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Posts posted by Abdinuur

  1. somealien, you bet! that counts big time.


    Haaruun, I'm big fan of Martin...glad u noticed that...and Shinaynee....okaaaay.


    Qac Qaac, I meant all kinds of sweet things in general, but I guess I'll be more specific now.


    Sweet thangs you've done for your significant other (your girlfriend, your wife, fiance, lover, admirer, etc).


    Hope this helps.

  2. Yo just keep ahead and read the material before going to class. You'd find it very helpful like I have.


    I am through with hard, upper level classes...which is a blessing. Currently, taking one hard, Cardiovascular, class...which is not really that bad.


    Hey, Good luck to all of you!

  3. Interact with people more often. Say hi to strangers....not really strangers...like our Muslim community. The more you speak with people, the more your confidence level increases in interacting with others.


    And if you like somebody...get physical with it...for instance...wrestle...I dont know if you can but try...that can also boost your confidence level.


    One Word

  4. How to make the best tea ever!


    • Boil Water - depending on # of people serving (Kaafi's usually ten cups
    • Add Lipton - one is just enough
    • Add zinjibiil - 1/2 teaspoon
    • Add cloves - grind five pieces
    • Add filfil - 1/2 teaspoon
    • Add one cup of sugar (We love 'em sugar...if you ask me
    And there you have it...real sweet, fragrance likw whoa, good for the sense...all six of 'em.

  5. Welcome back everyone. Hope you all are well rested and had a wonderful break!


    Just wanted to know what is the sweetest thing you have done for your significant other or anyone in general. We are all different and creative in our own unique ways...so express yourself and tell us.




  6. First of all, I wouldnt want a one night stand from a girl that I plan to marry. It just doesnt work that way for me.


    But going back to the topic, I would marry the girl I fell for. One night stand happens and it has its own risks and consequences. But why would I want to marry someone who I dont love?


    But hold on...if she's cutie...like cutier than the girl I fell for...I might reconsider...syyyyyykkk!


    But what guy is stu-pid enough to have one night stands and make the girl pregnant...what happened to common sense playa?


    Anyways, these sort of things happen in reality and you just gotta deal wit.


    *poppin' his collar* :cool:

  7. "ok...anyone speak german here...is she 'single?..lol" by Lakkad


    Thats what I am sayin man....translate pls.


    And people...please stop hatin on this gorgeous young girl...she's doing her thang. You should be happy for her. She could be helping her family out or helping loved ones...but regardless...


    Congratulate dawg!

  8. Hibo,


    But what kind of personality do you demonstrate? If you show sincere and great personality, who would want to be intimidated by that? I talk to & interact with strong and outspoken Somali sistas most of the time yet I'm not intimidated by them, not even a bit. There is nothing sexier than strong, educated woman who has goals in life and knows what she wants.





    I have to disagree with you b/c nowadays, that's not the case. You're probably thinking about the pre-modern ways of life, but things have changed.


    By the Way, I heard that most Somali girls dont like to associate themselves with their counterparts...they dig African Americans and other nationalities better than they do with Somali gents. This is what I heard from other brothers so dont even start any drama. Also from what I have seen & experienced...some girls are stuck ups and arrogant...real life experiences I'm talkin about.


    I aint tryin to start any drama....i am just expressing my opinions.

  9. Definitely go with the PowerPoint, but make sure you get screen and a AV projector. You can get that from the library (audio visual) but they wont actually rent to students so you gotta ask your fav. prof to reserve one for you.


    good luck hon'

  10. Definitely go with the PowerPoint, but make sure you get screen and a AV projector. You can get that from the library (audio visual) but they wont actually rent to students so you gotta ask your fav. prof to reserve one for you.


    good luck hon'