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Posts posted by Al-Miskiin

  1. LayZie calaacalkaada, iyo murankaada bilaashka ah wakhti uma hayo, ee bal wax iskula hadh. Hal marna ma arkin adoo si cilmiyeysan wax uga hadlay, kaliya uun inaad shakhsiyaad ku mashquushid. Alle indhahaada ha furo.

  2. 5;714719 wrote:
    You know, in Somalia, the only place an artist can "make it" is the run-down wall of a maqaahiyad. So you can't really blame Al-miskiin for his limited knowledge and appreciation of art.

    Bal adoo raali ah soo akhri my whole post.

    Anigu qof muslim ah baan ahay, Supermodel uma aqaani art iwm.


    Mida kale, waxaan soo qoray wax u eg adaaba soo qoray, markaad soo hadal qaaday gabdhaha iyo xijaab la'aanta!



    Haday meel ku xanuuntay waa dan adiga kuu taal, danta guud ee aan kaga hadlay my post inaad fahantay baan filayaa, inta yar ee aad soo goysayna Alle ha kuu fududeeyo.


    Anigu dhaqan diimeed baan ka hadlayaa, iyo in "talent" lagu fiiriyo indhaha diinta aynu aaminsanahay(Islaam)! Markaa adigu hadaad meel kale wax ku ogtahay ka biyo doon.

  3. Subhan Allah, my post was a mistake! I of course meant, muslim women, and non muslim men! That's why I used the vers from the Quran.


    “And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al‑Mushrikoon till they believe (in Allaah Alone)"

    It was a mistake.


    But of course LayZie u really enjoyed that, ala sidaad u jeclaan lahayd that I really meant that. Qof aduunka dhihi kara "muslimiintu isma guursan karaan" ma jirto. Subxan Allah, qalad bay ahayd, fartaa iga xaday, but it's incredible how much LayZie enjoyed this and further wrote:


    Miskiin appears to be saying that he is the authority for everything Islam. In other thread, he stated that its Waajib for women to wear niqab. I'm shocked at the above quote because I didnt believe when some nomads warned me about him and said he was certifiable

    Lol, it's ok, dacaayadda iska sii wad, If u look at the vers I used, u would have seen that it was clearly a mistake. About the niqab, You run around and use this as a scare campaign against me, in every one of u'r post, go ahead.


    And Aaamin, may Allah forgive me for again and again.

  4. Che -Guevara;714285 wrote:
    ^Can your idea of 'liberal' Muslim be little original atleast?


    People what's issue here? Your personal feelings aside, is there specific text in the Quran or hadith that forbids a relationship between a Muslim and non-Muslim man?

    Yes akhi, its clear in the teachings of Islam that muslim women and non-muslim men can't have relationship, let alone marriage.

    And there is consensus in this topic among Muslims.


    They nomad that mentions Hassan turabi, dont know what he is talking about. Hassan turabi lives in Sudan right know, and is not by any means a scholar. By this I mean that he has made ​​so many mistakes that now one consideres him as "a great scholars of Islam"!


    If u want, you can show us hes fatwa about this, and than we'll see as u put it "his juridical arguments"!!


    This man(Torabi) is quoted as saying that "women can lead in Salah(prayer)", something that all Muslims in the world knows full well is not allowed, even the kids.

    He is also quoted as saying that the hijab Muslim women wears, was actually only for wifes of prophet (alayhi wasalam salallahu), therefor Muslim women do need to wear it all!


    when the quranic verses that speaks about the hijab says:


    O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters
    and the women of the believers

    So to say that his opinion about these issues is "a opinion of scholar" is an insult against Islam and its scholars.

    Another thing is, Muslims do not take the opinion of people living today(when is comes to Islam), unless their position and understanding is in accordance with the people who came before them, People like the prophet(salallahu alayhi wasalam), his followers and those who came after them, its those The three generations everything must be returned to.


    And there is generally no reason to have a debate with a person that directly contradicts the Koran, then want us to follow their narrow understanding of "freedom"!


    When the person first agree with you that it is only Allah who makes laws, and only him we believe in, you can take small issue up as marriage, etc. But the person who denies the essence of Allah's right to legislate, is a waste of time to argue with.


    About the relationship between non muslim men, and muslim women The Quran clearly states:


    “And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al‑Mushrikoon till they believe (in Allaah Alone)"


    PS. When people refer Idil Ibrahim as a Muslim, though I personally do not know this, it's because we hope the best for her. I like to think the best thing for her, cuz it's Islamicly correct, is called "Husn al athan"= Basicly is means to think the best for people, in western term it's "benefit of the doubt"!

  5. LayZie G.;714043 wrote:
    Miskiin, this is turning out to be fun since you have chosen to dance around this issue instead of actually debating about it, so what I will do is play your game, I too can copy and paste, so here it goes and let me know when you have had enough and you want to get serious about this niqab business which you insist is waajib.

    Indeed it's remarkble, that u are writing this again and again, Yaa Allah, yaa kariim.


    dancing around? I'm insisting on niqaab is waajib?


    I wrote this in my last post:


    walaal I've never once said my personal opinion on this topic! My personal opinion on this matter is not important, as it wouldn't changed anything.

    and not only that, I also wrote:


    I have however repeatedly told you that there is a very strong position among the Muslims that the niqab is wajib. This position is backed by many evidence from our Salaf (Dont worry I'll quote them below)! Therefore, it is strange that you, despite this continues to deny that this opinion is valid, and says that the only ones who have this opinion is "self proclamed scholars, that brainwashes people, just like kids are brainwashed to be suicidebombers"!!



    I'm only engaging this topic, to refute u'r position that says "only self proclamed scholars says that niqab is waajib"!


    And u'r opinion that says,


    "there is absolutely no proof for niqab being wajib"!!! And than u talk about that its only some evil scholars that are trying to brainwash women, who says these thing.


    It's this extreme opinion of your's that I'm agains. I dont in any way deny the opinion that says that the niqab is only sunnah, I even wrote this in my last post:


    And I do not by any means sweep their view of the table (ie the scholars who believe that the niqab only is Sunnah), I respect them for that, and I know that this is an issue wich there is much debate about. And I could never think of calling them names like "self proclamed scholars" or worse.

    Your whole debate is based on three false premises, namely

    1: "that I dance around,"!

    2: "that I believe that the niqab is wajib"!

    3: I follow some "self proclamed scholars" blindly!


    I Have severel times refuttet these claims, but since your whole debate is built on this, I understand that you can't let it go, for that means that u'r whole debate is built on false premises, wich of course wouldn't look good. and to proof this, lets see what u'r next will be.


    Back to u'r premises


    I'm talking about you can't have this extreme opinion of yours, that says only "self-proclamed scholars" say niqab is wajib"!!!


    And than you say that I dance around? Was it not proofs you were looking for? What is a real debate for you? That we pic and choose from the english translation of the quran/ahadiths, and we begin to interpret them ourself?

    Cuz that's what you always do, and when I ask for the Interpretation of the scholars-the sahaba, the Salaf in generel, you begin to say that "u'r following the scholars blindly"!

    You asked for evidence from the scholars that believe Niqab is wajib, I posted them for you, and than your response was "yh yh, u are dancing around"?! 3ajiib wa gharib!



