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Everything posted by samjamaa

  1. Ducaysane;790139 wrote: Be honest even for the guys who do not have marriage in the mind? Waar yarta ha waalinina. who talk about guys or marriage?!!! i was talking in general, and as BOB said i am honest not ****** lol. anyway thanks for you advice.
  2. Dear Aaliyyah, somaliland is peacefull place, and small conflict will not change the reality. I called what happend ( small conflict) because it was disagreement or argument between politicians and result from a difference of opinion which led to violent . you can call it also conflict of interest.
  3. This Friday I will be doing something different I have never done before and that is DUA FOR SOMALIA. So let's all take a moment and get on board and stop being selfish indeed dua is the only thing that changes destiny. (Allahow dalkeenii nabad noogu kuso celi adigaa awoodee, Allahayow dalkaygii dal barwaaqo weeyaan dadkiisana islaanimo diintay ehel wadaagaan waxa laysku dilayana damiirkayga may gelin dembigaa lakala galay adigaa dawayn kara) jimco wanaagsan for all.
  4. One of my friends told me stop been naïve cause the more honest you are, the more naive you can be. It's probably because of the fact I am so sincere that I assume people think the same way I do and don't look at people's intentions with as much scrutiny. "Honesty" is something mysterious, foreign, and envious to Dishonest and Untrustworthy people , because They don't know what makes people 'Honest' but they do see it as a weakness, and stealing/lying/cheating as Strengths/Positives. While the honest is one of the most important and commendable traits in a personality, and a good, morally strong family teaches their children to give all people a chance on an individual level, because there are honest/trustworthy people in all societies. apparently i am quite naive according to people and i do considre myself honest, i try to be atleast, and maybe i hold the same standard for other people..
  5. Aaliyyah;788779 wrote: oh really is that what you thought mise wa is indha tiri..carry on with your nonsense. waa caadi. Each on his own. Aaliyyah dear i didn't mean any offend and sorry if you see so , but is it calling for somaliywane seems to you nonsense?!!! i thought that what khaatumo state was calling for. sorry again if hurt your feelings
  6. لدًي فكرة كانت تجول في خاطري منذ زمن ولم ارد طرحها لكن بعض الاحداث الاخيرة جعلتني أود طرحها وتوصيلها لقراء ، ولكي تصل فكرتي هذه، على القارئ بقراءة المقال حتى النهاية، وسوف يعي الفكرة إن تأملت مغزى المقال. إذا قيل أن فلاناً عظيم.. فهل تدري كيف يُسأل عنه؟ يُسأل الأمريكي: كم تبلغ ثروته؟ يُسأل البريطاني: ما هي مؤهلاته العلمية؟ ويُسأل الياباني: ماذا عن خبرته؟ أتدري عما يُسأل الصومالي: ما قبيلته!!!!؟ لا بأس في هذا السؤال فنحن الصومالين نعتز بقبائلنا، بل راح البعض منا يتشدق بتاريخ قبيلته، وتراه وهو جالس على المقهى يشرب الشاي وياكل القات ويقول بفخر : إن قبيلتي كانت ذات تاريخ عريق وقديم قدم الحضارة الفراعنة.. مع أنه بلا عمل ولم يشارك في التاريخها من قريب أو من بعيد. فهل هذا يدعى ولاء وانتماء للوطن!!!؟ ان "الولاء" و"الانتماء"كلمتان مختلفتان معنوي ، فقد جاء في مختار الصحاح أن (الوَلاَء) هو القرابة، النصرة، التتابع.. هو محصلة لميراث ورثناه من الاباء، و دليل في أوراق ثبوتية لكل منا . أما الانتماء، فهو القيمة الحقيقية في العلاقة مع الوطن، ويعني الانتماء الميل العاطفي والوجداني للوطن وهو الحب حتى الاحتواء,هذا هو الفرق بين الانتماء والولاء... فكلنا صوماليون بالولاء، ولكن هيهات أن يكون الانتماء من نصيب الجميع . قد اجريت دراسة على الجواسيس الذين قبلوا خيانة اوطانهم ,وقد يظن البعض انهم قبضوا أموال طائلة لقاء الخيانة ، ولكن الدراسة قد بينت أن أي من هؤلاء الخونة لم يتقاضي أكثر من عشرة آلاف دولار، وهو مبلغ لا يكفي لزحزحة العقيدة..لأن الخيانة ترتبط ارتباطاً وثيقاً بالعقيدة.. تأمل أي انسان يحب وطنه واسأله: كم يرضيك لتخون بلدك؟ فيجيبك: ولا كنوز الدنيا, ولكن هناك من قبل الخيانة بالفعل، وهنا أثبتت الدراسات النفسية أن القاسم المشترك بين هؤلاء المرضى.. وأعني أنهم المرضى.. أنهم فقدوا الانتماء تجاه أوطانهم. ان اثارة فتنة العصبية القبيلة نوع من الخيانة الوطن, و للاسف مجتمعنا ملىء بهؤلاء المرضى الذين يكونوا عالة على الوطن وسبب في دمارها , جميل جدا ان يكون للانسان قبيلة تسانده و تؤازره وتخفف عليه اذا انهالت عليه المصائب ولكن ظلم الناس وتكبر عليهم باسم القبيلة هو قمة الانانية وانعدام الوطنية. جاء في بريدي الالكتروني هذه القصة الحكيمة المفيدة , تروي أن أحدَ الولاةِ كان يتجول ذات يوم في السوق القديم متنكراً في زي تاجر ، وأثناء تجواله وقع بصره على دكان قديمٍ ليس فيه شيء مما يغري بالشراء ،كانت البقالة شبه خالية ، وكان فيها رجل طاعن في السن ، يجلس بارتخاء على مقعد قديم متهالك ،ولم يلفت نظر الوالي سوى بعض اللوحات التي تراكم عليها الغبار ،اقترب الوالي من الرجل المسن وحياه ، ورد الرجل التحية بأحسن منها ،وكان يغشاه هدوء غريب ، وثقة بالنفس عجيبة .. وسأل الوالي الرجل: دخلت السوق لاشتري فماذا عندك مما يباع ! أجاب الرجل : عندنا أحسن وأثمن بضائع السوق, قال ذلك دون أن تبدر منه أية إشارة للمزح أو السخرية فما كان من الوالي إلا ابتسم ثم قال: هل أنت جاد فيما تقول !؟ أجاب الرجل: نعم كل الجد ، فبضائعي لا تقدر بثمن ، أما بضائع السوق فإن لها ثمن محدد لا تتعداه , دهش الوالي وصمت برهة ثم قال: ولكني لا أرى في دكانك شيئا للبيع!! قال الرجل : أنا أبيع الحكمة .. وقد بعت منها الكثير ، وانتفع بها الذين اشتروها ولم يبق معي سوى لوحتين قال الوالي : وهل تكسب من هذه التجارة ! قال الرجل: وقد ارتسمت على وجهه طيف ابتسام نعم يا سيدي .. فأنا أربح كثيراً ، فلوحاتي غالية الثمن جدا, تقدم الوالي إلى إحدى اللوحتين ومسح عنها الغبار ، فإذا مكتوباً فيها (فكر قبل أن تعمل )ً ..تأمل الوالي العبارة طويلا .. ثم التفت إلى الرجل وقال: بكم تبيع هذه اللوحة ..!؟ قال الرجل بهدوء : عشرة آلاف دينار فقط, ولا نقاش في الثمن, فضحك الوالي طويلا حتى اغرورقت عيناه ، وبقي الشيخ ساكنا كأنه لم يقل شيئاً ، لم يجد الوالي في إصرار العجوز إلا ما يدعو للضحك والعجب وخمن في نفسه أن هذا العجوز مختل في عقله ، فظل يسايره وأخذ يساومه على الثمن ، والعجوز ما زال مصرا على كلمته التي قالها ،ضحك الوالي وقرر الانصراف ، وهو يتوقع أن العجوز سيناديه إذا انصرف ،ولكنه لاحظ أن العجوز لم يكترث لانصرافه ، وعاد إلى كرسيه المتهالك فجلس عليه بهدوء, وفيما كان الوالي يتجول في السوق فكر أن يفعل شيئاً تأباه المروءة ، فتذكر تلك الحكمة ( فكر قبل أن تعمل) فتراجع عما كان ينوي القيام به !! ووجد انشراحا لذلك, وأخذ يفكر وأدرك أنه انتفع بتلك الحكمة ، ثم فكر فعلم أن هناك أشياء كثيرة ، قد تفسد عليه حياته لو أنه قام بها دون أن يفكر ومن هنا وجد نفسه يهرول باحثاًعن دكان العجوز في لهفة اللوحة بالثمن الذي تحدده ،ولما وقف عليه قال : لقد قررت أن أشتري هذه لم يبتسم العجوز ونهض من على كرسيه بكل هدوء ، وأمسك بخرقة ونفض بقية الغبار عن اللوحة ،ثم ناولها الوالي ، واستلم المبلغ كاملاً ، وقبل أن ينصرف الوالي قال له الشيخ: بعتك هذه اللوحة بشرط, قال الوالي : وما هو الشرط ؟ قال : أن تكتب هذه الحكمة على باب بيتك ، وعلى أكثر الأماكن في البيت ،وحتى على أدواتك التي تحتاجها عند الضرورة فكر الوالي قليلا ثم قال : موافق, وذهب الوالي إلى قصره ، وأمر بكتابة هذه الحكمة في أماكن كثيرة في القصر ،حتى على بعض ملابسه وملابس نسائه وكثير من أداواته. وتوالت الأيام وتبعتها شهور ، وحدث ذات يوم أن قرر قائد الجند أن يقتل الوالي لينفرد بالولاية ،واتفق مع حلاق الوالي الخاص و أغراه بألوان من الإغراء حتى وافق أن يكون في صفه ،ليقوم بذبح الوالي ولما توجه الحلاق إلى قصر الوالي أدركه الارتباك ، إذ كيف سيقتل الوالي ،إنها مهمة صعبة وخطيرة ، وقد يفشل ويطير رأسه ولما وصل إلى باب القصر رأى مكتوبا على البوابة : ( فكر قبل أن تعمل) وازداد ارتباكاً ، وانتفض جسده ، وداخله الخوف ، ولكنه جمع نفسه ودخل ، وفي الممر الطويل ، رأى العبارة ذاتها تتكرر وزاد اضطرابا وقلقا وخوفا ، فأسرع يمد خطواته ليدخل إلى الحجرة الكبيرة ، وهناك رأى نفس العبارة تقابله وجهاً لوجه فانتفض جسد ه من جديد ، وشعر أن العبارة ترن في أذنيه بقوة لها صدى شديد وعندما دخل الوالي هاله أن يرى أن الثوب الذي يلبسه الوالي مكتوبا عليه (فكر قبل أن تعمل), شعر أنه هو المقصود بهذه العبارة ، بل داخله شعور بأن الوالي ربما يعرف ما خطط له وحين أتى الخادم بصندوق الحلاقة الخاص بالوالي ، أفزعه أن يقرأ على الصندوق نفس العبارة واضطربت يده وهو يعالج فتح الصندوق ، وأخذ جبينه يتصبب عرقا ،وبطرف عينه نظر إلى الوالي الجالس فرآه مبتسما هادئاً ، مما زاد في اضطرابه وقلقه فلما هم بوضع رغوة الصابون لاحظ الوالي ارتعاشة يده ،فأخذ يراقبه بحذر شديد ، وتوجس ، وأراد الحلاق أن يتفادى نظرات الوالي إليه ،فصرف نظره إلى الحائط ، فرأى اللوحة منتصبة أمامه ( فكر قبل أن تعمل) فوجد نفسه يسقط منهارا بين يدي الوالي وهو يبكي منتحبا ، وشرح للوالي تفاصيل المؤامرة وذكر له أثر هذه الحكمة التي كان يراها في كل مكان ، مما جعله يعترف بما كان سيقوم به ونهض الوالي وأمر بالقبض على قائد الحرس وأعوانه ، وعفا عن الحلاق. وقف الوالي أمام تلك اللوحة يمسح عنها ما سقط عليها من غبار ،وينظر إليها بزهو ، وفرح وانشراح ، فاشتاق لمكافأة ذلك العجوز ، وشراء حكمة أخرى منه, لكنه حين ذهب إلى السوق وجد الدكان مغلقاً ، وأخبره الناس أن العجوز قد مات. انتهت القصة و تذكر دوما راقب افكارك لانها ستصبح افعالا راقب افعالك لانها ستصبح عادات راقب عاداتك لانها ستصبح طباعا راقب طباعك لانها ستحدد مصيرك ، ولذلك يجب ان تُدرك هذا المغزى عندما يناديك من حولك في المهجر :ايها صومالي. والآن عزيزي القارئ .. هل أدركت ما أصبو اليه؟ اظن ذلك . I apologize from those who do not know Arabic.
