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Posts posted by QabiilDiid

  1. IT IS THE ECONOMY, S.T.U.P.I.D.... Feed the hand that is helping the dismemberment of Somali Republic, wax ma garad yahow. Anigu DAAMI baan ku dhashow waa hore ayaan ogaaday sida ay dahabshiil iyo cayayaanka kale ee ku dhex noole isugu afgarteen in ay Soomaali siri karaan. Some call this foxy enmey Dhiigshiil.

    Read more in Somali....


    Xawaaladda Dahabshiil Oo Is Qarxisay Ka Dib Markay Caddaysatay Colaadda Ay U Hayso Beesha ***********


    Nov 17, 2007 By:

    Laascanood( Dahabshiil) ayaa si badheedh ah bannaanka isu soo dhigtay, caddaysatayna colaadda ay u qabto bulshada ku dhaqan SSC, ee ka Soo jeedda Qabiillada ******* iyo ********, ka dib markii ay si badheedh ah uga qayb qaadatay Colaada ay soo hurinayaan beelaha ******, xisaabna u furtay sanduuq lagu soo ururinayo dhaqaalaha Laascaanood lagu soo weeraray iyo kan la doonayo in dhulbalaadhsiga lagu fidiyo.



    Arrintan ayaa si rasmiya waxaa shaaca uga qaaday in sanduuq laga furay shirkada xawaalada ee Dhiigshiil(Dahabshiil) kaas oo ay ugu magacdareen Taakulaynta gobolada SSC madaxweyne ku xigeenka maamulka Hargyesa axmed yuusuf Yaasiin (Waydhaqaaqday), mar uu maanta soo saaray qoraal uu reer ***** ugu sheegayo goobaha lacagta lagu soo hagajinayo.


    Qoraal uu arrintaas ka soo saaray Axmed yuusuf yaasiin(Waydhaqaaqday) ayuu ku sheegay goobaha lagu soo hagaajinayo dhaqaalaha ku wajahan gobollada SSC ee uu ku tilmamaay dib taakulaynta.


    "1.Baanka dhexe ee somaliland 404 Somaliland Shillin

    2.Baanka dhexe ee somaliland 112 Lacagta adag

    3.Dahabshiil Account D10160 (Guddida Taakulaynta Qaranka)Muwaadiniinta somaliland ee Jaaliyadaha Dibadu waxay Tabaracooda ku shubi karaan xisaabta dahabshiil ee kor ku xusan waxaanay kala soo xidhiidhi karaan


    1. Mudane Abshir Axmed Xasan Wasiirka Dib u dajinta

    2. Mudane Maxamed Cali Xirsi Xubin golaha wakiilada ah

    Guddidu waxay muwaadiniinta somaliland ku boorinayaan in ay si muwaadinimo ah, xilkasnimo leh uga qayb qaataan hawshaa qaran iyo dhibaatooyinka, dhib u dhaca soo food saaray Gobolada bari, taasoo aan uga baryayno ilaahay in uu if iyo aakhiraba ka abaal mariyo tabarucoodaasi".


    maaha markii ugu horeysay ee ay xawaaladda Dahabshiil ka qayb qaadato ololaha wax lagu yeelaynayey gobolada SSC , hore ayey xawaalada dahabshiil uga qayb qaadatay dibin daabyada uu maamulka hargeysa ku hayo bulshada ssc iyada oo hub xataa laga xaday bulshadan gadatay xawaaladu, rag u dhashay deegaanka muddo dheer cudhaadh ugu haysatay magaalada burco.


    waxaana ugu danbeeyey oo ay ku kacday xawaalada Dahabshiil (Dhiigshiil)dhawaan markii ay ugu tabarucday Malayshiyada Isaaqa ee ku sugan Laascaanood 4booyadood oo shiidaal ah.


