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Did We Elect A Jelly Parliament With No Back Bone?Somaliland:

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The article below to my opinion was well written and reflects on the somaliland political and economic bubble in crisis. Is the bubble in verge of burstin? Just curious!



M Mead

Forum for democracy and

Community development

Ottawa, Canada


Did we elect a jelly parliament with no back bone?


Before I go into the subject regarding the parliament, let me shed light on the latest news in respect of the position Marwo Amina won from Care and then denied by the planning Minister with the blessing of Riyale and the indifference and corruption of Care! A collective endeavor has taken Place here

The beating the liberators of this country has taken thus far from the hands of the back stabbers and Afwaini loyalists whom we insanely entrusted our hopes and aspirations went too far to a level any one from any where even Somalilanders couldn’t endure any more!


What happened to Marwo Amina, the wife of the chairman of KULMIYE who was incidentally, the chairman of SNM had happened to me long before her.


Riyale and the Minister of planning denied me to take a position I have fulfilled all the requirements and conditions set for. It was a coordinator position for JNA. The president and the mentally unstable Minister of planning called the NDP director Mr. Maxwell warned him to choose one or the other. Dump the whole project or remove Mr. Mead! And not only that, they forced him to let the president nominate all the seven personnel as he chooses, otherwise no deal! The UNDP man caved in and close the deal with that request. And Mr. Riyale and his planning Minister did and did so the way they wanted!


When it happened to me I knew it would happen to others. Now we see it happened to Muj. Marwo Amina! For a long time we pretended that we are a democratic government. I think we have to wake up from the long dormancy and sleepwalking and do some thing or die. What the remnants are doing to us, to Somaliland, is beyond believe. I think we have to do some thing or else! I call the concerned Diaspora to do some thing for a sinking country, for a robbed country, for a raped country. This is the lowest instinct it could go! Interfering how citizens get jobs when they get them in the right way. The lowest of the low!


“Blame Me not, blame thy selves†this is Allah’s word. So Let Somaliland blame her self with her demise in the hands of likes of Mr. Awil and the NSS crowd in the compound! And adding fuel with fire look at what the jelly parliament did or did not!


The point I wanted to dowel on is the disgrace they did and disappoint the people got from the parliament.


The new Somaliland parliament dwindled, fumbled and dropped the ball again! First, being the government attack on the group hospital of Hargeisa killing and wounding number of innocent citizens. No one was held responsible for this heinous crime committed by the government and the parliament fumbled there!


The second time their action or in action regarding Awil’s budget shocked the nations at large! In their investigation they told us that the budget is illegitimate because it is simply unconstitutional because of the way it was presented, beside the robbery of the nation’s treasury by the government consisted of two and four and one! The one being the guy in Berbera! The two and four are well known to the people! The point is what ever happened to the new guys in our parliament!


Their image is tarnished because they are accomplice to the law breaking culture of the government of Riyale and Awil Their actions of breaking the law and bowing before Awil the demon, traumatized the hopeful and demeaned the psyche of the nation. It punched holes the hopes that they may save this most unfortunate people of Somaliland from the predators!


The two actions or inactions manifested themselves as irresponsible punch of people! I hate to say that but that is what they have sowed thus far. I hope they will come back with their sense normal.


They did not follow the party line; they did not follow their sanity and the nations conscience. They followed some thing else! What ever happened to these people! Awil the demon not only laughed at them but he stepped over their bodies! I can’t believe what I am writing! I can’t believe what have heard!


When people strife under the influence of clan inspired thinking to erect the fundamentals of failure in order, and then sit back to see a success out of this, that people are in trouble!

Sane people put their best and brightest men in the helm; insane people put their worst and worrisome in the helm. Somaliland belongs to the later! Passing the deceptive Awil’s so called budget is like siding with shameless robbery and thievery! Otherwise where is the money! Millions are unaccounted for as the parliament told us, as we all know. The new guys are telling us the right thing and doing the wrong thing. How unfortunate, how un-nationalistic!


Somaliland like a syndrome-battered women returned back to her former batterer, to the remnants of late Siyad Bare. We are watching this unholy dance with the compound facing the group hospital, in anger at times and in despair at other times! Neither is helpful. Action and action alone is what is helpful and that did not happen.

