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Traditional-Elders In Ras-Casayr Condemn MP Assasination. PICS

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Isimada iyo waxgaradka Cal-bari oo canbaareeyey dilkii -AHN- xilbaan Bile Maxamuud [sawiro]


Updated:- 35 mins ago| 0 Commnets


Isimada iyo waxgaradka deegaanada Cal-bari oo maanta kulan yeeshay ayaa si aad ah u canbaareeyey dilkii -AHN- xildhibaan Bile Maxamuud Yuusuf oo xalay lagu diley kantaroolka degmada Baargaal ee gobolka Bari.


Shir jaraa’id oo ay maanta Hotel Rooble ee magaalada Boosaaso ku qabteen Isimka guud ee beelaha Cal-bari Beeldaaje Ismaaciil Beeldaaje Yaasiin iyo qaar kamid ah waxgaradka deegaanadaas ayey kasoo saareen qodobo dhowr ah oo ku aadan dilka xildhibaanka.


Beeldaaje Ismaaciil oo Saxaafadda shir u qabtay ayaa sheegay in dhacadada xalay degmada Baargaal ka dhacday ay ahayd mid xad gudub ah islamarkaana ay cidii falkaas geysatey si aad ah u canbaareynayaan.


Beeldaajuhu wuu sheegay in arintani ay tahay mid khatarteeda leh sidaas darteedna loo baahan yahay in sida ugu dhakhsaha badan loo xakameeyo, isagoo ugu baaqay waxgaradka kale ee deeganada wax ka dheceen ku sugan inay arintan xil weyn iska saaraan.


Isimka beelaha Cal-bari Beeldaaye Ismaaciil Beedaaje Yaasin waxa uu gaba gabadii tacsi u diray eheladii iyo asxaabtii uu ifka kaga tegey -AHN- Bile Maxamuud Yuusuf oo ahaa xildhibaan ka tirsan golaha Baarlamaanka ee Puntland.


Faarax Fuq-yare oo isna kamid ah waxgarada deegaanada Cal-bari ayaa ka hadlay sida ay muhiim u tahay in nabadda iyo xasiloonida looga shaqeeyo, Fuq-yare waxa kale oo uu bahda Saxaafadda kula dardaarmay inaysan arintan buun buunin si looga hortago dhibaato intaas ka weyn oo dhaca.


Gabagabadii Isimada iyo waxgaradkii maanta Boosaaso ku kulamay ee ka arinsanayey dhacdadii xalay deegaanka Baargaal ka dhacday ee ahayd dilka xildhibaanka ayaa soo saaray bayaan ka koobnaa sadex qodob una qornaa sidan.


1- Isimada iyo Waxgaradka Cal-bari waxay tacsi u dirayaan eheladii iyo qaraabadii uu ifka kaga tegey marxum Bile Maxamuud.


2- Isimada iyo Waxgaradka Cal-bari waxay si aad ah u canbaareynayaan dilkii foosha xumaa ee lagula kacay -AHN- Bile Maxamuud Yuusuf oo ahaa oday dhaqameed iyo mas’uul ka tirsan dowlada Puntland.


3- Isimada iyo Waxgaradka waxay soo jeedinayaan in waxgaradka iyo intii kale samaha jecliba ay xil iska saaraan sidii arintaas loo xakamayn lahaa si deg deg ahna xal looga gaari lahaa.


Maxamed Salaad


Horseed Media









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What a savage assasination, this nonsense needs to end because noone will get anything or anywhere through bullets but through negiotation and peace. Come to the peace table and present your case, but if you expect to get anywhere with this learn from galgala who tried to instill fear in people's heart in Bosaso with road-side bombs and targetted assasinations but did they succeed? no they failed and failed miserably. I urge whoever is behind these attacks learn from galgala that violence is never the key

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Dr osman the elders you posted are paid by faroole to talk this way they do not represent the large community of raas caseer and you know that two. The killed mp aun has no support in raas caseer.

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Puntland oo tacsi ka dirtey xildhibaan shalay la diley

28 Jan 28, 2012 - 1:34:55 AM




Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland ayaa tacsi u direy dhamaan eheladii iyo qaraabadii uu ka geeriyoodey Allaha u naxariistee xildhibaan Bile Maxamuud Yuusuf oo ka tirsanaa baarlamaanka Puntland,maalinimadii shalayna kooxo burcad badeed ahi ku dileen degmada Baargaal ee gobolka Bari.


Gen.Cabdisamad Cali Shire ayaa warfidiyeenada ku la hadlay xafiiskiisa Garowe maanta 28,Jan ,2012,waxana uu raaciyey hadalkiisa in dawladda Puntland dhowaan ay cadaalada horkeeni doonto danbiilayaasha dilka u geystey xildhibaanka.