    Also you severel times, insult the Sahaba, and the Muslim scholars with your comment that says


    If you want to take what these self-proclaimed scholars say at face value or blindly follow their word

    This is insult Beyond everything, if you are a Muslim, I would advise you to repent and make tawbah, for it is indeed only shaytan who insults the Sahaba and their successors.



    Ukhti, it is clear to me that you have no knowledge about this topic, or at least you don't know how to proof something in Islamic discussions, without adding your personal opinions and desires.


    When I'm posting what our Sahaba has said on the subject, and you take this as "dancing around"!

    When I'm posting our Salaf's opinion on the subject and you call them "self proclamed scholars" even though you; yourself use what the Salaf said on the subject. It proves that you do not know the weight of your words.


    To say that niqaab has nothing to do with Islam, and than say that it is recomended gives no sense?


    how can you say:


    the hideous garb is not divinely ordained piece of clothing, which means it has no place in our religion

    And later u wrote that it's only recomended? If you agree on that it's only recomended, it's impossible for you to call niqaabka for "Hideous Garb"! calling sunnah "Hideous" is in itself wrong. U quoted Sh. Albani, he said the niqab is only sunnah and not wajib, but he never ever called it "Hideous" og would never do that. Cuz he belives it's only sunnah!

    So who is it that is backing u'r opinion? Cuz it sure isn't the scholars that says Niqab is sunnah(recomended), as i said in my earlier post, u'r opinion is different from all muslim scholars, u have made u'r own strange opinion on the subject, far from everybody(the two camps of the niqab issue).

    Therefor it's impossible for u to understand these things.


    Another strange thing is that you believe that it is recomended and your still in favor of the ban? It shows that you have no idea what recomended means, because if you knew this, you would not speak ill of sisters who wear the niqab, as someone who is brainwashed, and you would not speak ill of the scholars who preach this.


    It is these and many other extreme contradictory positions I'm talking about.


    It's an extreme opinion, to say that niqaab has nothing to do with Islam, there are plenty sahih evidence that the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasalam) wives use to wear niqab, to give you a small example of the hadith you took:


    The Prophet is reported to have said, "...The Muhrima should not cover her face, or wear gloves." (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 3, Hadith No. 1838)


    It says in Fathul bari(that is the sharax of Sahih Bukhari), this Hadith, explained further it says:


    Aysha(the wife of the prophet pbuh) said

    "A woman in a state of Ihram (during Hajj and Umrah) should stretch her head - cloth over to her face to hide it."


    and also in a Hadith - Recorded by Ahmad, Abu Dawud and ibn Majah, Narrated 'Aisha.


    Narrated 'Aisha (RA) who said, "The riders would pass us while we were with the Messenger of Allah ). When they got close to us, we would draw our outer cloak from our heads over our faces. When they passed by, we would uncover our faces.


    and in Imam maliks muwatta(20.16), there is another hadith that says:


    "We used to veil our faces when we were in ihram in the company of Asma bint Abi Bakr as-Siddiq."



    and your argument that says:

    There can't be one rule for ihram and a different rule for everything else.

    Of course this is not true. There are so many things, u can't do in a state of ihram, that usually is allowed. Normal things like "Hunting on land" "parfuming ones clothes" intercourse between a man in his wife" etc etc. All these things and many other things are not allowed in Ihram, but permissible in other times.


    So it's a mystery to me when I quoted great scholars from the sahaba and those that came after them, that u just sweep all that away by claiming they arent "real scholars" or "self proclamed scholars"! And that one should not trust them blindly!



    That's why I'll take this advice by brother Bob


    bob wrote:
    Al-Maskiin brother waxaan kugula talin lahaa inaad meesha ku xidhid sheekada si aadan u dambi ugu dhicin walaasheen Layzie-na ay usii dambaabin after all muran aan wax la kala qaadaneyn waa macno daro markee meeshaa gaartana waa laga haraa.

    I'll stop my discussion here because it's clear that it does not lead to anything good, besides a lot of wasted time. People who want to know anything about this topic can read what the scholars have written on the topic, explore the topic in depth, and Insha Allah take the position that you see as the strongest, without going to the extreme side and calling the other opinion "self proclamed"!


    Nobody should have to take what is written in this debate as proof of anything, take your knowledge from what has been narrated by our prophet (salallahu alayhi wasalam) and his Sahaba, and last but not least, our esteemed scholars who spent so many years to preserve the sunnah of our beloved prophet (salllahu alayhi wasalam)!


    Scholars that have talked about this(beside the great mufasirin ind their books, and in severel ahadith books) are the late scholars like Sh. Bin Baz, Uthaymeen, and Sh. Albane May Allah have mercy on all of them. And Insha Allah u'll fine both opinions on the writings of the shuyuukh. Both the people who says niqab is wajib, and the other side that says it's only sunnah.



    But verily I would rather wish every Muslim girl wearing proper hijab before we talk about the niqab. If we achieved that all Muslim girls wore proper hijab wallahi this would be a great ni3ma.



    May Allah forgive me for what wrong I may have said in this unimportant debate, verily, I can't afford more sins, I have enough of sins in my everyday life.


    If there was any good that I said, then it was from Allah alone. and all the wrong I might have said is from shaytan, and my weak soul.


    Wasalamu 3ala manitabi3al Huda.

  6. Inaa lillaahi wa inaa lillahi raaji3uun, Ina lillaahi ma akhada walahu ma a3daa wa kulishey'in 3Indahu bi ajaalin musama.


    Ehelkiisa sabir iyo adkaysi Allah ha ku arzaaqo, asagana wixii acmaal suubanaa ee uu hormarsaday Allah ha ka abaalmariyo, wuxuu dambi galayna ha u dhaafo.


    Muslimiinta dhimata waa xaq ay nagu leeyihiin in loo duceeyoo, ayaga iyo ehelkoodaba, marka bal ducadda ha kala bakhaylina walaalka dhintay, qofkii yaqaana iyo qof kaleba, anigu personally ma aqaani walaalka.

  7. From the 4 Madhabib (Schools of thought).......


    Mufti Anwar Ali Adam Al Mazahiri (Mufti A'azam (Head Mufti) of Madrasa Madinatil Uloom Trinidad & Tobago.)

    "Imaam Shaafi, Maalik and Hanbal hold the view that niqaab (covering the face and the hands completely with only a small area for the eyes to see) as being compulsory (fard). Imaam Abu Hanifa says that niqaab is Wajib and the face and hands can be exposed provided that there is not fear of desire if one looks at the female face, otherwise if there is the slightest chance of desire developing in the looker (the meaning of desire is that the looker would see the female face and think that she is beautiful, sexual thought is not what is meant) then exposing the face and hands is Haraam. (This is from the fatwaa issued by Mufti Anwar Ali Adam Al Mazahiri on 13/9/99. He derived the opinions of the 4 Imaams from these sources Tafseer Ibn Katheer, Tafseer Ma'rifatul Qur'aan, Durre Muhtaar, Fatawa Shami, Al Mabsoot, Fathul Qadeer. And the opinion of Imaam Abu hanifah is a directly derived from his statements in the Famous book of hanafi Fiqh Fatwaa Shami)


    Shaikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullah)

    Relates that the correct opinion for the Hanbali and Malki madhaib is that is is wajib to cover everything except one or two eyes to see the way. (from the Arabic book "Hijaab wa Safur" under the fatwaa of Ibn Taymiyyah on hijaab, page # 10)