“Allah will never change the grace which He hath bestowed on a people until they change what is in their soul.†Somali land has changed that God given grace!



Manipulation of the clan jigsaw in its extreme negative aspect and bribing is a vehicle the ungodly uses for the evil purpose pursued! And Awil and crowd used that vehicle!


If the devil belongs to a nation and subscribe himself as a Somali, he would cease to be a devil anymore! Instead he would become Mr. So and So, then he would belong to a clan, and that clan would canonize the devil and swear that he is a “saint†and not only that, they (the clan) would persuade or even impose the insolated canonized devil on the people and to the country, and not up to here, the devil tends to rule! They did, and so they are doing just that and we see it to believe it! In the end the country and the people suffer under the clan protected devils. Somaliland is in that web suffering!


In our Somaliland, a thief on not being caught generally does not forgo future stealing because he and audience do not identify him with the thieving! They got away with all kinds of deceit and deception, all kinds of evil things! And it seems that is precisely what the parliament did!


Being an established deviant also requires one to fend off non-deviants, and this is usually done by managing the information other people have about one’s true picture, by means of disinformation and deception, etc., etc.


Anticipations of retaliation by non-deviants, imagined or otherwise the paranoid head deviant lays functional basis by taking advantage – the soft spot and the vulnerability of the masses by way of playing the clan song and open pocket (of public money) to generate his control. The other deviants are ready whenever the head deviant blows the whistle. This automatically fends off the non- deviants voice and figure. The parliament put them selves in that ungodly fold!


Those who tend to defend the un-defendable NSS establishment profiting from the poor must belong to those who refrain eating the forbidden meat but enjoys its soup. Today Somaliland is enjoying the soup. They condoned and kissed the “findhicil†which as the saying goes- “mentioning it is forbiddenâ€. Somaliland rejected Afwaini and accepted the remnants and the remnants seem buying the peoples representatives! And the people were let in the cold; so is Somaliland!


Would failure be an option in Somaliland or in else where with similar history of Survival from genocide? Aside else where, failure became an option in Somaliland when they installed a government of no vision, the remnants of Siyad Barre there. Surely it is suicidal! Worse yet the parliament felt under their feet, at least as of now.



I think Somali landers ought to reflect the bad experience they lived and live now. In that reflection they ought to in corporate it into a new thinking. Somali landers must change to cause change because without change they will end up losers for the second time in their political history. They must choose the right men and women and choose the right course for the nation. We thought we did in our last election but now we are not sure!


In the absence of rational thinking people are prone to take a detour towards demoniac and self-destruction. In such situations, clanistic "give me money and i will be your servant", mentality, euphoric attitudes and behavior gets it’s way in the national thinking, and the contest of power grabbing by any means, even without the rule of law, (as witnessed) may make the matter even worse. As the present illegitimate establishment and their lackeys do! The more in tune the people become in this situation, the more they lose control, the more they lose sense of direction and purpose, the more they forfeit their rights, their future and lastly the more they will sing the blues when it turns soar! It may turn sour. It may turn that way sooner or later if not checked, and the new parliament failed to check thus far. I hope they will come back with their sense and save the nation.

The strength of a nation (and Somali Land is not the exception) lies on how it faces its difficulties and differences. It lies on how it curbs off and stops robbing the nation! It lies on how it accommodates different opinions and treats different communities in Somali Land in an equal footing, where by the rights of the minorities as well as the rights of the majority are respected and protected. It lies on how it respects the human rights of its people and those of others. It lies on how it respects it’s own laws and legal procedures. Somali Land’s vitality and integrity depends on accountability and that didn’t happen! Today’s Riyale establishment spear headed by Awil made mockery of the above virtues, and most unfortunately the new parliament went into their fold for reasons I cannot comprehend at all! Mr. Awil secured his seat in beating the parliament badly. Before he ventured the business of beating the parliament he was nervious although I don’t believe for a minute that Riyale couldn’t avoid or couldn’t dare to fire him! Reason being that they are two in one and one in two!