  7. Some comments remind me that tribalism and hate is very much still alive,there are only a few positive ones. I think now we need to forgive but no forget. Aalliyyah, with all these celebration parties around the world are there burning cities and killing innocent people, i thought war is over.
  8. I agree with that point but the chances of success for any sort of unification relies upon both parties being equal. However, the South Somalia is getting slowly better and instead of watching they fall back into anarchy - Somaliland and any other peaceful, Somali-controlled, states have a duty to liberate their Somali brothers and sisters from this material hell while we still can. Honestly Somaliland and Somalia are interconnected once Somalia settles down and becomes a peaceful place is better to unify together. Some Somalis want Somaliweyn? Other wants Somaliland at the same time? Simple solution! A 'Federal Republic' Where each region can govern their own affairs. Personally, i believe in unify will make somali strong.
  9. يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلوبنا على دينك this woman misunderstand islam, when she said "To be a Somali is to be a Muslim” make me feel she did not know islam deeply just she born muslim.
  10. One muslim woman's journey of faith that challenges her ideas about what it means to be a Christian, and drives her to a decision that could cost her everything.....
  11. rude Diiriye: first you can't call me home girl because i am not dating guys, dating guys is not only social activities gril have to do in her whole life . second if you ex wife was worship western values, you can't inclued all som girls in arab countries in that theory, third point ; you marriage from the beginning was wrong why?!!! you throught marrying arab-somali gals better then those in west and she knew you are the only way to live in west world at end both of you loss, this good example for those who is calling to marry west-somali guys? cuz i am against that.
  12. Khawla bint Al Azwar AMAAZING story inspired me in my whole life. This woman’s story makes you want to laugh in the face of anyone who says that Islam oppresses women. I am so excited to share her story with you. Ladies and Gentlemen, the INCREDIBLE Khawla bint Al Azwar: Khawla bint Al Azwar lived during the Prophetic time. There is not much information on her year of birth or her childhood but we know that her family was some of the first to embrace Islam. She was very close with her brother Derar and they were always doing everything together. So it was only natural that when he went to go fight with Khalid ibn Waleed’s army against the Romans in the greater Syria region, Bilad Al-Sham, that she would go with him. During that time, the families, women and children, of the soldiers would go to war with them. This was for many reasons. One of them was that it kept the army ethical and reminded them of what they were fighting for. So the women would cook, work as nurses, and tend to their men and some of the women also fought alongside the men. The Muslim army always had women in it. Derar was known as a fearless fighter. He was a master of the martial arts and would go into battle without a shield, helmet or any kind of army and he was extremely powerful. He knew exactly how to fight. In one battle, they were fighting the Byzantines and the son of Caesar (Emperor Heraclias) was leading the Romans. Derar fearlessly fought through the Byzantine ranks until he got to the son and killed him. However, now being right in the middle of the Romans, he was not able to make it back to the Muslim side and he was captured. Word gets back to the Muslim camp that the fearless Derar has gone missing. Khowla first reaction is to weep for her brother and recite poetry in his name. However, she quickly pulls herself together and puts on some black armor and a green scarf tied around her helmet and the top of her chest. She also wears a black niqab to conceal her identity. At that time, niqab was not worn only by women, it was worn by men too because it was used to protect their face from sand in the desert. So by wearing the niqab she could easily be mistaken for a man. So Khawla, dressed in black armor, takes to the battlefield straight into the Romans in search of her brother. Little known fact to everyone else is that Khawla is trained in martial arts in the same way brother is. She goes into battle like a “torch of fire” defeating Romans left and right, coming in and out of the Roman ranks like a pro. The other Muslim fighters are bewildered as to who this black knight could be, and since they know that Derar has been captured, the only other person that can fight like that is the great general Khalid ibn Al Walid. So they all assume that Khawla is Khalid ibn Al Walid. Until of course, Khalid ibn Al Walid comes riding up next to them. Shocked, Rabe ibn Utba, another general, says to Khalid ibn Walid, “I thought that was you!” Then Khalid says to Rabe, “I though that was you!” Mixed between confusion as to the identity of the black knight and in awe of the incredible skills they are witnessing, Khalid and Rabe decide that they need to get the knight to pull back as they want “him” to stay alive so that they can benefit from “his” strength and power for later battles. However, try as they might, they could not catch up to her, she was too fast for them. It wasn’t until Khawla finally started to get tired that she started to recede a bit in toward the Muslim side, and some of the Muslims surround her, address her as the great knight and start to ask her who she is and which tribe is she from. All of them want to claim her as part of their tribe to take the honor of having such a