    Ibn Al-Hazam (Rahimahullah)

    "In arabic language, the language of the Prophet (saw), the word jilbaab (as mentioned in the Qur'ân Surah Ahzaab ayah # 59) means the outer sheet which covers the entire body. A sheet smaller than that which would cover the entire body, cannot be categorized as jilbaab.(Al-Muhallah, Vol 3. Pg 217)


    Ibn Al-Mandhur (Rahimahullah)

    "Jalabib is plural for Jilbaab. Jalbaab is actually the outer sheet/coverlet which a woman wraps around, on top of her garments to cover herself from head to toe. This covers the body entirely." (Lisan ul-Arab, VOL 1. Pg.273)


    Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalanee (Rahimahullah)

    A tradition reported on the authority of Aa'ishah (Radhiallaahu Ánha) says: "A woman in a state of Ihram (during Hajj and Umrah) should stretch her head cloth over to her face to hide it." (In Fathul Bari, chapter on Hajj)


    Shaikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullah) relates:

    "Women used to room about without Cloaks (Jilbaabs) and men used to see their faces and hands, but when the verse stating 'O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks over themselves.' (Surah Al-Ahzaab,Verse #59) was reveled, then this was prohibited and women were ordered to wear the Jilbaab. Then Ibn Tayimiyyah goes on to say "The word Jilbaab means a sheet which Ibn Mas'ud (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) explained as a cloak covering the entire body including the head, face and hands. Therefore, it is not permissible for the women to reveal the face and hands in public. (Ibn Taymiyyah's book on fatwaas Page# 110 Vol # 2 also in the book Hijaab Page # 15)


    Shaikh Abdul Aziz Bin Baaz (Rahimahullah)

    "According to the understanding of the best generations (the "Salaf") after the ayah of hijaab was revealed than Muslims women must cover everything including the face and hands. they can show one eye or two eyes to see the way. this was the opinion held by many of the Sahaabah like Ibn Abbaas, Ibn Masud, Aa'ishah (Radhiallaahu Ánhuma) and others and this opinion was upheld by the Tab'ieen who followed than as Ali bin Abi Talha and Muhammad bin Sirin (Rahimahullaah) and by the righteous ulama who followed them as Ibn Taymiyyah and Imaam Ahmed bin Hanbal (Rahimahullaah)" (Quoted from the book "hijaab wa Sufor")

  8. This is something I posted in another forum severel yers ago, Enjoy.


    From the Sahaba(The companions of the prophet) (Radhiallaahu Ánhuma) ......


    Ibn Ábbaas (Radhiallaahu Ánhu), who was one of the most knowledgeable companions of Rasulullaah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam), Rasulullaah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) even made duwaa for him saying "O Allaah, make him acquire a deep understanding of the religion of Islaam and instruct him in the meaning and interpretation of things."


    Ibn Jarir (Rahimahullah) with an authentic chain of narrators has quoted Ibn Abbaas' (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) opinion was "that the Muslim women are ordered to cover their head and faces with outer garments except for one eye." (This is quoted in the Ma'riful Qur'an in the tafseer of Surah Ahzaab ayah # 33, with reference of Ibn Jarir with a sahih chain of narrators). The Tabiee Ali Bin Abu Talha explained that this was the last opinion of Ibn Abbaas and the other opinions quoted from him were from before Surah Al-Ahzaab, Verse #59 and the order of the "Jalabib". Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen commented on this saying of Ibn Abbaas (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) by saying "This statement is "Marfoo" and in Sharee'ah that is the same category as a hadeeth which is narrated directly from Rasulullaah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam). The quote of Ibn Abbaas is quoted by many tabi'een like Ali Ibn Abu Talha and Ibn Jarir in Ma'riful Qur'ân by Mufti Muhammad Shafi vol.7 pg.217 and also in Tafseer Ibn Jarir, Vol. 22, pg.29 and also by Imaam Qurtubi all with SAHIH Chains and explained in the book "Hijaab" by Ibn Uthaymeen, Page # 9 and authenticated in the book "Hijaab wa Safur"by Shaikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullaah) on page #11 and by Shaikh Abdul Aziz bin Baaz (Rahimahullaah) on page # 55 and 60 )


    Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) Who was known as the most knowledgeable Sahaabi in matters of Sharee'ah. He became Muslim when he was a young kid and ever since that he stayed with Rasulullaah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) and gained the understanding of Qur'ân from him. Umar Ibn Khattab (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) said about him "By Allaah, I don't know of any person who is more qualified in the matters dealing with the Qur'ân than Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud" Explained, the word Jilbaab (as mentioned in the Qur'ân Surah Ahzaab ayah # 59 ) means a cloak which covering the entire body including the head, face and hands. (Quoted from Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullaah) in his book on fatwaas Page# 110 Vol # 2 and By Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen in the book Hijaab Page # 15)


    Ayeshah (Radhiallaahu Ánha) Stated that in verse 30 and 31 of Surah An Noor "What has been allowed to be shown is the hands, bangles and rings but the face must be covered. (Quoted in the book Purdah P# 195 and in his Tafseer of Qur'ân under the tafseer of Surah An Noor)


    Abu Ubaidah Salmani (Radhiallaahu Ánhu), an other well known Sahabi is quoted saying "Jilbaab should fully cover the women's body, so that nothing appears but one eye with which she can see." (Tafseer Al-Qurtubi) And In the time of Rasulullaah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) "The women used to don their cloaks (Jilbaabs) over their heads in such a manner that only the eyes were revealed in order to see the road." (The Book "Hijaab" page # 9)


    Ubaida bin Abu Sufyan bin al-Harith ('Radhiallaahu Ánhu' An' Other well known and knowledgeable Companion of Rasulullaah) Imaam Muhammad bin Sirin (Rahimahullah) One of the most knowledgeable tabi'een) said "When I asked Ubaida bin Sufyan bin al-Harith ('Radhiallaahu An'hu) how the jalbaab was to be worn, he demonstrated it to me by pulling a sheet of cloth over his head to cover his entire body, leaving the left eye uncovered. This was also the explanation of the word 'Alaihinna in this verse" (Commentary by Ibn Jarir and Ahkam-ul-Quran, Vol.3, p.457 also in "hijaab wa Safur" quoted by Shaikh Abdul Aziz Bin Baaz under the chapter of his fatwaa on hijab on page #54) [Top]


    From the Tabi 'een.... (The student of the sahaba)


    Hassan Al-Basri (Rahimahullah)


    States in his tafseer of the Surah An-Nur, "What a woman is allowed to show in this Ayah implies to those outer garments (not the face or hands) which the woman puts on to cover her internal decoration (her beauty). (Quoted in the book "Purdah" P#194 )


    Ibn Jarir (Rahimahullah) Quotes the opinion of Ibn Ábbaas (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) "Allaah has enjoined upon all Muslim Women that when they go out of their homes under necessity, they should cover their faces by drawing a part of their outer garments over their heads." (Tafseer Ibn Jarir, VOL 22, pg.29)


    The Tabi'ee, Qatadah (Rahimahullah) Stated that the Jilbab should be wrapped and fixed from above the forehead and made to cover the nose, (although the eyes are to show) and the chest and most of the face are to be covered.


