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Everything posted by AsadSL

  1. ^ Maskin go to the anti somaliland one tomorrow they need the numbers.
  2. I never seen so many somalis in one place. Biggest Demonstraion ever done by african peoples in london record was in may 18 2011 and that record was broken. Somaliland dadkeeda Aqonsiga Dowladnimo. Somaliland wa ino lo dadalaa.
  3. General Duke;792713 wrote: Utter disappointment, I knew London demographics has changed, did not know that the Somalilanders numbers has also diminished... Nacaskani eega Nothing has changed pirate boy.
  4. Actually they have. more than once check out youtube.
  5. Ileen London is ganna be a spot to be this week. TFG prime minister Somaliland president and farole all in town and having meetings welcome parties with their nationalist.
  6. ^^^ small minded. Somaliland ba ku muqada.
  7. isnt the SSC and Awdal state leaders attending:D
  8. When I said that I mean we have one as in you do not have one. Hows that hard to understand.
  9. Anyway we're not going to get into that. You know my stance and you know the stance of Somaliland when it comes to its borders. Come out on the 22nd i guess.
  10. show me where i said we don't have one.
  11. Trying to broadcast the event and you're welcome to join your fellow Somalis. But why even go when the people there support separation. Doesn't that conflict with what you believe in a united Somalia. You should go to the one on the 23rd which is a united somalia protest at the same location.
  12. He actually lives in Paris, France. Well after the lose of Udub its was understandable for them to take a break and let the current government run the country. The next election then would of been in 2 years.
  13. He spoke very well about the domestic iseeus from Hargisea today on VOA. He also stated he is still the Chairman of Udub. Will he run for the elections in 2 years?
  14. OGAYSIIS OGAYSIIS OGAYSIIS FADLAN KAALAY OO U HIILI QARANKA IYO QADIYADA SOMALILAND Banaanbax balaadhan oo lagu taageerayo gooni isutaaga Somaliland ayaa ka dhaci doona magaalada London ee dalka Ingiriiska Maalinta: Arbaca, 22 February 2012 Wakhtiga: 11am – 5pm Goobta: Richmond Terrace (Kasoo horjeedka 10 Downing Street , London SW1) Gaadiidka: Westminster Tube Station Isku soo baxan balaadhan waa mid beesha caalamka lagu weydiisanayo in ay aqoonsadaan jiritaanka Somaliland, isla markaana ixtiraamaan rabitaanka shacbiga Somaliland. Waa banaanbax lagu muujinayo Madax-banaanida, qarrannimada iyo horumarka Somaliland. Banaanbaxa waxa soo abaabulay Guddida Qabanqaabada Somaliland ee UK ( UK Somaliland Working Group – UKSWG) Waxaan ka codsnaynaa dhamaan Somalilanderska ku dhaqan UK in ay xil gaar ah iska saaraan banaanbaxan oy uga soo qayb galaan sidii sharafta lahayd ee looga soo qayb galay banaanbixii waynaa ee sanadkii hore aynu ku xusnay 20 guuradii Somaliland Wixii faahfaahin ah fadlan kala soo xidhiidh UKSWG emailka hoos ku xusan:
  15. Ogaysiis Dhamaan Jaaliyada Somaliyeed:- Mudaharaad kadhacaya London 23/02/2012 Mudaharad aad ubaaaladhan oo loogaka soo horjeedo kala qaybinta dalka Somaaliya isla markaasna lagu taageerayo wada jirka iyo midnimada Dalka iyo shacabka soomaaliya.
  16. Pro Somaliland groups will gather in front of Downing Street on Feb 22 2012 and Anti Somaliland Pro Somalia( All Somalis who support a united Somalia) groups will gather at that same location on Feb 23 2012. Who will outnumber who:confused:
  17. A better question would be why don't any of you who claim "eastern erigaavo" so you say is not in control of somaliland. Show us the equivalent of what that video has shown a flag a military parade crowd and then just then maybe you'll sound a little credible. You are a desperate bunch there is no west east south erigavo just one and its under the peoples government. keep dreaming on the internet. My clan has been running the domestic affairs of the town since forever and its not going to change. Its ok to be mad;)
  18. lol @ Erigavo as your location
  19. According Hadhwaanaagnews and thier source the uk police a half a million people are expected to attend this demo.