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Posts posted by QabiilDiid

  1. ^^^Known knowns of SMN gang organization spokespersons are established patterns of habitually excess use of the borrowed catch phrases. Somalis from Sool and Sanaag areas are the protective virtual wall of Somali unity. Because of them the Somali Republic will always appear in the official world atlas however bad shape the country is in....

  2. Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Axmed oo sheegay in Soomaaliya loo dhisayo dhawaan dowlad Islaami ah lagana saaraayo dhawaan ciidamada Itoobiyo.


    Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Axmed oo ah madaxa Isbaheysiga dib u xureynta ayaa maanta ka dhawaajiyey in Soomaliya loo dhisaayo dowlad islaami ah oo dalka dhan wada xukunto.


    Sheikh oo ku noox nuxsaday in ay dhamaatay 4 beelood iyo bar Soomaalidana aysan kala fadli badneen waxii hada ka danbeyana Soomaaliya lagu xukumi doono Shareecada Islmaanka,isagoona ku booriyey soomaalida in ay taageerto nabada si dalka ugu soo noqoto xasiloonidii laga dhaxlay maxkamadaha islaamiga Soomaaliyeed


    Ciidamada Itoobiya waxaa loo qabtay 120 maalin in ay uga baxaan Soomalaiya hadii ay ka bixi wayaana waan la dirirreynaa lakiin aan tusno in aan anaga dagaal wadan ee aan dalkeena xureysaneyna


    Anga waxaa aduunka nooga istameysan nabad diid marka waa in aan taas iska meernaa ayuu yiri Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Axmed oo ah nin dagaal iyo nin nabada jecel oo aan marnaba la ganban hadaladiisa .


    Diinta Islaamka ma diidana in nabad la qaato oo Nabigeena Naxariis kor kiisa ha ahtee ayaa gaalada heshiis kula galay in uu nabad wax ku dayo isagoona tana sul ka samyey nabinimadiisa markii gaalada ay sheegeen in ayba u aqoonsaneen waxa uu meeshaan ku soo qoray waana la socotiin in taana asxaabta qaar ay qaadan wayeen heshiiskaasi qodobo kamid ah .


    Si kastaba ha ahtee xiligaan ayaa moodaa in ay isbaheysigii lagu unkay Asmara ay dhabarka isku sii jeedinayaan qolo waliba ay iyadu ku adkeysaneyso in ay ku taagan tahay dariiqa saxda ah





    Xafiiska war qabadka Dayniile

    Goternburg, Sweden ,

  3. Meeshu ma bahalageen bay noqotay? What happened to my signature for my last entry above? Pampering SNM gangs?


    Prerequisites for SNM gangland:

    1. Come up with specific geographical territory.

    2. Nobody should dispute your claim for that territory.

    3. No internal fighting.

    4. Get O.K. from other stakeholders i.e. the Somalis in the south

  4. I tell ya Yaa cynics and vultures of SOL, this is not a deal or agreement between two parties. It is merely a commitment by TFG to bring a schedule of Amxaaro withdrawal from Somali soil approved by their master Mele Zanawi who is deeply wounded for his childish endeavour. The international community headed by UN is signatory to that commitment and since they are the ones who have volunteered to get involved by initiating and financing the talks, they are morally and legally responsible for any lost of Somali life, leg and limb and property hence after.


    Definately the two Sharifs are the winners.


    I said this is not a deal. Why? For a deal to be a deal or an agreement to be an agreement between two parties, each party must perform certain duties in good faith. What does the ARS has to do? Nothing!! In general terms it says fighting should stop. It is not specifically stipulated in it, it becomes null and void if ARS or any other Somali group keeps attacking the Ethio troops for sport killing hence after.


    The Somalis insurgents will not stop killing and maiming Mele’ militia as long as they are on the Somali Republic soil and before the end of the prescribed 120-days period the schedule of withdrawal will be announced along with the names of some Muslim countries who are willing to send peace keepers to the country.


    Right now, Mele is conducting some military tests to see if Beletwweyn corridor is the safest way out. The results are not encouraging…..



    If you want scroll down to the English version!!! Yaa salaam!!!