    The Tabi'ee Ali bin Abu Talha (Rahimahullah) Quotes from Ibn Abbaas (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) that he used to say it was allowed to show the hands and face when Surah Noor ayah #31 was revealed but after Surah Al-Ahzaab, Verse #59 with the word "Jalabib" was revealed then after this Ibn Abbaas (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) said that That the Muslim women are ordered to cover their head and faces with outer garments except for one eye." And this was also the opinion of Ibn Mas'ud (Radhiallaahu Ánhu). (This is quoted by Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullaah) in his book of fatwaa and by Shaikh Abdul Aziz Bin Baaz (Rahimahullaah) in the book "Hijaab wa Safur" Page # 60)


    Imam Muhammad bin Sirin (Rahimahullah) One of the most knowledgeable tabi'een) "When I asked Ubaida bin Sufyan bin al-Harith ('Radhiallaahu Ánhu' Other well known and knowledgeable Companion of Rasulullaah) the meaning of this verse about "Alaihinna" and how the jalbaab was to be worn, he demonstrated it to me by pulling a sheet of cloth over his head to cover his entire body, leaving the left eye uncovered. This was also the explanation of the word 'Alaihinna in this verse"(Commentary by Ibn Jarir and Ahkam-ul-Quran, Vol # 3, p.457 also in "hijaab wa Sufor" quoted by Shaikh AbdulAziz Bin Bazz under the chapter of his fatwaa on hijab on page #54) [Top]


    From the Mufasireen of Quraan...


    The Mufassir, Imaam Al-Qurtubi (Rahimahullah),

    Cites in his Tafseer of the Ayah on Jilbaab (Al-Ahzab 33:59), that the Jilbaab is: "a cloth which covers the entire body... Ibn 'Abbaas (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) and 'Ubaidah As-Salmaani (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) said that it is to be fully wrapped around the women's body, so that nothing appears but one eye with which she can see." (Tafseer Al-Qurtubi Surah Al-Ahzab ayah # 59. This was also agreed upon by Imaam Wahidi, Imaam Neishapuri in the book of tafseer of Qur'ân "Gharaib-ul-Quran" and "Ahkam-ul-Quran", Imaam Razi, in his tafseer of Surah Azhab in the book "Tafsir-i-Kabir" Imaam Baidavi in his tafseer of Qur'ân "Tafsir-i-Baidavi" and by Abu Hayyan in "Al-Bahr-ul-Muhit" and by Ibn Sa'd Muhammad bin Ka'b Kuradhi and they have all described the use of jalbaab more or less in the SAME way as the two described by Ibn Abbas (Radhiallaahu Ánhu).)


    Also from Imaam Qurtubi (Rahimahullah)

    in his Al-Jamia li Ahkaamul Qur'ân states: "All women are in effect covered by the terms of the verse which embraces the Sharée principle that the whole of a woman is ‘Áwrah’ (to be concealed) – her face, body and voice, as mentioned previously. It is not permissible to expose those parts except in the case of need, such as the giving of evidence…" ("Al-Jamia li Ahkaamul Qur'ân")


    At-Tabari and Ibn Al-Mundhir

    described the method of wearing the Jilbaab according to Ibn Abbaas (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) and Qataadah (Radhiallaahu Ánhu). The sheet should be wrapped around from the top, covering the forehead, then bringing one side of the sheet to cover the face below the eyes so that most of the face and the upper body is covered. This will leave both eyes uncovered (which is allowed in necessity) (Rul-ul-Ma'ani, Vol 22, p.89)


    Ibn Kathir (Rahimahullah) said...

    "Women must not display any part of their beauty and charms to strangers except what cannot possibly be concealed."


    Continue ......

  9. I am sincerely regretting that I went into the debate with you. Because it's clear that you do not understand what I write, I do not know if it's my Somali?

    Cuz I read in the other niqab thread that your Somali (and Arabic) aren't that good, my deepest apology if that's the case.


    I mentioned our Salafu salih, and you'r answer was "self-proclaimed scholars" so you think that the first three generations are "self-proclaimed scholars"? This is a direct insult to muslim scholars, our Sahaba and those who came after them. And it only shows that u'r understanding of "scholars" is totally wrong. Cuz the ahadith u have mentioned, who do you think narrated them? it's the same scholars you call "self-proclaimed"!


    You also, for the 5th time mentioned me "following scholars blindly? I have several times in this debate stated that I do not follow anyone blindly, but you continue with this because you think it somehow gives your debate "Credibility "! Your whole debate is built on that "I follow scholars blindly", the funny thing is that I have not mentioned any name yet, but spoke generally about when dealing with religion, one must refer back to the people who have knowledge about the topic. It honestly can't be that hard to understand.


    Also you are making the classic mistake any layman makes when it comes to religios debates, I unfortunately expected! It's to copy past the translation of some verses from the Koran, and couple of hadith to make u'r point, without even considering what the scholars of tafsir have said about this verse, or for that matter any real evidence from the Salaf. .


    But I've told you again and again, THIS IS NOT HOW IT WORKS! You can not take an English translation of the Koran, and slap them on people face, and think that you understood fully what it means. First of all using an English translation of the quran doesn't work, u have to go back to the real source, the real tafsiir books. The English translation only shows you what the words mean, and not the interpretation of the words, and how the sahaba understood it. The interpretation of the verses is extremely important


    That's why I'm asking you to come up with evidence from the known mufasirin about what they have said about these verses. How are these verses understood? Then look how the Sahaba and their students understood this.

    It's not about WOMEN UNDERSTANDS niqab issue better than the men because most Sahaba scholars were men. And the most knowledgeable were men. Marka u saying

    hadiths which clearly is interpreted by men to strengthen their argument

    is another insult on the sahaba. U are making this as If it was a battle between Men vs Women.


    The topic is not about some sick men, trying to twist the Quran verses to hijach the right of the women, you have completely misunderstood the topic. And your evidence is also wrong because I can'r see a single tafsiir from known scholars, or a single example of tafsir from the Sahaba.


    One last thing I need to clarify before I post my evidence! walaal I've never once said my personal opinion on this topic! My personal opinion on this matter is not important, as it wouldn't changed anything.

    I have however repeatedly told you that there is a very strong position among the Muslims that the niqab is wajib. This position is backed by many evidence from our Salaf (Dont worry I'll quote them below)! Therefore, it is strange that you, despite this continues to deny that this opinion is valid, and says that the only ones who have this opinion is "self proclamed scholars, that brainwashes people, just like kids are brainwashed to be suicidebombers"!!!


    And while we talk about the Muslim scholars.


    Even those scholars who have the same opinion as you, namely that the Niqab is only recomended, do not use these words you do, or even have u'r opinion that "it's some evil scholars that are violating the rights of the women", and they are tottaly agaings the "niqab ban"! They even tell women that niqab is a great thing, and the'll be rewarded if they wear it. Nobody of the known scholars have u'r understanding of the topic.


    And I do not by any means sweep their view of the table (ie the scholars who believe that the niqab only is Sunnah), I respect them for that, and I know that this is an issue wich there is much debate about. And I could never think of calling them names like "self proclamed scholars" or worse.


    You mention, for example. Sh. Albani (and yes he is one of the scholars I recognize as a great scholar, and I also think he is one of the biggest scholars of our time, and the biggest muhadith of this era), his position is that the niqab is sunnah, and even when he has this opinion, his wife wore the niqab? What does that say about the esteemed Sheikh? I wonder if he has forced her? Why does she wear it even when her husband, who is a grat scholar proofs that it's not wajib?