fearless warrior. None of them know it is Khawla and she doesn’t say a word. Then Khalid ibn Al Walid addresses her with extreme respect and tells her to stay within ranks. However, Khawla is still intent on finding her brother so she goes off right into the battlefield again. This time Khalid is on her tail and he manages to stop her and asks her why she is not following command. And from under the armor, Khalid hears the voice of a woman and he is completely startled and impressed. Khalid asks her why she is fighting in the way that she is, she tells him that she is Derar’s sister and she is looking for him. When Khalid hears this, he rounds up the army and puts Rabe on one side and Khawla, as a general, on the other side and they take down the Roman army, who were already very fearful of this black knight. At the end of the battle, Khowla goes looking among the Romans for word of her brother and reciting poetry about her sadness on his loss. The Muslim army later comes upon a group of Syrians and they ask them about Derar. They say they have heard about the knight who fights without armor and who killed the emperor’s son, he was taken to Constantinople by 100 knights. Khawla upon hearing the location of her brother, asks Khalid if she can accompany the Muslim knights going to free Derar. He of course accepts and places her as the leader along with Rabe among the 100 Muslim knights who will go rescue Derar. She rides ahead of the army and works as the tracker, finding the path left by the Romans. She ends up figuring out their tracks and designs the plan of invasion to get her brother back. The Muslim knights follow Khawla’s plan and end up succeeding in the rescue of Derar. Khawla’s story does not end there though. At another battle, the Roman’s attack the family tents and took the women back to the Roman camp and held them as prisoners in a tent. The Romans, however, had no idea what they had gotten themselves into. They had no idea that among the women they captured, was Khawla bint Al Azwar, the fearless and powerful black knight. So in the tent Khawla stands up and says, “Oh daughters of Himyar and remnant of the acient kings of Yemen, are you content to have the Roman barbarians as your sires and your children slaves in Byzantium? Where is your heroism and surpassing skill that the Arab tribes and Arabian town and village speak so much of? I believe you are the furthest of people from such subjugation. I think you would love to die more than bear this bondage and servitude, which the Byzantines have afflicted you with.” The women all agreed with her but asked her how they can escape without weapons? The answer: Tents have poles. So the women take the tent poles as spears and the pegs as daggers. Khawla, being experienced in war, tells the women to hold together strong like a wall with their arms linked and use the tent poles to break the ranks of the Romans. Khawla walked in front of them fighting off the Roman men on her own while the women walked behind her strong. In that way, Khawla rescued the women and brought them home. *When we talk about heroines in history, most people think of Joan of Arc or maybe Virginia Woolf and they probably don’t come up with many Muslim heroines. That is because our history and our reality are created by what is around us, like movies and books and other forms of media. Most often than not, the story is told by the European point of view, and the history of people of the Middle Eastern region is not mentioned as much, making it seem insignificant or nonexistent. So our daughters grow up without the amazing stories of Muslim women and as a result they don’t have many Muslim women role models. Inshallah, as we continue in our pursuit of knowledge, we can teach our daughters about the great Muslim women that came before them. Isnt she super awesome? What did you think of Khawla?
  13. (Good women are for good men, and good men for good women) Surah An-Nûr so make sure that if you good man you will find good wife.
  14. Since I heard about that United Kingdom has decided to host a conference on Somalia I was wondering what is behind that?.till I read recently that UK Prime Minister, David Cameron said in his speech to the Lord Mayor's banquet on 14 November 2011, “that Somalia is a failed state that directly threatens British interests. Tourists and aid workers kidnapped, young British minds poisoned by radicalism, mass migration, and vital trade routes disrupted.” This statement does recognize that there is a problem in Somalia that threatens the security interests of the United Kingdom and some argue that this recognition to change the conditions that contribute to the Somalia quandary gives a new purpose and opportunity to resolve this problem but the question is "are they doing to find solution to the current situation which will satisfaction all Somalis parties?" Allah only knows . the bitter reality is Conflicts within the Somalia cannot be separated from its peoples' culture. Seventh-century tribal culture influenced Islam and its adherents' attitudes toward non-Muslims. Today, the embodiment of Somali culture and tribalism within Islam impacts everything from family relations, to governance, to conflict. While many diplomats and analysts view the somali dispute and conflicts between different clans communities through the prism of political grievance, the roots of such conflicts lie as much in culture and Somali tribalism. I do strongly believe what Allah says in quran (Allah does not change a people´s lot unless they change what is in their hearts. But when (once) Allah willeth a people´s punishment, there can be no turning it back, nor will they find, besides Him, any to protect) so believe it or not.
