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Posts posted by miles-militis

  1. Bal shabshablana ku day baa la yidhiye, let us try an alternative. You see whilst our Casanova Paragon wants us to believe that his is that of honourable, moral and just wailing for the poor Somalis branding any who dares suggest otherwise, one would find his to be of odorous clot that stinks high heaven, if not deep down under.


    You see whilst he continues to make ludicrous claims of being on the side of the chasted in the name if Islam, thusly denouncing all else with his instant dismal bellowing in his infantile flares and sudden outflows oozing from under his rear limps, if not squirting mere singletons along the age old “qabil” lines, you would find that he indeed no different from “gabood gadooday”.


    Allow me as I shall elucidate it further. One might want to recall the unfortunate encounter in Majiyahan pitching local militia against Puntland’s forces a while back with respect to mineral exploration in the area in question. One might also want to recount certain cliques in the said area protesting possible explorations with charges of not being consulted, [rightly or wrongly and I neither wish to revisit not debate the validity or not of the incident]. Now, fast forward, and check Paragon and his beef with Puntland, one of its tribes in particular, and by extension his beef with the TFG, its President and all else that resembles the said units.


    You see, being the charlatan he is, and as much as he fancies himself as a genuinely grieving citizen pained by the troubles of the old country, the din Paragon is a naked quack with his ‘cisil’ in both hands soiling any that comes in close vicinity, and all is done in the name of Islam, worse yet hate for Ethiopia. Fallacious conceptions all are.


    An old saying springs to mind “Masku baa la yidhi inta aanu kugu candhuufin, ayaa lagu candhuufaa!”. Paragon’s is nothing short of that, albeit he shall be marauding the forum spewing ‘mal’ at every given chance labelling all else with his own poison.


    How unfortunate, again it is done in the name of Islam, if not nationalism.


    I shall rest my case there, unless of course our charlatan wants to own up and commences genuine discourse in real issues without cajoling the cheering, looting crowd of Carro Gaduud.



  2. Nin aan reer Dhahar aqoon uga xikaayee!

    Mixnad iga dheh mar haddii tiraabkii aad u meerinaysay gabanada reer Galgaduud aad aniga doonayso in aad ii meeriso. Duf ku bax!


    Cakuye Somalino iyo Muslimaa iska ba'ay, oo mar kale hoogay!

  3. Waar bal tan oo kale -

    Paragon - OK let us play a child's game then, shall we? Garanay gabanada u barooranaaya bililaqada, iyo xaaraanta, bal muudalkaagan Dhahar ka soo rooray dhankee lagaa saafaa?



  4. Paragon - cakuye dhallaan, tikhayn okee. Sheeka caruureedka iyo dhakhlayntu ha inoo dambaysee, mawduuca ka dood, waa haddii aad diyaar u tahay, mise taadu waa nacamlayn uun?


    Adeer kan, iyo Amxaaro taa ayay hadahaa ku waalataa? Haddii haa, iskeen sii, haddii kale, huuhaada dhallaanka ka daa!



  5. Waar maad ummadda beenta iyo hanfarka ka daysaan!

    Do not you ever get bored with these false prophesies and incessant jahli, for the last time I looked up the term in the good book, yours is pegged as jahli and not jihad unless of course not the same books are being referenced.


    So disingenuous, yet rather obtuse!

    Do tell - what is the correlation between 1977 and 2007?



  6. This was by far the first of Bashir Goth’s caricatures I troubled myself to reading, and by god as projected it is rotten to the core. Whilst I care not much of the subliminal message, troubled I am by his sheer ignorance in painting a whole community with a single splash as if the said community is carved off of the same streak. To holistically apply blanket blame to the community in question for the deeds of the few, or perhaps some is mostly reprehensible, if not solely conjured up to please thou venomous ego, and by extension further own futile cause.