    That said, it's basically about proofs, it's not about "who I consider as scholars or not", and it's not about "I like those scholars mosr It's only about the evidence we have from the Holy Scriptures and how our Salaf understood this. This alone we base our position on! And that's why I AGAIN AND AGAIN repeat myself when I say the proofes you have quoted , must not only be the translation of a hadith or verse, but the interpretation of the verse from the Sahaba, or their students for that matter. For it was in the community of the sahaba these verses came down.



    Well, now I'll post my evidence, and before you answer back, be careful of what you say about these people I'll qoute, as it is Sahaba, great Muslim scholars, whom all Muslims recognize as the greatest Imam, therefore it's gonna be problematic if you start question their credibility.


    I'll post my evidence in the next post, since I've exceeded the limit of word per. post.

  10. I must the "the negative one" and say, I dont see these people as "Talented Somalis"(most of them)! I'm saying this because it's soo far from our Somali cultur, and last but not least the most important thing in the world for us, our religion.


    To give u an example, this guy called NURUDDIN FARAH, was interviewed in the country I live, and in the interview he said "that one of his best freinds in the world is Salman rushdie"! who wrote the famous book "The Satanic Verses" (about our Holy Quran.)! How can we admire, someone who loves a man like Salman rushdie? Who have violated our religion, by calling our holy book, wich we believe is the devine words of Allah, "The satanic verses"! Any man who loves this man, or calls him "my good freind" is making a serious mistake.

    And further more this man(Nuuradin Farah) have ridiculed the Muslim girl's hijab, therefor a man of his caliber, dont deserve to be mentioned at All.



    So i think to dedicate a thread for these kind of people and even call it a "talent" is a problem for Somalis in general and especially our young Somalis who might bee looking up to these kind of guys, instead of other decent role models(role models like sister Fatima from the "Oxford ‘off Limits’ to Star Black Pupil" thread)! Or other role models, like our prophets, Sahaba, our famouse muslim scholars, doctores, mathematicians, scientist Engineers etc.


    Imagine young somali/muslim girls looking up to the two mataano, or Yasmin warsame(a so called supermodel), or our young boys admiring K'naan.

    I dont no wich Somali/muslim parents who wants there kids to grow up and be a singer, or a supermodel.


    What these people do is of course some kind of a "talent" when you look at it with Western eyes, but I just can't do that when I'm a Muslim, and have chosen to surrender myself to Allah the Almighty, like every other muslim in the world.


    I'm sure they have fought for this, nothing comes easy in this world, and some of these professions are very difficult to achieve, and it's obvious that they are good at this, no doubt about it. But I would sincerely wish that they used their energy on something that did not conflict with the teachings of our religion.

    Therefor when I know brother K'naan, sister Yasmin Warsame, and the sisters Ayan, and idyl(Mataano) are muslims, I wish they would change their career to something that is more suitable for a Muslim, so they can be happy not only in this world, but in the hereafter too.


    I Have nothing personal against these people, or the author of the thread for that matter, I've never met any of them, but I'm only judging there profession, and what they do, without "hatting" on them, and I wish them the best in this world and in Akhira.


    And remember at the end of the day, we are Muslims, no matter what we achieve in this world, it will come to an end, and the hereafter is much more important than the couple of days we are in this world, so it's all about prioritizing( this world vs The hereafter)!!!

    It's all about keeping the game face on, and keeping our mind on the final Goal(Jannah), and not let Satan distract us from that.


    I ask Allah to be merciful to our souls and may he(Allah) lead us in the right path, away from the traps of the cursed one(Shaytan).


    Aamin yaa rabb

  11. So adiga waxaad aaminsantahay that scholarly opinion is absolute and scholarly opinion is supreme?

    May anigu waxaan aaminsanahay in Banii aadamkoo dhani khaldami karaan, even the scholars. Taasi waa mid! Laakiin the problem here, and thats Exactly why I didn't present any daliil on my post markii hore. It seem that u dont understand what it means marka la dhaho "refer back to scholars", but I'll try to explain it.


    This is exactly why I brought up the example about the suicide bombers and their promised virgins because some scholars believe that suicide bombing is waajib, does that make such verdict absolute for you, since you seem to be inclined to believe whatever ruling is delivered by your beloved scholars? Please explain yourself or I will take your silence as a yes.

    With all do respect sis, That's not correct! No scholar believe suicidebombing is wajib, I repeat non. Waajib means it's fard just like the salah etc. There are some scholars who in some situations allow this kind off attack, but that doesn't mean its wajib. There is a different.


    Mida kale, markaan ku leeyahay hadalka culimadda, maaha inuu qofki iska raaco waxkastay dhahaan.

    Hadalka culimadda ee la raacayo waa hadalka ku dhisan Quraanka iyo Sunnaha nabiga(salallahu alayhi wasalam). Tusaale, a scholar tells you "Allah is one", u ask him, proof it "Quraanka iyo sunnaha" nabigaa markaa laga rabaa inuu daliil ka keeno. Daliilka uu kenayana waa in u noqdaa mid macquul ah.


    Arintan niqaabka hadaan markaa u soo noqdo, everyone, with Islamic knowledge knows that what's reported from the Salafu salih(the three blessed generations), as the prophet(salallahu alayhi wasalam) him self told us, waa waajib in la raaco. Waa wixii saxiix ah. Inay waxani saxiix yihiin, horaa loo eegay, loona daba galay, that's why we have hadith collections like sahih bukhari, sahih Muslim etc. etc.


    Culimadda hadalkooda in la raaco, oo ayaga markii diin la isku qabsado la waydiiyo, Allah baa quraanka ku sheegay "waydiiya dadka ehlul cilmiga ah hadaydaan garanayn". Waxaana la dhahaa ayagaa dhaxlay booskii(cilmigii) nabiyada.


    Ugu dambayn with u'r logic, oo leh culimadda hadalkoodu "qiimo ma leh" "Cuz it's all about "opinions", diintoo dhan baa ku halaabi. Qofkastaa ra'yigiisa buu ku noolaan lahaa, if that's what u want, than doodan meelna ma gaadhayso.


    The scholars lagama maarmo, waa KHASAB in ayaga loo celiyo waxyabaha diinta ku saabsan.


    Tusaale: Wax alle wixii axaadiith ah ee maanta qoran culimaa na soo gaadhsiisay, sidoo kale Quraanka. Waayo Quraanka buug ha ku qornaado, laakiin yaa dadka baray quraanka? Ma qof baa ku dhashay asagoo quraanka yaqaana? Maxaa markaa loo dhihi waayey "war naga taga, waa ra'yigiinee"?


    Culimadu wax "opinion" la dhaho ma laha, when it coms to the deen.

    - Waxay eegaan shayga laga hadlayo waxa ku soo arooray ee axaadiith iyo quraan ah,

    - Markaas bay hadana eegaan waxay shaygan asxaabtii, ama nabiga(salallahu alayhi wasalam) ka dhaheen,

    - and after that, they say the same as the people before them said.

    Sida niqaabka oo kale, waxaa ka hadlay, asxaabtii nabiga(salallahu alayhi wasalam) iyo dadkii hore, markaa ma waxaynu leenahay "waa rayigooda"?