  15. princesshafsa;785362 wrote: correct me if i am wrong but isnt it bidci to celebrate nabi muhammad s.a.w. 's birthday? Whoever wants to celebrate the Prophet’s (sa) birthday should celebrate it and avoid doing any action contrary to Islamic Law. This act should be done with an intention that it is not a sunna nor an obligatory act. If these conditions are observed, and one is careful not to contradict Islamic Law, out of sincere love for the Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah upon him), then, Allah willing, there is nothing wrong with this action and this person will be rewarded. Commenting on this, the Shaykh of Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (May Allah have mercy upon him) said, “Indeed, such a person will be rewarded because of his intention.” Likewise, for the one who shuns this celebration, seeking to cling to the sunna out of fear of falling into innovation, then this person will also be rewarded, Allah willing. It is important to note that this is not a big issue. Nor is it necessary to give it more attention then it deserves. the inf above from below link.
  16. wow wonderful article,One day inshaallah Somalia gets back on its feet.
  17. i received email with this title and i would like to share it with all of you. I wonder…………………… If Prophet Muhammad visited you Just for a day or two, If he came unexpectedly, I wonder what you would do? Oh I know you would give your nicest room, To such an honored guest, And you would serve him your very best. You would be the very best, Cause you’re glad to have him there, That serving him in your home Would be a joy without compare. But…when you see him coming, Would you meet him at the door With your arms outstretched in welcome, To your visitor? Or…would you have to change your clothes before you let him in? Or hide some magazines and put The Qur’an where they had been? Would you still watch those movies, Or your T.V. set? Or would you switch it off, Before he gets upset. Would you turn off the radio, And hope he had not heard? And wish that you did not utter your last loud hasty word? Would you hide your worldly music, And instead take out Hadith books? Could you let him walk right in, Or would you rush about? And I wonder…if the Prophet (saw) spent, a day or two with you, Would you go on doing the things you always do? Would you go right on and say the things You always say? Would life for you continue As it does from day to day? Would your family conversations, Keep up their usual pace? And would you find it hard each meal, To say a table grace? Would you keep up each and every prayer? Without putting on a frown? And would you always jump up early, For Fajr at dawn? Would you sing the songs you always sing? And read the book you read? And let him know the things on which, Your mind and spirit feed? Would you take the Prophet with you, Everywhere you plan to go? Or, would you maybe change your plans, Just for a day or so? Would you be glad to have him meet, Your very closest friends? Or, would you hope they stay away, Until his visit ends? Would you be glad to have him stay, Forever on and on? Or would you sigh with great relief, When he at last was gone? It might be interesting to know, The things that you would do. If Prophet Muhammad came, To spend some time with you
  18. Today is 12 Rabe'a Aawal the day of Mohammed's birthday which Allah sent him to all the universe, Allah sent him to lead us from dark to light form idolatry worshiping to Allah worshiping.
  19. Juxa you are right 'it's their wedding let them do what they like, it's individual choice, keep out of it' but If we all just 'minded our own business' when people are doing things against the Islam then we would become very selfish individuals and conform to the Western 'Individualistic' ideals. This is not Islamic because you should love for your brother what you love for yourself and I wish all Muslim marriages success and full of blessings from Allah SWT. BOB I have no problem with the cultural traditions party for the bride and her (female) relatives, a time where women get dressed up, enjoy each other's company, eat and just have a good time together, so long as nothing haraam goes on at the event. Just think of all the debt that people end up with after a wedding, yeah you enjoy it all for a couple of hours but then spend years trying to pay up for those couple of hours of 'fun' Imagine what could have been done with all that money? You could spend that money on travelling with your husband after the wedding or even use it for your new life together. For me the best place to spend my honeymoon is Mecca for Umrah,I guess not many people think that far ahead.