Maalinimadii shalay ayaa kooxo hubeysan oo burcad ahi waxay rasaas ooda kaga qaadeen gaari uu saarnaa xildhibaan Bile Maxamuud Yuusuf deegaanka Taageer oo inyar u jira Baargaal,isaga oo ka soo anbabaxey magaalada Bossaso ee xarunta ganacsiga Puntland.


Deegaanka Baargaal ee gobolka Bari ayaa gabaad waxa ka dhigta kooxaha burcad badeeda ,iyadoona halkaasi ku suganyihiin haatan kooxdii afduubka u geysatey qoyskii u dhashey Denmark.


Bartamihii August 2011 ayaa hawlgal ciidamada Puntland ku qaadeen Baargaal waxay soo qab qabteen kooxo ka tirsan burcad badeeda oo loo guudbiyey xabsiga dhexe ee magaalada Bossaso.


Halkan ka dhageyso codka M/kuxigeenka Puntland oo tacsi diraya

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Xaaji Xunjuf;781307 wrote:
Dr osman the elders you posted are paid by faroole to talk this way they do not represent the large community of raas caseer and you know that two. The killed mp aun has no support in raas caseer.

Werent you saying that about garad salebaan also? there is no force in Puntland, states can join freely and leave freely, the constitution of the TFG is clear regarding the formation of states and there is no force allowed.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;781307 wrote:
Dr osman the elders you posted are paid by faroole to talk this way they do not represent the large community of raas caseer and you know that two. The killed mp aun has no support in raas caseer.

there you go again, getting ahead of yourself. were you not the one that said, their is an militia gathering in Galkacyo and did i not tell you it was all in your head? And now, you are telling us how segment of our citizens feel? If i were you, and thank god am not, i would pace myself. Because , there is nothing worst than someone who shots himself in the foot again and again.

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Xaji its hard for you to contemplate that puntland is nothing like somaliland, we know there is no point to force because it will just cause war and set the ppl back because noone will invest in the area, noone will come back from diaspora, deaths will ensue. You need to understand Puntland wax force la yirah ma jeclo learn from jamac ali jamac and abdullahi yusuf wa labo ina adeer lakin wa democratic tol tol iyo waxas anagu manaqan xaq baanu naqan iyo hadi la waayo dagaal ayaa dhacayso and majority of d fam are like this

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Dr_Osman;781312 wrote:
Werent you saying that about garad salebaan also? there is no force in Puntland, states can join freely and leave freely, the constitution of the TFG is clear regarding the formation of states and there is no force allowed.

Exactly, the man has 2 tongues.

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I did not say that the colonel from cabuudwaaq was in mudug it was news its not about me or what I want.


Dr osman garaad selebaan does not support pl any more he now supports khaatumo state

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But look at your family you havent allowed the oodweyn folks to rule somaliland since abdirahman tuur, ma xaq ba? they are numerically the most in somaliland. Idinku democratic iyo waxaas ma ogid and u will never progress very far because wax reason ah iyo logic ah maba ku shaqaysid. Thats why alot of ur folks were referred to as reer badiye, even xoosh made a mention of it and also hamar folks called u certain names as ur aware.


Idinku dulmiga wad isku firsatan lakin d-fam is not like that wa dad tarikh leh kuligood ma aha dad hada soo baxay wa dad soo jireen ah oo experience badan leh with sultanates marka qof been loo sheegi karo ma jiro. U just need to under pland is nothing like somaliland where in somaliland isimo ma haystan i never seen them say a word wa sida reer xamarka. Pland backbone is isimo, infact they created the state not REBELS.

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xaaji u werent saying long ago farole is paying garad saleban and he is there against his will and blah blah blah, now his not there how can that happen is farole is forcing ppl? did he stop him? no. U dont understand Puntland that is your problem, but u best learn now because a 5 trillion dollar economy after mudug basin is included and redsea-casayr-indian ocean blocks oils and minerals

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Xaaji Xunjuf;781320 wrote:
I did not say that the colonel from cabuudwaaq was in mudug it was news its not about me or what I want.


Dr osman garaad selebaan does not support pl any more he now supports khaatumo state

no, my point is that you have a habit of getting ahead of yourself. fadlan, save that bs its not about me or what I want for someone else.

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So what now the tribal chiefs are more superior than faroole and the garowe clan enclave leadership this is strange if you're fiefdom was established by xlan elders, warlord abdulahi yusuf would have not slaughtered the elders of north galkacyo. But you should support you're kin if they want to separate from you're enclave. In the somaliland republic it is not about reer hebel or region its about one man one vote its all about what the people of that nation want.So dr osman this not about being reer magaal or being geeljire this is about the basic human right to determine you're own future and the raas caseer folks have that right.

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