    Inasmuch as one might be tempted to implicate the community in question rushing in its holistic culpability, one would find oneself failing to justify such impertinent, dipsy stance. His is the same logic that implicates the whole Southern Somalia of the butchery in the Northwest regions albeit some of his dearest ones, including the top dog presently snarling in villa Hargeisa were a part to. Just to appreciate the absurdity of his outburst and the farce in his logic, or there lack of, think for a moment if you will, if one were to by association incriminate the entire Muslim world as far places as Babine to Chongqing to Reykjavík in the moronic acts of Bin Laden et al, thusly commanding their dealing at once with a single hand - not even hardcore Neocons in the beltway or Evangelicals in the bible-pushing red terrains could be as obtuse as to pursue such rationale. Then again, we are talking about a gaudy “gora” with a lifestyle that shames Freddie Mercury’s by multiple scores.


    To the credulous neophytes in the congregation, I say the mutineers in Mogadishu are of small minority in the larger community in Mogadishu and its environs, of Ceelbuur district to be more precise, thusly matters ought to be viewed in that context and not mistaken in dealing a sweeping hand in their regard as the darling Mr Goth unfortunately had, for doing so would contempt the complexity of the Somali conflict in that not only would one be buying into the mutineer’s hallow roar and guilt-ridden cries of injustices when indeed they are the guilty part in the bustup skinning their last hides for false prophesy, but also a derision and mockery to the intellect of the au fait amongst us.


    Ever wonder why would the bona fide natives of Mogadishu be accepting to the change of order in the capital whilst the most recent settlers from the central regions occupying government premises and native properties wish to die rather than to return home handing over what was never theirs to begin with?


    I’ll let the ever so nix Qabiil-ubaahane and sidekicks Xoogsade et al speak to the subject, shall I?



  7. Baashi - A worthy subject of discussion granted one could ward off our beloved "qawsaar" flock from turning it into a mud-slinging bout, thusly spoiling it for the rest.


    A bit of both depending upon whom you lend your ears. It is definitely the former should you listen to the cheers emanating from the TFG camp whereas the latter should you concern yourself, bearing in mind one should in these murky matters, with bellowy discharges from the UIC sympathisers in our midst. However, if one were to ignore the bellows as well as the cheers concentrating more upon the core issues at the centre of the Somali conflict still pending, I would be as bold as to venture that it is indeed a step to the right direction.


    Within civil circles, dialogue espoused in with dose of reasoned logic and good judgement are the sought-after commodities and means out of the abyss, however in Somalia's case, all else fell short in delivering an inclusive compromise many a times, hence the use of force in this instance and the bellows from the UIC camp. Their chorus of being mightier than thou fell on deaf ears still mistaking the honeymoon period for the eternal finale! Murky as it is, the situation is neither as hapless as some would have you believe as they splash muck at all corners whispering spite into any ear that desires to listen , nor is it as perfect as others would want to seduce you into swallowing astringents in ecstasy and in heavenly temples.


    Ownership, participation and procedural process as indicative of your note and have already been jibed elsewhere shall be debated to death prior to its being kicked off, albeit the infliction of its accord and putting it into effect, which in my mind is wholly critical and more significant, shall make it or break it. You shall of course hear of quite a bit grumble from loony lot in the Diaspora, objection from the UIC leadership along with their sympathisers, and condemnation from the Somaliland darlings who would wish they had existed on another planet. Unruffled, those from Puntland shall seem from the onset, albeit steaming with fury underneath and barely signalling their discontent, lest seen quasi opposing the founding father, and as ever forfeiting a hattrick in the proceedings awarding unbecoming concessions for the sake of peace, government and nation.


    Mogadishu shall be as secure as one could possibly manage, and whilst it shall not hinder the process, it might frustrate matters in perhaps delaying the kick-off or extending its procession, but the gathering shall commence, its gates might be crushed by the prowling, well-perfumed gellied Diaspora Casanovas, some shall participate whilst others shall denounce its outcome as illegitimate, and we as ever shall observe it from afar as to where it all lands.


    And by the way, allow me to part with an assertion as I trot towards cheekier lots, the Somali issue is no longer in the hands of the Somalis alone, owned not by the Somalis alone, and rightly or wrongly the boat sailed on under the captainship of the intelligence community, thusly old hands are highly unlikely to tip off the ferry, as it were!


    I shall leave it there.