    Sweden Monday, February 4, 2008


    Northern Somali Unionist Movement (NSUM)Ururkan waxaa ku Midoobay Qurba Joogta SSCayn Waxaana Maanta




    Looga Dhawaaqay wadanka Sweden,Ururkan ayaa ka shaqaynaya danaha Guud ahaan Danaha Soomaaliya ,gaar ahaan SSCayn,Ururka ayaa maanta Soo Saaray Qoraal ka hadlaya hadafka loo aasaasay iyo waxyaalaha uu qaban doono hadu alle idmo,Ururkan ayaa ah kii ugu horeeyey ee ka hadla Dhibta..

    Northern Somali Unionist Movement (NSUM)


    Iyada oo laga dheregsanyahay dhibaatooyinka kala duwan ee ku habsadey Soomaaliya illaa iyo intii ay burburtay dawladdii dhexe ee Soomaaliya sannadkii 1991;


    Iyada oo laga duulayo shidada ay abuureen beelaha ku dhaqan waqooyiga galbeed ee Soomaaliya. Kuwaas oo dhoobdhoobtay maamul kusheeg hal qabiil ka kooban, kuna dhawaaqay in ay ka go’ayaan Soomaaliya inteeda kale, iskuna magacaabay ”Somaliland”, oo ahaa magacii loo yaqaaney dhamaan gobolada waqooyi ee Soomaaliya xilligii gumaysiga;


    Iyada oo laga jawaabayo duulaankii iyo qabsashadii magaala madaxda gobolka Sool (Laascaanood) ay qabsatay beesha ku dhaqan gobolada waqooyi galbeed ee Soomaaliya oo ay horkacayso SNM bishii Oktobar 15-keedii 2007. Kuwaas oo talada dayaysan oo SNM tusay in qabsashada Laascaanood ay u keeneyso ama soo dedejinayso aqoonsigii ay mudada dheer dadkooda ku mihinayeen, in badana aduunweynaha ka jeeqaaqayeen;


    Iyada oo la tixgelinayo baaqii Isimada SSC ay ka soo saareen shirkii Boocame ka dhacay Noofambar 2007, baqaas oo si cad loogu muujiyey in gobolada SSC ka tirsanyihiin dawlad goboledka Puntland, isla markaana ku aadanaa sidii looga xoryen laha dhamaan degaanada SSC, gacanta huwanta soo duushey ee SNM horkacayso;


    Arrimahaas kor ku xusan oo dhan iyadoo maanka lagu hayo, waxa shirar isdabajoog ah oo ay yeesheen qorbajoogta reer SSC ka dib la goostay in lagu dhawaaqo urur ama dhaqdhaqaaq dallad ah oo metelaya gobolada SSC, una taagan qurbajoogta iyo ururada goboladaas. Ururka waxa loogu walqalay, Ururka Midnimada ee Waqooyiga Soomaaliya (UMWS);


    Inkasta oo dadka ururkan soo unkay ka soo jeedaan gobolada SSC, ururka himilooyinkiisa iyo hadafkiisu waa mid ay ku dheehan tahay midnimada soomaaliyeed, ujeedooyinka loo aasaasayna waxaa kamid ah:


    • Ilaalinta midnimada Soomaaliya. Taas oo xoojinteeda iyo difaaceeda looga halgamayo heer qaran, qaaradeed iyo heer aduunweyneba. Isla markaasna la is hortaagayo cid kasta oo ku talaabsanaysa kala dhantaalidda midnimada Soomaaliya, ayna ugu horeeyaan beelaha ay SNM hogaaminayso iyo wixii la halmaala.

    • In uu ka shaqeeyo sidii gobollada SSC looga xoreyn lahaa beelaha is-huwan ee SNM hormuudka u tahay ee kuu soo qaaday duulaanka qaawan, qaybo ka mid ahina gacantooda ku jiraan.

    • In lagu dadaalo sidii loo horumarin lahaa xasiloonida iyo nabadgelyada gobolada SSC iyo beelaha dariska la ah.

