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Posts posted by lol

  1. ^^^^ Adiga Hibo isoo fiiri lee mey intaas kaa taagantahay? Shimee aniga tabeelo ku saari, bacaw yahow. Shimee ku xisaabsaday. Ma ogid miyaa markii aragaada la arko, malakmood mininka looga guuri camal xitaa ay faadumo fuusto gaas kaa qeylisay waa la socdaa. Marka is atooreyskaan aad wadid iyo maafiyo lee rabaa jooji. Maafiyo xitaa baryootankii iney kaa diiday laaa wa socdaaye.


    Juxa Where is ur registry? I want to see your profile, naayaa.. markaas lee ila hadal yaah.


    Rayaana When u register u will see the fruits of it, but madaxa aan soo horeysiinaayaa, mijaha ayaan la haraayaa war ma ahan. Eee register. You see all the sisters who registered got wat they wanted. None of them is asking for placements... so I am telling you. If u want to see a result. You gotta register ;)

  2. ^^^^ Kuunto mey kuu kasaayaan hee.... Kuunto wixii loo kuuskuusay karaamo lee waaye.. .widaayoow... karaamada hanaga qaadin see kaa noqotine... nuudo hadii la xaluulaayo.. meel badan aa loo xaluuli lahaay.... Adigane ii leyrso ana.. barshinta aan iskaa xijinaa :D

  3. A lawyer married a woman who had previously divorced ten husbands. On their wedding night, she told her new husband, "Please be gentle, I'm still a virgin."


    "What?" said the puzzled groom. "How can that be if you've been married ten times?"


    "Well, Husband 1 was a sales representative; he kept telling me how great it was going to be.


    Husband 2 was in software services; he was never really sure how it was supposed to function, but he said he'd look into it and get back to me.


    Husband 3 was from field services; he said everything checked out diagnostically, but he just couldn't get the system up.


    Husband 4 was in telemarketing; even though he knew he had the order, he didn't know when he would be able to deliver.


    Husband 5 was an engineer; he understood the basic process but wanted three years to research, implement, and design a new state-of-the-art method.


    Husband 6 was from finance and administration; he thought he knew how, but he wasn't sure whether it was his job or not.


    Husband 7 was in marketing; although he had a nice product, he was never sure how to position it.


    Husband 8 was a psychologist; all he ever did was talk about it.


    Husband 9 was a gynecologist; all he did was look at it.


    Husband 10 was a stamp collector; all he ever did was... God! I miss him! But now that I've married you, I'm really excited!"


    "Good," said the new husband, "but, why?"


    "You're a lawyer. This time I know I'm gonna get screwed!"

  4. Og-... Naayaa.. and now this is wat u r doing? Sheydanah!


    Ducaqabe: lol.... I feel for u bro.. believe me.. wax ay DOB kaala maqantahay aa iska yar.. I know the hr I was born.. but I still trying to make use of it :D


    here is wat it said about me..... ITS SO TRUEEEEEE.... I am dreamer..not a doer.. and I have mood swings with relationships... no wonder I can't keep a man :D


    Your Life Path Number Is 11


    Your life path is greatly associated with spiritual awareness.

    As one of the two master numbers, the 11 yields understanding and knowledge beyond the grasp of others.

    The attitude toward life of those possessing this Life Path is somewhat extreme; extremely intuitive, avant-garde, idealistic, visionary, and cultured.

    These extremes make you an interesting, if unusual person, with much to offer society.


    The Life Path 11 person is deep-thinking, and you are no doubt interested in understanding many of life's mysteries and more intriguing facets.

    Your inventive mind and broad-minded views will permit you to succeed in life in any number of ventures.

    You can best serve society, however, in those endeavors utilizing your skills of counseling and guidance.

    Much of your idealism is people oriented and quite humanitarian in nature.

    You expect a great deal of yourself and of those to whom you are close.


    On the negative side, there is a lot of nervous tension associated with the 11 life path, and you can be a difficult person to deal with because of this.

    For this reason, relationships, at times, can be difficult.

