Abokor Omar

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Posts posted by Abokor Omar

  1. Typical as apologist for the late dictator of Somali do, whether vocal or behind closed doors, they blame Somalis destruction on the rebels and ignore the elephant in the room. How AT&T started from Gadhafi and ended with a swipe at USC carefully side stepping the difference between the two dictators; one dying in a Nigerian toilet, defeated, a refugee in a 3rd world nation. Whilst Gadhafi died in his home town standing by his word. If you want to compare the two rebels, be fair and do the same for the two dictators or else your creditability will be question and everything you write will be taken as a paragraph from the O manual and dismissed.

  2. A_Khadar abti your being emotional.

    Those in the TFG that claim to represent us are not just outcasts but more importantly hold no power.

    Those that claim to represent you in SL are your most powerful leaders, obviously the not elected but elected by their sub tribe to represent their interest when dealing with SL.

    Nobody is occupying anyone sxb, or killing and all these nightmares are a figment of your wild imagination.

    You have respresentatives in Hargeisa just like me, help turn the wheels of democracy and if your are not happy you can voice your concern loud and clear. It's a democracy after all and that's why they are Somalia and we landers..

  3. A_Khadar this is what I mean when I say cuqdaad blinds you mentally. Let me see if I can help you see things clearly.


    1)The men who work for the TFG only bring name nothing else. They have zero power in the region they claim to represent.

    2)The men from Las anood are different they come with real estate or land. These men control the region or cities they claim to represent and are the only power. They travel back and forth without anyone soo much as raising a voice.

  4. The Mujahid has taken control of the ship and it's slowly but surely back on course towards that elusive recognition.


    After the Mujahid leaves office we need a strong leader to help close the eastern Borders through either the hard way or easy way..

    Mujahid Ina Kahin would be excellent man for this job..

  5. I did not see the point in you interjecting Somaliland into a thread that had zero relationship with it. You do this often and it's always negative. The pirates do the same but at least they don't come to the table empty handed. You are in no position to even comment on anything concerning Somaliland until your regions step out of their medieval existence and a real government be it Somaliland or one of your own creation (not the SSC, party promoters for that legendary singer) is able to administer those regions. Till then your job should consists of taking notes on how to build a democracy.

    As for the topic it's a waste of time. Another small disenfranchised group who are unhappy with the Pirate state and have decided claiming that they are an admin will help them gain attention. Obviously like your part promoters SSC they have not really thought through with the full ramification of what's involved in building an admin from the ground up.

  6. It really is confusing when you see somebody who gets angry and very passionate about any association between SL and the British, but, who in the same breath supports all those dark godless bantus roaming around Xamar, killing and causing havoc to the locals who have no power and are unable to keep them in check.

    Why worry about the white man when today you are going though the darkest chapter worse than anything in history.


    @Oodweyne, Me thinks Xinn might be the admin or the back room Pirate, incomparisom to our frontline hands on Pirate by the name of Duke. In the Pirate state it's not a crime to rob a ship that does not belong to you, nor is it to blackmail a government on life support, for what little charity it receives in donataion to keep it alive.

  7. The irony of some of the comments is breathtaking. On the one hand they are claiming through words that they would welcome any people from the south. Okay that's good but actions speaks louder than words. It wasn't long ago that a war broke out over a few wells dug by a neighbouring tribe on what they claimed to be land belonging to them.