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Posts posted by Ameen

  1. Interesting thread.


    But one needs to understand the difference between Judaism and Zionism and after such a realization, the answer to your original question will be answered. Besides, if 'Muslims' were meant to hate 'Jews' then why, for so many years, did the Muslims leadership of past generations allow the Jews to live in peace along side the Muslims?


    If only you opened a history book, you would come to realize that Jews and Muslims co-existed for many decades. Even till this very day, Iran, who Israel promotes as being an enemy to the Jewish faith, harbours 25,000 Jews to live in its country. Now you tell me, do Muslims hate Jews? The answer, no! Do Muslims hate oppression? Yes. . The matter and reasons as to why so many Muslims (and non-Muslims by the way) hate the Zionist regime is due to oppression and not the Jewish faith.


    Personally, I know with certainty that Bani Israel were once upon a time, the selected group. However, that time has passed and I know with complete certainty and faith that Islam is the only path to salvation so why should I waste my time 'hating' a group of people when ultimately their final abode isn't good news?


    One more thing, check out YouTube 'Rabbis against Zionism' and you'll see some famous and knowledgeable Rabbis speaking out against Zionism and more importantly, one scholar from the Jewish faith calling for the Jews to return to that period of time when they lived in peace under an Islamic State. Will it ever happen? Sure, in due time.

  2. Well good luck with Canada, I wish you both the best. No seriously, only the best.


    Before we kill the thread, back to the matter at hand.


    Where you ask?


    Starbucks, 7:37pm on a cold evening, just after you ordered a white hot chocolate, he'll walk in, sit not too far from your sight of view but its upon you to make that very next move :D

  3. Somewhat off topic: Pucca, you're Canadian?


    Back to the thread: Where you ask? Thats a good question. But before you can find the answer to where, you should ask yourself, what type of person are you looking for? Once you know the answer to the later, you'll know where to find such an individual and Allah knows best.

  4. Positive, I think the issue has more to do with being proactive rather then jumping to predictions that may strain the problem even further.


    It is obvious to any individual who has been paying any amount of attention to the situation pretaining to the 'pirates' would realize, there are strong efforts from certain nations occuring behind closed doors in an attempt to draw more nations to participate more actively in the 'Global' efforts to strengthen the TFG governement.


    Nur, my question: Assuming that's their gameplan, to lure more Nations to involve themselves in the Somalian conflict, what can we do? How do I bring more attention to the situation?

  5. Originally posted by Haneefah:

    In a homogeneous society like ours, with one language, religion, and ethinicity, I am unable to comprehend how we all of a sudden acquired cultural differences along regional boundaries. How is the so called 'Northerner' culturally distict from the so called 'Southerner'? How are social values, cultural customs and norms different in one region from its neighbouring one? Mind you, this is not to deny the existence of an urban vs rural effect, or different life styles among the people as a result of environmental/socioeconomic factors; but I am opposed to the notion of this being attributable to clan/regional differences.


    I agree. Again: I agree.


    I can not see how such division between our people grew to such distance. I can not understand how we can feel content with attributing peace to one region of our land while another section of that same land, suffers in great hardship. I think we need some serious reform, from our general mindset, to mix marriages of young folks from different tribes and regions of Somalia. Mind you, I dont think thats what I would call a complete solution to our problem facing our Nation and MOS DEF not the problems that hold our Ummah hostage but its a step towards better days inshAllah. But since this thread is based upon marriage, I would conclude by saying, marriage is good. Marriage that brings tribes and different cultures closer together and in return strengthens the Ummah is better and more lasting for the generations to come.