The ethically challenged, morally bankrupt, criminally known (recorded) conscientiously handicapped, goofs of all strips who are but evil doers must be called back and re-install them in their proper places! Out of public service, Awil and likes first. Only and only then can Somali Land claim (become) to be a viable, serious state worth of recognition, worth of existence, worth of respect, worth of the sacrifices made for it by the living MUJ: and the MARTYRS- it’s true sons and daughters who are strangers to this present Somali Land of FAQUASH, HANGASH and NSS!! The parliament failed to rescue the nation, at least as for now!


In today’s Somali Land things work up side down– wrong is right and right is wrong! Those who never helped Somali Land but hurt are heralded and honored as leaders! On the other hand, those who helped and found it after it was lost are ignored and treated strangers! Those who heard the voice of conscience and answered that call are ridiculed, threatened, imprisoned and chased away! Thugs and thieves are running the "lost again" nation, and do so up side down!

People are watching confused never knowing what to do! Fear arousing techniques are played and replayed over and over again. This must stop. People must be saved. The land must be mended. The nation must be heeled. The dignity and respect of the people must be restored. Things must be put in their proper prospective. Mr. Awil and his likes must be removed to achieve these virtues, to save the nation and to make Somali land credible nation again. But who will? And the new parliament dropped the ball and allows themselves to be run over by Awil the demon!


Looking the other way, hoping for the best is not the answer. It is a manifestation of weakness. Somali Landers must wake-up and stand-up for their rapped and robbed newly found nation! Anyone running for office in this land of ours must show the people their trustworthiness. It is by no mean a rare commodity. Records must be strictly studied. People must ask them to show them the "Gouder". It must be checked twice! What ever is happening to the new parliament? Where is the curse coming from?


"Wrong doers insolently transgress beyond bounds through the land, defying rights and justice, and if they see the way of right they never adopt (as the way) but if they see the way of error that is the way they adopt!" Whose country is this anyways?


" He who is not concerned on the affairs of the believers (community) is not one of us"(xadeeth Nabawi) that is the only reason I resume writing about our ever worsening affairs otherwise I wouldn’t do it!


If not His mercy on us, (on humanity), Somali Landers would die in anger, despair and devastation! What a self-destructive people are we! Fight "FAQUASH" and call back "FAQUASH"! The people in the compound have destroyed all the democratic institutions. Look at the Municipalities, The high court. Look at the parties by passed and most unfortunately and recently look at the parliament failed for two times now!! What is left for us?


In my opinion, I believe Somaliland exists only and only because Somalia does not exist and when the later recovers conscience the state of the former would be in question and in great doubt and that is why the present regime in the compound plays time until our brothers recover, and until they hand over, and until then “enrich your self; who caresâ€! That is the game and the new parliamentarians played that game with the evildoers unintentionally for sure but stupidly with no doubt, the game of Awil and Riyale, innocently or otherwise, but what is the difference if the action of not doing the right thing is there!


Allah said "And who despairs of the mercy of the lord, but such as go stray". If not that we may never talk about Somaliland. Because how many times we wronged our selves and how many times we entrusted “ FAYTANS†and how many times did we wrote about it and so on and so on!


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It seems that things are starting to heat up now and the somaliland democratically elcted parliament is getting tests after the just concluded national budget debate for which alot of descrepancies and faults were exposed from within the budget. but as some say the so DE-facto minister of finance eventually prevailed and the budget was confirmed HOW? this still remains to be known. Now comes this CARE vs Weris debate which is still on the roll. HOW will it end lets wait and see. Mean while lets see what some analyst say about the so puppetry politcs going on in Somaliland.



PUPPETRY in politics is an ugly culture


In the world of performance art, like the theatre, puppetry is an old and cherished culture. It existed in various forms in most of the ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia in Iraq, Pharaonical Egypt, Minoa in Crete and the Indus Valley Civilization - now Pakistan. In India, sutradhar(a) is an old word which refers to the show-manager of theatrical performances (or a puppet-player), and also means literally "string-puller" or "string-holder". An equally ancient word in Greek, neurospasta, means exactly as the Indian word. The history of puppetry in culture is long and respectful. In the modern world, puppet shows are very popular and appeal to all ages.