    This is a Life Path that seems to feature broad mood swings between the elation and depression.

    You are likely to have trouble making decisions and getting your life in gear, so to speak.

    There is a tendency for the 11 to harbor feelings of uneasiness, and dissatisfaction with accomplishments and personal progress in life.


    Your grandiose schemes usually make sense, but you can get off the track and they can be very impractical.

    You have a very distinct side that lacks common sense, and you are quite often unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality.

    In this regard, you are perhaps more of a dreamer than a doer.

    When you do get on target, your ideas seem to have been inspired on high.

    Perhaps you are not a leader, but you are a visionary and a very talented idea person

  5. 1. Kuun Kuun Lamina

    2. Kabteey Bilataa... ha bilato.. barkeey u dhacdaa bar islaan

    3. Dhakac Dhakac.. dhamsalikow..dheleeliyo dhuc.. deeyaaseey ka damdamo daashoo bax.. zakara buneey aw kuusoow kalaambiyoo..@@@ taraq.


    4. Hal Lugeey/Lug ka bood....waa ciyaarta halka lug lagu boodo... oo dhulka la xariiqaayo.


    5. Gariir/Imbiili.. gabdhaha ayaa ciyaara... god inta la qodo.. ayaa dhagaxyo lagu guraa ka dibna.. mid mid loola baxaa


    6. Baliil/Boojo.. wiilasha ayaa badanaa ciyaara.. baliilo badan oo kala nooc ah inta la arooriyo aa darbiga lagu dhufta.. qof ugu dheereeyso aa qaadanaayo kuli.


    7. First Somali men/women died for the country..Ahmed Gurey iyo Xaawo Tako qofka hor dhintay garan maayo laakiinse labaduba waa ka horeeyeen.. Sayidka


    8. Some names of provinces/cities


    Provinces Cities


    Awdal Ceeragaabo

    Benadir Xamar?Mogadishu

    Mudug Galkacyo

    Hiiran Beledweyn

    Waqooyi galbeed Hargeysa

    Waqooyi Bari Burco

    Shabeelada Hoose Jilib/Jamaame (my mom's city)


    9. National anthem


    Soomaaliyeey toosoow .. toosoow isku tiigsada.. Hadba kiina taagdaran taageera weligiina..


    10. Knowledge of brief history of the country, resources.


    Waa u soo laabanaayaa mar kale.. hada waqti uma haayo...

  6. NG: Seems like u and I are on a different platform. You see I agree with you, these terrorist acts shouldn't be labelled as Islamic Jihad. Its not. Coz an Islamic Jihad can be undertaken only if the religion is threatened. In this case its not. Selfish politicians are using the grounds of Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan & Pakistan to their advantage. Nonetheless many innocent people are loosing their lives. I am sure if you lost your family members and there is no court to judge the criminals whom u know have murdered your loved ones, you would take the matter into your hands.

    So don't preach about "eye for an eye" concept being outlawed. Its not.


    Terrorism has been on the lips of many for decades, nonetheless, it has gained popularity when the predators became the prey.


    I still stand by my word, " Eye for an Eye" is the only way to get peace, in these regions. Let them feel the heat, when they do, then they will understand why these suiciders' are willing to loose their lives for a bunch of strangers in strange land.

  7. Originally posted by NGONGE:

    quote:Originally posted by Hibo:

    Walaalkiis, from the way u r posting seems like ur on the Judge's seat. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And interpretation of Islam is open to anyone who has the mind to read between the lines. When u kill my brothers and I can't get to you, I have the right to kill ur brothers too. That is the way I interpret an eye for an eye concept as far as Westerners go. But when its within the reach of the person who has committed the crime to avenge it kill the criminal. Simple.


    I do understand my religion walaalkiis, but ur mind has been manipulated by the western Media. They know how to seek compassion by showing you their suffering, appealing to your humanity side. I don't think so. Not with me.