  8. You do not seem to have anything to offer in the discourse, except perhaps bare your scraggy squalid behind in public, screaming “clan” all through. Why not bugger off, and go and find a post and piss on yourself ---twat. Bloody broods everywhere fouling up in public, when not cowing up the scenery for all else. Did your mother ever tell you not to foul up in public, you bloody uncultured marde.

  9. Be a bit more specific, if you dare? Rest of Somalis is rather generic and somewhat unintelligible. Unless of course, it is as if you have the “rest of Somalis” detained in a hole somewhere in your basement with their views expressed by yours truly.

  10. Ayoub -

    See if you could derive a meaningful answer from the following definition. Beware, these are legal terms, thusly more than just common sense is required to absorb their fillings.


    “legitimate government … a government generally acknowledged as being in control of a nation and deserving formal recognition, which is symbolised by the exchange of diplomats between that government and the governments of other countries.”


    Am tempted to offer you a definition for "citizens", but I've a feeling you already know that, do you not?



  11. Xiinfaniin – Yours is a rather soggy, less refined brush with which you seem to be oiling, my dear chap. For a moment there, I thought you were sporting dark shades in a dull autumn night with such gregarious prophesy of certain “clan orientated” plot against another in the South. Such contemptible blanket depiction with no tangible corroboration is disingenuous, if not insolent, and I would go so far as to brand it as demeaning of the dialogue.


    Observed here are those who had been euphoric with the rise of the TFG in as much the same way as others including yours truly who continue to glorify the ICU even at this juncture when some elements of the ICU mercilessly continue shelling from behind civilians population. One observes two contesting camps at each other’s throat each vying for the droppings of the corpses. And for one to deal the high almighty hand at the poker table with the good book soiled under one’s clammy armpits that has not seen a shower for days is notoriously condescending, if not daft at best.


    On one hand, there was the ICU whilst on the other there is the TFG. It is one thing to view the ICU as grassroots organisation, albeit not embraced by all, and arguable in some corners, with own feeble that had hastened own downfall, it is however another altogether to mistake their revolt for anything but that --- an uprising. A government, they were not, had no resemblance to one, and offered no visible tendencies to become one. Violent entity, the ICU had been which came about as a result of violent encounters departing in the same manner, violently. Amorous vista, I observe some still have for the thought of archetypal Islamic leadership in the land, which arguably they were not in my humble view. If it is the remote idea of effecting an Islamic state in the desired object, I am afraid the ICU demonstrated neither the intellect nor the proficiency in governing, not disregarding their dismal politicking.


    On the other, there is the TFG, a product of 24-month long political process that brought together political actors in the land. It is one things if you dispute the creation of the said political process, it is another altogether to question the authority of such product should you so agree with the process, which I trust you do judging from earlier posts of yours (if I'm not mistaken), unless of course we have an anarchist in the making in our midst. Perfect entity, it hardly is. Perfect leadership, it has not. But it is the closest to a resemblance of a government, though arguably representational in some corners.


    Thusly, perhaps we want to keep that in mind in discussions, and not get so high almighty with certain tenets some of us neither belief in, nor care much for.


    Abwaan – so in your estimate, the only reason Mogadishu could not be disarmed is purely upon population numbering. Is that so?



  12. Ayoub - The question my dear chap was merely of metaphoric nature, and not quite so literal. The object was to tailor future retorts alongside your riposte, but seeing that you fancy yourself as the sole custodian of query etiquette, I shall stifle myself for a worthier opponent.



  13. Astonishing when everything has to be argued in this air with no point of reference! Why not just read the bloody constitution as to the legal status of Puntland or Somaliland, and as to why the TFG is appointing regional governors for regions unlike the said entities which existed prior to the inception of the TFG? Or is this a case of "afkii laba daan lihi, wuxuu yidhaa..." I'll you do the honours in finishing off the rest!


    Ayoub - how old are you, before one could venture an answer for your question?