    Inkasta oo ay jiraan xubno u dhashay deegaanka SSC oo aad isugu daya in ay gaashaan u noqdaan Xawaaladda dahabshiil ayaan la garanayn wax ay ka odhan doonaan dhacdadan markhaati ma doontada ah, ee uu maamulka riyaale isagu shaaca ka qaaday.


    hore ayaa dhacdooyinka loosoo bandhigay waxay dadka qaarkiis moodi jireen in Xawaaladda dahabshiil lagu been abuurto , waxaase arrintani cadaynaysaa colaada gaamurtay ee maamulka dahabshiil(dhiigshiil) u qabo bulshada *********** oo aad moodid in aanay isaaqu u kala hadhin ganacsade iyo malayshiyoba.


    Waxaa markaa isweydiin mudan bulshada u dhalatay Deegaanka SSC waxa ay ka yeeli doonaan xawaaladda dahabshiil oo aanay khasbanayn in ay markasta dhaqaalahooda ama biilashooda soo mariyaan.


    Cali Faarax



    hadhwanaag 2007-11-17 (Hadhwanaagnews) Hargeysa(HWN):- Madaxweyne Ku-xigeenka Somaliland Md.Axmed Yuusuf Yaasin,isla markaana ah Guddoomiyaha Guddida qaadhaan Uruurinta Gobolka Sool,Sanaag bari iyo Degmada Buuhoodle ee dhawaan Madaxweyne Rayaale u magacaabay ayaa maanta soo bandhigay qorshe uu u sameeyey taakuleynta loogu qaadhaamayo Goboldaasi,isaga oo u sameeyey guddi ka kooban laba xubnood dhaqaalaha lagu Uruurin-doonta.


    Sida waxa uu Madaxweyne Ku-xigeenku ku sheegay Warsaxafadeed qoraal ah oo nuqul ka mid ahi soo gaadhay Xafiiska shabakada Wararka ee ee Magaalada Hargeysa.


    Waxaanu u dhignaa sidan:




    Hayadaha,Ururada,Shirkadaha iyo muwaadiniinta Somaliland ee si hawlkarnimo iyo xilkasnimo ku jirto uga qayb gaadanaya taakulaynta iyo dib u dhiska Gobolada Sanaag,Sool iyo Degmada Buuhoodle,waxa lala socodsiinayaa in la dhisay guddi qaran oo xil waajibaadkeedu yahay midaynta iyo maamulka taakulada ku wajahan goboladaas.


    Hadaba,si looga midha dhaliyo looguna maamulo qaabka ugu haboon loogana fogaado jaantaa rogan iyo is bar-bar yaac waxa dhamaan taakulada lagu uruurinayaa Guddida Taakulaynta Qaranka JSL.


    Waxa Gobol walba laga dhisayaa guddi taakulayn ah oo heer gobol ah una xilsaaran ururinta tabarucaasi.


    Cid kasta oo ugu deeqda taakulo sanduuqa taakulaynta ee gobolada bari waxa la

    siinayaa cadayn ay ku faah faahsantahay tirada iyo nooca taakulada laga gudoomay wixii lacag ah ee cadaan ah Kaash waxa loo furay xisaabaadka xisaabaha soo socda.


    1.Baanka dhexe ee somaliland 404 Somaliland Shillin

    2.Baanka dhexe ee somaliland 112 Lacagta adag

    3.Dahabshiil Account D10160 (Guddida Taakulaynta Qaranka)Muwaadiniinta somaliland ee Jaaliyadaha Dibadu waxay Tabaracooda ku shubi karaan xisaabta dahabshiil ee kor ku xusan waxaanay kala soo xidhiidhi karaan


    1. Mudane Abshir Axmed Xasan Wasiirka Dib u dajinta

    2. Mudane Maxamed Cali Xirsi Xubin golaha wakiilada ah

    Guddidu waxay muwaadiniinta somaliland ku boorinayaan in ay si muwaadinimo ah, xilkasnimo leh uga qayb qaataan hawshaa qaran iyo dhibaatooyinka, dhib u dhaca soo food saaray Gobolada bari, taasoo aan uga baryayno ilaahay in uu if iyo aakhiraba ka abaal mariyo tabarucoodaasi".