    When a man kills several people he is labeled as being " Murderer" and if the same man kills thousands he is " Conqueror" That is the message the West is selling I am not buying it. Americans & the British deserve what they got, coz they are also terrorizing people. Who gave the privilege to sleep soundly in their beds and the rest of the people can't even dare to put their heads down in fear that a bomb or a bullet will tear their bodies? We are all humans.. we serve to sleep well in our beds and live among our loved ones.

    It is a discussion forum, Hibo. One has to make some sort of judgment and choose a side of the argument for the discussion to continue. Having said that, my judgment should really not upset anyone – they’re only words on a screen after all.


    I’ve decided to return to this thread because of a couple of sentences you wrote. Please don’t misunderstand me now and think I’m patronising you (or judging you; in a bad way at any rate). I’m not.


    If interpretation of Islam is open to anyone that can read between the lines. And, if everyone can apply the ‘an eye for an eye’ concept at their whim, how do we know who is wrong and who is right? Surely there must be some sort of agreement somewhere. The majority of Muslim scholars have agreed that such acts of ‘an eye for an eye’ are wrong.


    I don’t think we can interpret Islam in any way we like just because we are angry or there is something we don’t agree with. Because if we did, many other opportunists will do too and use the same logic that you’re using to justify their “improvised†interpretations. One such person is Amir Tahiri who wrote the following in today’s Times Online:



    Muslims could also help by stopping the use of their bodies as advertising space for al-Qaeda. Muslim women should cast aside the so-called hijab, which has nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with tribal wear on the Arabian peninsula. The hijab was reinvented in the 1970s as a symbol of militancy, and is now a visual prop of terrorism. If some women have been hoodwinked into believing that they cannot be Muslims without covering their hair, they could at least use headgears other than black (the colour of al-Qaeda) or white (the colour of the Taleban). Green headgear would be less offensive, if only because green is the colour of the House of Hashem, the family of the Prophet.

    Muslim men should consider doing away with Taleban and al-Qaeda-style beards. Growing a beard has nothing to do with Islam; the Prophet himself never sported anything more than a vandyke. The bushy beards you see on Oxford Street are symbols of the Salafi ideology that has produced al-Qaeda and the Taleban.

    Some Muslims also use al-Qaeda and Taleban-style clothing to advertise their Salafi sentiments. For men this consists of a long shirt and baggy trousers, known as the khaksari (down-to-earth) style and first popularised by Abu Ala al-Maudoodi, the ideological godfather of Islamist terrorism. Muslims who wear such clothes in the belief that it shows their piety, in most cases, are unwittingly giving succour to a brand of Islamist extremism.

    It would also be useful if Muslim preachers paid a bit more attention to God, which means doing some theology, rather than making speeches about Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq which are, after all, political, and not religious issues. The excessive politicisation of Islam has created a situation in which the best-known Muslim today is Osama bin Laden.



    Islam must decide whether it wants to be a faith or a political movement. It cannot be both without being hijacked by Salafis or Khomeinists who have transformed it into a breeding ground for terror.


    As you can see, most of what he’s saying is total and utter nonsense. However, there are words and ideas there that grabbed my attention(and I bet most readers). Despite finding him a despicable opportunist, I don’t have much of a problem with his last paragraph about politics and Islam. I do have a problem with the way he belittles the Hijab by first, saying get rid of it and then saying: you can keep it but not in such and such colours. It’s as if he’s pointing out the would be women terrorists by the colour of their Hijab! I also don’t like the way he seems to imply that terrorism and Salafis are synonyms.

    Mr Tahiri thinks he can interpret Islam his own way; he’s reading between the lines there. What allows him to get away with it and take many undecided and confused Muslims with him, is our own ambiguousness and anger.



    The full article can be found below. Lest I get accused of taking his words out of context, I invite you all to read it.


    Ahhh.....NG, of course you must point that out!! I would not expect otherwise.