  14. A couple of points to raise which perhaps will not be received gently in some corners.

    Firstly, it is actually not disarming Mogadishu, rather it is bringing in the lone rangers of Hurawaa into the fold with their rusty, ill-aimed pseudo-mortars. Dangerous, sweeping generalisations are. Similar slants depicting Somalia as a lawless state seem to have been applied to Mogadishu in this instance; however out of its 16 districts possible 2 remain dubious, somewhat off cork, and cumbersome at worse. This is at par with oiling Harlesden and Brixton with the same brush as the rest of London with Wandsworth and Westminster tossed to the Thames quasi squatty slams. It is not the whole city that is at odds with the government or disarmament, rather settlers from the central regions who had gone in a decade from bare-buttock bores to the sole benefactors of the riches of state trimmings who wish to hang on to a lavish lifestyle despoiled with the bayonets at the expense of the nation.


    Secondly, strangely far too often, one hears of exodus out of the capital when in reality, yesteryear influx is returning home to places like Guriceel, Ceelbuur and Dhuusamreeb with the natives remaining at ease whilst perhaps anxiously staring out to the distant for a nation at odds with itself.


    And finally, Mogadishu cannot be the nation's capital with segments of the community continuing with such claims for it as their own, rather than the nation's whilst at the mere mentioning of perhaps switching the capital elsewhere, not that any other city in Somalia today could be any different, the din and pandemonium outflows the banks quasi to fill the rivers.


    Abwaan - how are the people of Mogadishu any different from those in Bosaso or Hargeisa?

    "...bambo if Yey tries to disarm Mogadishu by force he will be gone for good cause this was tried before and it never materialised."



  15. Genocide? One wonders if you even know the meaning of the word and its application?


    No such thing observed! Cut the crab and get a bloody life whilst you are at it, will you?



  16. O' dear Mr Xalane,

    How very puerile and impetuous of you to continue on to your path of ignominy. The trouble with your assertions is that you are mistaking courage, the implementation of dispassionate strategic and military tactic in the battlefields with the annihilation of unarmed, civilian population in urban centres. Whilst the consequences of the former are accepted with a great deal of considerable collateral damage, and are considered integral part of the commonly accepted warfare conventions where trained soldiers rise or fall with the general of the best credence and stock winning the battle along with the spills, the latter is deemed to fall outside the perimeter of warfare conventions.


    And whilst I question SNM's judgement in infiltrating city centres and using civilians as a shield from the air strikes and artillery bombardment rather than taking it on the chin like the warriors they continuously portray themselves as in the battlefields, not that I wish to counter their valour in this instance, I question the judgement of any general whose conscious fails to acknowledge when his army is being outmanoeuvred in such a way that no matter what the end result, one could never win such an encounter. Further, I condone not the bombardment of civilian centres from afar in the sake of protecting King and Country from external aggression, thereby massacring its civilian population. It is a fallacy in great proportions, and one which right thinking persons find abhorrent and abominable. What nation, is has been queried? Wisdom has it, a quintessential characteristic of a nation is its populace, and without the people there is neither state nor a nation. Thusly any such deed that seeks the obliteration of the people renders the abolition of the nation ---check Somalia ala Barre regime first lane of which stands the Morgans of this world.


    When two armies equally armoured, or perhaps just armed, face each other in the battlefield, only then could you judge the courage, manoeuvre, tactic, engagement and objective of which general(s) are of better breed, stock, and produce. Unfortunately, in urban centres with unarmed civilians, hostile or otherwise, no such benchmarks could be employed.


    In my estimate, Morgan was a bloody coward, injudicious and inept in every sense of the word, and never have I heard anyone mention Morgan and courage in the same sentence, thusly you must be one bloody "dhidar" drunk from the urine of his own "cisal" to think of him as such, or consider the latter a sound judgement!


    And at that, I rest my case for sound you are not my dear lad.



  17. My dear My Xalane, how obtuse of you to piss upon this matter, and ********** of you to prod in this manner.


    I like others here had family members who had perished in Hargeisa, and whilst their death came in the name of defending the nation on the part of the Barre regime, or liberating the nation in the hands of the SNM, I truly find your comments ghastly, appallingly despicable, ethically callous, morally abominable, and nefariously sadistic.


    Nothing excuses the savage killings of innocent civilians, and as such this is heinous in nature, cowardly in principle, and is mostly despicable. And any right thinking persons would find it as such, thusly Mr Xalane you are out of order lad, and must apologise without trying to rationalise your moment of insanity and lunacy.


