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Clearly, Meles Zenawi and his maffia has found a golden opportunity to divert their public opinion from never-ending political as well as humanitarian crisis in the Eritrean conflict but now more than ever in Somalia's occupation, the so-called fight against "extremism" (or in other words, Somali unity).


What better strategy indeed to silence opposition while marginalizing countless ethnic liberation movements?


Besides the announced major military excercises in the ******, involving the Ethiopian air force (source: ****** online), it seems that the usual war propaganda is now aired in the official, rather cheaply written Pravda...







The Ethiopian Herald


June 29, 2006



The Horn of Africa, had, for many years on end, been a scene of inter-state wars, inter-state conflicts, ethnic and other conflicts. As a result, many areas in the Horn had been exposed to displacement resulting in migration, resettlement, disease and social ills of serious proportions.


Lately, however, these problems have either been resolved or partially alleviated through the concerted efforts of the local governments, regional organizations and international agencies. Efforts made by such organizations have, for instance, resulted in restoring relative stability to Somalia where a transitional government has been formed. IGAD, the African Union and practically the international community have taken a common position with regard to the on-going peace process in Somalia . In this connection, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi in a recent press conference said that “ Ethiopia ’s position as regards peace and stability in Somalia is identical to that taken by the international community as a whole.â€


Ato Meles also pointed out that Ethiopia has fully endorsed the federal institutions in Somalia — the transitional government and the transitional charter — which the international community fully supports as well. The Prime Minister underlined that the Federal Transitional Government is presently making each and every effort to restore peace and stability to the country and that it should get support. It is only proper that peace-loving peoples should do their utmost to bring back peace and tranquility to Somalia that had been exposed to civil war and instability for years.


On the other hand, however, the Union of Islamic Forces has put Mogadishu under its control. Prime Minister Meles described the Union of Islamic Courts as “a Union of desperate forces — the messenger voice of the Eritrean government, the Jihadists, and Al-Ithad Al-Islamia, which is registered by the UN as a terrorist groupâ€


It is to be recalled that Al-Ithad had been involved in terrorist outrage in Addis: As the Premier pointed out “it is absolutely prudent and proper for us to take the right precautionary measures.†Any unstable situation that may develop in neighboring Somalia could have a detrimental effect on Ethiopia . In this connection, the implications of resurgence of terrorist groups within Somalia naturally would have negative effect on the security and stability of Ethiopia . Thus it is a legitimate action of Ethiopia and it reserves the right to defend itself against all attempts to destabilize its security and stability.


Security policy is basically a question of protecting national existence and well-being. And ensuring national existence is essentially the alpha and omega of security. Other issues associated to security would be raised after national existence is ensured. There is a general consensus that foreign policy and national security should have the mission to protect national interests and ensure national existence. And as is explicitly put forth in Ethiopia ’s foreign and security policy and strategy, the mission of Ethiopia ’s security policy is no different from what has been described herein above.


The national security would be exposed to serious danger, disintegration and destruction under conditions where national goals for development and democracy are not realized. Ever since, the FDRE government took over the mantle of leadership, it has been exerting multi-faceted efforts to carry out activities that focused on bringing growth and development to the country. It has been doing its best to initiate, nurture and develop democratic traditions in the country at grass-roots level to enable the people enjoy the fruits.


The government has been taking measures to promote and develop good relations with neighboring countries and other countries. As well in the process, it has been facing numerous challenges including those which threaten the very security of the country.


However, it has taken various steps from time to time, to alleviate or resolve such problems. Associated with national security whenever it faces problems that threatens the nation’s well-being the government has the right to protect this land from any external danger. And it is in this spirit that the government and people should continue to work hand in glove to fight against poverty, to bring overall national development, and, protect the country from any external threats.


For centuries on end, Ethiopia has proved to be a peace-loving country. It had at no time exercised belligerence, intransigence. It had never advocated any aggressive behavior towards any country. And it has never refrained from engaging in any activity that promote peace. In fact, it has participated in many platforms that seek to bring about reconciliation and understanding among peoples, governments. It is in the same position as the peace process in Somalia is concerned. But Ethiopia is always highly concerned about its security. And the government and people are always steadfast to protect the security and stability of the nation which they highly enjoy and benefit from.

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