    Lastly u'r opinion about the niqab? where does it come from? Cuz if it's based on Islamic proofs, than it most come from the scholars soo maaha?

    Since u aint no Scholar, than present the proofs u have for the niqab not being wajib, ana I'll do the same.

    Markaas baynu isku fiirin wich opinion is the strongest, Ama inay labaduba sax yihiin.


    Anigu waxaan aaminsanahay inaadanba isku fiirin waxay culimadu niqaabka ka tidhi, ama daliilada ku soo arooray niqaabka, laakiin aad u martay jid aanan waxba lagu sugin.


    Marka mas'alo laga hadlayo(like the niqaab), waa khasab in la soo uruuriyo waxa ku soo arooray ee daliil ah mas'aladan, and after that what the people who have the correct knowledge have said about this. Waxaana kuwaas ugu horeeya Asxaabtii iyo Salafkii. You And I can't just come up with our own opinion maanta. Horaa looga hadlay arintan, waxaana ka hadlay dadkii Nabiga(salallahu alayhi wasalam) la joogay, iyo dadkii arkay ardaydii nabiga(salallahu alayhi wasalam) therefor it's a must for us to refer back to them in ANY matter of the religion.


    What of the other scholars who do not come to the same judgement, what does it mean for you were their nay judgement is concerned?

    As I said, in Islam there is a rule that says "follow the strongest proof", and not which when that'll suit you best. Culimadda qaba in uusan niqaabku waajib ahayn, ama aamba la ogalayn must present there proofs, markaasaa la eegi karaa oo la isku barbardhigayaa the proofs.

    Maanta culimadda noolna markasta waxaa ka horeeya culimadii qarniyadii ugu horaysay.


    I'm intrigued by your position because you feel that you can pick and choose the rulings that only applies to you, which means that if I were to answer your own question, by asking if the word of a scholar is absolute, your answer will probably be now, because you chose to follow one ruling over another, assuming that they are all in the same profession with the same qualification just differ in their opinion from subject to subject, meaning some feel it isnt waajib, while others you want to mention by name with their ruling are for niqab being waajib, then where does that leave the qur'an? the five pillars? is Niqab the sixth pillar? the five pillars are the kitaab subordinate to the ruling of the scholars?

    U are again mixing some things here. about the different scholar opinion, horay baan uga so jawaabay.


    As for the Five pillars of Islam:

    The niqaab being wajib doesn't mean that it have to be the sixth piller of Islam. There are many things that are wajib in Islam oonan ku jirin shanta tiir ee Islaamka. Tusaale: Gabadhu inay is asturto, timaheeda banaanka keenin, waa WAAJIB kumana jirto the Sixth piller. And I could come with soo many other examples, but you get my point.


    If some of your beloved scholars rule on a verdict, in this case, the niqab, as waajib, it means some of these scholars are compelling our dear sisters to wear the niqab...leaving the matter of choice full-stop, so what do you say to that?

    As I said, if the evidence says that its wajib, than it doesn't matter what other scholars says. The scholar should only be followed with the proofs he have, and nothing else.


    No, no, no, Niqaab is not waajib. No ifs, no buts, simple answer, NIQAAB IS NOT WAAJIB.. and if you disagree with the contrary, produce evidence to the contrary.....and dont interpret evidence as opinion. I want concrete, textual evidence that states NIQAB IS WAAJIB. (if you dont think qur'an is surpreme, then you are right, you and I dont have much to discuss since you believe qur'an is subordinate to scholarly opinion)

    If u read what I wrote, than I didn't say that u believe that the niqab is wajib, I said IF after our debate u fine out that the niqab is wajib, than will you allow muslim women to wear them? Bal dib ugu noqo waxaan soo qoray. Laakiin hadaad leedahay, "NO MATTER WHAT YOU COME UO WITH" I wont change my opinion, than sure u can see that's its a bit waste of time inaynu doodno? U can't just make up u'r mind, before even looking at the evidence wich I'm about to present. But first, you need to understand that U just can't look at the Quran and pick and choose how u wanna interpret a verse. All the verses of the quran, have been Interpreted by the great Sahaba, and the scholars of Islam, cuz they the Sahaba had the prophet with them. Markaa waa KHASAB inaad ayaga qawlkooda raacdid, iyo siday u fahmeen quraanka, and not how someone in 2011 understands it.


    Mida kale, please dont forget what I wrote in earlier post, stop the personal attack. Saying that I believe that the scholar opinion is more worth than the Quran, is like saying I'm not a Muslim. cuz if I believe that, than I'll be breaking one of the most important rules in Islam.

    The scholar opinion is as I said, build on the quran and sunnah.

    An example: When u mention the quran, than who translated the quran? So that we can understand it properly? cuz the quran sure needs a lot of knowledge before one can take rulings out of it. Cilmi badan bay u baahantahay. That's why we have Tafsiir books written by the earlier scholars, with the correct understanding, wich they got from generation before, and all the way back to the sahaba and the prophet(salallahu alayhi wasalam) him self.



    To sum it up: Whatever that is presented to us in Islam by the scholars, and wich is sound(sahih), than it's mandatory for us to follow. The only condition is as said earlier that's the proof must be from the book of Allah or the Sunnah of his prophet(salallahu alayhi wasalam)!

    How do we know what's presented to us is sahih? Than by the grace of Allah this have already been taken care for us, as the early scholars wrote down every sound hadith from the prophet. So u could say, that the scholars of today are only repeating what the early generations preserved for us, and they from the prophet(salallahu alayhi wasalam), and he from Allah the almighty.

  12. LayZie G.


    Waxaad soo qortay


    you asked if aan daliil hadalka aan dhahay u haayo? As in, do I have explanation as to why I said the Niqab is not prescribed by Islam, is that what you mean by daliil?


    The answer is simple enough, our holy scripture, the Qu'ran does not command women to wear the niqab. In other words, the hideous garb is not divinely ordained piece of clothing, which means it has no place in our religion and that means you can not invoke religious privileges without solid evidence to support your counter claim. (you might want to dig up Ibti's thread about this very same subject to aid you in your witch hunts)

    Daliil waan kuu keeni, anigu waxaan aaminsanahay arinta niqaabka diinta Muslimiinta way ku sugantahay, quraan iyo axaadiith-ba.

    Culimadda muslimiintuna ilaa salafkii(saxaabaddi, tabiciintii, iyo kuwii ka dambeeyeyba) way ka hadleen arintan niqaabka. In badan oo ka mid ahina waxay qabaan inuu waajib yahay, in yarna waxay qabaan inuusan ahayn, laakiin shay fiican uu yahay. Intoodan dambee leh waajib maaha, xataa waxay sheegaan wakhtiyada qaarkood inay WAAJIB tahay, tusaale wakhtiyada fitnada. Afarta madhab ee muslimiintu maanta u nisba sheegatana arintan way isku raacsan yihiin intooda badan.


    Laakiin intaanan daliil keenin, waxaan rabay inaynu saldhiga arintan isla fahano.


    Hadaan qawlka culimadda ee ku saabsan arintan keeno, miyaad ku qanci? Mise waxaad rabtaa inaynu adiga iyo aniga maskaxdeena ku kala baxno? oo Culimadda arintan ka hadashayna meel ku tuurno?