    Northern Somali Unionist Movement (NSUM) is a grass roots Somali organization whose members and supporters hail from Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions in the Northern regions of Somalia(formerly British Somaliland) and whose clan in these regions do not identify with the one -clan-driven secession calling themselves” Somaliland”. NSUM stands for the promotion of peace and unity among the long-suffering people of Somalia. InfoDesk_2008-02-03(1afs) Northern Somali Unionist Movement (NSUM) is a grass roots Somali organization whose members and supporters hail from Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions in the Northern regions of Somalia(formerly British Somaliland) and whose clan in these regions do not identify with the one -clan-driven secession calling themselves” Somaliland”. NSUM stands for the promotion of peace and unity among the long-suffering people of Somalia. InfoDesk_2008-02-03(1afs)


    • In la xoojiyo midnimada dadka reer SSC, lana adkeeyo dhaqanka walaanimada, wada dhalashada iyo wada noolaanshaha, lagana feeyigaado wixii kala dhantaalaya midnimadooda iyo horumarkooda.

    • In bulsha weynta SSC lagu wacyi geliyo kala dambaynta lana tuso wanaagga ka dhalan kara kor u qaadidda adeegyada kala gedisan ee bulshadu u baahantahay sida: daryeelka caafimaad iyo waxbarashada.

    • In gacan laga geysto sidii loo gaadhi lahaa xukun soo hooya ama looga aayo dimoqraadiyad, xorriyad iyo sinaan heer qaran iyo mid gobolba.

    • In loo qalabqaato lana badhitaaro horumarka bulshada SSC iyada oo il garaa lagu eegayo dhaqaalaha bulshada iyo siyaasada, gacansaarna lala yeelanayo ururada ka jira wadanka gudihiisa iyo kuwa caalamiga ahba.

    Si ay u hirgalaan ujeedooyinka iyo himilooyinka kor ku xusani, UMWS wuxu wada shaqeen la yeelandoonaa dhamaan ururda kale ee sida gaarka ha ugu feydan nabadda, midnimada iyo hurmarka gobolada SSC iyo guud ahaan soomaaliweyn sida: dawlad goboleedka Puntland, dawladda federalka soomaaliyeed, dawladaha shisheeye ee horumarka taageera, hay’adaha caalamiga ah iyo hay’adaha samafalka.


    Gudoomiyaha, NSUM


    Mohamed Ali Mirreh


    waxaad kala xidhiidhi kartaa guddoomiyaha



    Northern Somali Unionist Movement (NSUM)


    Bearing in mind the precarious situation that has prevailed in Somalia since the collapse of the central government on 1991;


    Cognizant of the particular crisis in the NW regions of Somalia in which one clan had declared the secession of the regions from Somalia, and calling itself Somaliland, (the former colonial name of the area), thereby endangering the unity, peace and stability of the regions;


    Taking into account the invasion and occupation of Sool region of Somalia and its capital Lascanod on 15 October 2007 by the one-clan based secession in the misguided belief that this would enhance their prospects for interantional recognition;


    Responding to the declaration of the Garads(Chiefs and traditional leaders) from Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) regions of Somalia at their conference at Boame town, Sool on November 2007 in which they called for the liberation of Sool from the secessionists and the defence of Somali unity;


    In the light of the above, and effectively from the date carried by this announcement, the people from SSC regions of Northern Somalia have established the Northern Somali Unionist Movement (NSUM), an umbrella organisation that will represent them and all the Diaspora organisations belonging to these regions. The NSUM, whose members are drawn from Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) regions of Northern Somalia, but not exclusively, is mandated to inter alia pursue the following objectives:


    • Defend Somali unity at the international, interregional, and national levels and counter secession and other threats to Somali unity particularly in the NW region where one clan has declared secession from Somalia:

    • Promote peace within the SSC regions and with other neighbouring clans:

    • Promote the unity of the people in the SSC regions, strengthen the traditional institutions and assist in conflict prevention and resolution,

    • Through relevant information dissemination, enhance the awareness of the people in the SSC regions on critical matters relating to their welfare such peace, health, education and good neighbourliness with other regions;

    • Promote good governance, democracy, human rights and the rule of law at the SSC and national levels;

    • Promote the socio-economic and political development of the SSC regions in collaboration with development partners at the national and international levels

    In pursuing the above-mentioned objectives, NSUM is to work closely with other partners, such as the central government and its organs and institutions, foreign governments, international and regional aid