    Mustafe Cabdi Maxamed [Mustafe-Janaale]






    [ November 19, 2007, 02:46 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

  2. NGONGE, I know that Northern is restricted to visit the Somali Federal offices. Were you there last night (see pictures below)? Remove your mask and tell us which picture holds your body!!


    Waxaa shalay xaflad si wanaagsan loo soo abaabulay lagu qabtay Safaaradda Soomaliya ee waddanka Imaaraadka Carabta taasoo uu xilkii Safiirnimo lagu wareejiyey Hon. Amb. Ahmed Mohamed Cigaal.



    Xafladdaa waxaa ka soo qeybgalay dhamaan qeybaha kala duwan ee jaaliyadda Imaaraadka Carabta, halkaasoo ay isku dhaafsadeen arrimo ku saabsan ajdanaha Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee Imaaraadka iyo sidii ay wada shaqeyn u yeelan lahaayeen. Waxaa halkaa ka hadlay madaxda jaaliyadda oo runtii la dardaarmay Safiirka ugunu duceeyey in uu xilkiisa si Soomaalinimo ah u guto oo uu jaaliyadda ku xirnaado lana shaqeeyo.


    Intaa ka dib waxaa hadalkii qaatay, Hon. Amb. Ahmed Mohamed Cigaal, oo runtii sheegay inuu aad ugu faraxsan yahay in loo soo magacaabo Safiirka Imaaraadka. Amb. Cigaal waxaa uu sheegay in uu daacad u noqon doono Ummadda Soomaaliyeed eek u nool Imaaraadka. Amb. Cigaal waxaa uu aad ugu dheeraaday in jaaliyadda Soomaaliya ee Imaaraadka ay kaalin xoog leh kaga jiraan arrimaha Soomaaliya dhan ganacsi ama dhan arrimo bulsho. Safiirka waxaa uu ka codsaday Jaaliyadda in ay la shaqeeyaan asagana uu ballan qaaday in uu si joogto ah uu ula shaqeyn doonon jaaliyadda.










  3. Posted on Saturday, November 03, 2007 - 03:42 AM


    Dibad Baxyo ay dad ku dhinteen oo ka dhan ah maliishiyada Soomaali diidka oo maalintii labaad ka dhacaya Buuhoodle iyo Laas caanood.


    Wararka ka imaanaya Goballada Sool iyo Ceyn ayaa sheegaya in maalintii labaad ay magaalooyinka Laas Caanood iyo Buuhoodle ka soconayaan dibad baxyo ka dhan ah maliishiyada maamulka Soomaali diidka ee rabshadaha ka wada deegaano uu ka mid yahay Gobalka Sool,waxaana dibad badyadaasi oo rabshado wata ku dhintay tiro dad ah.


    Wararka ayaa sheegaya in ugu yaraantii 3 ruux ay ku dhinteen banaabaxyo ka soconaya magaalada Buuhoodle,oo ay dad careysani dhagxaan dhigeen wadooyinkeeda oo dhan ,islamarkaana ay taayarro ku gubeen.


    Sidoo kale,banaanbaxyo ayaa wali ka soconaya magaalada laascaanod oo ay dadku xireen wadooyinka oo dhan,waxaana magaalada qariyay qaaca ka baxaya lugaha baabuurta ee wadooyinka lagu gubayo.


    Dhinaca kalana meel 30 kilo mitir u jirta Laas Caanood oo ay isku hor fadhiyaan ciidamada Daraawiishta iyo maliishiyada Soomaalidiidka ayaa waxaa saaka ka dhacay iska hor imaad,kaas oo ay wararku sheegayaan in ugu yaraantii hal ruux oo Soomaalidiid ah lagu dilay.