    Waayo as U know, maadaama aynu diin ka hadlayno, qofkastaa hadalkiisa la iskama qaadanayo, waa in daliil cad la hela, culimadda hadalkoodana la soo guuriyaa, markaasna qawlka ugu adag la qaataa? Do u agree?

    Maxaynu ku kala baxnaa, ma Dadka diinta u cilmiga leh(salafkii, culimadda etc.) siday u fahmeen Quraanka, iyo axaadiithta, iyo waxay arintan ka dhaheen, mise wax kalaad maskaxda ku haysay?


    And if it happens, and by the will of Allah It will, that u agree on that Niqab is wajib, does that mean that u'd allow muslim women to wear it? Mise Niqaabka sidiisaba waad ka soo horjeeda, whether the religion allows it or not.


    If u do agree, doodu way sii socon kartaa bi'ithnillah, laakiin hadeerba yaynaan is daalinin hadaad hadhow markaan soo guuriyo culimadda kutubtoodu waxay ka dhaheen aayadaha ka hadlaya asturaada dumarka, hadhow ha dhihin "ayagaa sidaas u fahmay, anigu kuma raacsani"!?



    Mida kale, if the discussion is moving in the direction of the garb and its place in Islam, lets discuss the reasons why women who wear the garb wear what they wear.

    "Why they do", ha inoo dambayso, horta aynu meel isla dhigno, in Niqaabku diinta Muslimiinta ka mid yahay, ama in uusan ka mid ahayn(the last opinion is what U claim).




    Similarly, our young Muslim men are lectured on long periods of time about the rewards that are waiting for them in heaven if they were to carry out acts of violence against the public. They are promised virgins, waiting for the young brave soul but only if he is willing to strap a bomb vest on himself and willing to blow himself up inside a masjid, a market place, hospitals and in the case of Hotel Shaamo, in front of a group of medical school graduates, celebrating their success with their loved ones, beaming with bright.

    Is qarxin, iyo Niqaab shuqul iskuma leh. Arinta Niqaabka ku saabsan, ma jiro qof salafkii ka mid ah oo diiday, qaabkan is qarxintan aad la ordaysid waa wax cusub oo bilaabmay qarniyadeena.

    Laakiin neverless Mawduuca ha ka bixin, hadaad rabtid inaad ka hadashid waxaas, topic kale samee.



    In my view and as far as Aaliyah is concerned, xuquuqda diimaha does not apply, to borrow aaliyah’s own words, niqab is a recommended product.

    Ana waxaan ku leeyahay muslimiinta dad baa aaminsan inuu waajib yahay Niqabku, waana opinion aad u adag, korna waxaan kuugu soo qoray even those oo aaminsan inuu yahay "recomended" inay xaaladaha qaar Waajib ka dhigaan. Daliilkeedana anaa kuu keeni, waa hadaad su'aalaha meesha ugu saraysa aan kugu waydiiyey iiga jawaabtid. Waayo inaan ana daliilo wakhti ku isticmaalo inaan keeno, adna aynan qiimo kuu lahayn waxay Culimadda muslimiintu ka dheheen niqaabka, meel kuma gaadhayno.



    Ugu dambayn

    - dacaayada iwm meel inoo dhig, hadal qaloocinta, personal attack iyo wixii la mid ah dooda waxba kuma kordhinayso, waa hadii aynu rabno dood quman,

    - doodana aynu ka saarno waxkastoo mawduuca ka baxsan,

    - anigu sida ugu fiican baan isku dayi inaan si dagan, edabna ku jirto kuugu jawaabo, mawduucana abbaaro. adna sidoo kalaan kaa sugi Insha Allah that means ugu horayn inaad magacayga saxdid.



    Waan ka baxay


    Ps. Walaalada igula taliyey inaanan wakhti ku isticmaalin arintan(Jacpher, Aaliyah), aad baan ugu mahadnaqayaa, waadna ku mahadsantihiin taladiina qaaliga ah, amba runtii inaan iska daayo baan rabay, laakiin hadana bal anoo khayr rajaynaya baan is idhi bal inyar sii wad, laakiin haday doodu siday hada tahay ku sii socoto, waan ku khasbanahay inaan taladiina qaato. Allahna khayr ha idin siiyo.

  13. Layzie waxaas oo qoraal ah, iyo geedo jeex, ma waxaa kaa keenay Gabadh niqaab xidhan?


    Waxaad soo qortay:


    I argued and continue to argue that BURQA and/or NIQAB is not prescribed by Islam.

    Daliil ma u haysaa hadalkaas? please do share


    Waxaad soo qortay boqol kun oo qalad baa ku jira, meel laga bilaabo maba laha walee. Waxaad soo qoraysid, waa iska boos buuxsi, iyo dood bilaasha. Video-ga waxaad moodaa inaadanba fahmin. Tusaale yar: waxaad la yaabtay, oo meel gayn kari wayday waxay walaashu u tidhi" I HAVE A MASTER's degree in chemical engineering"!

    Qof alle qofkii daawadda doodan with an open mind, lana socda dooda caamka ah ee ka jirta maanta aduunka, wuu ogyahay in waxyaabaha ugu wayn ee gabdhaha muslimiinta ah lagu maago, laguna dacaayadeeyo, siiba kuwooda niqaabka ama xijaabka xidhan ay tahay inaynan waxba baran, waxbarashana lahayn, guryaha iska fadhiyaan. Markaa gabadhu doodaas bay ka hadlaysaa, inaynan xataa isticmaali karin the usual stereotyping "xuquuq malaha, waxba ma barato, therefor she is covering herself"!


    Walaashu ayadoo waxbarashadeedii qaadatay, sida qofkastoo ku nool france, bay dooratay inay niqaabna xidhato, diinteedaana u ogal, waliba muslimiinta dhexdooda dad baa aaminsan inuu waajib yahay. Markaa sida muslimiintu salaada u tukadaan, oo ay ayagu u doorteen inay tukadaan, oo wajigooda dhulka dhigaan, walaashani haday dooratay inay niqaab xidhato, adigu xagee ku xanuuni oo lagaa daaweeyaa marka? Yaana ku khasbay? ayadaaba afkeeda ka leh "anaa doortay"?, mise qalbigeeda baad u daadagtay?


    France iyo yurub oo dhan waxaa ka jirta waxa la dhaho "xuquuqda diimaha", taas oo laga wado, qofkastaa diintiisa buu siduu doono ugu dhaqmi karaa, ilaa aynan qofna waxba u dhimayn, yacni dadka kula nool. Shay maro ah, oo la xidhana sida la ogyahay qofna dhibaato kuma hayo. Hadaad leedahay "mayee shaqo iyo wax kalay waayi", taasi waa arimo u yaala walaasha xidhata niqaabka, ayadaana qiimayn siday u xalin hawshaas..


    Waxaad kaloo leedahay


    we live in civilized world not the Jahiliyyah era and niqab or Burqa or what have you has no place in this civilized world.

    Hadalkaas oo kale waa iska andacoon, wax lagu dhisi karana ma jiro waxaad soo qortay. Ma adaa "the civilized world" qiimeeya? Maxaa isku xidhay "jaahiliyah"(Days of Ignorance), iyo niqaabka? Tusaale: Xijaab la'aanta Muna bay dadka qaar odhan lahaayeen waa "jaahilnimo" ayagoo, intaas oo warqad ka qori kara jaahilnimadeeda. Laakiin ayadoo saas ah, waxba dooda kuma soo kordhinayso, waayo waa sidaan soo sheegayoo, qofba waxbuu jaahilnimo u yaqaanaa.