    Northern Somali Unionist Movement (NSUM) is a grass roots Somali organization whose members and supporters hail from Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions in the Northern regions of Somalia(formerly British Somaliland) and whose clan in these regions do not identify with the one -clan-driven secession calling themselves” Somaliland”. NSUM stands for the promotion of peace and unity among the long-suffering people of Somalia. InfoDesk_2008-02-03(1afing) Northern Somali Unionist Movement (NSUM) is a grass roots Somali organization whose members and supporters hail from Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions in the Northern regions of Somalia(formerly British Somaliland) and whose clan in these regions do not identify with the one -clan-driven secession calling themselves” Somaliland”. NSUM stands for the promotion of peace and unity among the long-suffering people of Somalia. InfoDesk_2008-02-03(1afing)


    agencies, and international and other national NGOs in the quest for peace, unity, and development in the SSC regions and the wider Somalia.


    Chairman, NSUM


    Mohamed Ali Mirreh


    waxaad kala xidhiidhi kartaa guddoomiyaha



    Xargaga Online

  6. Originally posted by NGONGE:

    ^^ I just go for what makes more sense. At the moment, they seem to be making more sense and are getting all the attention.


    Plus, it has always been my policy to support the ones that look to have better chances. Today, Somaliland seems to be doing the business.

    Thus, the argument presented by the head of TFG, Abdulahi Yusuf over VOA last week has some truth in it. Mr.Yusuf is arguing that the secessionists in Hargeisa are working very hard even cooperating with Alshabaa in the south in the hope to bring down the TFG and from its ashes the world will recognize the dismemberment of the Somali Republic.


    Sir, are you betting on the secessionists’ dream that TFG is history because the southern Somalia is ungovernable and will stay in the current chaotic stage for the foreseeable future? Is that why you think your friends are in the driving seat? I tell you God, common sense and the Somali people will not allow the destruction of the Somali State.


    I tell you neither AU nor the US government will backstab the Somali people in their neediest hour by giving credence to Hargeisa’s ONE CLAN PROJECT .....!!!!!! icon_razz.gif

  7. What is the Matter with "Somaliland" Politicians?

    By : Mahdi Sheikh Ahmed

    Jan 28,2008


    Lately, political operatives from the renegade Northwestern region of Somalia, that is calling itself “Somaliland”, have been whizzing through the capitals of several African countries, as though on ‘speed-dating’. All this in a desperate search for what is proofing to be an ever so illusive a task for them: recognition of that truncated NW region as an independent state. Now that their rummaging around for international recognition (incidentally, under patently false premises) has all but come to its logical conclusion, as a futile exercise, they seem to have adopted a more aggressive stance of attempting to “secure” the artificial borders of the long defunct former British Somaliland Protectorate. Never mind that no separate state, recognized by any nation on earth, had come to existence, following the end of the era of the British Protectorate administration in the Northern territories on 26 June, 1960. Never mind too that two (2) of the five (5) regions, Sanaag, Sool along with the Buuhoodle District, that comprises that long defunct protectorate jurisdiction are pro-union and would have nothing to do with the secessionist scheme masterminded by the clan militia known as SNM. Meanwhile, a third—the Awdal region, is increasingly asserting its autonomous ways; though in a geographically precarious neighborhood, a great many Awdalites do not hide their pro-union outlook.


    Reasonable people can be forgiven to think that the call for secession by the rebel administration in Hargeisa, which is predicated on clan chauvinism and nothing more should have had run its course years ago. For, in all honesty, there is no creditable raison d'être for them to pursue secession, especially when such a scheme is glaringly lacking in both moral and legal justification. In deed the rebellious politicians in Hargeisa would be well advised to cease and desist from irresponsibly further stressing the part of the Somali society under their control by: 1) stopping their hysterical campaign of alternately scaring the people and raising untrue and unrealistic expectations for them, 2) foregoing the practice of their uniquely caustic brand of clan politics, 3) not spending their foreign-aid donations as drunken sailors, trying to bribe inconsequential AU staff and such, and 4) ending their aggressive trial balloons as regards their delusional desire to usurp the lands of pro-union, Northern communities. The secessionists can begin this process by rapidly withdrawing their occupation forces from Laas Caanod, the capital of the Sool region.