    Madaxweynaha maamulka Soomaliyeed ee Puntland General maxamuud Muuse Cadde ayaa warar xog ogaal ah oo aanu helnay ay sheegayaan in uu khubad u jeediyay ciidamada Puntland e fadhiya Jiida hore.


    Xafiiska war qabadka shabakadda wararka ee magaalada Muqdisho.


  4. Oday Xog, waxba wax bay ka weyn yihiin. Musuqmaausq iyo abuse of power America aad joogto oo ku faanta dimuqraadiyadda ayaan laga waayeen, iskaba daaa dad caaaalumo saalis ka soo jeeda. EEE siba si bay dhaantaa...xikmadda midnimada Soomaaliyeed way ka sareysaa Cadde Muuse iyo wax isdaba marintiisa...SNM ganga kuwa daba socda oo ayaga laftigood in ay wax qaraabtatan raaba haddii ay kula fiican yihiin kuwaane in wax walba oo dhaca ay haddaya jeerba Soomaalinimada la jiraan... in other words, haddii la xumeeyey ma midnimada bay meel kaga dhacayaaÉ

  5. Let us be clear in here least some misguided SNM gang misunderstand your intentions. You are not in any form or shape attempting to shift the blame away from Mr. Laroch and his other NGO crew members? I say the bone of contention is the mismanaged so called development programs. Xaabside and his brokerage cares only which side is willing to give them a lion’s share of the loot from the donor community. Waxa aan xan ku hayaa Xaabsade wax deeqaanba ma jiraan...Caluushiisu calool ka weyn... redface.gif

  6. Change of the terms. No more a short one. Must be a tall beautifull one. Ma Hargeyslaawi mise Burcaawi buu ahaa ninka kuu faannay oo ku farxay ereyadan: "naaga dheerdheer (make sure to fill the blank prperly) baa dhulkii yimid" That is how the SNM gang sees the SSC people and if the SNM gangs are not soon thrown out the region I see no point why I should not get that tall maariin one. redface.gif


    Does Garaad Jaamac has daughters? Anybdoy knows?

  7. LA owners,

    The issue is not to live in peace while the SNM hoodlums and rebels mesmerized or perhaps the right word is hypnotized, with colourful fancy images of an elusive recognition that hasn’t been achieved for the last 17 years, are rampaging on the streets of LaasCaanood, a historical Somali city that has been safe from the destructive civil-war madness seen in many parts of the country until these hoodlums attacked it in the middle of this month. Thousands of it’s residents mainly women, children and elders have been driven out of their homes after being robbed off of their personal properties. They are coming to their brothers and sisters in Somali unity in Garowe, Bosaaso, Qardho and in many small villages in Sool areas as internally displaced people in need of local and international support. As per the head of Laascaanood hospital on Somali BBC most children and the elders have started coming down with diarrhoea after drinking non-chlorinated water. Malaria is spreading among them, too. While all the looted properties are being moved to Hargeisa, the centre of the SNM gangs. A close friend of mine in Hargeisa has witnessed the loot from Laascaand being put on garage sale so funds to finance the Riyaale’s militia have to be raised.


    The U.S 3000 (three thousand) dollars Axmed Silaanyo boasted today on Somali BBC that he is sending to the LA hospital is part of the money raised from the loot.


    But here is my challenge for the LA owners. If you accept Siilaayo’s handout which is basically from properties looted from you, I, Ali Nayruus, born and raised in Daami, Hargeisa, am willing to fund raise U.S. 30, 000 dollars for you from my personal resources provided that you agree to let me marry one of your women and she must be a niece of Garaad Jaamac (GJ). Silaanyo’s militia have raided your town and have raped your women, but I just want to ask you to agree that I peacefully marry one of your women. Not a tall one even, for thirty thousand US dollars in cold cash.