    2000 years ago the world was a maelstrom of misunderstanding, tribal warfares, a need to protect one's own resources, because to do otherwise was to perish, both as a tribe and as an individual. An eye for an eye would have seemed fair recompence and 'just' in those heady days of 2000 years ago, as little other instant recourse was available. And instant recourse is still available today where there is no justice. As a species we have grown far beyond the need to (*jeez, dare I say it*) eliminate our enemies with violence ( ofcourse again if there is justice). We have grown beyond the need to react with 'like' repercussions upon those who would do us harm, If the right kind of justice is made available. An eye for an eye can be interpreted in many ways, and not all involve violence. And besides, "an eye for an eye" had little weight or practical use in the days it was quoted, but gained use now because of the lack of a strong Muslim government that speaks for the injustices that befalls their people.


    Humans are products of their environment, prone to exonophobia (sp?). But the intellect reaches beyond these parameters in many people, and these take it upon themselves to expose the ways of the future to their fellows. An 'eye for an eye' probably didn't make good 'copy' in the days it was written, but today it has gained popularity. I don't know about the scholars who have condemned " eye for an eye' concept , if u can provide proof to that would be gr8.


    I will reiterate, religions don't commit violent acts...........intrepretation is an intellectual pursuit, and so should be one's approach to life, religion or not.

  8. Originally posted by NGONGE:


    See what
    wrote there? I don’t agree with her of course. But at least she’s being logical and chose to base her moral judgment on the
    “eye for an eyeâ€
    principle. Kill our civilians and we’ll kill yours, is her argument. It is a direct, unambiguous and clear position to have. If I morally disagree with her, it will only be from an Islamic angle and how she’s interpreting the Islamic doctrine when it comes to the
    “eye for an eyeâ€
    code. I could neither call her duplicitous nor obtuse though.


    It’s tedious. It’s boring. It’s offensive and at times even brash. But I believe we’re making some progress here.


    Walaalkiis, from the way u r posting seems like ur on the Judge's seat. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And interpretation of Islam is open to anyone who has the mind to read between the lines. When u kill my brothers and I can't get to you, I have the right to kill ur brothers too. That is the way I interpret an eye for an eye concept as far as Westerners go. But when its within the reach of the person who has committed the crime to avenge it kill the criminal. Simple.


    I do understand my religion walaalkiis, but ur mind has been manipulated by the western Media. They know how to seek compassion by showing you their suffering, appealing to your humanity side. I don't think so. Not with me.


    When a man kills several people he is labeled as being " Murderer" and if the same man kills thousands he is " Conqueror" That is the message the West is selling I am not buying it. Americans & the British deserve what they got, coz they are also terrorizing people. Who gave the privilege to sleep soundly in their beds and the rest of the people can't even dare to put their heads down in fear that a bomb or a bullet will tear their bodies? We are all humans.. we serve to sleep well in our beds and live among our loved ones.

  9. Originally posted by Bishaaro:

    quote:Originally posted by Legend of Zu:

    Heheheh...One of the Many Silly topics in SOL..No wonder we running out of space...i tell yuh..get rid of these kinda topics...



    Look at you, intaa soo nooleeysay topic 3 years ago ahaa, baa leedahay "get rid of these kinda topics." Whats wrong with you dee :rolleyes:
    Look at this maskiin sista, Naa heedhe... He didn't get a smoochie for a long time... And his SOL gurlfriend ayuu rabaa in si indirect ah ugu sheego.... understood...


    Admin can remember... BULL LZ... just BULL> :D

  10. Xiin: I say bomb them all. Who gave the right to these Westerners to interfere the interior affairs of the Islamic countries? How come they are not interested in mending the problems of the other disturbed countries like West African countries where dictators commit more crimes than any Arab leader?


    The muslims have the right to revolt. The right to defend their stand whichever way they know possible. And don't tell me, attacking innocent people isn't the solution, well in Islam an eye is for an eye and a corpse of a gaal is as good as the corpse of any. So I say bomb them.


    As for the writer well, to me, he is just one smart man. Change the foreign policies, stay within ur borders and ur nation will be of terror free... otherwise,, Yaa weelak.. now that is the attitude of my Muslim brothers and I admire them.

  11. Najma: the feeling is mutual sweetie. LST is my friend, more than he is my abti. He was mislead and I was infuriated. SO I owe him an apology.