    Clearly, the hegemonic, clan-based secession project is a poison pill for the relative stability that has until recently been enjoyed by the various Northern communities. But it is also an existential threat to the Somali Republic, as nation state. Because, by its very nature secession is a violent act that will, of necessity, illicit direct counteraction from those communities whose territories the rebels target for usurpation. The national government, for its part, does not have the luxury of watching, from the sidelines, while those hell-bent on dismembering the country continue with their wanton subversion unchallenged; the TFG has to take an unmistakable stance in the defense of Somalia’s national unity and territorial integrity.


    There is a disturbing element of fanaticism about the way in which Somaliland politicians approach politics. First they bamboozle the people in the region by over-promising things that they can not deliver, namely international recognition for the secession stratagem—a gambit that is devoid of legitimacy. Contrary to their claim of respecting democratic rule, the regime in Hargeisa frequently imprisons journalists and political opposition figures for such flimsy reasons as questioning their defective institutions and bad policies. The increasingly dictatorial practices of that administration are always geared to redoubling its efforts to hold on to power (even though the ring leaders know full well that their original aim of creating a separate canton is all but dead).


    As for the state of affairs of the unionist Northerners of Sanaag, Sool and the Cayn District, perhaps the American Author and TV personality Dennis Wholey’s maxim is apt: “Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is a little like expecting the bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian”. Thus, in the prevailing environment, the unionists should not expect to be able to shake the ‘clenched fists’ of their fellow Northerners who had been high jacked by craven politicians pursuing an ill-advised course of rebellion, as their lives’ purpose.


    Yet, it begs the question: what is the matter with the so-called political leaders in “Somaliland”? Have they all gone crazy or have they become so intoxicated with the bravado of the type of unabashed clan politics preached by the likes of ina Ali Warabe, who, in a recent a public debate, criticized the regime in Hargeisa for not conducting enough xasuuq (massacres) of more innocent civilians in the Sanaag and Sool regions, and Cayn).


    While it may very well be too soon to expect cooler heads to prevail amongst the elites, Somalis of good will everywhere should keep the hope of seeing the sagacity of the people of the NW region to win through the fog of clan politics run-amok that is spewed by few political hacks in that part of the country; such would be a win for restoring the pride all Somalis have in their national identity and their undeniably common destiny. In deed a win in the sensible column would also represent an unmitigated defeat for the forces of division and its resultant societal degeneration.


    Mahdi Sheikh Ahmed



    Copyright © 2008

  8. Good news. May Allah (SWT) show us the right path.......



    Nuxurka Natiijada Kulanadii Soomaaliyeed Ee ka Dhacay Dalka Sacuudi Araabiya


    Waxaa dalka sacuudiga si isdaba joog ah u imaanaayay bisha xajka ka hor iyo gudaheedaba wufuud ka kala socota DFKM iyo Isbahaysiga Dib u Xorreynta soomaaliya ee lagu aasaasay magaalada Asmara ee dalka Eriterya.


    Waxaa wufuudaas Kulano xasaasi ah la yeeshay jaaliyadda soomaaliyeed ee dalka sacuudiga gaar ahaan magaalooyinka Riyaadh , Jeddah iyo Makkah.


    Ajandayaasha ay jaaliyadda soomaaliyeed ee dalka sacuudiga hor dhigtay , kagalana qayb gashay kulannada ay lahaayeen mas`uuliyiinta wufuuda DFKM ah iyo Isbahaysiga Dib u Xorreynta soomaaliya ayaa ahaa sidatan :-


    La Kulamka DFKM:


    1- Joojinta howlgallada ciidamadeed ee keenaya dagaallada iyo barakaca.


    2-Wax u qabashada dadka guryahooda ka barakacay.


    3-Joojinta hadallada abuuraya kala sii fogaanshaha ummadda soomaaliyeed ee kala fikirka ah.


    4- Bixitaanka ciidamada dalka Itoobiya.


    5- Qabashada kulan dib – u – heshiisiin ee soo afjara colaadda raagtay iyo kala duwanaanshaha aragtiyadeed ee ummadda soomaaliyeed.