    My offer will stay valid if the SNM gangs are NOT I repeat are not driven all the way to Hargiesa. They started the fight and fight is what Somalia needs....

  8. With respect to you, Baashe, do not insult the people of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn. It hurts their dignity if you presuppose that their affairs and destiny can be run by Mr. Xaasade’s brokerage. The proof is in the pudding. Families with children, the weak and the elderly and other disadvantaged people have fled the city and are scattered along the highway to Garowe. They are being killed by diseases and malaria because they do not want to be part of the mad scheme of dismembering the Somali Republic. You know that. If they give any credence to the few sell-outs that are trying to sell them a rotten product of new nationhood they would have remained in the city. I tell ya the UN officers such Mr. French Eric Laroch, has a humanitarian disaster in their hands and they are part of the problem. redface.gif

  9. Mr.French Eric Laroch, it is likely that you occasionally visit this site. You know what is happening in LassCaanood (LA). You know the people there had been living in peace for the last 17 years until the SNM gangs invaded it in the middle of this month. You know that the Somalis in that region do not want to dismember the Somali Republic and are vigorously against the dream of the Riyaale’s hoodlum. You are the eyes and the ears of the donor communities.

    People have been driven out of their homes. The Somali BBC reported yesterday that the children and the elderly of the displaced families are dieing of diarrheic diseases and malaria because they had fled to the bush where is no clean water.


    Sir, you can suspend the activities of all NGOs in Hargeisa, Burao, Barbara and other areas in Somalia the separatists have bases until everything go back as they were before the aggression of the SNM gangs.


    A lot of Somalis in Diaspora are monitoring the situation and starting to come to the conclusion that you are responsible for the suffering of these Somalis driven by the Riyaales gang because your NGOs are feeding the separatists and giving them wrong signals that they have a case to secede from the Somalia.


    One of the reasons the SNM gang invaded the LA is because they believe that they have a God given right to administer any aid project going to that part of Somalia. You know that because you probably had discussion with Riyaale many times.


    If the suffering do not stop soon and the SNM gangs do not get out of Sool, Sanaag ad Cayn and the donor communities keep feeding the separatists you and other heads of world donor community entities will be brought to court of law. A class action suit will be launched by the internally displaced LA residents who are dieing in the bush just because the SNM gang want to administer the development projects in that area.


    When are you coming to your sense hand all the Somali projects to the Federal government? redface.gif

  10. Mr.French Eric Laroch must in open manner report exactly what is happening in LaasCaanood. He knows thousands of the city residents have been driven from their homes. He knows that there was never a civil war in that city and the people there had been in living in peace until the SNM militia came and raided the homes of innocent Somalis who do not undoubtedly want to do nothing with idea of dismembering the Somali Republic.


    Mr.French Eric Laroch must recommend to UN to stop immediately giving Riyaale’s SNM gangs all aid resources, monetary or otherwise until they remove their militia from the land of the pure Somalis.


    I recommend to LA owners to organize class action suite for the families with children and the elderly who are now displaced internally and suffering in the countryside AGAINST United Nations and its workers that deal with the Somali files. Mr.French Eric Laroch is the figurehead. I believe these families if they come together and unite their voices they have a case against the UN nations and EU mainly U.K. Here is a simple question we must ask ourselves. When these organizations donate money to Riyaales SNM gang, who makes sure that the gang do not buy guns and ammunition or even use theme for training of their militia, what they call national army.