Articulated Indian figurine


Puppets have been delighting children and families for centuries. A puppet show, in its basic form, is a number of small figures of persons and animals which are operated by a puppeteer. To generate the desired motion in the puppet, the puppeteer (or strings puller) pulls strings attached to the figure or sometimes pushes or releases wooden kegs which among the figures perpetuates a certain movement. Puppet shows, which particularly appeal to children, use an array of different and colourful figurines or simply their hands. Special music and voices give life to the puppets and make the show very lively. But the real beauty of a puppet show very much depends on the skills of the operator which is pulling the strings behind the scene. Puppet art is a life-time engagement and its artists train and practice for ever. The most skilful puppeteers produce very delicate and almost life-like motions in their puppets. Untrained or bad puppeteers kill the show and make their puppets ugly.


While puppetry in art is a beautiful tradition, it is a despised thing in other walks of life. This is specially so in politics. In general, a puppet, outside its natural context, is used to describe a person who is controlled by others and is used to perform an unpleasant or dishonest task for someone else. Puppetry which conforms to this definition is usually observed in dictatorships where only one person pulls the strings. Other individuals in the arena of a dictator are basically puppets whose performances depend on which string the person behind the scenes pulls. Some argue that in any political system, even in democracies, all politicians are puppets to some degree or the other, since always some head-figure of the system pulls the strings. This may be true, depending on ones point of departure and choice of metaphors, but it is difficult to so simply find similarities between real democracies, with all its pillars in place, and a dictatorship where all real power is in the hands of one person. In performance art, the puppeteer is a trained person who masters his trade. In politics, a dictator usually comes to power by some unfortunate circumstance and rarely is qualified for the job. To cover his or her lack of skill, dictators use crude and violent methods. The puppets in the show make crude and clumsy movements and are extremely ugly. In the end, as history stands witness to, the show dies and its actors, both puppets and puppeteer fade away in disgrace.

This little analogy, puppetry in politics, seems to more and more apply to Somaliland. The puppeteer in this show is clumsy and obviously does not own much fantasy, let alone, real hard-earned skill. As time goes by, one really feels sorry for the Ministers in the Somaliland Government, which more and more take the role of bell-boys in a large town-house in Hargeisa.


Why back, when the Interior Minister publicly insulted a respectful lady of Somaliland citizenry, many meant the words not to be his own. In fact, some went as far as arguing that the words in the mouth of the Minister were not coming from a man. The expelling of the EU rep in Hargeisa by the Minster of planning and the French Academic by the Minister of Interior are also understood to be similar pitiful pulls by the puppeteer. These were actions which resulted in the defacing of the puppet and disgracing of the country. In later times, The Planning Minister seems to be the receiving end of most of the bad moves.


Amina–Waris, a well-known and respected citizen of Somaliland competed for and by merit won a position with Care International in Hargeisa. In the beginning, Care conducted the process of employment correctly. Having become satisfied with the qualifications, experience and personality of the applicant, they sought final clarification from the Foreign Minster, Hon. Edna Adan Dhakhtar, which is their proper counterpart as a foreign NGO. The Foreign Minister, not only green-lighted Amina-Waris’s employment, but also gave the NGO her highest commendations. In a healthy world, that would have been the end of the process but it did not happen that way.


From the little I know, The Minister of Planning is personable guy and I do not think there is a bad blood between him and Amina-Waris. Even if there was one, which I do not believe, The Minister could not do such a thing without consulting first with his boss. It seems that someone in the Somaliland Presidency did not like Amina-Waris getting this job, so strings are pulled and some proxy is made to move. This lead to the now infamous campaign by the Minister of Planning. By way of oral messages and in writing, Care is instructed not to hire Amina-Waris. But that was not all. The Somaliland Government campaigned, and still campaigns, for a foreign man to fill Amina-Waris’s position.


The Somaliland people are horrified by this very mean behaviour from the individuals in the peoples’ highest place of honour. When the Parliament passed a decision ordering Care to give Amina-Waris the position she earned, or else leave the country, the puppeteer, instead of stepping on to the moral high-ground and clearing the mess, pulls some strings again and this time it results in opening the mouth of another puppet – that of the Propaganda Minister- who accused the MPs of being hijacked by interest groups.


Where do we go from here!?

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