    6- Badellaadda qodobada axdi qaranka ee loo arko in ay wax u dhibayaan diinta, dhaqanka iyo dalka.


    La Kulamka Isbahaysiga Dib u Xorreynta Soomaaliya:


    1- Joojinta falalka amnidarro ee keenaya dagaallada iyo barakaca.


    2-Wax u qabashada dadka guryahooda ka barakacay.


    3- Bixitaanka ciidamada dalka Itoobiya.


    4- Qabashada kulan dib – u – heshiisiin ee soo afjara colaadda raagtay iyo kala duwanaanshaha aragtiyadeed ee ummadda soomaaliyeed.


    5- Joojinta hadallada abuuraya kala sii fogaanshaha ummadda soomaaliyeed eek ala fikirka ah.


    6- Nooca dowladeed ee dalka loo rabo.


    Nuxurka natiijooyinka ka soo baxay kullamadaasi ayaa u muuqda kuwo himilo iyo rajo wanaagsan u ifinaya ummadda soomaaliyeed meel walbo ay dunida ka joogaan. Taas oo aragtiyadii kala duwanaa ee labada dhinac ee aasaaska u ah samatabixinta iyo nabad ku soo dabaalidda dalka soomaaliya aad moodaa in ay isu soo dhawaadeen.


    Natiijooyinka kulamadaasi ka soo baxay ayaa ahaa sidatan :-


    Natiijada la kulanka DFKM:


    a- In ay aad uga fogaanayaan wixii keenaya isku dhac sababa dagaallo iyo barakac.


    b- Waxaan hay`adaha caalamiga ku dhiiri gelinaynaa in ay si degdeg ah ugu gurmadaan gargaarna ula gaaraan dadka guryahooda ka barakacay.


    c- In mas`uuliyiinta iyo howlwadeenada DFKM ku wargelinayaan joojinta haddallada abuuraya xasaasiyadda iyo kala fogaanshaha ummadda soomaaliyeed.


    d- In bixitaanka ciidamada dalka Itoobiya si nabdoon loola kaashado beesha caalamka.


    e- In la qabto kulan looga gudbo colaadaha iyo isjiid jiidka kala duwanaanshada aragtiyadeed una dhaxeeya DFKM ah iyo Mucaaradka si loo helo qaran mideysan.


    f- In ay soo dhaweynayaan wax allaale iyo wixii qalad sixid ah ee ku jira axdi qaranka qoddobadiisa.


    Natiijada la kulanka Isbaheysiga dib u Xorreynta soomaaliya:


    a- In ay aad uga fogaanayaan falalka keeni kara dagaallo sababa barakac.


    b-Waxaan soomaalida iyo beesha caalamka ugu baaqeynaa in gargaar degdeg ah la gaarsiiyo dadka guryahooda ka barakacay.


    c- In ciidamada dalka Itoobiya si toos ah ama si dadbanba uga baxaan dalka soomaaliya.


    d- In la qabto kulan u dhaxeeya DFKM iyo Isbaheysiga dib u Xorreynta soomaaliya si loogu heshiiyo aayaha dalka soomaaliya.


    e- In dhammaan howlwadeenada Isbaheysiga ku borineyna in laga fogaado haddallada keenaya xasaasiyadda iyo kala foganshaha ummadda soomaaliyeed.


    f- In soomaaliya ay yeelato dowlad doorasha cad ku timaada, lehna heshiis lakala qorto iyo dimoqoraadiyad midda diinta islaamku qabo ku qotonta oo ah ( mid aan xaaraantimeyneynin wixii allaha weyn xallaaleeyay, xallaaleyneyninna wixii allaha weyn xaaraantinimeeyay). Isla markaana la jaanqadi karta caalamka.


    Haddaba waxaa jaaliyadda kullanadaas horseed uga ahaa aqoonyahannada oo aasaas uga dhigay waxa ka dhacay soomaaliya :


    1- Caro allah kaga timid ummadda soomaaliyeed


    2- Qof walba oo soomaali ah oo ra`yigiisu ama( fikradiisu ) la qunnaaday.


