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Posts posted by Tillamook

  1. Libya's Prime Minister-elect has been dismissed from his post, after failing for a second time to win parliamentary approval for a new cabinet.


    Mustafa Abu Shagur had called for the formation of an "emergency government", consisting of just 10 ministries.


    The General National Congress (GNC) voted 125 to 44 against the proposal. Seventeen members abstained.


    Mr Shagur was Libya's first elected prime minister following last year's overthrow of Col Muammar Gaddafi.


    He had served as deputy prime minister for more than a year under interim leader Abdurrahim al-Keib.


    The GNC now has three to four weeks to elect a new premier.


    Political games


    Mr Shagur's second and final offer consisted of just 10 ministries, as opposed to the 29 he offered last week.


    Before the vote he told the GNC it was a proposal to lead Libya with no regionalism, and urged members to "assume its responsibilities at this historic time".


    "In face of the dangers threatening the country, I present to you a crisis government restricted to 10 ministers, rejecting all geographical considerations," Mr Shagur earlier told the GNC.


    His first cabinet line-up was rejected late on Thursday on the basis that it was not representative of important regions and lacked qualified members.


    The BBC's Rana Jawad in Tripoli says some cities like Zawiya, Benghazi, and Misrata, lost a lot of fighters during the battle to overthrow Gaddafi, and are demanding greater representation in the new government.


    During the assembly debate, protesters - mostly from Zawiya - stormed the Congress building in the capital Tripoli, calling for the prime minister's resignation.


    Mr Shagur had initially aimed for a unity government and what he described as "people with merit" to work with him.


    However, he said that when he consulted with political parties, some had pursued their own agendas. He said one party had demanded 11 seats, and another nine.


    Mr Shagur has said he would not give in to pressure and political games.


    He studied at the University of Tripoli before moving to the US, where he earned a PhD and worked as an academic and optical engineer.


    Mr Shagur returned in 2011 to become an adviser to the National Transitional Council, which was formed during the revolt that ousted Gaddafi.


    In September, he was elected by the national assembly to be the country's next prime minister, in a run-off vote in which he narrowly beat Mahmoud Jibril - who served as interim prime minister following the overthrow of the regime.

  2. Dude, your single sentence syntax does not make any sense whatsoever...I'm not sure whether you mean I would make fun of Aids sufferers, but if that's what you're asking?: NO I would not. And am baffled by this silly question of yours. So kindly resist the temptation to ask such questions in the future!

  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;876170 wrote:
    He is the man Somalia needs he still has a few days left to appoint the prime minister. Isn't it possible just to abolish the whole prime minister postion from the constitution.

    How convenient for you to suggest the prime minister position be eliminated, now that the general consensus points to a Puntlander getting the PM position! Saaxiib, love it or hate it, Puntlanders will get their full entitlement in the national government-- Modesty be damned!


    I just hope your tune about "he is the man Somalia needs" does not change when that eventuality becomes a reality.

  4. Greetings and felicitations to the loyal SOL gallery, we have a special treat in store for you today. SOL's very own undercover reporter Monsieur Tillamook has been sent to the most exclusive fadhikudirir joint in town to take an in-depth look into the goings-on of these shallow houses of vacuousness and ill-information. Tillamook did request hazard pay for this assignment, but we at Somaliaonline spare no expense at bringing our esteemed readership what they want to know. We now go live via satellite to Tillamook who is secretly recording a conversation that is taking place as we speak....


    * * * * * *


    Abtigiis: Of course, KISMAYU belongs to us!


    Gabbal: Don't you ever get tired of saying that?


    Abtigiis: This time its different! We have sought the aid of our Kenyan brothers!


    Gabbal: It's so unfair that we keep having to take these threats just because you guys don't have the balls to achieve your goals.




    Gabbal: And that convoluted thought process of yours vis-à-vis Kismayu pisses me off, good bye doqonyahow!


    Gabbal casually gets up and makes eye contact with another frequent guest to the house called Mooge who is seated at adjacent table, pointing a strangely distorted talon-like finger, and shouts, "Your boy has lost it, Mooge!". Gabbal laughs and walks out of the Restaurant/Marfish/Sports Bar.