    Where are the sons and daughter of LA in Diaspora? You have a strong case against UN and EU. Pass the hat and hire a New York lawyer. Collect all the names of the people the SNM gang have driven from their homes. You heard yesterday on Somali BBC that lot of them are suffering in the bush. There is no doubt that SNM gang have misused the funds given by the international community and the check and balance was not put in place to make sure that these funds have to be used for good cause. If sacs of rice are given in Hargeisa, who makes sure that they don’t end up in BIRJEEX, the military compound in Hargeisa…… smile.gif

  11. The issue is not to live in peace while the SNM hoodlums and rebels mesmerized or perhaps the right word is hypnotized, with colourful fancy images of an elusive recognition that hasn’t been achieved for the last 17 years, are rampaging on the streets of LaasCaanood, a historical Somali city that has been safe from the destructive civil-war madness seen in many parts of the country until these hoodlums attacked it in the middle of this month. Thousands of it’s residents mainly women, children and elders have been driven out of their homes after being robbed off of their personal properties. They are coming to their brothers and sisters in Somali unity in Garowe, Bosaaso, Qardho and in many small villages in Sool areas as internally displaced people in need of local and international support. As per the head of Laascaanood hospital on Somali BBC most children and the elders have started coming down with diarrhoea after drinking non-chlorinated water. Malaria is spreading among them, too. While all the looted properties are being moved to Hargeisa, the centre of the SNM gangs. A close friend of mine in Hargeisa has witnessed the loot from Laascaand being put on garage sale so funds to finance the Riyaale’s militia have to be raised.


    The U.S 3000 (three thousand) dollars Axmed Silaanyo boasted today on Somali BBC that he is sending to the LA hospital is part of the money raised from the loot.


    But here is my challenge for the LA owners. If you accept Siilaayo’s handout which is basically from properties looted from you, I, Ali Nayruus, born and raised in Daami, Hargeisa, am willing to fund raise U.S. 30, 000 dollars for you from my personal resources provided that you agree to let me marry one of your women and she must be a niece of Garaad Jaamac (GJ). Silaanyo’s militia have raided your town and have raped your women, but I just want to ask you to agree that I peacefully marry one of your women. Not a tall one even, for thirty thousand US dollars in cold cash.


    FYI, GJ is putting efforts together in Buuhoodle to draft a resolution in which he is giving the final warning to the handful sell-outs the SNM gangs have hired for mercenary operation to desert you and report themselves in Garowe or migrate out of the area before the combined forces of the Somali National army and the Darwishes of the area launch their cleaning operations.


    Die for and by your principles and stop using Somalinimo and Muslinimo cards when you feel weak and don't have the upper hand….

  12. Posted on Monday, October 29, 2007 - 03:56 PM



    Madaxweyne C/laahi Y uusuf oo caawa si KMG ah ugu magacaabay Saalim Caliyow Ibrow in uu hogaamiyaa Xukuumada inta Ra'isal Wasaare laga soo magacaabayo.


    Warar aan Caawa ka helnay Saraakiil ka tirsan Xafiiska Madaxtooyada Madxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynuhu ku dhawaaqay in Saalim Caliyow Ibrow uu yahay Ra'isal Wasaaraha KMG ah inta la soo magacaabayo.


    Saalim Caliyow oo ahaa Ra'isal Wasaare ku xigeenkii aad ee Xukuumada ayaa waxaa uu hayn doona Xilka ilaa laga so magacaabayo Mas'uulkii buuxin lahaa Booska Cali Geedi .


    Xarunta Madxtooyada ayaa caawa laga dareemay wadatashi uu madaxweynaha durba bilaabay oo ku aadan Cida Xilkaan loo dhiibi lahaa , waxaana Qasrigisa Baydhaba ku sugnaa Caawa Xubno fara badan oo isugu jira Wasiiro iyo Aqoonyahano Somliyeed.


    Madaxweynaha ayaa laga sugaa in uu Ra'isal Wasaare soo magacaabo mudo 35-Cisho gudahood ah


    Xafiiska Warqabadka ee Shabakada Muqdisho




    Good for your C.V. decoration....