    One must observe sensitivities and trepidations of others, for their lack of it descends total societal disintegration. You, my dear lad waddled right into bloody swamps of which only return is to seek forgiveness from the citizens of Hargeisa, one of which I am, for a precariously perilous blunder had been committed in a moment of madness and departure from sound judgment.


    In the late 70s and early 80s when similar acts of atrocious savagery were being committed against the civilians in parts of present day Puntland, Mudug and Nugaal to be more specific in the hands of none other than Morgan, Tanzani, Dhagaweyne to name a few (mind you Morgan is a son of these regions whilst the latter two were of Hargeisa/Burco) many innocent civilians perished, and certain I am you would not want anyone glorifying their downfall, or being shelled let alone speaking ill of their persecution in the name of defending the nation.


    And at that, I do wish you shall come to your senses, and repent not to the lord, for HE and you shall huddle in conversation in a latter day, but to your immediate fraternal colleagues whose hearts and senses you have in jest trotted with iniquitous mirth.




    [ March 16, 2007, 12:10 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

  18. Xoogsade - Rather odd how your assertions blend gently with your namesake. Coincidence, I think not. Whilst I observe your abhorrent perception of inYusuf, I could not let this statement pass without commenting upon it.


    "wow, what a great message. Someone should translate that to A/Y and tell him to stop the violence against women and children in Muqdisho, get his Xabashi troops out of town and accept the fact that he can not force other clans but deal with them with respect. That is all they were asking."


    The great mystery is Somali politics, as evident in your writing is the surprising naivete of depicting, rather monotonously I might add the nature of the Somali conflict, and your shortcomings in sidestepping the rationale as to whilst inaYusuf enjoys such reception in Galkacyo and elsewhere in Puntland, he might not get similar support in Mogadishu. The same applies to awQassim who whilst popular and embraced rather well in Mogadishu subsequent to his being elected President of the Arte TNG in 2000, yet he could not invoke similar sentiment elsewhere. The lesson, if nothing more herein is that no one leader in contemporary Somalia could arouse as much excitement across regions or cross clans as his immediate constituents, and as such, inYusuf is no different in that instance. What is astounding however is your inherently adolescent deduction in the matter, and failure to comprehend its confinement to no one leader, it be inYusuf or awQassim, but is an anticipated phenomenon in post-conflict societies including war-ravaged Somalia. Yet, you wish to indulge us with your pubescent emotive narratives on matters that shall remain beyond your reach, and pass the said events as if unique to some whilst ignoring its application elsewhere for reasons only known to you and your immediate comrades.


    Surely, there must be something right about his deeds; otherwise he would not have commanded as much adulation as he seems to have thus far without so doing?


    Or is this a case of your taking a leave of absence from your senses like that notorious Alle-ubaahane who frequently empties his blows in the company of the congregation as if a a rather scorching 'subaalad' had been stuck up his skinny behind?


    Why the sudden urge to blind yourself to the whole sum whilst nibbling at cows wallops underneath? Could it be because it is rather docile to gnaw at effortlessly whilst the deep grasp of contemporary Somali politics demands vast literary readings along with erudite teachings in which you are not conversant, or with which you are not blessed? Why is it so easy to dismiss socially complex matters along clan lines? Have you not thought of irking yourself to peel the upper layers to see the events for what they are, and not be overshadowed by the smoke whilst the deep burning that lies underneath begs for attention?


    Further, If you were to put that question to the young girls in that congregation, certain I am they would laugh your annotations off as silly, juvenile rants of no consequence, not to mention disagreeing with your assertions. Surely, they cannot be dubiously blind, could they?


    Now, what would it take for you accept him as the legitimate leader of the country? And what would it take for you to have to see what others see in him? Or is it a case of the 'haramcad' sweet-talking the 'sabeen' in fearing the 'umal' for her life is in danger in the umal's company, thusly it must trust him with her wellbeing?


    I shall leave it there lest become the latest victim of the marauding malodorous Alla-ubaahane posse with those flushed particles stuck between their teeth sprung towards me.



