta, iyo

    Dhamaan wixii halis ku ah

    jiritaanka magaca iyo sumcada



    Waa talo guud. smile.gif

  2. Egyptian offers daughter to Iraqi shoe-thrower

    Dec 17, 2008 10:56 EST


    CAIRO, Dec 17 (Reuters) - An Egyptian man said on Wednesday he was offering his 20-year-old daughter in marriage to Iraqi journalist Muntazer al-Zaidi, who threw his shoes at U.S. President George W. Bush in Baghdad on Sunday,


    The daughter, Amal Saad Gumaa, said she agreed with the idea. "This is something that would honour me. I would like to live in Iraq, especially if I were attached to this hero," she told Reuters by telephone.


    Her father, Saad Gumaa, said he had called Dergham, Zaidi's brother, to tell him of the offer. "I find nothing more valuable than my daughter to offer to him, and I am prepared to provide her with everything needed for marriage," he added.


    Zaidi's gesture has struck a chord across the Arab world, where President Bush is widely despised for invading Iraq in 2003 and for his support for Israel.


    Amal is a student in the media faculty at Minya University in central Egypt.

  3. LOL@$20 lee kaa xigto cadaan.


    Hablaha is cadeeyo haddii ayna cun-cun lahayn,

    xaga hore, hadal laga keeni maayo.


    Haddii ayse cun-cun leedahay, xaga danbe, halkeedaa ha joogto.

  4. Morning JB,CL, A&T +F,,,,,,


    An old lady is trudging through the mud with

    rubber boots and floppy breasts slapping,

    flapping, under a wet, wool coat.

    It's raining and I want a facking cup

    of coffee and sure as hell don't want

    to talk to her.


    She's humming - something jovial - and

    it pisses me off even more that someone

    could humm when they're covered in sludge.

    Naive, I guess, but I'm still pissed.


    Her coat buttons are huge, like a

    stoplight down her potbelly. I pretend not

    to see her and look to the road, hoping

    she'll walk by and leave me alone because

    all I want is a facking cup of coffee.


    Her boots slide in the grass behind me

    and every step is soggy suction. She

    stops walking but not humming. I grit

    my teeth. I don't know the song.


    The rain gets fat and loud and I

    wonder what the hell she's doing

    back there. I don't turn around, in

    case there's still a chance of not

    talking to her. She taps my arm.


    Your book bag is unzipped.

    she says, pointing with a drippy finger.

    Your books are all wet.

    And with that she starts humming again

    and turns away in the rain.Oh , Shitty day.