    Just, please appoint Xaabsade from LaasCaanood as the ambassador of Somalia for a major rich country. If you do that I am sure he will attempt to escape from the SNM gangs he had brought to his hometown. Then I am sure while escaping the SNM militia will shoot him at the back….that would be good treatment for that traitor and the people who think like him.... :mad:

  13. Debaters and niiqlayaalis,


    I think the supporters of the Asmara group are working in a vacuum. Indhacadi’s nomination as a war ministry was just a make-believe. Still Sheikh Sharif is articulating the notion that he has a fighting force inside the country (today’s Somali BBC interview).

    But, the suspected factor by some of us that there is no link between the insurgents in Mogadishu and the Asmara group is coming out of the closet. It has been always an underlying assumption that the Shabaab fighters are the military wing of The Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia (ARS) but in the following article from (an anti Yey newsportal), presents an interview the Universal TV had with Sheikh Abu Mansuur, the former deputy of ICU Security branch, and the current speaker for Forces of Al Shabaab. The Sheikh undoubtedly ascertains in his view that there is no difference between ARS and TFG as there is no difference between “the donkey and its two lobes”. For him the two institutions are the followers of infidels and must be fought against vigorously.


    Now, what effect does this new realities have on both ARS and TFG? The objective of the ARS is to liberate Somalia from claws of Mel Zenawi. How would they realize their goals without military operations? If they do not come up with tough combatants of their own soon to fight two fronts (against Al Shabaab and TFG), wouldn’t the players of the Somali political landscape reduce them to mere dissatisfied group who are in some mysterious ways able to use the media especially the Somali BBC as a private microphone of their own to ensure their continued employment on foreigner soil as a bargaining chip for ISAIAS Afworki in his endeavour to get the largest land mass from his foe Mele Zenawi in their border demarcation conflict?


    It is also interesting to quote Sh. Mansuur: “We want the country to be ruled by Alle’s Book and we want to take the country over as its legitimate rulers because we want an Islamic theocracy state”…..


    In this day and age are the Somalis ready for Islamic theocratic government?


    Abuu Maansuur oo isku mid ku tilmaamay Isbahaysiga Casmara iyo DFKMG” Jihaadban ku jirnaa ee Muqaawimo xoreyn maaha”


    Muqdisho 29/10/2007 Octaber


    Afhayeenka Xoogaga Al Shabaab ee ka dagaalamaya Muqdisho Sheekha lagu magacaabo Mukhtaar Rooboow Abuu Maansuur oo markii ugu dambeysay ahaa ku xigeenka dhinaca amaanka ee golaha Maxaakiimta ayaa markii ugu horeysay qirtay hadal uu hore ugu beeniyay inuu siiyay Waagacusub kaas oo uu ku sheegay inaysan aqoonsaneyn Isbahaysiga Casmara,ayna u arkaan mid ay ku bahoobeen cilmaaniyiin iyo islaamiyiin,isagoo waliba si gaara u tilmaamay inaysan hoos tegin.


    Abuu Maansuur oo lagu wareeystay telefishinka Caalamiga ee Universal isagoo ku sugan degaan uu qariyay oo Soomaaliya ku yaal,wuxuu isla meel dhigay Isbahaysiga dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya ee Casmara lagu dhidbay iyo Dowlada Federalka KMG ee dalka xasuuqa ka wada.


    “ Isbahaysiga Casmara iyo DFKMG waxay rumaysan yihiin Dastuur iyo dimoqoraadiyo.waxay doonayaan inay dalka ku maamulaan,anagana kitaabka alle,sidaas daraadeed waa isku mid”ayuu yiri Abuu Maansuur oo Wariye Cabduqaadir Nadaara waydiiyay,sida Xoogaga Shabaabka ay u arkaan Isbahaysiga Casmara ee ay horboodayaan madaxdii sare ee golaha Maxaakiimta sida Sheekh Shariif,Sheekh Xasan Daahir,Sheekh Cumar Iimaan Abuubakar iyo Sheekh Cabdi Raxmaan Janaqow.


