La Fidele

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Everything posted by La Fidele

  1. I know this topic may be in vain, and I am doing those partly for selfish reasons, but I am tired of being the only Somali on campus. This is really targetting those who are considering which Canadian university they would like to attend next year, or maybe even transfer to! If you're in Canada, I know you know what McGill University is. Every time I tell people to atleast apply, they seem to think it's beyond their reach. You know that's wrong! If you are able to study away from home, I don't see why McGill shouldn't be a candidate. Some kids don't like to go where other Somalis aren't, but it takes a few courageous souls to venture out first! This is a really great school, so come on and visit Montreal! If this seems like a sorry campaign to promote my school, excuse me! *LOL* And if by some chance, someone who attends McGill reads this, you need to holla!!!
  2. I know this topic may be in vain, and I am doing those partly for selfish reasons, but I am tired of being the only Somali on campus. This is really targetting those who are considering which Canadian university they would like to attend next year, or maybe even transfer to! If you're in Canada, I know you know what McGill University is. Every time I tell people to atleast apply, they seem to think it's beyond their reach. You know that's wrong! If you are able to study away from home, I don't see why McGill shouldn't be a candidate. Some kids don't like to go where other Somalis aren't, but it takes a few courageous souls to venture out first! This is a really great school, so come on and visit Montreal! If this seems like a sorry campaign to promote my school, excuse me! *LOL* And if by some chance, someone who attends McGill reads this, you need to holla!!!
  3. If you want to start a book club, I don't see why we shouldn't concentrate on books that are relevant to us, specifically Somali authors? Nuruddin Farah is a world reknown and celebrated Somali author. I've read several of his books (I would recommend "Maps", "Gifts" and "Secrets") and his writing skills are on par with anyone you will find on the New York's Bestseller list. On top of that, his novels all deal with Somali folklore and culture! Happy Reading!
  4. If you want to start a book club, I don't see why we shouldn't concentrate on books that are relevant to us, specifically Somali authors? Nuruddin Farah is a world reknown and celebrated Somali author. I've read several of his books (I would recommend "Maps", "Gifts" and "Secrets") and his writing skills are on par with anyone you will find on the New York's Bestseller list. On top of that, his novels all deal with Somali folklore and culture! Happy Reading!
  5. I recently posted an article from the Globe and Mail titled "Zionism doesn't define Jews - it divides us" ( goes along the lines of opposing the radical groups in Israeli politics that found themselves on Zionism. I understand that some Jews oppose the inhumane tactics of occupying Palestine, after all it's human to empathize. But after reading an article on, "Christian & Jewish Beliefs Regarding The Return Of The Messiah and Plots Against Masjid Al-Aqsa", ( I myself am confused. Is Zionism a political ideology all its own, or does it base itself solely on fulfilling Jewish prophecies of the coming of the Messiah?
  6. Finally, a topic that tests my what I've learnt so far in school! Sophist, to respond to your original question: economically, there really are not many critiques of capitalism. Adam Smith was the greatest supporter of this type of system in which the government practiced "laissez-faire." Keep in mind, however, that there is not one country that has practiced this completely. On a scale, though, the US is closest in terms of similarity. The social inequities that result from this system are regarded as almost inevitable, since there has to be individuals who are the workers, others who are the owners, etc. I see that some people are suggesting communism to be a better solution, but I think they're confusing a political ideology with economic theory. The economic opposite to a capitalist economy is a command economy (practiced by the former Soviet Union, China, etc.), and history has clearly proven the faults of this type of system. Sophist, you mentioned market socialism, the route that China is currently testing, because they have also realized the great faults of a command economy. I want to emphasize that the most stable economic system is one that is based on a free market. When humans attempt to manipulate and control beyond their powers (eg. Soviet communism), we know very well the outcome. As China incorporates free market characteristics into its otherwise planned economy, they're hoping to avoid the fate of their doomed counterpart. One more thing, let's not confuse socialism with communism, or even socialism with welfare states (Daanger, you said Sweden is a socialist state, but it's really a social democracy (like Canada) with an extremely developed welfare state). And in terms of healthcare systems, the US system is only advanced by a tiny margin from that of Cuba's (I believe their rankings are 27 and 29). I'm sorry to have written so long, but this is really a loaded question. Anyways my point is that a free market is the only truly stable system, and perhaps even more equitable since the laws of supply and demand allocate resources accordingly. My ideal system? A social democratic welfare state with a free-market economy.
  7. Your first quetion reads right out of a midterm essay question for any intro to comparative politics *lol*! Although I would love to discuss the differences between various democratic governments (the Separation of Powers system of the US, parliamentary system of the UK or the hybrid parliamentary-presidential systems of France and Russia) I would rather save my essay-writing muscles for real exams--who knows, maybe the craziest thing happens and somebody will copy and paste my words into their own exam response and attacks of plagiarism come flying! Ha ha. Maybe you should rephrase your topic to be more specific? Thanks.