Reality Check

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Posts posted by Reality Check

  1. A place where randomness is accepted for what it really is: Random.



    In this thread:


    You can go off on a tangent

    carry on a conversation

    rant about anything

    rave about anything

    talk about why other threads suck and this one is kewl!

    You can be controversial

    tell everyone why you're happy/sad/etc

    make announcements

    easily increase your post count ;)




  2. To be blunt, why are the parents raising their kids here and want them to have 100% of dhaqan as well? Just go back permenantly.



    Thats too high of an expectation and somewhat of a contradiction.



    Oh well..what's new?

  3. I was reading up on study abroad..have any of your even considered or participated in Study abroad? and if so, what were your experiences there? would you recommend to fellow SOL-ers to go on study abroad programs?



    I'm mainly interested in it because it will further my career and add to the list of countries/continents I've lived in....

  4. Originally posted by underdog:

    quote:Originally posted by Devil's Advocate:

    ....That would be an empty and sad life really.

    Are you saying that marriage and raising a family is empty and sad? That can't be what you mean.


    A sad and empty life if a woman's definition of happiness and fulfillment is in her husband or sons ONLY.. sure. There's more to life! and in stead of addressing that point, you go and copy &paste from some website to speak make your case for you..tsk tsk... You're becoming one of the qaxooti crew, UD..what happened?



    X, there can only be one head leader..and a second in command..ala bush and cheney.

    and do I really have to burn my bra...I need the support, na'mean?



  5. Originally posted by x_quizit:

    LOL....DA, ur the prez and im the CEO so therefore ur replaceable:)...can't say the same for me....besides FF is climbing the ranks high these days...not to mention Bee, who has long since been a member since JKF was shot


    I'm just the president? I don't want to be just a sitting duck, so at this point, I will hand in my resignation. Let me add though, that I was once a lone soldier....the backbone of the Coalition infrastructure...and I think I have it me to continue the good fight..and build a new army ;)


    Besides, I don't like being second in command ;)

  6. Originally posted by underdog:

    quote:Originally posted by x_quizit:

    U know the Feminist Coalition voted u as the guinea pig...tell us about this foreign concept of marriage and kids and how u like it...and depending on the answers, we'd choose what path to take...burn the good old falopian tubes or get in line for a decent farah
    ...u up for the challenge?



    Of all the candidates you could send out to find happiness and send DA????


    I doubt her ego will let her come back and say married life is eternal bliss and faarax is the best thing since non-stick cookware.


    First off, I want thank you two for talking about me as if I'm not there. UD, I for one object to your statement about me not having fulfillment and happiness in my life because I dont have a son or a husband. I happen to believe that people can be happy in many ways, without basing their whole existence on the institutions of marriage. That would be an empty and sad life really. And you are right, I do have the ego the size of God knows what, so what? :)

  7. I bet you are thinking I am the cruelest (sic) human on this planet.


    I only said none cuz I am not married, have a son or have any brothers! icon_razz.gif



    So I'm just glad I dont have to make a decision like that..

  8. Originally posted by Simply_the_Best:

    Question for the madams...lets say your husband, son and your brother have been kidnapped by malatias. you ask them evil people to spare your loved ones lifes. they give you the choice to save one of them.
    who would you choose?


    None :)

  9. Originally posted by underdog:

    the ignorance is spreading... I've seen Somali youth who refer to themselves as
    :mad: ticks me off

    lol, I hate that. I had a non-Somali try to correct me one time..saying that its Somalian..not Somali.


    In any case, alot of people up here don't know where Somalia is. Maybe they don't have access to an atlas?! But when they ask the dreaded question. I just Africa..East Africa..also known as Horn of Africa..right next to ETHIOPIA AND KENYA...


    a little off topic but everytime someone asks me where I'm from..I feel justified in saying I'm 100% African (because I know they will ask me..are you mixed with this or


    However, all this ignorance makes me feel better in knowing that I am a little bit more cultured than they are.

  10. Socrates,


    Maybe ...just maybe you are one of the good somali guys.


    Assuming you are, how can this sister differentiate you from the perverts. Let me tell you something, only perverted men ask women they dont know to give rides....and trust, THIS HAS HAPPENED TO MANY SOMALI SISTERS....all they want is what every other man down the street wants. I pray to God that Somali women don't accept rides from strangers-- somali or not. Because we all know what will happen the day (God forbid) she gets raped, kidnapped or killed. And here you are..behind a screen..whining about REJECTION...and failing to look at the bigger and most important picture.


    So Socrates, its really not about YOU, per se, (maybe it is..who knows the full story), its about practicing how to be safe in an unsafe society.


    Now..I'm sure according to Nuune, this is feminist talk..but hey, that's what my mother taught me! first...So Yeah, that would make me a Feminist Graduate :rolleyes: times infinite!

  11. If someone cheats on you, they broke a commitment to you. The person they are cheating with really has nothing to do with your relationship. I would just call the whole thing off really. It's not worth it.



    A little off topic..but I don't understand why anyone would take back a cheater! but I digress...