    Wariyaha Universal oo ay la yaab ula muuqatay jawaabta Abuu Maansuur ee diidmada taagtaagana,wuxuu waydiiyay:-


    “Hadii aad DFKMG diideen,Isbaheysigii dib u xoreynta diideen,Itoobiyaankii diideen,maxaad dooneysaan inaad shacbiga ku qancisaan”?


    Abuu Maansuur oo u muuqday jawaabtiisa nin daad qaaday xunba cuskay ama u jawaabayay qaabkii salfudeedka ee lagu wiiqay awoodii golaha Maxaakiimta ayaa ku jawaabay:-




    “ Anaga waxaan doneynaa in Kitaabka alle lagu xakumo dalka,dagaalka Xamar ka socda maaha Muqaawimo,Kacdoon iyo dib u xoreyn ee Waa Jihaad,isaga ayaana ku jirnaa”ayuu yiri Abuu Maansuur oo dhinaca kalana tilmaamay inuusan ujeedkooda dagaal ahayn sidii ay Itoobiyaanka uga saari lahaayeen dalka Soomaaliya oo kaliya balse uu yahay sidii ay Xukunka ula wareegi lahaayeen si ay ugu maamulaan Kitaabka alle.


    Dhageeystayaal badan oo Soomaaliya ,aadna u taageersanaa dagaalka lagula jira Amxaarada iyo dowlada Maqaarsaarkaa ee Cabdulahi Yusuf ayaa mar qura dareenkooda isbedelay,waxayna hadalka Abuu Maansuur ku fasireen mid aan cilmi diineed iyo mid diblomaasiyadeed xambaarsaneyn.


    “ Dr Cumar Iimaan Abuubakar,Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo Xasan Dahir Aweys ayaan ka diin badanahay miyuu shacabka Soomaaliyeed ku qancinayaa Abuu Maansuur,taas suurtagal maaha,inuu Kacdoonkii Shacabka wadeen dhalan rogo ee yiraa Jihaadbaa socdana macquul maaha,inuu Isbahaysiga dib u xoreyntana la masaalo Dowlada Amxaarada macquul maaha,sidaas daraadeed waxan qabaa inay xaalada dalka fog tahay oo ay jirto eedeynta Maxamed dheere ee uu Shabaabka Maansuur ku sheegayo dowlad diid,nidaam diid ku shaqeeynayo dano guracan”ayuu yiri Maxamed Cabdi Ciisse oo ah 61 jir Soomaaliya oo daawanayay Universal.


    Abuu Maansuur wuxuu dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeedaa goboladda bay iyo Bakool,waxayna dowlada Mareykanka ku dartay liiska argagixisada ay baadi goobeyso ee Soomaaliya ku sugan hasse yeeshee wuxuu mar kale qirtay weerar uu hore ugu aflagaadeeyay isbahaysiga Casmara hadana afkiisa ku beeniyay,kaas oo uu markii labaad qirtay inuu sheegay.


    Sheekh Mukhtaar Rooboow Abuu Maansuur wuxuu ka mid ahaa Masuuliyiintii Maxaakiimta ee xilli dagaal ba'an lagula jiray Itoobiyaanka u dhoofay Sacuudi Carabiya isaga iyo Yusuf Maxamed Siyaad Indhacadde oo qiil ka dhigtay inay cibaado u baxeen laakiin taageerayaasha Maxaakiimta waxa isu qaban wayday Axada ayaan ku dukan doonaa Addis Ababa iyo Cimra ayaan u cibaada tagay ,dagaalkii oo biloowday.



  14. The SNM gangs’ agenda to have their clan militia to engage in cross-terrorizing other peaceful areas of the Somalia Republic must not be let unpunished. We must fight against these SNM gang separatists on both the individual and societal level until the process of re-institutionalizing the Somali National Army is completed. As the Somalis in Puntland Administration believe in the unity of the Somali Republic they are obliged to stop the madness of secessionists in their tracks and drive them out of the homes of Somali citizens who do not want to do nothing with Riyaale's fancy dream.