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Everything posted by Somali_SoulSista

  1. wowo personality i got agree with everyone who said they would vote for c/qaasim...they are rite yusuf pure evil..but don't get me wrong aint sayin that qaasim is saint but if we had the choice qaasim would be the better man so tha what i think
  2. hmm let see sexy smile 2.good dresser 3.nice muscles 4.great personality 5.sense of humour that is it for now
  3. hmm beauty to me is all in the personals personality and how they treat me so if u have that..wud more can u ask for...if the guy is got good personality the beauty is definalty not far from him... hmm i was wonderin the same thing as jawahiir is paki a paskistani or somali or are u just hatin cuz u aint gettin any...just wondering
  4. good point if we are not too busy for urgent things like goin to bathroom why are we too busy for salaat so thank you for that salaama calaykum
  5. salaama calaykum brotherz and sistaz yeah i think i would consider gettin married as soon i meet the right person for me but until then iam focusin on ma education and ma deen.. salaama calaykum
  6. wowo manshallah thanks for that important and great lesson i don't think some of know this even if we did i don't think we actually take the time to think about it so thank salaama calaykum waraxmatullahi wabarakaatu
  7. yeah great story i guess it lets us know that allah does has the power to turn the lives anytime he pleases plus if we don't really help those in need when we are in the same situation we could be treat the same so thanks for sharin that story salaama calaykum waraxmatullahi wabarakaatu
  8. yow wud up people...yow first lady sista is your life u can married whom ever you plzz but like baller and them said don't hate on them somali brothaz...aint hating on them jamacian or african americans i got mad luv for them too but every person is got their prefences aight holla
  9. yow wud up people...yow first lady sista is your life u can married whom ever you plzz but like baller and them said don't hate on them somali brothaz...aint hating on them jamacian or african americans i got mad luv for them too but every person is got their prefences aight holla
  10. yow wud up people...yow first lady sista is your life u can married whom ever you plzz but like baller and them said don't hate on them somali brothaz...aint hating on them jamacian or african americans i got mad luv for them too but every person is got their prefences aight holla
  11. yow wud up people...yow first lady sista is your life u can married whom ever you plzz but like baller and them said don't hate on them somali brothaz...aint hating on them jamacian or african americans i got mad luv for them too but every person is got their prefences aight holla