    Mooge saunters over to where Abtigiis was seated in his favorite local watering hole or as he keenly refers to as the Fadhikudirir HQ:


    Mooge: Lemme guess; you two losers were arguing over who Kismayu belongs to again, right? You know, you shouldn't do that because it belongs neither one of you and you're just going to regret it. You guys were never the sharpest tools in the shed anyway, but c'mon for God's sake. Why beef over Kismayu when the whole wide world knows it belongs to us! Besides, wasn't our agreement that you guys take the bushes while we reign of the city?


    Abtigiis: Save your breath. I was just frustrated by that buffoons condescending attitude towards our claims over the Jubbooyinka in general, and Kismayu in Particular.


    Mooge: Oh sure, our cousins pretend to share the same fearless daring gene that runs in the blood of my family, but little good did that do for them during the Afweeyne days, and it sure as hell won't do them any good now. But that's beside the point. You shouldn't let the nonchalant manner with which he dismisses our claims get to you. Ultimately they are scared shitless. Have you ever been to Gedo? Saaxiib, Mudug and Bari will seem like the Gardens of Eden.


    Abtigiis: Comrade, the NFD and the Og'den region aren't the Hanging Gardens of Babylon either!


    Mooge: WHAT! WHAT! What's this claptrap about "Comrade"? Has that wannabe Socialist brainwashed you again like Jalle Siyaad did in the 70s and 80s, huh, HAS HE?


    Abtiigiis: No, it was merely a little slip of the tongue. I can't stand those Kacaan heathens.


    Mooge: Good! Getting back to my point. You need to work on your own indha-Adeyg. I won't lie to you, Abtigiis, it takes much training to be Bold, to hone your insolent heedlessness of restraints, in short, to be blind to ALL reason, prudence, propriety, or convention. Only, practicing these skills on your Hargaysa maids won't do you any good. You need to surround yourself with the true masters of the art(*points finger at himself*). That's the only way you can learn...about your strengths and weaknesses. Someday, you're going to talk down to Gabbal&CO and make them feel like sh!t and show those Kacaan vagabonds who's really running the show in Jubbooyinka. See, it's all about attitude, but you if don't work for it, you wont' get it...


    Abtigiis: Do you seriously think we stand a chance against the "Revolution" clan in the Jubbooyin?


    Mooge: SILLY MAN! It's such defeatist thinking that has led your lot to be pathetically pushed around wherever you go. On one side you have the Amxaara kicking your butts, in Kenya you wash Kikuyu butts, and now in Somalia you guys can't even defend the little you have from a puny bunch of has-beens!


    Abtigiis: Ok, fine. I will need to grow some testes...or something. God Knows I need 'em!


    Mooge: That's the spirit! *waves for the waiter*....You will have the usual right?


    Abtigiis: *With big grin on his face* YES, indeed! The Elixir of Life itself.


    Waiter comes to table to take order...


    Mooge: Waryaa, waxaad ii keentaa koob shaah rinnji-ah. Ninkaan halkaan fadhiyanah, waxaad u keentaa aargalaan caanoboore-ah, fahamtu?


    Waiter nods head and walks back to counter...



  5. Greetings and felicitations to the loyal SOL gallery, we have a special treat in store for you today. SOL's very own undercover reporter Monsieur Tillamook has been sent to the most exclusive fadhikudirir joint in town to take an in-depth look into the goings-on of these shallow houses of vacuousness and ill-information. Tillamook did request hazard pay for this assignment, but we at Somaliaonline spare no expense at bringing our esteemed readership what they want to know. We now go live via satellite to Tillamook who is secretly recording a conversation that is taking place as we speak....


    * * * * * *


    Abtigiis: Of course, KISMAYU belongs to us!


    Gabbal: Don't you ever get tired of saying that?


    Abtigiis: This time its different! We have sought the aid of our Kenyan brothers!


    Gabbal: It's so unfair that we keep having to take these threats just because you guys don't have the balls to achieve your goals.




    Gabbal: And that convoluted thought process of yours vis-à-vis Kismayu pisses me off, good bye doqonyahow!


    Gabbal casually gets up and makes eye contact with another frequent guest to the house called Mooge who is seated at adjacent table, pointing a strangely distorted talon-like finger, and shouts, "Your boy has lost it, Mooge!". Gabbal laughs and walks out of the Restaurant/Marfish/Sports Bar.