    Checkmate: ;) u weren't around when i was ganged up on... bal talow wat kind of a cuz r u? I will complain to mama. :D


    Bisharo: lol... pay rudy.


    Rudy: lol... get the money and fill her in with ur version of it icon_razz.gif

  12. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.... that was some funny stuff bro.... so the white woman fainted so wat... u r a Somali... u r used to the strong stuff... so don't compare urself to the ajinabi who don't even wash ... u know where.

  13. Ameenah Cadeey U r one of my favorite sisters... I am sure if I tempted with my profiterolls and some assorted french pastries, u will forget ur budh.


    Zephy Why is it only da londoners with the problems? Maybe its a sign that something is wrong with ya all. And like I said, " Sexy Lingiries" I don't know how else to put them. Tell me other synonymouses and I shall use them instead...


    OG Lol... others did before u, u just awaked me dat is all ... :D

  14. Originally posted by Fidel:

    It has been said that
    women at the height of fertility have been found to wear tighter clothing and expose more skin

    Obviously, if one is single, all that work before sleeping is for one self. If you do have a partner, however, it's for you and your partner. Maybe it's your way of telling him he stinks and ought to shower everynight. May be it is you who has the over-developed sweat glands that must disinfect hourly. Overall, I found the thread to be original, interesting and funny. What more can a reader ask for?


    To the disinfection I go...... [/QB]

    Am glad u saw it as humorous unlike many. And yes its a good wy to keep those unhealthy mosquito repellent shiiir that oozes out. So if you ask me, I would say use Detol Ladies & gents.


    Virgo Coz I have been called a freak when I had a conversation with my gurl online.. and as usual I always come to SOL to see if there are folks out there who do the same thing I do...I guess it kind of backfired.... Nothing out of the ordinary I suppose because when I talked about religion, the same thing was said, " Who are u trying to impress" So with SOL ladies... there is never a way out.

  15. Smilez: Coz if u have been following, everytime someone makes a remark, or speaks their mind, they change the whole topic into topic of male hunting... I mean common its geting monotonous... I am sick of it. So that is the only thing I could think of? why else would someone say those stuff unless ofcourse that is wat they are after coz somalis said it Qof kasta waxa uu yahay buu ku moodaa


    About sharing the bedtime experiences...I dind't talk about having experiences in the bed, all I talked about is the clothes and how I pamper myself which are quite different from experiences... if u r following my drift... and there is a reason behind it... u should ask first why I posted this?


    And londoners being private, well, maybe its the Brits having their effects on u... we r told to speak loud n clear...


    If u r bothered by the topic then I must have struck a cord...coz why bother to comment when u have nothing to do with it? Plus all I wanted was an opinion not a judgment.. and mind u... judgements won't shut me up. I stand firm on my grounds and will continue to speak my mind... Like it or not.

  16. Originally posted by Mizz-S.Lander:

    i agree with sue and somarican; so don't jump down their throat for stating the obvious;
    there is nothing backward about it; no offence but one only has to read some of the topics in the Women section to get a complete picture of a bunch of females who are dominated, by thoughts of men, marriage and more thoughts of men; if this section waz only for females then i can understand if gurls share this kinda information, but we all know that this section is read by everyone; also i can't help but think some of you are slightly exaggerating to gain some extra points; lool just kidding;


    okay I get the whole concept of going for what you want, but then if that’s the case dee come out wid it straight, stop hiding behind the bushes;

    say my name is so and so, this is who I am, what I do and my good qualities; I’m seeking someone who fits this profile; 1, 2, 3, ….

    I hope u all get the picture of how to get what you want;



    We have asked for a space of our own.... NO ONE GAVE US believe me, I would rather write my stuff in a just women forum then one that is public... but then we don't have that...


    And Shame on u gurl, U know me.



    By the way, Why is it that all the LONDON gurls are pessimists, who think any thoughts or expressions made circle around hunting men? R u guys scared that we r gonna take away the last of ur men since most of them have already opted for others in N America and the Arab countries? Feel secure ladies, I am sure we r not doing dat.