  19. With the first wave of FTs soiling the ‘digil & butul’ of Mogadishu today with the exception of the already standing Ethiopians on the ground, given much had changed since this debate was first tabled, a revisit of the yesteryear readings of events and predictions of procedural alterations in hair-splitting psyche grants an observation of sort. Funny, how hindsight reflections of the past give rise to shrew penetration of erstwhile perceptions likely conceived in the know whilst the opposite falls short of solvent tangibility, let alone prudence, thereby setting camps aside! O’ well…

  20. Abu Taliban - What does Islamist mean? What does Sharia mean? Perhaps you wish to provide a definition first and foremost before one could subscribe to your credence.

    As things stand at this juncture with respect to your questions, I say:


    1. Do you support Sharia'? Which Sharia? Better yet, whose Sharia?


    2. Do you support the ICU? Hell, NO. And not in this lifetime.


    3. Do you identify yourself as a moderate or Islamist? Hell NO.


    Go back to the board, cleanse yourself of the filth and come up with a better contract, will you? Till then, b***er off.



  21. Boowe maya --- sida annaga na loo baray, [,] & [.] mid waliba micne gaar ah ayaa uu leeyahay marka tacbiir xisaabeed loo adeegsanayo. Wixii [.] xagga dambe ka raaca waa sarrif, halka [,] -du ay kun, milyan, bilyan ama, ama ay dhextaal u tahay. Waxaa dhacda in haddii la doono [.] laga tagi karo oo ay [optional] tahay, sida 100,000 oo macnawiyan u dhiganta [100,000.00], laakiin (again waa sida na loo baray e), [,] & [.] ma noqdaan 'interchangeable' sida wadamada qaarkood looga adeegsado, adiguna aad ku qanacsan tahay. Haddii meel ay ahayd in [,] loo adeegsado [.] la falgeliyana micnuhu uu sidaa isna ku bedelmayo.


    Sidaa darteed ayaa marka aan arko tiro sidan u xardhan '100,00' aan u qaadan jiray in si qaldan loo dhigay (oo ay ahayd in loo dhigo sidan 100.00, ama loola jeeday sidan '10,000.00'), ka hor intii aanan la kulmin arday wadamo kale wax ku soo baratay sidaada oo kale.


    Odhaahdan, I totally agree, cilladuse waxaa ay ka dhalanaysaa adeegsiga [,] & [.] oo aynu siyaabo kala duwan u adeegsano, micne gaar ahna inoo kala leh. Ari ma kuu dhacday?

    "They don't represent any meaningful value! We have to look at the place/position of the comma!You said it didn't make sense for you but in 100,000,00 the last two figues are meaningless/valueless because no three positions were counted from the right to place a dot or comma in order to give it some meaningful value or substance, understand?"


    Aan u biyodhaco e, waxaa ay isugu soo ururaysaa in sida aad tacbiirka xisaabeed u qortaan iyo sida aan u qorraa ay kala duwan yihiin.


    And by the way, ma diidani in aad England wax ku baratay, waxaase ay u badan tahay in yaraantaadii nidaam kale lagugu soo barbaariyey.



  22. MKA - Here it is --I have never known what "100,000,00" meant up until I have met a chap from the South who explained that “100,000,00” and “100,000.00” were the same --which is your take as well, if I am not mistaken. I further met students from Italy, Greek, and other European countries with similar way of writing mathematical calculations.


    Now, whenever I saw the following “100,000,00”, up until I met the said chaps, I used to read it to mean “10,000,000.00”. You see, it is the dot [.] and its location in the mathematical representation that which skews its reading.


    I see your frustration with my insistence, but do you not see mine?


    And by the way, I am by training Chartered Accountant.


    Did any of that help?



  23. Jaylaani - Where are those magnificent cosmopolitan metropolises in Somaliland if Bosaso, Las Anod, Garowe and Galkacyo are villages? You are not going to pull the usual mantra in declaring Berbera the golden star city in the Horn, were you mate? Besides, if the said cities are villages, so what? They are Puntland’s villages, and we love them for it!


    "Most of those places are Villeges in my book and Some of them don't belong to you."

