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Tawheed: The Essence of Islam

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How many of us do masters this central belief of Tawheed which condition Islam?


Kitaab at-Tawheed by the respected Sheikh Muhammad Abdul-Wahhaab

remains one of the master books in this field and is very readabe.


Here is a translated version in both text and audio version which needs to be checked.


However you can purchase it for peanuts on the well-known Darussalam Islamic editor online bookstore at (or even on the ungodly


In the meantime, here is a very brief introduction only by Islamweb






Tawheed: The Essence of Islam




What Is Tawheed?


Literally Tawheed means to make something one or to call it one. In English when something is made one it is deemed to be unified. However, in Islamic terminology Tawheed means to believe that Allah is the one and only God. It is sometimes referred to as monotheism, however in the purest sense in that no other entity can in any way have the attributes or be equivalent or even in competition with Allah.


All acts of worship that a person does should be to Allah or for Allah Alone. For example, prayer should only be to Allah, religious animal sacrifice should only be done in Allah's name, and fighting to establish and protect religion (Jihaad). Tawheed is therefore the central concept upon which all of Islam rests.


Importance and Benefits of Tawheed:


1. Tawheed is the essence of Islam and the mainspring of its strength. All other laws, beliefs and commands of Islam stand firm on this foundation. Take it away, and there is nothing left of Islam.


2. Tawheed is the call of all the prophets to their people. Allah (SWT) says, "And verily We have sent among every nation a Messenger proclaiming Worship Allah Alone and avoid all false deities." (Qur'an 16:36)


3. Tawheed is the only reason for the world's creation. "And I created not the Jinns and Men except that they should worship Me." (Qur'an 51:56). By declaring sincere belief in Tawheed, a disbeliever will become a Muslim. Conversely, a Muslim will become a disbeliever (kaafir) if he rejects any aspect of it.


4. By Tawheed we achieve salvation from Eternal punishment in the Hereafter, right guidance in this world, and forgiveness for sins. Allah states in the Qur'an: "Verily Allah does not forgive associating partners with Him (shirk) however, He forgives all other sins as He pleases." (Qur'an 4:48). The Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam {SAWS}) said: 'The worshipper's right on Allah is that He will not punish those who worship none besides Him.' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]


5. Whoever fulfils Tawheed will be admitted to the Garden (Al-Jannah) in the Hereafter. The Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) has stated: 'Verily Allah has promised that whosoever does not commit shirk shall enter Al-Jannah (the Garden in the Heaven).' [Al-Bukhari]


6. It is the reason for solving people's sadness because true happiness will be achieved if persons realise Tawheed within their heart. They will also never feel psychologically enslaved even if physically captive.


7. It is the only reason for Allah's pleasure and rewards. Allah says: "If you reject faith then know that Allah is in no need of you and He does not accept disbelief from His slaves." (Qur'an 39:7). Disbelief is nothing but a manifestation of shirk which is the opposite of Tawheed.


8. The acceptance of all of one's religious deeds is based upon Tawheed. Allah states: "Whoever accepts a religion other than Islam it shall be rejected by Allah and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers." (Qur'an 3:85). Islam is nothing if not an embodiment of the belief in Tawheed.


9. Tawheed prevents man from eternally remaining in the Hellfire. The Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) stated in an authentic report: 'Whoever dies and has so much as a mustard seed of faith in his heart shall enter Al-Jannah.'


Sources of Islamic Aqeedah (Belief):


The Qur'an is the Revelation which Allah sent down to His Messenger Muhammad (SAWS) and has been passed forth to us both in form and in content in an uninterrupted transmission. Meaning, it can be verified as coming from the lips of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). It is the last scripture to be revealed to mankind. As the actual word of Allah in its original form in the Arabic language it is the first and foremost source of Islamic 'Aqeedah. Allah says: "And we did not send any Messenger before you but we inspired him (saying) none has the right to be worshipped but I (Allah) so worship Me." (Qur'an 21:25)


Hadith in Arabic has the general meaning of speech whether pertaining to religion or not. Then it took a special sense (Prophetic traditions), comprising all the Prophet Muhammad's (SAWS) speech, deeds, or tacit decisions.


In this regard, the term Hadith and Sunnah are synonymous. The Prophet Muhammad (SAWS), being the fount from which both the Qur'an and the Sunnah spring, was the best to explain what each and every person should believe about Allah.


The Prophet (SAWS) stated about himself: 'I am the most knowledgeable of Allah amongst you and the most fearful of him.' And he also stated: 'Every child is born on Al-Fitra (true faith of Islamic Monotheism) but his parents convert him to Judaism, Christianity or Magianism.'

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Djib Somali



Jazakallah Kheiran, a timely reminder of a central issue of islam, I dug up and posted one of my old ones, I hope it helps:




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'10 Steps to Jannah' is a lecture by Br. Yahya Ibrahim in which he lists and then explains various steps to be trodden in our quest to attain Jannah.

These steps by the way are summarized by Imaam Ibn Hajar Rahimuhullah, in his commentary on Sahih al Bukhari..


part 1:



Part 2



Part 3



Part 4




May Allah SWT grant us all Jannatul Firdaws...Ameen

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