    Sidaas awgeed, haddii wufuudaasi labada dhinac ahaa aysan been sheegeynin ballan furyana aysan sameynaynin waxaa aqoonyahannada soomaaliyeed ee dalka sacuudiga ugu baaqaayaan wallaalahooda kale ee aqoonyahannada soomaaliyeed ah ee dalkeena guddihiisa iyo dunida inteeda kale ku kala sugan in ay u heelanaadaan farsameeynta isu soo dhawaanshaha aragtiyada aan sidaas u sii kala duruqsaneyn si ummadda soomaaliyeed inta hartay loo badbaadiyo.


    Wa billaahi towfiiq


    Dr Cabdullaahi macallim maxamuud xayle Makkah Al- mukarramah




    Xafiiska war qabadka Dayniile

    Goternburg, Sweden



  9. Several Somali webcites are reportitng this morning that Dafle, Siilaanyo and riyaale have reached an understanding that the failed policies of breaking up the Somali Republic have to scraped and riyaale in his capacity as the leader of northwest regions of Somalia has to open talks with the feds and with Abdulahi Yusuf to preserve the unity of the Republic of Somalia…


    Gen.Dafle Iyo Riyaale Kaahin Oo Kawada Hadlay xaaladaha Sool Sanaag Iyo cayn


    (Brussels }25.1-8

    "Axmed Saleebaan Cabdalla "Dafle" oo hore u ahaa Wasiirkii Arimaha Gudaha ee dawladii hore ee Soomaaliya iyo Daahir Riyaale oo ahaa saraakiishii Ciidankii Nabad sugidii dalka Soomaaliya kuna sugnaan jiray Gobol kan sool ee Soomaaliya ayaa la sheegayaa in kulan dhinaca khadka Telka ah dhex Maray. .............................


    warar aanu ka helay ilo xog-ogaal ah oo aad ugu dhow dhow Mr.daahir Riyaale iyo Gen.Dafle ayaa Sheegaya in kulankoodu qaatay mudo afar saacadood gaadhaysa waxa ay ka wada hadleena waxaa ugu weynaa sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen ilahaasi Midnimada Soomaaliya iyo in daahir Riyaale ka qayb noqdo wada hadalo dhowaan loo furayo Siyaasiinta kala duwan ee Soomaalida iyo Dawlada Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya.


    Daahir Riyaale ayaa la sheegayaa in lagu qanciyey in uu metelo isagu Gobolada uu maamulo haatan marka laga reebo Gobolada Sool sanaag iyo cayn oo weli muran baaxad leh ka taagan tahay.


    Dhinaca kale ilahan ayaa sheegay in Daahir Riyaale sidoo kale Lagu qanciyey in uu Maleeshiyaadkiisa dib uga saaro Dhulka SSCayn oo ay Goobo ka mid ah ku sugan yihiin si aan dagaal dhiig badani ku daato u dhicin dagaalo sokeeyena looga badbaadiyo dadka dhulka Waqooyiga Soomaaliya dega.


    Mr.Daahir Rilaaye ayaa dhinaca kale aqbalay in ay is arkaan oo wada fdhiistaan Madaxweynaha dawlada Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed si ay u qaataan wada hadal hor dhac ah oo ku saabsan xaalka dhulka soomaaliya


    Gen.Axmed Saleebaan cabdalla "Dafle" ayaa la sheegayaa in uu u guntadey sidii Hogaamiyayaasha soomaalida meel la isugu keeni lahaa arintan ayaa la leeyahay waxaa u Xilsaaray Gen.Dafle Ururka Midowga Yurub iyo wadanka Saudi arabia maadaama uu degan yahay haatan Magaalada Brussels oo ah xarunta Midowga Yurub.


    Widhwidh Online News Desk.. Media center

  10. More killing and rape in SSC region because of action of the SNM gangs invading other peoples homes


    Friday, January 25, 2008


    Dagaal Kadhacay Duleedka Laascanod iyo Malayshiyo isbaro dhigatay Mel udhow Yagoori


    Dagaal Maanta Duleedka Magalada Laascaanood Ku Dhexmaray Labo Malayshiyo Beeleedo Oo Katirsanaa Malayshiyaadkii Duulaanka Kusoo Qaday Gobolka Sool.