    Waxaad kaloo aad uga xumaatay, inay walaashu aaminsanayn ama aynan "arkin"(waayo waa siday video-ga ku tidhi" qof lagu khasbay niqaabka. Hadalkaas adiga waa laga yaaabaa inuu kaa yaabiyo, waayo fikirkaada baa sidaas u dhisan. Laakiin muslimiinta maanta aduunka ku nool, intooda badani hadalkaas laftirkiisa bay ku odhan lahaayeen. Waxaan hubaa hadeer walaalada SOL ku jira, hadii la waydiiyo, qof ma taqaan niqaabka lagu khasbay, oo cabsi u xidhay inaadan helin qof ku dhaha "haa"! Waana xaqiiqadda jirta, laakiin adigu haday marba "Muna" dhahdo, "way jiraan", dee markaa xujo cad oo cirka ka soo dagtay inaad ka dhigtid waa nasiib darro. While walaasha Heba ay ka hadlayso facts, muslimiin badani ku raacsantahay.

    Maalintay aragto gabdho lagu khasbayo niqaab, kama shakisani inay caawin doonto, ama waxay ka gaysan karto ka gaysato.


    Hadalkayga bal hal maroo kale dhuux: Anigu ma lihi in aynan jirin aduunkoo dhan HAL GABADH oo lagu khasb niqaabka, kolay waxkasta aduunka waa laga helaa. Laakiin waxaan ku leeyahay boqolkiiba 90, ama ka badan(just being generouse, for sake of the debate), gabdhaha doorta Niqaabka inay xidhaan ayagaa iskooda u doorta, qof ku khasbaana ma jiro.


    and actuallly by claiming this, waxay ku tusaysaa fikirka qaladka ah aad ka aaminsantahay gabdhaha muslimiinta, waana bahdilid meeshii ugu dambaysay. Hadaad adigu freedom haysatid, ood isku malaynaysid inaad waxkasta la socotid, ayagan maxaa u diiday inay sidaadoo kale freedom, iyo caqliba leeyihiin ayagoo niqaabkooda qaba?


    And it's exactly that kinda of mindset, that says"Muslim women can not think for themselves, they are oppressed, they do not know what's good for them" that makes governments come up with such ban.


    Markaa waxaan ku soo khatimi, doodaada bal soo gaabi.

    -Maxaad ugu diidantahay gabadhan xuquuqdeeda ah inay diinteeda ku dhaqanto sida dadka kalee wadanka ku nool?

    - Maxaadna ugu diidi haday niqaabka iskeed u dooratay?

    - Muna is as far as I know a Muslim woman, therefor she should be covering her hair(according to the religion she claims to follow), but she chooses not to do so, if france is allowing her this, Why shouldn't Hebe have the same freedom to choose how she dresses?

  14. Oba wax alle wixii la soo qoray maadan akhrin baan filayaa. Waadba na xiiqisay e sxb. Bal hal mar kor ugu noqo waxay walaalaha kala duwan soo qoreen. In Nabiga(salallahu alayhi wasalam) la xuso cid diidan ma jirto, actually by saying(salallahu alayhi wasalam) waa xus nabiga la xusayo. Markaa qofka muslimka ahi, nabiga everyday in his life wuu xusaa, waana sida nala amray. Waxa la diiday waa in maalin gaar ah la doorto, oo sidii cibaado loo guto oo kale. Sida xajka hal bil kaliya loo xajiyo, mawliidkuna waa sanadkii hal kaas mar. Korna ka akhri xukunka cibaadada.


    Adigu maxaad ku diidan tahay inaad nabiga(salallahu alayhi wasalam) u xustid sidii asxaabta iyo salafu saalih u xusi jireen?


    Allah aza wajallah in la xuso xataa khasab iyo waajib muslimiinta saaran weeye, ooba ka wayn ka nabiga(salallahu alayhi wasalam) nala yidhi xusa. Waayo Allah waa khaaliqa dhan ee na abuuray!

    laakiin sida axaadiitha ku soo aroortay asxaabtu way diideen in intii meel la isugu yimaado si wada jir ah Allah loo xuso(except intii nala faray mooye, like jamaacada etc)! Yacni sida Mawliidka intii meel la isugu yimaado, in Allah la xuso.


    Sidaa daraadeed buu Abu Musa Al-ashcari asagoo ordaya u yeedhay Ibnu Mascud, markuu arkay jamaaco fadhida masjidkoo si wada jir ah Allah u xusaya(thikrinaya, just like the mawliid)! Ibnu Mascud markuu u yimid wuxuu arkay ayagoo xalaqo u fadhiisteen, midna intuu dhexda istaago dhahaya "kabiruu mi'ah" "sabixuu mi'ah" etc. Yacni boqol jeer Allahu akbar dhaha" "boqol jeer subxan Allah dhaha" etc. Waxayna sidan u sameeyaan sida riwaayadu sheegayso inay khayr shaqaystaan.


    Ayadoo sidaas ah, oo Allah ku xusaya kalmado nabiga(salallahu alayhi wasalam) ka sugan sida "Allahu akbar, subxan Allah" Ibnu Mascud wuu diiday, wuxuuna yidhi "Allahi gacantiisa naftaydu ku jirtaan ku dhaartay, ama diintii nabiga mid ka fiican baad ku taagantihiin(by making this thikr), ama waxaad furteen Albaab lagu lumo"!


    Markaasay dhaheen "Abaa Abdurahmaanow, khayr doon kaliya uun bay naga ahayd"(just like what we say about the mawliid "xus nabiga uun bay naga ahayd), markaasuu Ibnu Mascuud ku jawaabay kalmadii caanka noqotay

    “كم من مريد للخير لن يصيبه"

    And how many people intend good yet do not achieve it?"?


    Markaa ana intii oo kale baan leeyahay:

    كم من مريد للخير لن يصيبه

  15. *Blessed;713139 wrote:
    Al Maskin, waa in 'calaacal laguu fasiro' yah. Aniga waxaan idhi uun raga guurku ku adkaado haday meel aan la diidayn (baahidu wayntahay) aadan waa xaqooda. Runta ayaan sheegayaa, hablaha aan walaalo nahay ee Somaalia jooga marka rag Europe ka tagay doontaan, suaasha hore oo ay is waydiiyaan waa 'maxaa ka si ah?, it's a valid point, nin wax ka dhiman yihiin ayuunbaa this level of desperation ku dhaqaaqi lahaa. Raga Somaaliyeed ee qurux, dadnimo iyo karti isku darsaday inay xaliimooyinka ag jooga ka fakadaan way adagtahay.
    Having said that, personally as I said squillion times before if a Somali chooses to marry Arab, cadaan, madaw, gaal or even an alien xaq bay u leeyihiin.

    Barakaysan wali waa intii uun :)

    Ma dhici karto miyaa nin isku dhacayaa in uu aado meeshaas? Adigu waxaad leedahay kaliya maba dhici karto, unless uu foolxunyahay, meel kalena wax ka waayey, ama wax si kale uga dhiman yihiin?


    Inuu xaq u leeyahay taas doodba kama taagnee :D