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How the Pirates were killed- fr. NY Times version

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I hope there's other version of how they were killed. One of them, sustaining injury, earlier surrendered. They didn't capture him, contrary to how the news was relayed in the beginning by news agencies like AP and AFP. Also agreeing to

Accept a 200 feet tow made them easy to be killed since the US Navy shortened the towline within 100 feet for the snipers to have a good chance. Very sad!! -----



On one trip, one of the four pirates - whose hand had been gashed during the capture of Captain Phillips - asked for medical treatment and, in effect surrendering, was taken in the small boat to the Bainbridge. Justice Department officials were studying options for his case, including criminal charges in the United States or turning him over to Kenya, where dozens of pirates have faced prosecution. Three pirates were left on board with Captain Phillips.



Meanwhile, members of the Navy Seals were flown in by fixed-wing aircraft. They parachuted into the sea with inflatable boats and were picked up by the Bainbridge. On Sunday, the pirates, their fuel gone, were drifting toward the Somali coast. They agreed to accept a tow from the Bainbridge, the senior officials said. At first, the towline was 200 feet long, but as darkness gathered and seas became rough, the towline was shortened to 100 feet, the officials said. It was unclear if this was done with the pirates' knowledge.


At dusk, a single tracer bullet was seen fired from the lifeboat. The intent was unclear, but it ratcheted up the tension and Seal snipers at the stern rail of the Bainbridge fixed night-vision scopes to their high-powered rifles, getting ready for action.

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