    Labada Malayshiyo oo Kasoo Kala Jeeda Beesha Habarjeclo iyo Habaryoonis Ayaa Dagaal Dhexmaray , Dagaalkas oo Ilaa Hada aanan Khasaaraha kadhashay Aan wali Lashaacin.


    Mar An isku Daynay in an xiriir lasamaysno Midka Kamid Ah Horjoogayaasha Malayshiyada Dirta Waqooyi , Ahna Ninka Talada Laascaanood Wax laga weydiiyo Oo Laku Magacaabo Ilbir ayay Noo suurta Gali weyday.


    Dhinaca Kale Malayshiyaad Kasoo Jeeda Beelahada Dirta Waqooyi Oo Ay isku hayb yihiiin Nimankii Ay Ciidamada Mujaahidiinta SSC Ay Ka Qafaasheen Saararweyne Ayaa Isbaaro Dhigtay Wadada Laamiga Ah Ee Udhaxaysa Yagoori iyo Tuulo Samakaab ,


    Malayshiyadaas Oo Shalay Dhac iyo Kufsi Ugaystay Dad Ragaab Ahaa Oo Saarnaa Gaari MarkiII ah Oo Kasoo Kictimay Dhinaca Magaalada Burco Una Socday Magaalada bosaso.


    Nimanka Kumagacaaban Gudomiyaha Gobolka Sool iyo Waliba Wasiirada Mamulka Riyaale Ee U Adeega SNMta Ayaanan Wax Hadal Ah Kasoo SAarin Ila hada Falkaa FOosha Xun ee Loogaystay Dadkaas.


    isku soo wada duuboo Gebi Ahaanba Gobolada SSC ayaa laga Daremaya Xiisad Colaadeed Oo Aad usaraysa, Iyada Oo Hada ay yaraaday isu socodka Gaadiidka Daweynaha Ee Gobolada SSC, Kadib Markii Ay bilaabatay Qafaal...


    wixi Kasoo Gordha wararkaas Kala Soco Boocame Online News warbaahinta Qarniga Cusub....


    Laascaanood Somalia


  11. Let the outside world be aware events like this will keep coming if SNM gangs do not leave SSC areas....I am afraid we will see full blown tribal wars in the coming days ...Allow sahal...


    Asbuucyadii lasoo Dhaafayba Waxa Socotay sidii Loogu Jawaabi lahaa Dhalinyaradii Ay qafaasheen Malayshiyada Beesha Dirta Waqooyi Kana Qafaasheen Dhamaasaar iyo Balihadhac Asbuucyadii Lasoo Dhaafay.


    Ciidmada Mujaahidinta SSC Ayaa Jawaab Kabixiyay Qafaalkii Ay gaysteen Malayshiyada Beesha Dirta Waqooyi isla Markaasna Maanta Soo Qabqabtay Ganacsato Reer Hargaysa Ah oo Aad Looga Yaqaan Gobalada Waqooyiga xilli ay socod ganacsi ku marayeen goobo ka mid ah Deegaanada SSC,


    Mana cadda goobta rasmiga ah ee lagu hayo Nimankaasi oo ay kooxda Ciidanka ah ee haysataa ay ku dalbanayaan in loogu bedelo ragii dhowaan laga qafaashay Tuulada Dhabansaar ee Gobolka Sool.


    Waxaa Hada ad uyaraaday isusocodka Gaadiidka iyo waliba Reer guuraaka Dega Gobolada SSC Ee Kasoo Jeeda Beelahada isaaqa, Taas oo laga Yaabo in ay kadhexdhacdo Colaad iyo Dagaal sugeeye Oo udhaxeeya Labada beelood Ee *********** iyo ***** Ee Ood wadaaga Ah.


    Afarta ganacsade oo si weyn looga yaqaano Gobolka hargeysaRagaas Waxa Kamid Ah:---


    1. Rabbiile Cabdi Xirsi


    2. maxamed Aadan Weris (Ilkoweyne)


    3. Cabdilaahi Cumar aadan cali


    4. cabdi maxamed Cumar Guuleed


    Boocame Online News