Abokor Omar

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Posts posted by Abokor Omar

  1. Is this guy pretending to be dumb or is his inner OG taking over and his IQ is in freefall?

    War let me try again; YOUR MEN ARE AT THE MINUTE WORKING FOR THE ETHIOPIAN OCCUPATION THAT'S KILLING, PILLAGING ANDRAPING YOUR PEOPLE. Under what circumstances can you claim the moral high ground?

    This is a forum full of adults, don't come here with weak arguments as they will be shoved back down your throat.

    And if you care about Somali females start with your own in addis and Nairobi..

  2. Abtigis granted Ayan Hirsi has not been welcomed in Garowe but Iman who is married to a white sodomite has been welcomed in her region and even made a TV programme about it. Don't throw stones when you live in a greenhouse. For every one of our women that goes astray ten of yours have already been down this path earlier...


    Why have you ignored that your people are; either working forcefully for the occupation, or are the eyes and ears of the occupation, whilst a few peasants are lost in the jungle fighting the occupation.

  3. Abtigis, you should slow down, look right and then left, take a deep breath and re-analyse your thinking. What you posted is nothing but cheap insults and what you used as prove to back up your insults are pure fantasy far from reality. If we were to apply commonsense to your nonsenses it would fall down like a pack of cards. Let's look at your claims a bit closer;


    A women from Canada -a different country to Somaliland- has out of her free choice has formed a relationship with a man from Tanzania, a fellow African. You want us to believe that this was something orchestrated by the SL government inorder to gain recognition. To prove that this is not one of case you bring as prove personal experience of your time amongst your masters and some phantom females you witnessed.

    Now to answer your first claim; women in the west are free to do as they wish, otherwise Ayan Hirsi, Iman, Waris and all the other females from your tribe are your responsibility and reflect your tribes hidden vices. In short you can accuse the women from Somaliland of merrying to help Somaliland, but if Ayan Hirsi is trying to destroy Islam have your people collectively set her on this path?

    Your second point regarding the SNM giving there women away in exchange for short gains. This is not true and can only come out of the mouth of a man with bitter experience of the Mujahid SNM. In short this claim says more about your insecurities than the SNM. You are from the O region it's common knowledge that your people are the ones who from history till today form the connon fodder or foot infantry for the Habashi.

    Today you work for the Habashi as the lyo police as the most visible signs of the occupation, raping, pillaging and destroying villages, homes, and livestock belonging to your people. On the other side you have the ONLF a bunch of malnourished, illiterate peasants who have been brainwashed to believe Ethiopians are occupying them, when it's there own brothers, uncles and cousins that's cementing the occupation.

    It is common knowledge in a O family; a son fights the occupation, a father works for the occupation and another son is at home listening and looking out for the occupation and in this scenario when would not be surprised if the daughter is allowed to sleep with a high tanking general to help the father gain leverage.

    Your people have always been, as the legendary poet Cali Dhuux, put it "special needs people". From the mad mullah high on opium, who though Berbera needed freeing but not his own people who are today still occupied long after the British have gone. To the mad mullahs son who sat at the feet of Hali Salasie and claim him as his master, to the guardians of the occupation today Mr iley.

    Abtigis asummes that fancy words will make a sh!t smell like roses, try again adeer.

  4. Nobody is above the law, not even religious party's...

    End of matter...


    Btw, people need to understand the difference between being arrested and being found guilty. When one breaks the rule of law, one will be arrested and charged by the long arm of law, something thats obviously alien to the residence of lawless Somalia.

  5. This Awdal concept is worse than the square wheel.

    It can't function as part of Somalia because it shares no borders with it.

    And if you think there aim is to somehow blackmail us back to joining Somalia, by using this Awdal thing, it's dumb.

    Hypothetically speaking if they said to us; we don't want to be part of Somaliland, but please, can you join Somalia with us? You don't need to be Einstein to work out the reply.lol


    To be honest this Awadal concept is only competing with Sado Cali and the SSC as the best party organisers in the world. Nothing else.

  6. I think you need to go outside get some fresh air and find another hobby. This Awdal thing is waste of your time, our time and there time.

    However, we from Somaliland see this Awdal thing as a project developed by some poor bored people in the disapora, who don't understand the real pro's and cons involved in setting up a state and removing the one in control. If they sat down for a minute from all the SSC inspired parties, they would understand that geographically they would never be able to join Somalia proper without Somaliland.

    Also, to set up a state after your boy loses the election, fairly, and having never brought up the idea whilst he was president, is a little disrespectful. It's just not cricket is it?

  7. This type of nonsense is aimed at those with very low IQ's, who can only communicate through drawings. The rest of us take these type of drawings as two irrelevant actors; Amin and Awdal trying hard to be relevant today.

    We laugh and move on..


    Somaliland upwards and onwards..

  8. Well said Lander. It's trully amazing watching the likes of Xinn and Co do summersaults in the hope that their truly inhuman unIslamic plan, hatches into something that could or would destroy the peace of Somaliland. The goal of these people is clear. Whilst we wish them the best in their endeavours, they in return want nothing short of the total destruction of Somaliland. The word Somaliland is used instead of I**** tribes name. Now that's fine because tribal animosity exists everywhere, however, it becomes a problem when you are not brave enough to hold up your tribal colours but instead deal with people like some human Trojan horse. The Pirates pray for the death of Somaliland because they see it as beneficial to there clans ambitions. That's a fair and logic position, a bit short sighted also. To say Somalilands destruction benefits Somaliwyen is grand delusional. Tasi waa munaafiqnimo.

    Let's be honest with eachother. You people hope to use the Awadal group as a sort of tool against Somaliland, just like in afweynes era. You don't care about them or the chaos and destruction a war will bring them, or even how you would support them in any war logistically, since you can't even help your closest kins reclaim land that's been forcefully brought under Somalilands control. The Awadal group however, might not be traditional fighters but they do purses some of the most intelligent people in the horn. All can rest assure they know there friends from their enemies and no amount of crocodile tears will deceive them.

  9. The only thing to be discussed about SSC is will they gain seats from Kulmiye in the next election. The hunter gatheres of the wild east of evolved into law abiding civilised people who will respect the rule of law and voice their legitimate concerns through the ballot box and not with bullets. We are just waiting for their disapora community to catch on.

  10. So Xinn, the destruction of the peace and balance of Somaliland equals the re-birth of Somalia? Let me try and make you see sense. Rather than forever being blinded by animosity, resolving the conflict in the south would help bring the re-birth you wish for, wishing the conflict starts in Somaliland wont bring peace to the south or any re-birth. But, let's be honest, your not interested in any re-births are you, just the death of Somaliland and it's peace. All this talk of unity, peace, brotherhood, it's all story's for kids. Some basic cheap spin to avoid being caught red handed. We know your kind and will stay vigilant at all times.

    On words and upwards Somaliland..

  11. Talk is cheap specialy from the comfort of your warm home in north America. Put your money where your mouth is and like a brave soldier bring your a-game and go to the front line and fight. No point in crying for anarchy and death on others its cowardice. Sool, Sanaag and Togdheer are my home no to bit internet worrior will change this. Your tribe can pack up if they dont want to be part of Somaliland and join the chaos in the south its what your itching for. You shall feel right at home.

  12. A man died and you care more about something as pathetic as a claim over a local women being the reason. Sxb, we northerners know eachother and these southerners you want to sell your wet dreams to have bigger problems than you can ever imagine. So my advice to you is steady yourself and stop parading like some insecure kid.