    Mooge saunters over to where Abtigiis was seated in his favorite local watering hole or as he keenly refers to as the Fadhikudirir HQ:


    Mooge: Lemme guess; you two losers were arguing over who Kismayu belongs to again, right? You know, you shouldn't do that because it belongs neither one of you and you're just going to regret it. You guys were never the sharpest tools in the shed anyway, but c'mon for God's sake. Why beef over Kismayu when the whole wide world knows it belongs to us! Besides, wasn't our agreement that you guys take the bushes while we reign of the city?


    Abtigiis: Save your breath. I was just frustrated by that buffoons condescending attitude towards our claims over the Jubbooyinka in general, and Kismayu in Particular.


    Mooge: Oh sure, our cousins pretend to share the same fearless daring gene that runs in the blood of my family, but little good did that do for them during the Afweeyne days, and it sure as hell won't do them any good now. But that's beside the point. You shouldn't let the nonchalant manner with which he dismisses our claims get to you. Ultimately they are scared shitless. Have you ever been to Gedo? Saaxiib, Mudug and Bari will seem like the Gardens of Eden.


    Abtigiis: Comrade, the NFD and the Og'den region aren't the Hanging Gardens of Babylon either!


    Mooge: WHAT! WHAT! What's this claptrap about "Comrade"? Has that wannabe Socialist brainwashed you again like Jalle Siyaad did in the 70s and 80s, huh, HAS HE?


    Abtiigiis: No, it was merely a little slip of the tongue. I can't stand those Kacaan heathens.


    Mooge: Good! Getting back to my point. You need to work on your own indha-Adeyg. I won't lie to you, Abtigiis, it takes much training to be Bold, to hone your insolent heedlessness of restraints, in short, to be blind to ALL reason, prudence, propriety, or convention. Only, practicing these skills on your Hargaysa maids won't do you any good. You need to surround yourself with the true masters of the art(*points finger at himself*). That's the only way you can learn...about your strengths and weaknesses. Someday, you're going to talk down to Gabbal&CO and make them feel like sh!t and show those Kacaan vagabonds who's really running the show in Jubbooyinka. See, it's all about attitude, but you if don't work for it, you wont' get it...


    Abtigiis: Do you seriously think we stand a chance against the "Revolution" clan in the Jubbooyin?


    Mooge: SILLY MAN! It's such defeatist thinking that has led your lot to be pathetically pushed around wherever you go. On one side you have the Amxaara kicking your butts, in Kenya you wash Kikuyu butts, and now in Somalia you guys can't even defend the little you have from a puny bunch of has-beens!


    Abtigiis: Ok, fine. I will need to grow some testes...or something. God Knows I need 'em!


    Mooge: That's the spirit! *waves for the waiter*....You will have the usual right?


    Abtigiis: *With big grin on his face* YES, indeed! The Elixir of Life itself.


    Waiter comes to table to take order...


    Mooge: Waryaa, waxaad ii keentaa koob shaah rinnji-ah. Ninkaan halkaan fadhiyanah, waxaad u keentaa aargalaan caanoboore-ah, fahamtu?


    Waiter nods head and walks back to counter...



  6. Only a negotiated settlement that is officially chaperoned by the federal government of Somalia between all the stakeholders will bring about a just and equitable settlement in Jubbada Hoose.


    This sort of nudge nudge wink wink type of agreement between the bigfoots and Puntlanders will easily backfire, because attempting to politically sideline Allemagan's folks( who originally hail from Gedo) and the other original settlers of the area(so called .5 people) --but who both have a considerable presence in Jubbooyinka--- will never lead to peace for the city of Kismayu--especially when it is backed by a foreign military which will have to pull out sooner or later.

  7. I agree. The Solution to our Kismayo problem should be homegrown and not come from the Somalis across the border. All the stakeholders in that part of the country should come to the table and negotiate.



    The quicker we Somalis fix our own problems, the faster the Kenyans and others will become impotent in our national affairs.

  8. Garnaqsi;874934 wrote:
    No, shiid is actually a verb with the meaning to throw stones antagonistically. Shid too is a verb, not a noun, meaning to turn on. It doesn't only refer to lights -- you say 'shid raadiyaha' when you want to say 'turn on the radio' (you can of course use daar instead).

    Shid Nalka----> switch on the light.


    Daar Raadiyaha-----> Turn on the radio.


    In my opinion, there's a slight nuance of grammar here. Keyword here, slight....