  20. Somali wedding party is one thing i never understood, normally when 2 person want to marry, why they have to make biggest party in five stars hotel( 1000 KD= 3500$) and bride has to wear expensive wedding dress( rented in 400KD= 1383.56 $) for only one night. I have Cousin had that type of parties and after few months my cousin and her husband had broke as hell from debts they have to payback. Why?!!! Personally I'd rather have lifelong savings then paying for all that and I wouldn't want my husband to pay all that money to be honest, I just think it's unnecessary because we have to start marriage life in blessed and good way and according to Islam the less expensive wedding is more blessed and successful. That's my opinion anyway, I'm sure other people have interesting views.
  21. One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old and the well needed to be covered up anyway it just wasn’t worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and begin to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone’s amazement he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well and was astonished at what he saw. With every shovel of dirt that fell on his back, the donkey was doing some thing amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer’s neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up.Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and totted off! the story remind me how the world is shovel dirt on Somalia, all kinds of dirt. The trick is too not to get bogged down by dirt. We can get out of the deepest wells by not stopping. And by never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up!
  22. Mothers are the best gift that has given to us by Allah and having them is such a thankful and splendid treasure in our life. thanks for story and i will add one more and i hope all of us will get moral of this story. Mother’s Sacrifice My mom only had one eye. I hated her… she was such an embarrassment. My mom ran a small shop at a flea market. She collected little weeds and such to sell… anything for the money we needed she was such an embarrassment. There was this one day during elementary school. I remember that it was field day, and my mom came. I was so embarrassed. How could she do this to me? I threw her a hateful look and ran out. The next day at school… “Your mom only has one eye?!” and they taunted me. I wished that my mom would just disappear from this world so I said to my mom, “Mom, why don’t you have the other eye?! You’re only going to make me a laughingstock. Why don’t you just die?” My mom did not respond. I guess I felt a little bad, but at the same time, it felt good to think that I had said what I’d wanted to say all this time. Maybe it was because my mom hadn’t punished me, but I didn’t think that I had hurt her feelings very badly. That night… I woke up, and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. My mom was crying there, so quietly, as if she was afraid that she might wake me. I took a look at her, and then turned away. Because of the thing I had said to her earlier, there was something pinching at me in the corner of my heart. Even so, I hated my mother who was crying out of her one eye. So I told myself that I would grow up and become successful, because I hated my one-eyed mom and our desperate poverty. Then I studied really hard. I left my mother and came to Seoul and studied, and got accepted in the Seoul University with all the confidence I had. Then, I got married. I bought a house of my own. Then I had kids, too. Now I’m living happily as a successful man. I like it here because it’s a place that doesn’t remind me of my mom. This happiness was getting bigger and bigger, when someone unexpected came to see me “What?! Who’s this?!” It was my mother… Still with her one eye. It felt as if the whole sky was falling apart on me. My little girl ran away, scared of my mom’s eye. And I asked her, “Who are you? I don’t know you!!” as if I tried to make that real. I screamed at her “How dare you come to my house and scare my daughter! Get out of here now!!” And to this, my mother quietly answered, “oh, I’m so sorry. I may have gotten the wrong address,” and she disappeared. Thank goodness… she doesn’t recognize me. I was quite relieved. I told myself that I wasn’t going to care, or think about this for the rest of my life. Then a wave of relief came upon me… one day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house. I lied to my wife saying that I was going on a business trip. After the reunion, I went down to the old shack, that I used to call a house…just out of curiosity there, I found my mother fallen on the cold ground. But I did not shed a single tear. She had a piece of paper in her hand…. it was a letter to me. She wrote: My son, I think my life has been long enough now. And… I won’t visit Seoul anymore… but would it be too much to ask if I wanted you to come visit me once in a while? I miss you so much. And I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion. But I decided not to go to the school…. For you… I’m sorry that I only have one eye, and I was an embarrassment for you. You see, when you were very little, you got into an accident, and lost your eye. As a mother, I couldn’t stand watching you having to grow up with only one eye… so I gave you mine… I was so proud of my son that was seeing a whole new world for me, in my place, with that eye. I was never upset at you for anything you did. The couple times that you were angry with me. I thought to myself, ‘it’s because he loves me.’ I miss the times when you were still young around me. I miss you so much. I love you. You mean the world to me. My World Shattered. I hated the person who only lived for me . I cried for My Mother, I didn’t know of any way that will make up for my worst deeds…